

温哥华代写-保健品的营销组合分析,营销组合由四个p组成:产品、价格、促销和地点。它是掌握市场可见度所必需的营销手段之一。没有适当的营销组合,这个品牌就无法在市场上产生影响。只有满足消费者的需求,才能获得品牌的正面印象(Constantinides, 2014)。所有来自瑞士、布莱克莫、UGG、百健健、纽乐的保健品都应该让中国人可以买到。这些产品既要符合顾客的口味,又要使顾客满意。在保健品上市之前,需要了解产品的生命周期。一个产品需要多长时间才能成长、成熟并最终随着竞争对手的崛起而衰落。增加产品线也可以形成一种积极的策略,突出产品的功能以增加销售。接下来有关温哥华代写-保健品的营销组合分析如下:

The marketing mix comprises of four Ps: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. It is one of the essential tools of marketing that is required to grasp the visibility of the market. Without any proper marketing mix, the brand will fail to create its impact on the market. The positive impression of the brand can only be attained if only it satisfies the demand of the consumers (Constantinides, 2014). The product that is all the health care products from Swiss, Blackmore, UGG, Bioglan, Nulax should be made accessible to the people in China. These products should match the taste of the customers as well as satisfy them. Before the launch of the health products, the life cycle of the products should be obtained i.e how long a product will take to grow, mature and eventually decline with the rise in competitors in the fields. Increasing the product line can also result to a positive strategy where the functions of the product are highlighted to increase its sale.

The price is another important element that lets the customer pay for the product. The price needs to be tagged as per the income of the market and the willingness of the customer to pay for the products (Todorova, 2015). For instance, if the price of the cornmeal or the body lotion is high in China, it will not attract the population that relies on small income. Thus, the price should be placed in such a way so that the population of the meagre income can purchase it. If the market of the product is not large, it will not be able to increase the sale and profitability. The promotion is held with different medium like advertisements and public promotion. In China, advertisements can be done in various forms like digital media, events and sponsorship. The advertisement is the main medium to make people aware of the brand and its products. The main platforms that one can choose to advertise in China and Hong Kong are e-commerce sites, blogs and social networks and online gaming. It is important to choose a suitable place that becomes convenient for the customers to purchase their products.

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