


在中国最多样化形成产业存在使中国被称为世界工厂。近年来政府也改变了,(最多支持不同行业的企业属于国家作为国家政府了解这些企业对国家安全的重要性,特别是对自然资源使用、银行部门和行业的研究和发展电信(Zhi-gang et al,93 – 98)。在2003年,该国采取了提高该行业的主要朝着建立一个委员会以国有资产监督和管理它们,使它们扩大和变得更强(Fukase等,213)。中国的经济也可以被视为一个经济包容性与分散收集不同的区域经济之间的不平衡(这里有很多人口在农村和城市部门)。最重要的经济地区的躺在中国东部沿海地区:上海周围的长江三角洲地区,渤海湾地区接近北京和香港附近的珠江三角洲。这些领域迅速发展,并进一步将有重要影响对整个亚洲的经济区域,中国政府也制定的政策在某种程度上,它可以消除这些壁垒动态增长可观的财富和繁荣的地区。


Most diversely formed industries are present in China making China known as the Factory of the world. In recent years the government has also transformed and taken up-to support the enterprises owned by state in different sectors as the country’s government understanding the significance of these enterprises for security of the nation especially with regard to natural resources usage, banking sectors and sectors of research and development in telecommunications (Zhi-gang et al, 93-98). In 2003, the country had taken up boosting the sector of state leading towards setting up a commission for state owned assets in order to supervise them and administer them for making them expand and become stronger (Fukase et al, 213). The economy of China can also be considered as an economy inclusive of distinct regional economies with decentralized collection (here there is a lot of imbalance between the population in the rural sector and the urban sector). The most essential economic regions of China lie on its eastern coasts which are: The Yangtze River Delta surrounding the region of Shanghai, The Bohai Bay Region closer to Beijing and The Pearl River Delta near Hong Kong. These areas have rapidly developed and are further expected to have an essential impact on the economic region of Asia on the whole and the policy of the Chinese government is also formulated in a way that it can eliminate the barriers to dynamic growth in these regions with considerable wealth and prosperity.