
essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程
在對體育賽事報導進行分析後,總結出體育賽事管理是一項重要的管理過程,用於吸引目標受眾的核心活動項目和活動。國際板球委員會(ICC)於2015年在澳大利亞舉辦的板球世界杯(Cricket World Cup)中成功舉辦了這項體育賽事,以吸引目標觀眾或板球愛好者。該活動(CWC, 2015)在確定的時間線、分配的預算和估計的來源內成功實施。簡要分析了政治、社會、環境、經濟和文化因素對事件的影響。本次活動的背景資料包括目的、規模、主題、歷史、贊助、活動組織者和利益相關者。對事件進行關鍵評估,以分析事件的性能和成功程度。與此同時,該事件實現了國際刑事法院通過培訓、技能發展和激勵理論來管理人力資源的績效的目的。

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

最後,提出了進一步改進體育項目的建議。事件管理可以被定義為將實踐和想法整合到商業事件、文化事件、節日事件、企業事件、標記事件和處理事件的管理過程。體育賽事由活動組織者組織,以實現活動的核心目的、目標和目標。此評估將描述與事件管理相關的要點。第一個任務將討論活動的背景信息,包括規模、目的、歷史、內容和活動組織者(Allen, 2010)。第二個任務將通過分析外部環境因素對事件不同活動的潛在影響,對事件進行批判性評價。最後,將對該賽事進行評估,以進一步改善未來的體育賽事。本次評比選擇了2015年板球世界杯的體育賽事。

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

After analyzing the report on the sports event, it is summarized that sports event management is an important management process used to attract the targeted audiences toward its core event programs and activities. The sports event was successfully organized in the form of Cricket World Cup 2015 in Australia by International Cricket Committee (ICC) to entertain the targeted audiences or cricket fans. This event (CWC, 2015) was successfully implemented within determined timelines, allocated budget, and the estimated sources. The impact of political, social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors influencing the event was briefly analyzed. The background details of this event were provided in the term of purpose, size, theme, history, sponsorship, and event organizers, and stakeholders. The critical evaluation of the event was performed to analyze the performance and success level of the event. Along with this, the event fulfilled the purpose of ICC to manage the performances of the human resources through training, skills development, and motivational theories.

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程
Finally, the recommendations were made for the further improvements in the sports events.Event management can be termed as a management process of incorporating practices and ideas into business events, cultural events, festival events, corporate events, labeling events, and handling events. The sports events are organized by the event organizers to fulfill the core purpose, goals, and objectives of the event. This assessment will describe the points related to an event management. The first task will discuss the background information of the event including size, purpose, history, content, and event organizers (Allen, 2010). The second task will critically evaluate the event by analyzing the potential impacts of the external environmental factors on different activities of the event. Finally, the event will be evaluated for the further improvements in the future sports events. For this assessment, the sports event of Cricket World Cup 2015 is selected here.