

温哥华代写-品牌资产的品牌战略。最近在品牌文献中开发的几个有用的度量和构造包括品牌资产、品牌爱、品牌依恋、品牌信任和品牌社区。然而,品牌资产的计量尺度和概念尚未形成。到目前为止,大多数研究都集中在功利性产品的类别和属性上。欧洲品牌历来是最受追捧的奢侈品牌。大约四十年前,这些品牌是最著名的,虽然与此同时他们都很小。全球化的到来为这些著名的欧洲品牌提供了一个机会,通过显著增长超越他们的忠实顾客小圈子,来增加他们的品牌资产。为了增加他们的品牌价值,当务之急是要有一个恰当的营销策略。这些策略不可能是通常的营销策略,因为这将有助于它们的增长,但同时也将它们排除在奢侈品品牌的细分市场之外。因此,他们提出了一种创新的商业策略,这对这些奢侈品牌的持续成功起到了重要作用。这一策略的营销方面是本研究的重点。这涉及到所谓的反市场法(Brockhaus 1980)。这个词是在定义反直觉管理原则时创造出来的,正是这一原则使得这些品牌能够获得令人难以置信的利润率和定价权。

The first step involves the understanding of the luxury market. The main three strategies that are pursued by these luxury brands in increasing their brand equity are premium, fashion and luxury. There is huge difference between these three strategies. In the short term, there is not much of change to the most basic customers (Davis et al. 1980). However, while managing the brands, there are some key differences. When implementing the premium or the fashion strategy, the style of classical marketing works very well. All aspects of marketing management need to be considered when implementing a luxury strategy.
The aim of the luxury strategy is to create the pricing power and highest brand value with the leverage of all singular intangible elements such as, prestigious clients, small series, craftsmanship, country of origin, heritage, time, etc.
The fashion strategy represents a business model that is totally different. In this strategy, time and heritage is not essential as being fashionable is the selling point of the fashion, which essentially mean a value that is very perishable.
The summary of the premium strategy is to get more by paying more. The goal in this strategy is proving, with benchmarking and comparison; that within this category, this is the best value.

The original development of the luxury strategy was with the purpose of defining the luxury market. It is related to this market, that the most efficient strategy is formulated. In the other markets, it is very rarely met this way, the brands such as, Nespresso and Apple has demonstrated their success there.

The positioning is at the heart of a brand strategy that will improve the brand equity. The positioning is related to UCCA (unique and convincing competitive advantage) and USP (unique selling proposition). The specifications related to the positioning are the cornerstone for every successful brand that is conveyed through the price, products and services, communication and distribution. The positioning is image that a consumer holds about a brand and then creates a preference for that brand. Therefore, an effective positioning is important to improve the brand equity.

For the experiential products, the conjunction of brand space, communication, elements of the products and the interaction among them make up the brand experience for the customers. The brand perceptions and the brand evaluation of the customers are formed on the basis of these interactions. These things are creator of brand equity in the mind space of the customers. The methods of experiential branding impacts various brand equity dimensions that must be considered carefully by the brand managers and the marketers when they utilize these methods. There are four elements of brand equity, with each of them providing experiential branding that can be effectively used: (a) differentiation; (b) relevance; (c) esteem; and (d) knowledge.

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