

根据Mintz的研究,无产阶级这个词指的是“自由但没有财产的劳动力作为商品出售给资本主义的商品买家,其中包括劳动力的商品,进行新鲜生产的人”(Mintz, 1978)。根据所有的研究和马克思理论,可以说种植园制度是以一种矛盾的方式将资本主义和前资本主义相结合的制度(Mintz, 1978)。奴隶制基本上是前资本主义的生产方式。然而,种植园在全球经济中发挥了重要作用,因此这主要是资本主义。种植园主以损益为基础工作。尤金·热诺维斯(Eugene Genovese)认为“奴隶制是一种生产方式,它对种植园主提高劳动生产率的程度施加了内在的限制,这迫使种植园主转向领土扩张,以保持制度的运行”(热诺维斯,2014)。所以在这种情况下,奴隶不是无产阶级。虽然有种植园主付工资,从他们那里得到额外的工作,这些奴隶仍然必须完成他们作为一个拥有或购买奴隶的所有正常职责,这些工作他们没有得到支付。
因此,“有些种植园主确实向他们的奴隶支付工资,因为他们做了超出正常职责的额外工作”(Genovese, 2014)。因此,通过这一点可以说,雇佣劳动被奴隶劳动所取代,在某种程度上,种植园奴隶也是无产阶级。种植园制度是资本主义经济的一部分,奴隶制是资本主义的核心。奴隶制是一种制度,在这种制度下,奴隶被迫在种植园上工作,通过威胁和羞辱他们。这种劳动使人麻木,而且是重复的。奴隶们必须每天做同样的工作,直到季节变化。种植园里的劳动力并不是到处都一样。甘蔗种植园的工作与水稻种植园不一样。18世纪,北美的种植园主要求大量的普通奴隶在他们的种植园里工作。他们试图用各种劳动技能来维持自给自足。个体劳动被帮会劳动制度取代——帮会制度和任务制度(Morgan, 1988)。


According to the study of Mintz, the term proletarian refers to a person “who is free but property less seller of his labor power as a commodity to the capitalist buyer of commodities, among them the commodity of the labor power, to undertake fresh production” (Mintz, 1978). According to all the studies and Marx theory, it could be said that the plantation system was a combined system of capitalist and pre-capitalist aspects in a contradictory way (Mintz, 1978). Slavery was basically the mode of production that belonged to pre-capitalist manner. However, the plantations played important role in the global economy and thus this was principally capitalist. Plantation owners worked on profit and loss basis. Eugene Genovese has argued that “slavery is the mode of production imposed intrinsic limits as to how far planters could improve labor productivity, which forced planters to turn towards territorial expansion in order to keep the system going” (Genovese, 2014).So in this case, slaves are not proletarians. Though there were planters who use to pay wages to get extra work done from them, these slaves still had to complete all their normal duties of being an owned or purchased slaves, and for those works they were not paid.
So, “there were planters who did pay wages to their slaves for extra work done other than their normal duties” (Genovese, 2014). So, through this point it can be said that wage labor was superseded by the slave labor and to some extent, plantation slaves were also proletarians. The plantation system was the part of capitalist economy and slavery had been the heart of capitalism.Slavery was the system under which slaves were forced to work on plantations by threatening and humiliating them. The labor was mind-numbing and repetitive. The slaves had to do same task every day till the change of season. The labor in plantation was not same everywhere. The work on sugarcane plantations was not same as that in rice plantations. In the eighteenth century, the planters in North America required a large number of common slaves to work in their plantations. They tried to maintain self-sufficiency with varied skills of their labor. The individual labor work was replaced by the gang labor systems-gang system and task system (Morgan, 1988).



这随后经历了一些变化。这种咖啡的生产过程被认为与跨大西洋奴隶贸易有关。由于奴隶们的努力,这个国家在接下来的两个世纪里主导了咖啡的生产。从1811年到1830年,有45万名奴隶参与了咖啡生产。跨大西洋贸易在很大程度上依赖于该地区的奴隶贸易。有人发现,有个别的奴隶团伙在场监督奴隶的活动。由于涉及的人的贪婪,奴隶被要求更加努力地工作,更多的压力被赋予奴隶,让他们努力工作。这导致奴隶比美国奴隶更受压迫。巴西的奴隶领主们为确保奴隶贸易的存在而斗争了很长一段时间,并支持社会上普遍存在的家长式本能。英国的废奴主义政策在巴西受到了极大的限制(Dean, 1997)。


Slave system of Brazil was similar to the slave trade of the transatlantic regions of Cuba and Puerto Rico. It has been said that the number of slaves in Brazil was the highest when compared to other countries in the transatlantic region. Trade flourished in the region owing to the slaves. There was increase in the production of the economy and in general within the population. It has been said that the Brazil was one of the last countries to abolish slavery in the region. In America, the slavery is found to have originated around early 17th century. Slavery was abolishing action was initiation when there was Declaration of Independence was signed. According to history, slavery was abolished in early 19th century. Similar to Brazil, slavery was found to be the main cause of trade enhancement and production in the areas. The lands around the region were exploited and cultivated using slaves in the region.In the early nineteenth century, the Brazilian coffee played an important role in the economy of the Paraiba do Sul River Valley. This was found in the province of San Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerias.
This subsequently underwent a number of changes. This process of production of the coffee was considered to be related with the transatlantic slave trade. The country dominated the coffee production for the next two centuries, owing to the efforts of the slaves in the region. It was found that 450000 slaves were involved in the works of coffee production from 1811 to 1830. The transatlantic trade was dependent very much on the slave trade exiting in the region. It was found that there were individual slave gangs who were present to oversee the operation of the slaves. For the greed of the people involved, the slaves were made to work harder and more pressure was bestowed on the slaves to make them work hard. This leads to the slaves being oppressed more than American slaves. Brazilian salve lords fought for very long to ensure that the slave trade existed and favor the paternalistic instincts that were pervasive in the society. The abolitionist policy followed in Britain was met with great restrain in Brazil (Dean, 1997).



在德国,沃达丰的管理者不得不面对大量的挑战。近年来,为了在德国取得重要地位,该公司进行了大量投资。沃达丰面临的主要挑战之一是,德国必须确保其在德国新总部成功实施安全解决方案。为公司建立一个重要的基础设施是很重要的。对该公司来说,最具体的挑战之一是拥有客户群。这是沃达丰管理层面临的首要挑战。为了确保公司在德国取得成功,它必须建立一个庞大的客户基础。但即便通过收购拥有了强大的客户基础,该公司在弥补在德国的投资方面仍面临挑战。沃达丰仅为收购就投入了约90亿英镑,而该公司的年利润假设约为19亿英镑(Simon, 2016)。沃达丰的管理人员必须以一种能够在未来获得利润的方式工作。


In Germany, the managers of Vodafone have to face a large number of challenges. In recent times, the company has done a lot of investment in order to make a significant position in Germany. One of the major challenges faced by Vodafone is that Germany was to ensure its success in the implementation of the security solutions at its new headquarters in Germany. It was important to create an important infrastructural base for the company. One of the most specific challenges for the company was to have the customer base. It was the first and the foremost challenges for the managers of Vodafone. In order to ensure that the company is successful in Germany, it had to create a large customer base. But even after having a strong customer base by acquisition, the company has a challenge to make up for the investment done in Germany. Vodafone has invested a total amount of around 9 billion pounds just for acquisition while the annual profit assumption for the company is around 1.9 billion pounds (Simon, 2016). The Vodafone managers have to work in such a manner that they can gain profits in the coming time.
Because of the high investment, there is a depression in the cash flow.Another challenge for the managers is to assure that the share holders or dividend holders in Germany is to assure that they will be observing an annual growth in the dividend in spite of any kind of recovery in the coming two years. Another challenge to be faced by Vodafone managers in Germany is to overcome the challenges faced by the company. Another challenge faced by the managers in Vodafone Germany is to ensure that the market strategy of the company is such that it can focus on a better network so that more and more people should stay connected to them. Other competitors are another issue for the managers. Vodafone is a new and an emerging telecom company in Germany. There are a large number of healthy competitors who are having a strong customer base in the nation and have been successful in winning the trust of a number of customers.



为了在英国市场生存下去,阿尔迪不得不改变其核心战略之一。由于英国市场对vert品牌比较敏感,Aldi决定主要用英国的民族品牌来进货。在其他国家,阿尔迪储备商店品牌,以体现成本优势。阿尔迪还面临着市场上的问题,因为软折扣竞争对手公司Kwik Save。它是一家与阿尔迪同时扩张的英国折扣连锁超市。因为它已经拥有了消费者基础和营销优势(通过以前的客户和口碑),公司能够成功地在不同的地点获得100个店面,有效地限制了Aldi的扩张(Reference for Business, 2016)。然而,阿尔迪不断适应市场环境。该公司与英国Gateway Foodmarkets Ltd.签订了协议,并在协议的基础上在Gateway的网站上开设了门店。创业之初,阿尔迪是一家互惠互利的企业,帮助阿尔迪重新获得了目前的空间(Reference for Business, 2016)。


Aldi sells all retail store items such as food, beverages, household items and more. Its specialization is food products of its own brands. Aldi was established in the United Kingdom in 1990 and with its minimal list of products was all set to take advantage of the economic downturn that the United Kingdom market was facing. Most of the indigenous grocery chains in the country were affected by the economic downturn in the United Kingdom. Aldi at the time of inception had a product and pricing advantage. In terms of process advantage, Aldi had more buying power, and had low overhead costs compared to the national brands. Despite some of the advantages that Aldi projected in terms of the product and the process, it did not have an easy success in the country. British shoppers were used to indigenous market places, posh brands and national brands. Aldi with its company brands and low priced commodity was not appealing to the UK market. When Aldi launched in the 1990’s it expected to open 200 outlets in the first four years. However, because of the lack of customer response the company ended up only opening around a 100 stores (Reference for Business, 2016)
Aldi had to change one of its core strategies in order to survive in the UK market. Since the UK market was vert brand sensitive, Aldi decided to stock its stores predominantly with the national brands of the United Kingdom. In other countries Aldi stocked up on store brands in order to present the cost advantage. Aldi also faced problems in the market because of a soft discount competitor company called Kwik Save. It is a British discount supermarket chain which also was expanding at the same time as Aldi. Since it already had an established consumer based and marketing advantage (through pervious customers and word of mouth) the company as able to successful acquire a 100 store space in different locations effectively limiting Aldi’s expansion (Reference for Business, 2016).However, Aldi adapted to market conditions continuously. The company entered into an agreement with Britain’s Gateway Foodmarkets Ltd. and based on the agreement established stores on the sites of Gateway. The venture was started off as a mutually beneficial one and helped Aldi regain its current space (Reference for Business, 2016).