

Market penetration:
It is expected that by increasing the market penetration by a unique strategy the people should become more invested in the brand. This would enable the company to gain competitive advantage when new competitors enter the market.
Product development:
In this, there is diversification of the service deliverable that is provided to the people. The risks in the process are not compromising on the existing quality and providing innovative features for all the people (Ethiraj, Gambardella and Helfat, 2016). For this, the employees should be trained to address towards the needs of all the people in the company.
Strategy recommendation

SIDS is a condition where the infant dies owing to the lack of awareness in the approaches undertaken by the parents. This can be prevented and the safety of the infant can be assured by following certain protocols. However, apart from SIDS, there are also a number of risks for the infants that the parents should be aware. There is a need for the child to grow in a safe environment. Sometimes, the pediatricians miss out on important information regarding safety (Rothaermel, 2015). This can be provided by SIDS and kids company. The company should focus on providing holistic care and information about the well-being of the child.
• The company should focus on diversification of the current services.
• There should be membership programs and information provided to the parents about the ways to protect and raise a child in safe environment.
• There should be development of community based teaching about providing of safe environment.
• Repositioning of the brand has been prescribed.
• There should be more awareness and brand related images that the company should develop.
• More focus on the intangibles should be done to increase the service quality perceptions. This is a low cost alternative that the company needs to focus to leverage the persona of the brand in the current competition.

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The report is to develop for Flipkart. The general manager of the sales division of the company wanted to understand about their website design as an independent party. The report designed for the general manager sales division. There is an interview with one of the managers was granted. Other resources used from an independent analysis.
It was determined that the overall function of the website is functional. They need to focus on the website design and the service quality of the website.

All the participants agreed that it was easy to search and find out the products. The users stated that they could find a very wide range of products.
It is quite clear that this is very clear in the website.
The aspect of search is an important component to a website. They have been able to provide this with greater accuracy than majority of the sites (Panda & Swain, 2016)
Help, feedback and error tolerance
The manager stated that they give a lot of important to the feedback of the consumers. Many of the business process and the website design are altered to meet these demands. The users had mixed opinion. They stated that the company should handle the errors and feedback.
It was felt that the company does the best they could when it comes to resolving of the issues and providing help.
Research reveals that the companies in general need to focus on the service-marketing factor. There should be unique factors to make the company standout from the competitors.
Page layout and visual/ aesthetic design
The manager stated that they want to showcase all their products in the website hence she says that the management focuses on ensuring a lot of content on the main page. The users felt it leads to congestion in the website and stated it can be made more aesthetically pleasing.
The site can be made more aesthetically pleasing
One of the most important components of website is having a home page that is not distracting. There should be more focus given to improcing the aesthetics of the website.
Accessibility and technical design
All the five participants agreed that the company is easily accessible in searches.
All the five times when the website was accessed there was no real issue.
The technical design and the accessibility factor of the website is lauded and need no real changed.

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