标签存档: 论文代写哪个好



Meyer, Harlrarl和Schellack(2016)将阿尔茨海默病(AD)描述为一种退化性脑病,它是由神经细胞的破坏和大脑皮层的中性连接造成的,这一疾病导致了80%的痴呆症病例。因此,随着时间的推移,这将导致一个人的记忆和认知功能的逐渐和永久的恶化。虽然失忆是最大的临床特征之一,但语言问题、个人卫生状况不佳、情绪的极端变化以及家人和朋友的认知度下降也是广告发展的警示信号。风险因素包括年龄、高血压、CVA、脑瘤和糖尿病(Meyer et al., 2016)。

细胞内的淀粉样斑块和神经纤维缠结的形成是AD发展的标志特征。这导致了神经元的死亡和大脑内突触的丢失。这种病理过程导致一个人的记忆和认知功能的逐渐丧失(Kocahan & Dogan 2017)。NMDA受体内的谷氨酸神经元的失调也得到了临床证据的支持,以减少AD患者的学习和记忆功能。这是由于高浓度的谷氨酸神经元引起的NMDA受体的慢性激活,导致神经退化的过度激活。各种各样的假设已经发表在AD的发病机制上,而当他们得出相同的神经毒性和突触破坏的结论时,他们的大脑(Kocahan & Dogan 2017)的病理改变也会有轻微的不同。


Meyer, Harlrarl, and Schellack (2016) describe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as a degenerative brain disease caused by the destruction of nerve cells and neutral connections in the cerebral cortex that is responsible for up to 80% of dementia cases. Consequently, over time, this causes a gradual and permanent deterioration of one’s memory and cognitive functions. Although memory loss is one of the biggest clinical features, language problems, poor personal hygiene, extreme changes in mood and decreased recognition of family and friends are also warning signs of the development of AD. Risk factors include age, hypertension, CVA, brain tumors and diabetes (Meyer et al., 2016).

The formation of amyloid-beta plaque and neurofibrillary tangles within the intracellular space are the hallmark characteristics in the development of AD. This leads to the death of neurons and loss of synapses within the brain. This pathological process causes the progressive loss of a person’s memory and cognitive function (Kocahan & Dogan 2017). Dysregulation of glutamatergic neurons within the NMDA receptors is also well supported by clinical evidence to decrease learning and memory functions in people with AD. This is due to higher concentrations of glutamatergic neurons causing chronic activation of the NMDA receptors resulting in neurodegeneration due to excessive activation. Various other hypothesizes have been published on the pathogenesis of AD and whilst all differ slightly when they come to the same conclusion of neurotoxicity and synaptic destruction that results in pathological changes in the brain (Kocahan & Dogan 2017).








Many theories of corporate structure will understand debt and equity in the traditional sense. For instance, as the David Durand theory in corporate structuring shows, there can be two extreme views. Firstly, the net income approach states that the cost of debt and equity that is to be assessed is independent of the capital structuring. Such a representation is quite radical. The net operating income approach attempts to look at the same, with a different outcome. On the other hand, the cost of equity is assumed here to increase directly and linearly with average. The traditional theory is much different in that it views corporate structuring in a form of compromise of net income and net operating views.


According to the traditional view therefore, the cost of capital will decrease and increases with average. Usually, three stages of decrease and increase in the cost of capital will indicate three different leverages are observed in the traditional view. Firstly, the traditional view is criticized based on the implication that totality in risk is suffered by all security orders, while the assumption is challenged by other researchers such as Modigliani and Miller. The MM hypothesis as is named, argues that securities are usually traded under perfect marketing situations where risk classes are more homogeneously constructed.



这种设计导致了IP地址的浪费的消除和允许发展计划就未来的使用(mirzahossein et al,2013)


用于配置的第一个命令是(config)#路由器EIGRP 123和网络地址,需要宣传的是(config-if)#网络11.12.13.0。


萨默顿# config t
萨默顿(config)#路由器EIGRP 123

除此之外,它还需要在兰波特路由器是由类似的命令取代“萨默顿’与’ Langport ‘做配置EIGRP。




EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) is a routing protocol which is based on its previous version i.e. IGRP. In the central Somerset, the configuration of EIGRP is done between the Somerton, Street, Compton Dundon and Langport routers where the Autonomous System Number (AS) which is used across every router.
The Address of the network and the Subnet Scheme which has been used for this kind of network is and allows the use of 254 hosts each of which consists of 8 bits. In order to meet the infrastructure requirements the network IP may be required to be added to the subnet.
This kind of design led to the elimination of the wastage of the IP address and permitted the use of the development plans with respect to the future (Mirzahossein et al, 2013)

Configuration of EIGRP

The EIGRP can be configured at the basic level itself and the two step process is followed for the purpose of the configuration so as to make the Central Somerset fully operational.
The first command used for the configuration is the (config) # Router EIGRP 123 and the network address which is needed to be advertised is (Config-if) # Network

In order to configure EIGRP on the Somerton router, the following commands are used:

Somerton # config t
Somerton (Config) # Router EIGRP 123
Somerton (Config-If) # Network
Somerton (Config-If) # Exit

Other than this, it is also required to configure the EIGRP on the Langport Router which is done by the similar commands by replacing the word ‘Somerton’ with the ‘Langport’.

Route Maps
The purpose of route maps is to enable a control over the input and output during the process of routing the information. In addition to this, it can be also used for modifying the conditions for routing by implementing certain conditions. Thus, route maps helps for the purpose of routing the information from one protocol to the other. Furthermore, it can also be used for controlling the method of routing of the information.

In this report the detailed explanation has been provided for the purpose of designing of Central Somerset network by using the OSPF and EIGRP within the networked environment. Thus, this report clearly explains the importance of function Somerset system. The process of routing the information has also been studied.









Following are the issues recognised in the case study and two recommendations to meet customer needs.

  1. The delivery of the computers is broadly 1.5 days over and above the benchmarked standards of delivery time. This is a lack of service that may or may not be demanded by the customers. Delivering the product after the benchmark delivery time in the industry can probably back fire a poor feedback from the customers, when they demand the delivery to be much faster than the standard delivery time. If it is more delayed than the standard time, this is a poor customer service and not the way of benchmarking it with a quality service tag.
  2. The phone line being a single one has caused a lot of dead calls from a lot of customers, and this is very poor service which may embarrass the customers and also develop wrong perception about Dell computers in the customers mind.
  3. The repeat business is close to 48% and below the required standard of 75%, which makes an enforcement of new customer acquisition which may be costlier than servicing a repeat customer. The earlier service gap of delayed delivery and a single phone line may encourage the customers to avoid shopping the product for the second time. Thus, the poor service is interrelated to each other and enhances other poor services.
  4. The price of the computers are 12% lower than the market price and competition and this is one quality that the company may win more customers but it has to be an added advantage in the entire service mix. This is an advantage which it can use to enhance its other gaps in the quality service provisions of offering online support to multiple customers at a time, and also to improve the delivery time and match it with the standardised time of delivery as performed by the customers.



策略是商业理论中最重要的概念之一。据玛格丽塔(2003)、战略管理概念吸引了所有概念之间的极大关注。这就是为什么没有人能否认战略在经营中的重要性。麦基,et al.,(2010),认为战略是一种处理外部机会和威胁,内部的优势和劣势,实现组织的使命交会法。


1978,Hikma制药是由Samih Darwazah先生在安曼创办的乔丹。Darwazah在制药公司工作了12年后成立的Hikma制药。约旦是个小国家,但有一个开明的政府鼓励投资的Hikma在约旦制药产业发展其业务。的Hikma制药的愿景是通过以成本效益的价格到世界各地的客户提供高质量的药品的公司转变为世界一流的制药公司。通过发展有机增长与完善的销售和营销活动,通过企业的Hikma制药收购是其长期目标的完成工作。公司的业务扩展建立Hikma为跨国制药企业,其稳定增长保持声誉的公司,其产品的市场定位,产品的质量也在全球医疗市场的有效成本起着至关重要的作用。


A strategy is one of the most crucial concepts in business theory. According to Magretta (2003), the concept of strategy attracts the maximum attention among all the concepts of management. This is the reason that no one can deny the importance of strategy in operating the business. Mcgee, et al., (2010), mentions that strategy is a method of dealing with the intersection of external chances and threats with internal advantages and disadvantages in order to achieve the mission of the organization.

The Pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest and most profitable businesses of the world. Pharmaceutical companies have to comply with the rules and regulations formed by the governments and other relevant authorities due to high concern for safety and medical treatments for the patients. Pharmaceutical industries have to face high risks of failure in Research and Development of medicines and the costs involved in that research process.

In 1978, Hikma pharmaceutical was founded by Mr. Samih Darwazah in Amman Jordon. Darwazah after working in a pharmaceutical company for 12 years founded Hikma pharmaceuticals. Jordan is a small country but has a liberal government which encouraged investments by Hikma to develop its business in the pharmaceutical industry of Jordan. The vision of Hikma pharmaceuticals is to transform the company into the world-class pharmaceutical company by delivering high quality medicines at cost effective prices to customers all over the world. Through development in the organic growth with improved sales and marketing activities, by the acquisition of firms Hikma pharmaceuticals is working for the achievement of its long term objectives.  Expansion of the operations of the company plays a vital role in establishing Hikma into a multinational pharmaceutical company with its steady growth by holding a reputation of a company that has positioned its products in the market as quality products which are also cost effective in the global health care market.




然而,一段时间以来,风力开始稳步上升,潮水不断冲击更远的岛屿。天气局负责人艾萨克·克莱恩(Isaac M. Cline)驾驶一辆被马拉着的手推车,警告人们并要求他们离开。在城市,情况完全相反,撤离的人很少。但是,在许多沿着海滩的人们等到太晚之后,在较大的建筑物中寻找任何类型的避难所,优选在远离海湾的市区,在从加尔维斯顿岛到大陆的桥梁下降之前,靠近沙滩的房屋开始倒塌。过了一段时间,当时德克萨斯州第四大城市的大约三分之二被摧毁,因为这场风暴促成了从一排建筑物中提取残骸,并把它扔在巢排上。那些试图通过水和风来寻求避难所的人有时会被屋顶的飞行石板斩首,并被卡住的木材和砖块卡住(Bradley 1975,pp365,第1段)。



However, over the period of time the wind started to increase steadily and also the tide kept crashing farther islands. Around the low areas the official in charge of the Weather Bureau (Isaac M. Cline) drove a cart which was drawn by the horse so as to warn people and asking them to leave. In the city, the situation as totally opposite, there were very less people who evacuated. But, before many people along the beach waited until too late to look for any kind of shelter in the larger buildings preferably in the downtown area which was away from the Gulf and before the bridges from the Galveston Island to the mainland fell, there were many houses which were near the beach started to fall first. Over a period of time, about two-third of the city which was then the fourth largest in Texas was destroyed as the storm contributed in lifting the debris from one row of building and hurling it against the nest row. People who were trying to make their way through the water and wind for the purpose of seeking refuge were sometimes decapitated by the flying slate from roofs and were stuck by hurtling lumber and bricks (Bradley 1975, pp365 para.1).

Before the anemometer which measures the speed of the wind blew away, the highest velocity of wind which was registered was about an average of 84 miles an hour at 5:15 P.M for a period of five minutes. However, there were recording of 100 miles an hour of gusts and later the estimates of the weathermen’s reached about 120 miles per hour. A sudden rise of four feet in depth of the water was caused by a sweeping ashore in advance of hurricane’s vortex. Moreover, after a few time the complete city was in the water to a depth maximizing up to 15 feet.








其中一位着名的设计师是珀西·埃弗雷特(Percy Everett),他在北美教育期间学习的艺术结构围绕住房建造。

下面是一个三维设计(装饰艺术风格)的插图,融合了全系列的风水形状和图案 – Percy Everett,1983年,Essendon技术学校。 。 (Stephen A,Goad P,Mc Namara A,2008)


This gives rise, as a consequence to modernity which is referred to as change occurring in social relations and intellectual values which are associated with the advent of capitalism. It refers to a transition from feudal or agrarian society towards secularism, capitalism and nationalism.

In this discussion, it should be clear that all these paradigms are a product of or the consequence of World War 1, from where the modernization movement originated in western society.

Architecture in Melbourne: A journey to Modernity

The interwar period (the period between World War I and World War II) saw a major evolution in the world of art and architecture in Australia. The influences of World War 1 and great depression triggered the need and advent of a new era of art and architecture which owed its inception to industrialization and modernity. The architects drew their inspiration from either of the two ways of being modern- modernism and art deco. Modernism coming from Europe and art deco coming in as an influence from North America and Europe the artists of Australia allowed themselves to gather inspiration from the different sources to make way for a new kind of orientation. The easy movement and immigration of Australian designers to America and Europe brought in the new style back to their homeland.

One such noted designer was Percy Everett who built homes around the art structures he had learnt during his education in North America.

Below is an illustration of a three dimensional designing (art deco style) incorporating full range of geomantic shapes and motifs- Percy Everett, 1983, Technical School Essendon. . (Stephen A, Goad P, Mc Namara A, 2008)



根据这项研究,可以说,组织或参加了一些不同的原因,包括为获得合法性的需要的网络,以有效的方式服务客户,吸引更多的可用资源,并解决复杂的问题(edelenbos et al.,2010)。网络高度重视对系统、流程和人员的投资,通过调整这三个要素,组织能够通过网络的高级服务获得成功。网络管理服务的目的是增加IT的内部资源,为客户提供预防性维护的主动制度。
由于其本身的责任,网络管理是保证网络的用户将接收的信息技术服务,以准确的维修质量(通过et al.,2010b)。对网络服务和网络的维护、操作和工程师的战术和战略规划可以完成。本文从网络管理的信任和策略两个方面,对网络管理的积极成果进行了识别。基于这一分析,可以说网络管理不仅要求信任的准确程度,而且对信任程度有着重要的影响。未来,它已被确定,它变得非常调整业务策略和网络管理的策略(lenferink et al.,2013)。然而,这种调整为大、中、小型企业提供了一些积极的结果。


In the light of this research, it can be stated that organizations form or join networks for a number of different reasons that include the need for gaining legitimacy, serving the clients in an efficient manner, attracting more available resource, and addressing complex issues (Edelenbos et al., 2010). Network stay highly focused on making investment in systems, processes and people, and by aligning these three elements, organizations is able to enjoy success by the advanced services of network. The service of network management has been designed for augmenting the internal resources of IT for the provision of proactive regimes for preventative maintenance in favour of the customers.
By its very responsibility, management of networks involves ensuring that the users of the network will be receiving the services of information technology, with the maintenance of accurate quality (Klijn et al., 2010b). Tactical and strategic planning over the maintenance, operations and engineers of the network service and network can be done. This essay has identified the positive outcomes of network management in terms of different elements that include trust and strategy for network management. Based on this analysis, it can be stated that network management not only requires accurate level of trust, but it also has a major impact over the level of trust. Further ahead, it has been identified that it becomes extremely for aligning the strategies of business with the strategies of network management (Lenferink et al., 2013). However, this alignment provides several positive outcomes for large, small or medium business enterprises.
Hence, this essay helps in proving the point that the positive outcomes of functions performed by network management are highly dependent on certain factor such as available requirements, level of responsiveness and the level of flexibility as well.





The three major aspects of one’s social life which directly impact the economics of the nation are health, education and crime. The former two affect the overall human development index as they carry a third share each in the HDI. Crime is important because if the crime rate is high, it leads to a lot of uncertainty in the life of the citizen. People who have the ability to learn and work and earn for themselves are not very interested in doing so because a part of their earnings go to the extortionists and the mafias. They would either loot them or use other illicit measures to obtain what were rightfully others. This uncertainty hinders people from earning their living and by default; they choose to go about living wrongly- in an immoral way.

A good proportion of the people believe that education is not getting better over the years. 16.12% believe that it has gotten worse, 30.62% believe that it is getting little worse and an equal proportion of the respondents believe that it has stayed about the same. While the median voter here finds himself in the middle zone i.e., education hasn’t change much, 46.74% people believe that it has gone worse. Consecutively, education needs to be a top agenda on the election propaganda.

A similar, if not worse situation is evident in the sector of health. 24.84% people believe that NHS is getting a lot worse whereas 37.98% believe that it has gotten a little worse making a total of 62.82% in the group who are disappointed by the performance of health care facilities in the country. The median voter clearly lies in the disparaged zone and health needs to be addressed, perhaps given more importance than education.

The picture for crime rates is a bit better. Yet, only 18.41% people believe that crime rate has fallen. 23.76% believe that it has increased a little.




遵循相同的逻辑,虚拟变量已被用于确定其他变量(如国家和团队)的影响。 分析中使用的数据来自网站Ultimate A-League。得分最多的年龄组的计算可以通过直方图完成。分析基于5岁年龄组从15岁开始分配数据。因此,年龄组包括15至19岁,20至24岁等。对整个数据以及一些具有大量数据点的组进行了分析。


To include the other intrinsic variables, further regressions were carried out. To capture the effect of different categories, dummy variables were created to compare if there exists any significant relation with goal keeping in these categories and that if they were different from the other categories. The general standard rule of using a dummy variable is that the category in a variable having the highest frequency is not assigned a dummy variable but all other categories are assigned a dummy variable (Data and Statistical Services, Princeton University). The dummy variables are used to compare any difference they create in the dependent variable as compared to the variable which has no dummy. For example, the analysis includes the maximum number of players from the striker position. So, the model does not use any dummy variable for the position of a striker but uses a dummy variable for all the other positions. So, the model coefficient for the position of goalkeeper can be interpreted as the difference of impact the goalkeeping position has on goal scoring against the position of striker. If the coefficient is positive and statistically significant, then the position has a significantly positive effect on the number of goals against the position of striker. A similar interpretation can be drawn for all other positions.

Following the same logic, dummy variables have been used to determine the impact of other variables like country and team. The data used in the analysis has been sourced from the website Ultimate A-League。

The calculation of age groups having the most number of goals scored can be done through histograms. The analysis distributes the data based on a 5 year age group starting from 15 years. Thus the age groups would include 15 to 19 years, 20 to 24 years and so on. The analysis has been carried out for the overall data as well as for some of the groups which have significant number of data points.