


现代社会充斥着各种各样的产品,同一种产品有许多竞争对手。在这种情况下,企业必须了解消费者行为,分析消费者行为。消费者行为本身已成为一项研究,用来衡量群体的反应;公司的个人了解他们的需求,开发对他们有用的产品(Schiffma et al., 2013)。他们需要了解消费者的行为,并开发满足这些需求的度量标准。在这方面,苹果iWatch的消费者行为已经被详细披露。这是公司开发的一种相对较新的产品。这种创新是公司产品多元化政策的一个重要方面。本报告的目的是了解Apple iWatch产品,从产品分析、产品属性、市场细分、目标消费者、消费者行为等方面进行推荐。

该产品的营销目标是成为新兴智能手表类别的市场领导者。产品的形象控制是通过产品的定价和促销活动(Wilson, Eckhardt & Belk, 2015)。Apple watch是苹果众多科技产品中的最新款。苹果手表被认为是市场上最高的科技手表。在心理分析部分,喜欢“一体机”的人会喜欢购买这个小玩意。这款手表是为那些希望快速浏览信息、轻松支付、轻松GPS和其他东西的客户设计的。苹果公司将苹果手表的三个细分市场细分为多个设计的细分市场。这对苹果公司来说是很有意义的,因为它可以让尽可能多的人拥有这款产品。


Modern society is inundated with products and there are a number of competitors for the same product. In this situation, it has become imperative for the companies to understand the consumer behaviour and analyse consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour has in itself become a study that is used to gauge the responses on the groups; individuals of companies understand their requirements and develop products that are useful to them (Schiffma et al., 2013). They need to understand about the consumer behaviour and develop metrics to cater to those requirements. For this aspect the consumer behaviour for Apple iWatch has been divulged in detail. This is a relatively new product that has been created by the company. This creation is an important aspect of the product diversification policy of the company. The purpose of this report is to understand about Apple iWatch product and develop recommendation from analysis of the product, the attributes of the product, market segmentation, target consumer and consumer behaviour.

Marketing objectives of the product is to become the market leader for the fledging smart watch category. Image control of the product is through pricing and promotional campaigns of the product (Wilson, Eckhardt & Belk, 2015). The Apple watch is the latest edition to Apple’s fleet of technology products. The Apple watch is sought to be the highest tech watch in the market. On a psychographic segment, people who would love “all-in one” would love to buy this gadget. The watch is for the customers who would wish to have quick glance at info, easy pay, easy GPS, and other stuff. Apple Inc broke the three segments of Apple watches into sub-segments with multiple designs for each segment. This makes sense for Apple to get the product into as many hands as possible.