

全球冒险在生产率方面存在多个漏洞,需要采取多种补救行动。它需要立即采取的一些主要行动如下:它需要重新组织其作为一个组织的宗旨,并理解和接受员工的素质将自动转化为高质量的绩效和高质量的结果。因此,它需要准备一个关于员工保留、员工激励、奖励管理、员工培训的计划,考虑员工的职业目标,并将所有这些结合成一个单一的行动计划,满足所有的要求(Senior, 2002)。公司需要通过描述所需服务的种类和类型来重新定义其流程、服务标准和基准,从而使客户了解可以期望的最低服务标准。这对公司施加了一个健康的期限和质量检查,他们将不得不遵循,以发展未来(Elsmore, 2001)。
公司必须重新调整对集团的战略,并相应地聘用在冒险旅游行业拥有广泛知识和经验的新董事,他们可以为所有员工树立榜样,让他们定期效仿。一旦董事们有了经验,并每天投入时间指导团队采取渐进的步骤,员工的生产率就会提高,结果也更接近预期。公司必须重视每一个员工,进行单独的面试和考核崇拜,员工可以在面试中提出他们对公司和自己的关心和愿望。想离开沙龙和退休,蒂娜和乔安妮想离开公司,蒂娜想要离开十再回来的高级职位,和安德鲁和达里尔有问题的客户满意,他们都是单独评估和理解他们的意图和背后的核心原因做一个现实的努力改善条件表达留在公司。当员工的关注和愿望得到满足时,组织的要求也有可能得到满足(Graetz, 2006)。


Global Adventures has multiple loopholes in productivity and needs multiple remedial actions. Some of the primary actions required on an immediate basis are as follows: It needs to reorganise its purpose as an organisation and understand and accept that the quality of employees will automatically convert into quality performance and quality results. Thus, it needs to prepare a plan about employee retention, employee motivation, reward management, employee training, considering employee career goals, and combining all of them into a single plan of action which fulfils all requirements (Senior, 2002). The company needs to redefine its processes, service standard, and benchmark by describing the kind and type of service required so as to make the customer aware of the minimum standards of service that can be expected. This imposes a healthy deadline and quality check on the company which they will have to follow to grow ahead (Elsmore, 2001).
The company must realign its strategy for the group and accordingly hire new directors who have extensive knowledge and experience in the adventure travel industry and who can play role models for all employees to follow on a regular basis. Once the directors are experienced and invest their time on a daily basis to guide the team for progressive steps, the productivity of employees grow and the results are nearer to the expectations. The company must consider each employee to be important and conduct an individual interview and appraisal worship in which the employees can put forward their concerns and desires for the company and themselves. As Sharon wants to leave and retire, Tina and Joanne wants to leave the company, Tina wants to leave and Ten come back again for a senior role, and Andrew and Daryl have problems with clients satisfaction, they all are to be appraised individually and understand the core of the reasons behind their intentions and make a realistic effort of improving the condition where they express to stay in the company. It is possible that when the employee’s concerns and desires are fulfilled, the organisational demands will also be fulfilled (Graetz, 2006).




该品牌的血统预计会更高。仅仅是品牌的标志或商标在目标消费群中更有价值(Fionda, & Moore,2009)。这些品牌的过度曝光和独家分销会导致品牌价值的稀释。大多数奢侈品牌都给人一种品牌产品稀缺的印象。缺乏是他们维持销售品牌的认知(Chadha, & Husband, 2010)。一个奢侈品牌的终极人格或目标是确保他们真的是物有所值的钱和估计的人。因此,生产中应该使用高质量的材料,并保持品牌的审美吸引力(Chadha, & Husband, 2010)。社会上有影响力的人也认可这些产品。研究发现,公众人物如电影明星、体育明星、音乐家等一直采用传统的创作奢侈品牌广告策略(Chadha, & Husband, 2010)。他们确保这些品牌拥有很高的信誉。就实体店而言,奢侈品的终极象征是提升品牌体验,放大品牌光环(Stottinger, Schlegelmilch, and Zou, 2015)。
在塑造公众形象和公共关系上花费了大量的时间。他们试图温和地说服人们相信他们能影响公众舆论。奢侈品牌和普通品牌最重要的区别在于价格。据观察,如果一个产品的价格高于其他竞争对手,那么就假定该产品具有更多的功能和健壮的流程。它也加强了奢侈的感觉或情绪(卡普费尔,1998)。拥有该产品本身的行为被认为是该产品的奢侈形象。奢侈品牌的管理在这个定义中有更多的变量(Kapferer, 1998)。它是复杂的,并且根据情况的需要而有所不同。这些都是需要考虑的重要因素。但在现实中,在打造奢侈品牌形象时,还有很多变数需要考虑。还有许多方面已经嵌入到原始设计中。


The pedigree of the brand is expected to be higher. The mere logo or trademark of the brand is found to have more value among the target consumer base (Fionda, & Moore,2009). Over-revelation and exclusive distribution of these brands can cause dilution of the brand value.Most of the luxury brands create a perception that the products from their brands are scarce. Paucity is the perception that they maintain to sell the brand (Chadha, & Husband, 2010). The ultimate persona or objective of the of a luxury brand is to ensure that they are really value the money and the estimate of the people. For this, there should be high quality materials used for the production and the aesthetically appeal of the brand should be maintained (Chadha, & Husband, 2010).The influencers in society also endorse these products. It has been found that the public figures such as movie starts, sports players, musicians have been conventional employed the creation of the luxury brand advertising strategy (Chadha, & Husband, 2010). They ensure that there is high credibility developed for the brands. In the case of brick and mortar stores, the ultimate symbol of luxury is to heighten the brand experience and amplify the aura of the brands (Stöttinger, Schlegelmilch, and Zou, 2015).
Significant amount of time is spent in creation of public persona and public relations. They try to gently nudge the people into believing that they can influence the public opinion.The most important differentiation between the luxury brand and the normal brand is the pricing. It has been observed that if a product is priced higher than the other competition, it is assumed that the product has more functionality and robust processes. It also heightens the feelings or sentiments of luxury (Kapferer, 1998). The act of owing the product in itself is considered to be a luxury image of the product. The management of the luxury brand has many more variables in this definition (Kapferer, 1998). It is complex and is found to vary based on the requirements of the situation. These are the important factors that need to be the factored. But in reality, there are many more variables that need to be considered while creation of a luxury brand image. There are many more aspects that have been embedded to the original design.






As per the research study of Bali and Cakici, there is a negative relation presented in between the expected returns and that of the idiosyncratic volatility. However, the relation is not robust enough while calculating the average portfolio returns in terms of diverse weight schemes. The authors found out that no significant difference was there among the quintile portfolio returns by the construction according to idiosyncratic volatility that had equal weight. Merton stated that whenever the investors fail to diversify the portfolios in a complete manner with the consideration of different frictional costs, pricing of idiosyncratic risk is possible. Mixed results in case of examining the relationship presented between the expected stock returns and that of idiosyncratic risk have been found many a time, for example, negative cross-sectional relation present between idiosyncratic volatility that is of one-month lagged and the monthly stock returns. However, many other authors found the contemporaneousness related to risk-return tradeoff, which means there is a positive relation between the expected idiosyncratic volatility and the monthly stock returns.
Therefore, it means the research studies implicitly presuppose the fact that constant idiosyncratic risk premium can be found over the time. Fu stated that substantial variability in case of idiosyncratic risk over time points towards the ineffectiveness of the available literature while identifying the positive relation situated there. It is because the time varying characteristic has not been captured in the earlier studies as per the conditional idiosyncratic volatility. EGARCH model proposed by Nelson was taken into account by Fu by the use of monthly data and the researcher succeeded in providing in-sample estimates related to the conditional idiosyncratic with the variance based on stock returns. During the study, Fu found a major positive relation. Later, Spiegel with Wang developed the out-of-sample estimate while predicting the idiosyncratic volatility along with liquidity. They found that with greater idiosyncratic risk level, the stock returns get increased which results into liquidity decrease of the stock. Their major discovery involves the core role of liquidity as well as idiosyncratic on determining stock returns.
