

As a consequence of negative organizational culture that penetrated the entire organization, it can be reversed by learning different concepts of HRO and thus one can bring in higher reliability within the system. It helps the organization to identify risky environment with the help of very sophisticated technologies that have ran almost error free for a long period of time. I will help BP and Transocean executive to govern the environment and minimize the opportunity of accidents. Todd Laporte and Karlene Roberts examined some organizations as “highly reliable” owing to their high safety record over a long period of time. In 1991 Weick characterized five hallmarks of HROs, including preoccupation with failure, sensitivity to operation, reluctance to simplify interpretations, deference to expertise and commitment to resilience (Lekka, 2011).
According to these features, the BP and Transocean’s team firstly should develop continuous training program. The program will not only help to improve operators’ professional knowledge that they can use to solve a number of complex operation system issues. It will also help them to enhance their technical competence, enabling them to know how to solve unexpected problems that threaten system survival and recognize hazards. Moreover, it can establish internal trust and authenticity among co-workers; expertise should be secured during emergencies. During routine decision-making process which is layered, distinct responsibility differentiation should be done i.e. it should be clear who is responsible for what within the organization. However, when emergencies occur, responsibilities for decision-making should shift to workers who are equipped with expertise knowledge regardless of their hierarchical position within their organization.

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An example for enterprise which implements this way through different business models is General Electric. It focuses on employing crowdsourcing innovation. This is seen in the Ecomagination project. This project was to develop a schema to address the environmental challenges. This project is a competition in which they allow start ups and inventors to show technologies that could help them improve their development of products and services about the smart grid. These results showed that GE received 4000 submissions and $100,000 cash rewards were given to five young firms and constituted strategic partnership with 12 others. Entrants are found to submit their ideas on website that GE provided and they need to show their technology and its value position and its potential to be linked with professional knowledge and technologies of GE (Mascioni, 2011). These ideas were judged by external advisers and GE executives including Wired’ s editor and venture capitalists on the basis of potential impact, feasibility and originality. Innovative ideas could be purchased and the idea’s production was manufactured through GE’s smart factory places. In this the members transfer their ideas into real products through machines and tools required. In total, 74000 people’s comments were obtained by GE and they have spent $ 17 billion on R&D and gained total revenues of $232 billion in the last decade.

Another example of open innovation is P&G which employs the way of external partners. These efforts directly led to the emergence of Connet + Develop website. This platform allows innovators to express their related needs and upload their innovative ideas, and create multiple partnership and related products. P&G’s COVERGIRL was partnering up with OraLabs to release a new lip balm, which avoided a time-consuming R&D process. Company regards time as money, especially with trendy products, therefore, COVERGIRL benefits from cooperation with OraLabs.

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本篇assignment代写-新西兰房地产市场组成的影响,房地产市场由很大程度上受影响的全球活动组成,必须通过考虑金融部门的机会来解除管制。项目的建设可以通过展示合适的结构来建设海外的机会。新西兰金融部门的自由化表明了海外投资指导方针的更好机会。它使更好的回报结束了更高的国内利率(Ramamurti和Hashai, 2011)。这一文脉本身所支持的证据显示出的规则包括国家的规则和用于买卖房屋的规则,因此,新西兰的银行采取了受国内市场存在全球盈余影响的抵押贷款政策。这些因素受到失业率水平的影响,这表明经济是全球盈余和国内市场形成的原因。assignment代写-新西兰房地产市场组成的影响分析如下:

The enhancement of the structure is clearly explained by showing the structure of the unemployment rate. The researchers are made by the economists and the second quarter of the year 2009 is illustrated to show the unemployment rate. It also reaches up to the drop of the house price which is depicted by mortgaging the policies and surpluses the price global market. The unemployment rate in the economy is depicted to be responsible for making the movement in the housing prices. The unemployment rate is depicted to be showing the crisis which is depicted to be lowering the crisis by comparatively lowering the rates. It is being enhanced for the development of the potential to increase the removal of the factors.
The structuring of the capital gain taxes is depicted to be levied and is also indicates the negative factor for the housing market. The levied CGT is advocated by the economists for the purpose of supporting the policy. The tax policies and the law professors clearly describes that the capital gain taxes can easily develop the raising of the prices for the betterment of the practical income. The enhancement of the work is appropriately contributed by showing the offset to the fact that the enables the appropriate establishment of the work. The individuals easily contribute the ease framing of the taxes(Sen, 2008). The large quantity of the work can be easily gained by farming the work for the development of the sales in the residential property. The emphasis is made on the broader base for the government income and the reference to the CGT is practiced in the other western countries in the US. The formulation for determining the CGT is considered through the comprehensive perspectives, and also the differentiation in the rules and the regulations are seen. After the decision for the purchase, the important consideration for the real estate buyers is shown to be the finance which is illustrated as the most common and the important thing. Therefore, the critical function of the real estate brokers is suggested in various ways which show the focus on the differentiating the mortgage strategies. The framing of the system is made that provides suggestions to the real estate personnel by differentiating the focus on the differentiating the customer types (Rahman, 2015). The social collaboration can be easily shown in the following ways that are equipped for influencing the several leaders who are involved in this business.

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