


这里必须提到的是,消费者行为有几个重要的驱动因素,可以是内部的或外部的。消费者影响他或她对产品或服务的购买行为的内部驱动因素可以分为心理,社交和个人三种类型(Hawkins等,2013)。消费者行为的社会因素包括广泛的顾客购买决策驱动因素,如社会地位和社会文化依赖的产品和服务需求,家庭,参考群体和基于节日的购买活动等。可以将几种因素视为心理驱动因素(Zeugner et al。,2015)的建议中提到的消费者行为,如购买动机,品牌忠诚度,价格或质量意识,购买态度,对产品和服务的看法等。此外,消费者行为的个人因素包括最广泛的消费者购买决策驱动因素,如人口因素(如年龄,性别或国家),收入水平以及产品或服务的后续支付能力,教育水平以及随后对产品和服务的感知,基于生活方式的产品或服务的个人需求等(Solomon等,2013)。

Lantos(2015)认为消费者行为的外部驱动因素涉及多种因素。应该指出,组织的营销和推广活动是消费者行为的最重要的外部驱动因素之一。组织的广告以及有关产品或服务的共享信息是改变客户对产品和服务及其相关特性,特性和用处的意识的最重要因素之一。另一方面,科恩等人。 (2014年)认为,明星赞同广告通过利用他们的附件和对更大名人的偏好,从心理上推动顾客的购买行为。 Gunter和Furnham(2014)指出了人们越来越多地使用互联网和社交媒体平台对购买行为和对产品和服务的看法的影响。


It has to be mentioned here that consumer behaviour has several significant drivers which could be either internal or external. The internal drivers of a consumer to influence his or her buying behaviour towards products or services can be classified into three kinds which are psychological, social and personal (Hawkins et al., 2013). The social factors of consumer behaviour include a wide range of customer buying decision drivers, such as social status and social culture dependent product and service needs, family, reference groups and festival based purchasing activities etc. Several kinds of factors could be considered as psychological drivers of consumer behaviour, such as buying motivation, brand loyalty, price or quality consciousness, buying attitude, perception towards products and services etc., as referred from the suggestion of Zeugner et al., (2015). Moreover, personal factor of consumer behaviour includes the widest range of consumer buying decision drivers, like demographic factors (like age, sex or national), income level and subsequent affordability of products or services, level of education and subsequent perception of products and services, personal requirements of products or services based on lifestyle etc. (Solomon et al., 2013).

Lantos (2015) argued that external driver of consumer behaviour involves several kinds of factors. It should be mentioned that marketing and promotional activity of organisations is one of the most significant external drivers of consumer behaviour. Advertisements of organisations and shared information about products or services are one of the most significant factors for changing awareness of customers about products and services and their associated features, characteristics and usefulness as well. On the other hand, Cohen et al. (2014) argued that celebrity endorsed advertisements psychologically drive the buying behaviour of customers through utilising their attachments and preference of bigger celebrity personalities. Gunter and Furnham (2014) pointed out the influence of increasing use of internet and social media platforms among people on their buying behaviour and perception towards products and services.