


在德国,沃达丰的管理者不得不面对大量的挑战。近年来,为了在德国取得重要地位,该公司进行了大量投资。沃达丰面临的主要挑战之一是,德国必须确保其在德国新总部成功实施安全解决方案。为公司建立一个重要的基础设施是很重要的。对该公司来说,最具体的挑战之一是拥有客户群。这是沃达丰管理层面临的首要挑战。为了确保公司在德国取得成功,它必须建立一个庞大的客户基础。但即便通过收购拥有了强大的客户基础,该公司在弥补在德国的投资方面仍面临挑战。沃达丰仅为收购就投入了约90亿英镑,而该公司的年利润假设约为19亿英镑(Simon, 2016)。沃达丰的管理人员必须以一种能够在未来获得利润的方式工作。


In Germany, the managers of Vodafone have to face a large number of challenges. In recent times, the company has done a lot of investment in order to make a significant position in Germany. One of the major challenges faced by Vodafone is that Germany was to ensure its success in the implementation of the security solutions at its new headquarters in Germany. It was important to create an important infrastructural base for the company. One of the most specific challenges for the company was to have the customer base. It was the first and the foremost challenges for the managers of Vodafone. In order to ensure that the company is successful in Germany, it had to create a large customer base. But even after having a strong customer base by acquisition, the company has a challenge to make up for the investment done in Germany. Vodafone has invested a total amount of around 9 billion pounds just for acquisition while the annual profit assumption for the company is around 1.9 billion pounds (Simon, 2016). The Vodafone managers have to work in such a manner that they can gain profits in the coming time.
Because of the high investment, there is a depression in the cash flow.Another challenge for the managers is to assure that the share holders or dividend holders in Germany is to assure that they will be observing an annual growth in the dividend in spite of any kind of recovery in the coming two years. Another challenge to be faced by Vodafone managers in Germany is to overcome the challenges faced by the company. Another challenge faced by the managers in Vodafone Germany is to ensure that the market strategy of the company is such that it can focus on a better network so that more and more people should stay connected to them. Other competitors are another issue for the managers. Vodafone is a new and an emerging telecom company in Germany. There are a large number of healthy competitors who are having a strong customer base in the nation and have been successful in winning the trust of a number of customers.