

說每個能夠上網的人都在廣泛使用社交媒體並不是沒有道理的。無論是建立一個社交圈,找到新的工作,還是簡單地了解社會上正在進行的活動。社交媒體已經影響到生活的方方面面,無論是媒體、新聞、廣告、營銷、娛樂等等。所有這些主要是用英語來完成的。現代語言的使用方式徹底改變了英語的演變。例如,在短信和網絡聊天中使用的語言,多為縮寫,不使用元音。這些問題有時會成為語言專家關注和煩惱的問題。這些詞在人們中使用過多,最終在牛津英語詞典中佔有一席之地,成為語言本身的一部分。 CCTV(閉路攝像頭)現在正式成為一個英語單詞。所以現在要創造一個詞,不需要依賴於他的作品在媒體上印刷。同樣,英語語法也受到了互聯網風暴的影響,比如“to谷歌”現在是一個可以接受的動詞。 (Kleinman, 2010)
然而,對於一些語言專家來說,這些變化是壓倒性的。他們擔心,從長遠來看,對語言結構的漫不經心的態度會降低它的地位。然而,社交媒體也為語言的實驗、學習、發展和挑戰提供了一個豐富的平台。 (Reed, 2014)網絡語言的現代化無疑影響了網絡語言的變化,每一個變化在一開始都受到抵制,所以這種變化是令人不悅的,因為它會污染學習者的思維。但是,說互聯網正在惡化語言結構是沒有道理的。互聯網正在拉近世界的距離,也是一個偉大的媒體,鞏固了世界上存在的關於各種主題的大量知識。英語語言也受益於這個工具,因為現在人們可以閱讀一個人寫的論文,坐在地理位置相反的世界的一部分,這是不可能沒有互聯網。


It would not be unjustified to say that everyone who has access and ability to use internet, is using social media extensively. Whether it is to form a social circle, find new jobs, or simply to remain updated with the ongoing activities in ones society. The social media has affected every possible sphere of life, be it media, news, advertisement, marketing, entertainment and the list goes on. All this is done primarily using the English language. The modern way of using language is completely revamped the evolution of English. For example the language used on the text messages and internet chats, mostly written as abbreviations without using the vowels. These sometimes become a matter of concern and annoyance for the language experts. These words with excessive use among people end up claiming place in the Oxford English Dictionary, making them part of the language itself eg. Word CCTV (close circuit camera) is now officially an English word. So now to coin a word one need not to be dependent on getting his work printed in press media. Similarly grammar of English is also getting affected by the internet storm, like ‘to Google’ is now an acceptable verb. (Kleinman, 2010)
These kinds of changes are overwhelming for some language experts though. They fear that casual attitude towards the language construct would degrade it in a long run. Nevertheless, social media has also given a rich platform to do experiment, learn, develop and challenge the language. (Reed, 2014)The modernization of language on the internet has definitely influenced changes in it and as every change is resisted at inception, so is this change frowned upon citing that it is polluting the learners’ minds when it comes to advanced English. But stating that internet is deteriorating the language structure will not be justifiable. Internet is bringing the world closer and also a great medium of consolidating the vast amount of knowledge present in the world on various subjects. English language is also benefitting from this tool as now one can read the thesis written by a person sitting in geographically opposite part of the world, which could never have been possible without internet.
