


它是要求和学习的手段,同时为人民的成长提供投入(Fulop, Frith, and Hayward, 199)。这些没有学习能力的人无法坚持自己的主张,每一个新的挑战都被认为是应该处理的威胁。他们不会提供建设性的反馈,也不会对新出现的情况做出妥协(Fulop, Frith,和Hayward, 199)。组织中学习的个体的行为则正好相反。他们提供持续的反馈,同时符合新的想法,也不断改进自己,以满足形势的要求。从这个分析中发现,公司的员工和公司的管理层需要协同工作,才能达到最好的效果。重要的是要确保雇佣合适的员工来承担这些任务。

除了聘用合适的候选人之外,公司还应该努力确保以员工新的创新见解为基础,将新想法融入组织文化。换句话说,公司应该是一个具有竞争力和相关性的学习型组织(Martins, and Martins, 2013)。为了克服与非学习型个体打交道的问题,公司应该参与改变原有的企业文化意识形态,营造学习环境。这可以通过创建一个解决许多复杂问题的共享领导来实现(Colmer, 2008)。这是在评估和满足学生,员工和社会的要求。他们应该能够发展一个反思性的学习过程,以促进持续的教学和员工的鼓励。这应该是他们组织文化的一部分。


It is the means of asking and learning while providing inputs for the growth of the people (Fulop, Frith, and Hayward, 199). These non-learning individuals are the people who cannot assert their claims and every new challenge that has been posed is considered to be a threat that should be handled. They do not provide constructive feedback and does not compromise to the newer emerging situations (Fulop, Frith, and Hayward, 199). The learning individuals in the organizations are acted the opposite. They provide continual feedback while conforming to the newer ideas and also continually improve themselves to meet the requirements of the situation. It was found from this analysis that employees of the company and the management of the company need to work in tandem to achieve best results. It is important to ensure that right employee is employed to undertake the tasks.

Apart from hiring the right candidates, there should be efforts done by the company to ensure that newer ideas are incorporated into the organizational culture based on the employee newer innovative insights. In other word, the company should be a learning organization to be competitive and relevant (Martins, and Martins, 2013). To overcome the issues of dealing with the non-learning individuals, the companies should be involved in changing the original ideology of the company culture to foster a learning environment. This can be achieved by creating a shared leadership that addresses many of the complex issues (Colmer, 2008). That is in the evaluation and meeting the requirements of the students, employees and the society. They should be able to develop a reflective learning process that fosters continual teaching and encouragement of the employees. This should a part of their organizational culture.