




Environmentalists are the primary resources of deforestation drive across the world and Indonesia is no exception. They have been stressing the point of corporate greed who forces the poor cultivators to shift their base who are constantly eying for new land, and corporate trying to snatch as much land as possible for their business expansion (Lanbin and Giest, 2003). This can be seen as an important contributor because the majority of logging that goes to are the corporate that create such type of demands in other countries and remain in disguise and only a progressing face to the world. In contrast, the political leaders in the region have been blaming the local communities for creating watershed functions losses, and are repetitively asked to change their land use practices or are advised or forced to give up their land altogether (Verbist, Dinata Putra and Budidarsono, 2005). This is again seen from the political leaders’ perspective and it is no surprise that the leaders have an upper hand in such situations by which they can alter or press the locals to change their practices or take away their land with disguised explanations. On the other hand, economists who are concerned about the deforestation because of its serious link to the wood and timber market worldwide causing fluctuations in prices, are of the view that the government is lagging behind in their policy initiatives because they are only focussed on proximate causes and not the underlying causes any kind of reforms may not succeed (Mikesell, 1993; Palmer, 2000).