


In many workplaces condition, more than one award applies to the employees. However, even in those cases, the modern award is complex and time-consuming. The enterprise agreement can aid in the streamlining of this process as it incorporates discussionhttps://www.advancedthesis.cas about overtime, penalty rates, individual allowances and other entitlements. It is easier to adhere to this framework. A flexibility clause and subjective clause is embedded in the structure to tailor the agreement to meet the specific requirements. For the employees, a situation where they feel “Better off Overall” attitude that would be created owing to adhering to this policy. There is strict pay that is relevant to the modern award (Forsyth and Stewart, 2009). This process bargaining in the enterprise agreement enables to create joint terms that would benefit all the employees. The majority of the needs of the employees would be addressed in this case. In spite of these benefits, some certain disadvantages continue to exists.
The main disadvantage is the cost and time involved for the approval process. The Fair Work Australia takes considerable time in the process of application. This is a strict process that enables the timeframe to be adhered. For the employees, they need to pay union fees and significant money to be a member (Forsyth and Stewart, 2009). It can be a hassle for some employees to pay the amount to be a part of the system. It is important to have the requirement of a majority vote. In these cases, the individual requirement can be overlooked in the process.
In conclusion, Fair Work Commission Enterprise agreement is beneficial to the parties. To the owners, it will be advised that by following the terms of the Fair Work Commission Enterprise agreement all the stakeholders who are involved in the agreement stand to gain in the process. All the people will be benefitted. If this is practiced an overall growth in the company can be observed. However, the company needs to be aware of the costs that are involved for the negotiations and the times that would be required for drafting agreements. These would require lesser time when compared to the modern awards. Owing to this, it has been advised that the company shifts its policy towards the Fair Work Commission Enterprise agreement.

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