

Anne Karpf的书与人在他们的生活开始前的个人步在摇篮直到他们在他们的坟墓中休息的经历有着密切的。一个婴儿在出生前就很清楚母亲的声音,能很好地分辨出母亲和其他人的声音.。一个人的死亡是很烦听到有人失去然后看着照片后的空洞的声音。每个人都有独特的声音,这是复杂的,以自己的方式和声音的方式是敏锐地听到别人,甚至我们当别人说话。在这个地球上没有其他物种被祝福的声乐多样性的分数,没有人有能力使用任何文化和语言方面具有相同的效果,他们的声乐资源的能力。据墨西哥泽套语有描述语音的各方面不同的话。这也是说,演讲时切断主流对话帮助演讲者在小便或大便外(VLă杜ţescu,2013)。
没有声音的生活几乎是不可想象的几乎所有的人。如果一个人无法沟通,感觉像是静音的蚯蚓,这会丧失范围以外的礼物听力语言人类喜欢。Anne Karpf说:“声音是什么它是心是人”。安妮肯定地说,这是人的一般需要生命的礼物是理所当然,甚至不承认在一个适当的生活方式的礼物的真正重要性(曼尼恩,2012)。平衡是纠正了由Anne Karpf提供的生命礼物即人类的声音的确切位置,由于信贷。安妮与她的书试图打开人的眼睛视觉偏见对语言。人类的声音有其独特的意义,甚至可以创造奇迹。安妮试图把人类带到一个不熟悉但相当吸收的心理旅程上.。语言的旅程之后的演讲产生通过肺、气管、鼻子、下巴、嘴唇和舌头在开放和语音信号的世界被大脑解码时的声音进入人体通过鼓膜外耳和动作,最后穿过它进入大脑,内耳语言信号进行解码。

The book of Anne Karpf is closely linked to the experiences of human being in their lives which starts before the individuals step in the cradle till they rest in their graves. A baby before taking birth is well aware of the voice of his mother and can very well differentiate between the voice of his mother and others. After an individual dies it is very upsetting to hear the disembodied voice of someone who has lost then looking at a photograph. Each person has unique sound which is complex in its own ways and the way in which the voice is keenly heard by others and even by us when others speak. No other species on this earth are blessed with the fractions of vocal diversities and none has the ability to use their vocal resources over anything that has the same effect in terms of cultural and language aspects. According to the Mexican Tzeltal there are different words for describing the various aspects of speech. It is also said that the speech cut off during a mainstream conversation helps the speaker in urinating or defecating outside (Vlăduţescu, 2013).
Without voice life is unimaginable for almost all human beings. If any individual is unable to communicate, feels like mute as the earthworms and this would forfeit the beyond the range gift of hearing and speech enjoyed by human beings. Anne Karpf says “the voice lies at the heart of what it is to be human”. Anne has rightly said this as human’s in general takes the gifts of life for-granted and do not even recognize the real importance of the gifts of life in a proper manner (Mannion,2012). The balance to be redressed has been set out by Anne Karpf for providing the gift of life i.e. the human voice its exact place and due credit. Anne with her book tries to open the eyes of human beings for their visual biasness towards language. The human voices have their own unique significance and can even do wonders. Anne has well tried to take the human beings onto a psychological journey that is unfamiliar but is quite absorbing. The journey of languages is followed by speeches that generate through lungs, trachea, nose, jaws, lips and tongue out to the world in open and the signals of the voice are decoded by the brain when the voice enters the body through outer ear and moves through eardrums and finally moving through the inner ear it enters the brain where language signals are decoded.