


对来自17个国家的7万名全球经理人进行了实证研究,以测试他们的管理能力。研究发现,与来自不同国家的管理者相比,中国管理者在员工管理方面得分较低。之所以会有这样的联想,是因为中国仍然是一个处于员工转型期的国家(Wang, and Ruona, 2004)。然而,在当前形势下,中国经理人面临着越来越大的压力,要求他们改变自己的行为,让自己变得更加西方化。

对3000名中国中层管理者进行了调查。研究发现,86%的管理者认为他们的方法需要改变,需要更多的职场学习(Wang, and Ruona, 2004)。在这一定量研究分析中,发现中国经理人需要制定自己的职业行为准则。本研究的局限性在于,本研究没有考虑文化背景因素,分析管理者的指标是基于西方的管理范式。然而,这项研究指出了中国管理者在工作场所层面的能力。


An empirical research among 70000 global managers from 17 countries was conducted to test their managerial capacities. It was found that the Chinese mangers in the research study scored very less in terms of the management of the employees when compared to the other managers from different countries. The reason for this allusion is that China is still a country that is under transition of the employees (Wang, and Ruona, 2004). In the current context, however, Chinese managers are facing increasing pressure to change their conduct to become more westernized.

A survey of 3000 middle level managers of China was conducted. It was found that 86% of the managers agreed that there is a need to change and have more workplace learning in their approach (Wang, and Ruona, 2004). In this quantitative research analysis, it has been found that there the Chinese managers need to develop their professional code of conduct. The limitations of this study was that the cultural context was not factored in this study and the metrics used to analyze the managers were based on the western style of management paradigm. However, this study points to the competence of the Chinese Managers at the work place level.