写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

留学Recommendation letter就是RL,是从第三人称角度来评价各位的能力,性格,潜力等等。从而保证了Recommendation letter以客观公正的视角来向学校介绍被推荐人的情况。因此录取委员会会非常重视推荐人对同学们的评价。

一封有力的Recommendation letter很大程度上会为你的申请添彩加分。那怎么完成这样的一封Recommendation letter呢?如何挑选合适的推荐人呢?下面是为大家介绍英国留学Recommendation letter写作攻略。

确定合适的推荐人是成功Recommendation letter的第一步。通常来说,研究生申请要求2-3个推荐人。这三个推荐人应该如何安排呢?


写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

避免选择同一类型的推荐人,要从不同的方面来展示学生的优势和长处。因此如果是在校生,建议同学们找2个学术的推荐人和一个实习的推荐人;如果已经有全职工作,可以2个工作方面的推荐人搭配一个学术的Recommendation letter。


在确定推荐人人选之后,下一步就是尽早的联系推荐人。一方面每年出国留学的学生非常多,可能每个老师都会收到许多的学生写Recommendation letter的请求。早联系确保老师会答应帮自己写Recommendation letter。并且,在实习的过程中就要和自己的上司沟通,自己要申请英国研究生,请帮忙写一封Recommendation letter,这样可以避免申请的时候再联系推荐人,推荐人忘记你做过了什么,或者完全没有印象。

写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

同样和推荐人沟通的方式也很重要。提倡各位同学和推荐人面谈。面对面的请求推荐人帮忙写Recommendation letter,表现热情和积极。和推荐人谈谈自己的成绩,申校专业和目标,未来的规划发展。让推荐人对自己和申请的专业有进一步的了解。

最后,在申请之后,及时得和推荐人联系也是非常重要的。通知推荐人学校发送Recommendation letter邀请的时间和截止时间,和推荐人明确Recommendation letter需要提交的期限,这样既不会耽误同学们的申请,也会留给推荐人有充足的提交时间。希望本篇内容能够帮助到同学们。







For the logical listing and structuring, the paper has been marked 4 out of 5. The conjunctions used in every paragraph make things very clear to understand the topic sentences and the conclusion. Also, the structuring is neat and there are no long paragraphs. Hence, it makes things easier to understand and also to identify the topics easily. It could even be helpful for future referencing. There are two aspects under language. Usage of grammar, spelling and punctuation – This is marked for 5 where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest. Coherence in content including language delivery and tone – This is marked for 5 with 1 and 5 being the lowest and highest respectively. With respect to grammar, spelling and punctuation, I have marked it 1 out of 5. Although it is concise and interesting to analyze, the grammar is extremely poor. Spelling mistakes are present everywhere.

Here is an example:Firstly, when a multination wants implant subsidiaries in a new country, they must respect the labor law and condition of the country to have a good image.Indeed, if the multination are in conflict with this since the beginning, they can’t correctly develop their subsidiaries in the new country, because people of the new countries have a bad image of the brand. We know that now with the augmentation of the marketing powers, the brand image is very important to the consumer.Red highlights are the spelling errors and yellow highlights are the grammar errors. The first line in the second paragraph is totally meaningless. It doesn’t make sense and it indeed deviates from the original topic making things confusing. The rest of the answer also has similar such errors that make the scenario worst. The grammar is once again poor as the tenses are mixed up. The word usage is also not commendable.