标签存档: 温莎市论文代写






As the development of economy and communication instruments, commercial activities have proceeded beyond the boundary of nations. Accordingly, the present world has turned into a large-scale global marketplace. In order to comply with this trend, there has generated a thirsty demand for more elites in this area. As a student who has been deeply attracted in business, I possess the aspiration to continue my further study in a postgraduate university and obtain a master’s degree in the accounting and finance major. As my optimal choice, I firmly believe that both my academic target and career object can be fulfilled in the University of Bath.

Growing up in Hong Kong, a business centre leading in international exchange and commerce services, the dense commercial atmosphere there has profoundly influenced my interest cultivation. Recently, economic development in mainland China and the increasing intimate business relationship between mainland China and Hong Kong have also enlarged the market demand for professional business talents in Hong Kong. In addition, the flourishing economy with high speed development will always be able to evoke my desire to overcome difficulties. For all these reasons, a challenging specialty of business has been chosen in my undergraduate years. There have been totally seven years since the first year I learnt business in my secondary school in Hong Kong. Fundamental professional knowledge has been acquired during my undergraduate school years, and my passionate for this major has also been increased day by day with more specialized skills obtained. Currently, my undergraduate study is coming to an end.



皮皮岛(Phi Phi Don)风景正如LP《泰国》手册所说:尽管与泰国其他地区相比,皮皮岛消费水平略高,但若与其他地方的美丽岛屿相比,你会发现这个人间乐园实际上便宜得令人忍不住窃笑。皮皮岛位于泰国南部的安达曼海,由大皮皮和小皮皮组成,这一片美丽海域是怒江的入海口。游客们通常住在大皮皮岛上,两座岛由一条“走廊”连接起来。这条走廊就是皮皮岛最热闹的地方,很多旅店、餐厅、酒吧、潜水学校、旅行代理和小摊贩,密集地分布在小巷左右。走廊两边是两个非常漂亮的海湾,一个叫罗达拉木湾(Ao Lo Dalum),一个叫通赛湾(Ton Sai Bay),在这两个海湾之间往返只要步行10分钟,相当悠闲写意。这儿最大的诱惑之一就是温暖湿润的气候——年平均气温28℃,温差很小。游客喜欢选择下午时分在普吉岛码头坐上去往皮皮岛的游轮(单程票价约为350泰铢,折合人民币73元),我们也不例外。游轮上几乎全是白皮肤蓝眼睛的西方面孔,欧美人士对皮皮岛的热爱可见一斑。沿途海景美不胜收,大约一个半小时后,游轮就能到达大皮皮的码头通塞湾。一眼望去,很难想象这里曾经在2004年遭受过大海啸的袭击——当时陆地有70%的建筑被毁。下了游轮,发现旅店的伙计已经在码头等候多时。旅店的老板还热情地送上一张岛上的地图。休整一番之后,正好可以去罗达拉木湾的海滩发呆、看日落。在海边,天黑没有明显的界限,刚才还是一片夕阳映海的景象,只消一眨眼的功夫,就很难分辨哪里是海哪里是天了。
