




The next media item that I choose to discuss is a news item. ABC News Brisbane informs the viewers of a survey conducted by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) with regard to the choice of their political mandate. The survey led to the preparation of a scorecard, which showed a comparison between the environmental policies in reference to the Great Barrier Reef propounded by each political party contesting in the recent Queensland elections (Hinchliffe, 2015). There were six parameters to minimize dumping and dredging in the Great Barrier Reef heritage area, to stop farm pollution and improve the water quality of the reef, protection precious wetlands and Great Barrier Reef coastal region, protection of rivers, bush land, local community rights with the help of fair laws, conservation of fishes, turtles and other wildlife, and lastly reducing the average temperature of Queensland on which each party was given a percentage grading demarcated by a green turtle depending upon its sensitivity and degree of conservation of the environment while making policies (ABC News, 2015). Thus in this news item there is one very visible conclusion with regard to effective information dissemination. In this news report, it can be observed that environment is used as a political tool to raise awareness among common man regarding responsible environmental practices among the existing political parties. Hand in hand it tries to instil choice in people of their respective democratic representative depending upon the latter’s constructive environmental policymaking. Thus it can be said that the news report actually points out the gap between the policies already made and those that are required for a clean green environment. The report provokes common man to question the existing environmental policy framework and take an informed decision to vote for that party which can effectively bridge the gap. To make the scorecard visually appealing to gather maximum attention of the viewers and in order to strengthen the message of environmental sustainability, higher sensitivity towards the environment is shown with a green turtle while the opposite is shown with a red turtle and the depiction of the grey zones is through an orange turtle. To explain further, the symbolic usage of green depicts a situation of political control over the environmental policies and it also conveys growth and sustainability. The choice of the colour red on the other hand symbolizes a condition of risk. Not only did the WWF manage to statistically present the data, the representation of the results of the survey through colour coded turtles made it easy for a layman to comprehend the data and decide accordingly.