


其中包括拳打脚踢、推搡以及其他伤害身体的行为。散布关于个人的谣言,将某些人挡在群体之外,自私地骚扰个人就是欺凌的一些例子(Caldwell, 2016)。最常见的四种折磨是:言语骚扰——嘲笑、嘲笑、刺激、散布流言蜚语、使人衰弱、对自己的生活方式、种族、种族、宗教、性或性介绍做出负面评价、不受欢迎的性评论(Mayrock, 2015)。社交欺凌——围堵、寻找替罪羊、禁止他人参加聚会、公开的动作或涂鸦来羞辱他人,希望以此打压他人(Mayrock, 2015)。身体欺负-殴打,戳,挤压,追求,推动,强迫,消灭或采取效果,不受欢迎的性接触(Mayrock, 2015)。数字欺凌——利用网络或内容信息来威胁、贬低、传播一些八卦或嘲笑某人(Mayrock, 2015)。


The book written by Alice Caldwell discusses the causes of bullying and it also explains how bullying effects the people differently. The book also mentions various effective ways to be free from trauma of bullying. Caldwell has written this book, keeping in mind the students who have become the victims of bullying. He has even mentioned the type of harassment happens at workplace, which is informative for those who have been experiencing this nuisance even in adulthood. Hence, this book can be said useful for both kids and adults. For kids this book is a ultimate guide because it mentions how to deal with bullying and how to stand against it. Numerous kids have a smart thought of what harassing is on account of they see it consistently. Tormenting happens when somebody damages or unnerves someone else deliberately and the individual who is being harassed experiences considerable difficulties. Along these lines, everybody needs to get required to stop it (Caldwell, 2016). Harassing is not right! It is a conduct that makes the individual who is being harassed, feel anxious or uncomfortable. There are numerous ways that youngsters spook each other, regardless of the possibility that they do not understand it at the time.
Some of these include punching, pushing and different acts that hurt individuals physically. Spreading rumours about individuals, keeping certain individuals out of a group, harassing individuals selfishly are some of the examples of bullying (Caldwell, 2016). The four most regular sorts of tormenting are: Verbal Harassing – ridiculing, mockery, prodding, spreading bits of gossip, debilitating, making negative references to one’s way of life, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, or sexual introduction, undesirable sexual remarks (Mayrock, 2015).Social Bullying – mobbing, scapegoating, barring others from a gathering, mortifying others with open motions or graffiti expected to put others down (Mayrock, 2015). Physical Bullying – hitting, jabbing, squeezing, pursuing, pushing, forcing, annihilating or taking effects, undesirable sexual touching (Mayrock, 2015). Digital Bullying – utilizing the web or content informing to threaten, put-down, spread bits of gossip or ridicule somebody (Mayrock, 2015).