

“呼唤嘉士伯”运动是对公司进行重新定位,以实现成为全球运营增长最快的啤酒公司的野心(Hatch et al., 2015)。该活动于2011年4月5日宣布,旨在满足当代啤酒饮用者的需求。虽然嘉士伯是嘉士伯的品牌,但是全世界都知道,嘉士伯的销售价值并不能通过它的知名度来衡量。为了提高嘉士伯的生产效率,嘉士伯产品的重新定位变得非常必要(Grunig & Morschett, 2012)。该组织正在利用品牌价值,它甚至存在于今天的啤酒爱好者的头脑中。通过使用“呼吁嘉士伯”(Carlsberggroup, 2016)这句口号,这种担忧与现代一代联系在了一起。公司发现有必要与现在这代人合作,他们过着非常快的冒险生活,已经养成了立即做事的习惯,更喜欢探索生活中的新冒险(Schultz & Hernes, 2013)。
为了与这一代人建立联系,公司进行了许多创新,包括技术创新、浮雕包装和整合营销传播。创始人J. C. Jacobson先生在工作中对创新的选择一直是一个敢于冒险的人,他深知创新是将产品变成人们日常需求所必需的(Carlsberggroup, 2016)。技术创新是通过科学发明在啤酒的制备过程中进行的,雅各布森在1876年生产第一个清洁酵母时就已经实践了这一技术创新,使啤酒的制备具有创新性和革命性。为了在产品质量上带来一些革命,并给它一个创新的味道,使用了一种新型大麦称为零氧大麦。Null-LOX大麦有助于使产品高产,此外,它提供了更好的泡沫,并有助于保持饮料的新鲜更长的时间(Mattila et al., 2012)。在口味上的创新是由零氧大麦与快速排水酵母的组合。


The campaign of “Call for Carlsberg” is the repositioning of the company to fulfill its ambition of becoming the fastest growing beer company operating throughout the world (Hatch et al., 2015). The campaign was announced on the 5th April 2011 with the intention to meet the requirement of the present generation beer drinkers. Though the brand of Carlsberg it is known to the whole world that the sale value of the company could not be measured on the basis of its popularity. The repositioning of the product of Carlsberg becomes very necessary in order to increase the productivity of the company (Grünig & Morschett, 2012). The organization is utilizing the brand value, which has existed even today in the minds of the beer lovers. By using that the concern has connected to the modern generation with the tagline “Call for Carlsberg” (Carlsberggroup, 2016). The company has found the need to collaborate with the present generation, who lead a very fast and adventurous life and have earned the habit of doing things instantly, preferring to explore the new adventures of life (Schultz & Hernes, 2013).
To connect with such a generation, the company has innovated many changes that include the technological innovations, embossed packaging and integrated marketing communications. The founder Mr. J. C. Jacobson has always been adventurous in the choosing the innovation in his work and so understood that innovation is required to bring the product to be the daily requirement of the people (Carlsberggroup, 2016).The technological innovation is made in the preparation of the beer through the scientific inventions, which has been already practiced by Jacobson in the year 1876 while producing the first clean yeast, which was used to make the preparation of beer innovative and revolutionized. In order to bring some revolution in the quality of the product and to give it an innovative taste, the use of the new type of barley called the Null-LOX Barley. The Null-LOX barley has helped to make the product high-yielding and additionally, it provides a better froth and helps to keep the drink fresher for a longer time period (Mattila et al., 2012). The innovation in the taste of the drink is produced with the combination of the Null-LOX barley with the fast-acting draining of yeast.



紫外可见光谱法可用于对大量药物物质的过程进行定量分析。它是用于分析不同药用物质的最重要的技术之一。它包括测量紫外线或可见辐射的量。因此,当紫外线或可见光被溶液吸收时,就可以进行测量。有大量的药物可以以原材料的形式使用,也可以作为配方使用(Kemp & William, 1991)。制备了药物溶液,并测量了特定波长的吸光度。同样的一个例子是安定片的定量分析。将0.5%的H2SO4在甲醇中混合,在给定波长下,其值约为284 nm。用来测量比值或比值函数或强度的仪器称为紫外可见分光光度计。
而在定性分析中,利用紫外可见光谱法可以很容易地对有机化合物进行鉴别。另一方面,为了保证吸收辐射的分子数量,进行了定量分析。该技术的优点是简单、特异、适用于多种化合物。可以用来控制这个过程的基本定律是比尔定律和朗伯定律。根据这一定律,与溶液吸光度有关的过程与溶液中一些最重要的吸收物质的浓度和路径的长度有关。用于对吸收紫外辐射的化合物进行定性分析。兰伯特定律指出,相互平行的单色辐射光束的总强度值将呈指数下降(Nockemann et al., 2005)。当光束通过厚度均匀的介质时,会发生这种衰减。


UV Visible spectroscopy can be used for the process of quantitative analysis of a large number of pharmaceutical substances. It is one of the most important techniques which is used for the purpose of analysis of the different pharmaceutical substances. It involves the process including the measurement of the amount of ultraviolet or the visible radiation. Thus measurement is done when ultraviolet or the visible radiation is absorbed in the solution. There are a large number of drugs which can be used either in the form of raw materials or used as a formulation (Kemp & William, 1991). The solution of the drugs is made and the measurement of absorbance at a specific wavelength is done. An example of the same is the quantitative analysis of the Diazepam tablet. This tablet can be analyzed by mixing 0.5 % of H2SO4 in methanol at a given wavelength having a value of around 284 nm. The instrument which is used for measurement of the ratio or the function of ratio or the intensity is known as the ultraviolet visible spectrophotometers.
While during the qualitative analysis, it can be easy to do the identification of the organic compounds with the help of UV Visible spectrometry. On the other hand the quantitative analysis is done in order to ensure the number of molecules which absorbs the radiation. The usefulness of this technique is that it is simple, specific and can be applicable to a large number of compounds.The fundamental law which can be used for governing this process is the Beer’s law and the Lambert’s law. According to this law, the process related to the absorbance for this solution is related to the concentration of some of the most important absorbing species which is there in the solution and the length of the path. It is used for the qualitative analysis of those compounds which absorbs the UV Radiation. Lambert’s law states that the overall value of intensity of a beam of a monochromatic radiation which is parallel to one another would decrease in an exponential manner (Nockemann et al., 2005). This decrease occurs when the beam passes through the medium which has a homogenous thickness.