







旅行顾问在2000年开始形成,爬到顶部,一个网站的旅行者发布评论(Lee et al .,2011),也可以选择确认预订一个特定的酒店。旅行顾问选择因为它有超过3500万条评论,因此拥有最大数量的评论产生的观众。它不同于其他网站,因为它有五个级别的评论,从“优秀的”、“可怕的”(李,法律和墨菲,2011)。有各种其他原因旅行顾问被认为是更可靠的来源。首先,这是因为它被称为一个著名网站为客户反馈,和reputability授予的可靠性。也可能因为网站的评论根据他们的评分比较优秀的贫困。


This research aims at reviewing the elements and attributes of a hotel, such as cleanliness, services, comfort, and location are more important amidst travelers of the same region, to evaluate whether it is enough for one or more attributes to be met by a hotel in order to increase the rating of the hotel, or it requires all of them to be met. The main objectives of this research are to determine whether:
● Chinese are more prone to compliment or complaint behavior.
● Non-Chinese are more prone to compliment or complaint behavior.
● The importance of various attributes of the hotels to Chinese people.
● The importance of various attributes of the hotels to Non-Chinese people.
Trip Advisor began came into being in the year 2000 and has climbed its way to the top as a website on which travelers post reviews (Lee et al., 2011) and can also opt to confirm their bookings to a particular hotel. Trip Advisor is chosen because it has over 35 million reviews and therefore boasts the greatest number of reviews generated by its viewers. It is different from other websites as it has five levels of reviews, from ‘excellent’ to ‘terrible’ (Lee, Law & Murphy, 2011). There are various other reasons why Trip Advisor is considered as the more reliable source. Firstly, it is because it is known as a reputed website for customer feedback, and reputability confers reliability. It may also be because the website compares the reviews according to their ratings from excellent to poor.