




Music helps free my mind and I feel relaxed when I listen to music. Music is different for different persons and this is reflected in their choice of music. While it is a universal truth that everyone appreciates music, the genre would vary from individual to individual. Some prefer trance music while others are keen on Rock-n-Roll. The various genres of music include Metallica, Trance, rock-n-roll, blues, country, ballads, classical, instrumental .Music and mood are interrelated. Most persons turn to music when they are happy as well as when they are sad. Music gives me the energy to get going and cheers me up when I am feeling low. I enjoy listening to classical and instrumental music, particularly while studying as I feel that it helps me concentrate and improves my memory.

When I am tensed or tired, music helps me relax. I also enjoy listening to music particularly instrumental while studying math. I regularly listen to country songs when reading a book just before I go to bed. This bedtime routine ensures that I enjoy a good night’s sleep and awaken refreshed and ready to take on the day. Music to me like the language of the soul. It helps calm me when I am angry, sad or blue; cheering me as I listen to my favorite tunes. Yet when I am happy and content, music is a mood enhancer that keeps my mood and energy levels high.Music for me is part of my soul. I feel incomplete without it. Music not only cheers me up, but also inspires me to move ahead. I feel comforted when listening to familiar tunes. Much like a baby that relaxes and goes to sleep listening to his mother’s lullaby. I enjoy falling asleep with soft music playing in the background, too.





这可能是因为它们暴露在特定的肤色下,因此表现出对同一肤色的偏好。这种偏好可以追溯到人类生命的早期。然而,这纯粹是进化的结果。这是一种先入为主的观念,即某一特定群体的人应该为了生存而聚集在一起(Kristof)。同样的行为也表现在孩子身上。白人孩子更喜欢白人娃娃,而黑人孩子则更喜欢黑人娃娃(Clark and Clark 169-178)。安德森博士和CNN对儿童种族偏见和偏好的研究揭示了一些令人震惊但并非意外的发现。他的研究得出的一些结论表明,超过70%的年长的黑人孩子选择了最黑的肤色,而白人孩子更喜欢白色的肤色。有趣的是,这种偏见并不仅限于年龄较大的孩子。超过57%的年轻黑人孩子选择了这两种颜色。由此可见,总的来说,年幼的和年长的孩子都有相同的发现和偏好。这让我们得出这样的结论:基于种族和肤色的偏见是美国普遍存在的文化刻板印象的一部分。


Racism and color blindness are integrated into society. While there are many claims that racism has been eliminated, the truth is a different picture. The only changes that have come about in society are superficial. Thus, instead of overt discrimination, adults having darker skin tones are faced with more subtle social cues that display racial bias (Singh). This is a direct reference to the present hiring or college admission process that claims to hire or provide admission to colleges without any bias. Yet when examining the rolls of most of the top colleges, the majority of students still remain white, while blacks are usually admitted only to fill their basketball or rugby teams and are a comparatively minimal percentage of the total population. The same can be said for hiring without any racial bias.The truth remains that racial bias can be seen from a very young age. Infants also show a preference for persons from their own race. Thus, white infants prefer white adults and darker infants prefer darker adults.


This may be because they are exposed to a particular skin tone and thus show a preference for the same. This preference can be traced back to the early days of human life itself. However, the reason for this was purely evolution. It was a preconceived notion that a person of a particular group should stick togather for their survival (Kristof).The same behavior is exhibited by children as well. While white children preferred white dolls, black children showed a preference for black dolls (Clark and Clark 169-178). Studies into the racial bias and preferences of children by Dr. Anderson and CNN brought to light some shocking but not unexpected findings. Some of the conclusions from his study indicate that more than 70 percent of the older black children chose the darkest skin tones, while white children preferred white skin tones. Interestingly, this bias was not limited to older children. More than 57 percent of the younger black children chose the two darker colors. Thus, it was seen that overall both the younger and older children kept the same findings and preferences. This leads us to the conclusion that the bias based on race and skin tones is part of the cultural stereotype that is seen across America in general.



罗马共和国是一个拥有多个省的大地区,盖尤斯·维雷斯在西西里岛担任总督。他洗劫了黄金和艺术领域,还杀害了一些无辜的居民,后来在马库斯·图里乌斯·西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero)的帮助下被判有罪,西塞罗证明维雷斯有罪,必须受到惩罚。西塞罗用他的说服技巧,使弗雷斯惩罚了他的流放期。格拉古斯比朱利安·凯撒更值得尊敬和成就,因为格拉古斯曾试图将财富从富人转移到穷人手中,以使自己的持有量和分配更加均衡,为此他被谋杀。凯撒是一位充满活力的政治家、作家或军人,他改变了人们对政治和文化的看法。




Roman Republic was a large region with multiple provinces, where Gaius Verres served as a governor in the Sicily province. He looted the province of gold and arts and also killed some innocent residents, and was later convicted of the crime with the help of Marcus Tullius Cicero who proved that Verres is guilty and must be punished. With his persuasive skills, Cicero made Verres punish enforcing an exile period for him.Gracchus was more deserving of respect and accomplishment than Julian Caesar slightly, because Gracchus made an infamous attempt of transferring the wealth from the wealthy to the poor to equalise its holding and further distribution, for which he was murdered. Julius Caesar was a dynamic politician, writer, or a soldier and changed the way politics and culture was viewed.

Both had their individual contribution to the way Rome was shaped and had an equal impact on western civilisation and they are remembered for their heroic intellectual attitude and ideas and the gut to implement them to support the empire of Rome and the common people.In the north region, there were major rivers, the Rhine and Danube, and Rome was challenged by Britain, Germania, and fought the Teutoburg forest battle. In the east, the Parthians opposed the expansion and were defeated by Rome, and in the south, there was the large land of Arabia where it had to fight with Siwa Oasis. In the west, it was challenged by Syria and other countries. The most dangerous was the north where Germany had constant struggle with the country.



即便是一家小型的独立旅游运营商,在欧洲和英国提供一些定制旅行,其建立也在成本高昂的范围之内。即使决定加入ABTA,那么所承担的最低成本无论如何都是高的,其次是金融失败保险和联合保单的成本(Stevenson和Sum, 2009)。这幅图描绘的是,顾客从旅途中回来后才支付定金,从而获得保护。此外,如果他们预订的公司在财务上遇到困难,那么客户就可以安全遣返,而无需承担任何额外费用。在这些不稳定的事件中,这被认为是许多旅行被预订时的一个重要因素(Mintzberg等人,2005)。




The set-up of even a small independent tour operator that offers some bespoke trips across Europe and United Kingdom is within the scope of having substantial costs. Even if the decision is made for joining ABTA, then the minimum cost borne is anyways high, followed by costs borne for financial failure insurance and joint policy (Stevenson and Sum, 2009). This depicts that customers obtain protection since they make payment of deposit until they are back from their trip. Also, if the company from which they made booking faces difficulty in finance, then there can be safe repatriation for the customer without having to bear any additional cost. During such volatile events, this is considered as an important factor for many when a trip is booked (Mintzberg et al., 2005).

However, this approaches at the cost of tour operators and must be included within the budget. Having strong control over budgets is of specific significance when dealing with financial recovery as companies face risks out of their over confidence when there is a rise in profits. This essay will focus on the significance of budgeting and financial controls for tour operators in the market platform of high intensity competition. For the purpose of this discussion, an assessment will be conducted for the management of tour operators, significance of them adhere to regulatory and legal framework, and their impact on financial control and budgeting. Further ahead, describing the role played by tour guide, the effectiveness of controlling financial performance will be assessed in context with budget management.

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程
在對體育賽事報導進行分析後,總結出體育賽事管理是一項重要的管理過程,用於吸引目標受眾的核心活動項目和活動。國際板球委員會(ICC)於2015年在澳大利亞舉辦的板球世界杯(Cricket World Cup)中成功舉辦了這項體育賽事,以吸引目標觀眾或板球愛好者。該活動(CWC, 2015)在確定的時間線、分配的預算和估計的來源內成功實施。簡要分析了政治、社會、環境、經濟和文化因素對事件的影響。本次活動的背景資料包括目的、規模、主題、歷史、贊助、活動組織者和利益相關者。對事件進行關鍵評估,以分析事件的性能和成功程度。與此同時,該事件實現了國際刑事法院通過培訓、技能發展和激勵理論來管理人力資源的績效的目的。

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

最後,提出了進一步改進體育項目的建議。事件管理可以被定義為將實踐和想法整合到商業事件、文化事件、節日事件、企業事件、標記事件和處理事件的管理過程。體育賽事由活動組織者組織,以實現活動的核心目的、目標和目標。此評估將描述與事件管理相關的要點。第一個任務將討論活動的背景信息,包括規模、目的、歷史、內容和活動組織者(Allen, 2010)。第二個任務將通過分析外部環境因素對事件不同活動的潛在影響,對事件進行批判性評價。最後,將對該賽事進行評估,以進一步改善未來的體育賽事。本次評比選擇了2015年板球世界杯的體育賽事。

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

After analyzing the report on the sports event, it is summarized that sports event management is an important management process used to attract the targeted audiences toward its core event programs and activities. The sports event was successfully organized in the form of Cricket World Cup 2015 in Australia by International Cricket Committee (ICC) to entertain the targeted audiences or cricket fans. This event (CWC, 2015) was successfully implemented within determined timelines, allocated budget, and the estimated sources. The impact of political, social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors influencing the event was briefly analyzed. The background details of this event were provided in the term of purpose, size, theme, history, sponsorship, and event organizers, and stakeholders. The critical evaluation of the event was performed to analyze the performance and success level of the event. Along with this, the event fulfilled the purpose of ICC to manage the performances of the human resources through training, skills development, and motivational theories.

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程
Finally, the recommendations were made for the further improvements in the sports events.Event management can be termed as a management process of incorporating practices and ideas into business events, cultural events, festival events, corporate events, labeling events, and handling events. The sports events are organized by the event organizers to fulfill the core purpose, goals, and objectives of the event. This assessment will describe the points related to an event management. The first task will discuss the background information of the event including size, purpose, history, content, and event organizers (Allen, 2010). The second task will critically evaluate the event by analyzing the potential impacts of the external environmental factors on different activities of the event. Finally, the event will be evaluated for the further improvements in the future sports events. For this assessment, the sports event of Cricket World Cup 2015 is selected here.