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essay 評判:主題系統分析介紹

essay 評判:主題系統分析介紹

essay 評判:主題系統分析介紹

莫納什視頻庫的目標是建立一個獨立的系統副本,該系統已被組織用於管理業務的所有方面。該作業涉及開發一個更新的信息系統,其中包括一個共享數據庫,用於改進客戶服務,並在競爭市場的主要視頻商店鏈中獲得優勢。 Monash視頻圖書館是一個購買錄像帶的機構,並將其歸功於其會員,以獲得合理的利潤。莫納什視頻庫的目標是建立一個獨立的系統副本,該系統已被組織用於管理業務的所有方面。該作業涉及開發一個更新的信息系統,其中包括一個共享數據庫,用於改進客戶服務,並在競爭市場的主要視頻商店鏈中獲得優勢。

essay 評判:主題系統分析介紹

In this assignment, the topic System Analysis and Design of a business refers to the process of scrutinizing a situation of the business. The system also involves the interest of solving and improvising the situation by the application of better methods and procedures. The shaping of the organisation, improving the performance of the employees of the organisation and the achieving the goals and objectives of the business are also related to the System analysis and design for the profitability of the organisation and growth of the overall business. The system analysis and design focuses on the system in action and the coordination among the subsystem of the organisation to meet the common goals of the organisation.The Monash Video Library is an organisation that purchases videocassettes and credits them to its members for a reasonable charge to make profit in the business.

essay 評判:主題系統分析介紹
The goal of the Monash Video Library is to build a stand alone copy of the system that has been used by the organisation for the management of all the aspects of the business. The assignment deals with the development of an updated information system that includes a shared database for the improvement of the customer service and gain advantage in the major video store chain of the competitive market. The Monash Video Library is an organisation that purchases videocassettes and credits them to its members for a reasonable charge to make profit in the business. The goal of the Monash Video Library is to build a stand alone copy of the system that has been used by the organisation for the management of all the aspects of the business. The assignment deals with the development of an updated information system that includes a shared database for the improvement of the customer service and gain advantage in the major video store chain of the competitive market.



研究发现,罗伯特·鲍勃·弗雷德里克·克利福德·奥博士出生在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛(Carland and Carland, 2015)。鲍勃有三个儿子,分别是克雷格、金和罗汉。在最初的几年里,鲍勃是一名专门的游艇爱好者,喜欢在学校、周末和学校假期(Carland et al., 2015)中航行。当鲍勃开始工作的时候,他觉得他的帆船运动很痛苦。在上学期间,鲍勃在几个科目上都失败了,这让他很惊讶,因为他甚至在木工方面都失败了。他的父亲是屠夫,在很大程度上没有帮助鲍勃。当他在起居室里(Fisher et al., 2014)制作了一艘14英尺长的木船时,这位木工老师大吃一惊。在他退休后,大部分童年时光都是和他父亲一起度过的。


在这之后,他说服自己继续留在水里,因为他已经钓了十年了。正是这种对水和航行的热情不仅激发了鲍勃,也创造了他的创业激情(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。鲍勃已经开始在他的房子的后院建造渡船在它被商业化之前。他从事渡轮业务大约八年,并专门花时间设计和建造渔船和帆船或渡轮(Carland et al., 2015)。因此,人们可以认为,正是由于对水运的强烈热情,才使鲍勃获得了他所取得的成功。当塔斯曼大桥于1975年坍塌时,鲍勃最终运营了两个轮渡业务,提升到五艘渡轮。


It has been identified from the research that Dr. Robert Bob Frederick Clifford AO was born in Tasmania, Australia (Carland and Carland, 2015). Bob has three sons namely Craig, Kim and Rohan. In the initial years, Bob was a dedicated yachtsman that enjoyed sailing after the school, during weekends, and school holidays (Carland et al., 2015). When Bob started to work, he felt that his sailing activities are suffering. During the schooling, Bob had failed in several subjects and this was surprising as he even failed in woodwork. His father was a butcher and did not assist Bob in much of the efforts. The woodwork teacher was taken by a surprise when he delivered a 14 foot long wooden boat that he developed in the living room (Fisher et al., 2014). Much of the childhood was spent with his father after his retirement on fishing.


After this, he convinced himself to remain on the water due to which he was fishing for over a decade. It is the passion for being on water and sailing that has not only motivated Bob but also created his entrepreneurial passion (Kozubíková et al., 2015). Bob has initiated to build the ferries in the backyard of his house before it was commercialized. He entered in the business of ferries for about eight years and dedicated the time to design and build boats for fishing and sailing or ferries (Carland et al., 2015). Therefore, it can be considered that it was the strong passion for the water transport that provided with the pathway to Bob for the success that he has attained. Bob eventually operated two ferry operations that enhanced to five ferries as the Tasman Bridge collapsed in 1975.










Capital structuring for the company is the composition planning for the permanent or long term capital of a company where the debt and equity values of company capital are assessed and structuring is done based on this assessment. Any company would seek to make reasonable choices when it comes to how they use their debt and how they make use of equity. It is usually reasonable to expect a company to make use of a capital structure that is built on a very low debt incorporation and better equity. This is in fact expected in capital structuring. Any company’s positive health is indicated by its maintaining good levels of equity. Usually in assessing for the capital structure balance and strengths, different financial ratios might be used, such as the debt and equity ratios and the capitalization ratios.




1.Affinor Gowers Inc



由此可见,这三只股票将按照两个月的汇率进行评估。这些股票的选择方式是其中一些股票价格最低,其中一些股票的价格更好(Kose,2010)。然后可以在对投资者有利或不利的汇率帮助下进行评估。总投资是$ 100,000。基本目标是提高利润。因此,为了评估表现,以下是要确定的。



据笔者所述,Affinar Gowers公司将是最好的投资决策,因为股票价格也很高,可以证明对其他交易货币有利,因为已经提到,在股价高的情况下,对交易所的影响利率也将有利。这就是投资者为了投资目的而选择这种特定股票的原因,对于忽视股市波动的长期目的而言,肯定有利于他们,因为在这种情况下,与其他股票相比,恶化效应会更低。


The firms that are found on the Canadian Securities Exchange that operate in a way through which the money is raised by the issuance of shares to the shareholders or investors and therefore, the shareholders would be able to attain the profits through the improvement in the company’s performance. It is basically a market for the issuers to obtain and then issue or sell the stock for the listed companies on the exchange. The timings for CNSX is from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm that includes Monday to Friday. However, few smaller companies are found to be risky since they could be out of the market some how. They are listed below:

1.Affinor Gowers Inc

2.Advantex Marketing International

3.Far Resources Ltd.

From the above, these three stocks would be evaluated in accordance with the exchange rates for the 2 months. These stocks are selected in such a way that some of them have minimal stock prices and some of them have better stock prices (Kose, 2010). These can then be evaluated with the help of exchange rates that can be either advantageous or disadvantageous to the investor. The total investment is of $100,000. The basic aim is to enhance profit. Therefore, for the purpose of evaluating the performance, the following is to be determined.


Selected Investment

According to the author, Affinar Gowers Inc would be the best investment decision because the stock price is also high and that it can prove to be beneficial in other exchange currencies as it is already mentioned that with the high stock price, the impact on the exchange rate will also be favorable. This is the reason that investors should choose this particular stock for their investment purposes and that would definitely benefit them for the long term purpose neglecting the stock market fluctuations as in that case the worse off effect will be lower as compared to other stocks.



经过分析数据,各种因素已经演变,这是重要的考虑。第一个因素是PLE生产的产品在今年头两个季度大部分活跃。另外两个季度,产品销售下滑。 PLE应该注意到这一点,并试图找出背后的主要原因,并找到解决这些问题的办法。
结果是根据预期,三条曲线(商品成本,销售成本和运营成本)是相同的运动模式,曲折增加,但利息成本与其他几乎是直线的稍微不同。因此,预期的结果也是增加之字形(Bio rad,2014)。


After analysing the data, various factors have been evolved which is important to consider. First factor is that the product manufactured by PLE is mostly active in the first two quarters of the year. For the other two quarters the sales of the product goes down. PLE should notice this point and try to find out the main reasons behind this and should find the solutions for these problems.
The data is forecasted for the next three years 2013, 2014 and 2015 which will help the company to prepare the plans for the growth of the company in future.
As the result is according to the expectation, the three of the curves – cost of goods, Sales and operating cost – are of the same moving pattern with increasing zigzag but interest cost was slightly different from others which was nearly a straight line. Thus, the expected result was also an increasing zigzag (Bio rad, 2014).
The linear regression model is compatible for the simple data as our data is simply fluctuating in a well- defined manner. This also saves the time and cost for analysing the data. Linear regression technique is also easy to understand as the user needs to work only on a linear line rather than dealing with complicated curves.
The linear regression technique has certain disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the accuracy coefficient. Generally, the linear regression techniques provide less accurate data, thus, the accuracy coefficient of the linear regression techniques is generally less than the polynomial techniques.
Linear regression technique is also not appropriate for the purpose when we need to predict the data for a long time. As the time increases, the accuracy of the data will decrease. The curve fitting method will not be appropriate when a sudden change in the data occurs. For unexpected changes, the process may need to start from the beginning of each year.





Case study usually tells about the SWOT analysis of a company, i.e. STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS. The marketing position of a firm will be analysed and the final outcome will be given as a solution or conclusion. This write up is about employee engagement which deals with the active work and how long will an employee stay in an organization. It is all the commitment of an employee towards an organization.Case study usually tells about the SWOT analysis of a company, i.e. STRENGTH WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS. The marketing position of a firm will be analysed and the final outcome will be given as a solution or conclusion. This write up is about employee engagement which deals with the active work and how long will an employee stay in an organization. It is all the commitment of an employee towards an organization.          The “case” being studied may be any event, or action, performing in a given time and in the specified place. Case studies generally tell about the research or any arguments, it may be qualitative or quantitative.          The Australian based product market called ACME faces disruption and the industry is trying to recover itself from the post global financial crisis recession and the demand is expected to grow at moderate rate between 2015 and 2020 (Vance, 2006).           The companies will have so many competitors and each of the firms will have its own pros and cons. The marketing segments has two main end-user one is trade and the other is DIY (do-it-yourself), which account for 64% and 36% of the sales. The DIY segment is expected to grow at a faster rate than the trade segment from 2015 to 2020.This case study tells us about how the Acme Corporation faces disruption and solution to overcome it.Summary of case study Employee engagement is not only the employee satisfaction but its making an employee to have an involvement and an active participation of what he/she does. Many statistical data have been listed in the given business case. Countries like India recognize employees and encourage employee engagement by reputation of organization.


根据我的观点,这篇文章有一个远见,并且非常有影响力。本文介绍了信息素养的学科。我发现这篇论文描述的是一个信息社会的缩影,它们之间的紧密合作是由意志共同合作,而不是更容易获得的知识空间。通过提出选择和memex这样的论点,布什试图证明他的文章的主要愿景,即将数据的重要性概括为科学的社会(Vannevar)。这个布什利用科学生产空前的需求和第二次世界大战的技术应用所产生的信息爆炸形象。因此,信息科学被布什概括为一个将有助于科学和其他相关领域的技术知识应用的重要课题。布什从这个角度的论点包括信息的超载问题和设计一个能控制知识的有效过程的要求(Johnston 108)。
布什明确主张专注于弥合领域之间差距的日益重要的专业化。为了回应这个要求,布什提出了他的Memex设计,似乎是一个最初的计算机蓝图,解释说设备超出了我们所知道的(Vannevar)花费和灵活性的版本。 Memex能够呈现逻辑推理的思想已经将机器的转变带入了人类。


Personal assessment of arguments
As per my opinion, the essay has a vision and is very influencing. The paper’s introduction discusses the discipline of information literacy. I found the paper to be describing an information society’s microcosm with tightly drawn boundaries collaborated together by will instead of more accessible spaces of knowledge. By presenting arguments such as selection and memex, Bush has tried to prove the main vision of his essay which was to outline the significance of data to societies that are scientific (Vannevar). This Bush does by making use of information explosion image that had arisen from scientific production unprecedented demands and World War II technological applications. Information science therefore has been outlined by Bush as an important subject which will help in application of science and other relevant domains of technological knowledge. Bush’s argument from this perspective encompasses the overloading issue of information and the requirement for devising an efficient process that can control knowledge (Johnston 108).
Bush has clearly argued to focus on specializing which is increasingly becoming important for bridging the gap between domains. In reply for this requirement, Bush has presented his Memex design appearing to be an initial computer blueprint explaining that the device exceeds the version of spend and flexibility that we know of (Vannevar). The idea of Memex being capable to present logical reasoning has presented the turn of machines into human beings.



卡拉·琼(Carla Jean)对于帮助和忠诚的渴望之间的冲突感,令读者感到震惊。一个女人的存在不过是为了服务于提供支持的目的,现在正在对她的丈夫采取行动。同样,洛雷塔的性格可以被描绘成推理和常识的声音。她被看见为她的丈夫铺设“法律”,当埃德·汤姆装载他的马时试图安抚他的妻子,他将被期望跟随。她很有信心,相当嘲弄她是一个可靠的妻子和家庭主妇。尽管她们的思想坚定和独立,她们都选择与各种男性系统一起工作和反对。小说中的两个女人抵制了最终的阳刚之气。与男性不同的是,女性意识到自己有选择的余地。科恩兄弟似乎只是用女性角色作为抵制社会等级和法律的手段。

吉恩的性格起初可能被看作是外围的;不过,她可能是唯一真正提供抵抗的人物。在最后一幕中,当Chigurh杀死了Carla jean时,尽管她拒绝了抛硬币,但她揭露了Chigurh生活的男性代码的不相干性。她拒绝抛硬币,因为她意识到这是隐藏现实的另一个无用的男性代码。有必要指出的是,男性汉字在系统和规范的社会中没有面对或不知道自己被禁闭。正如前面提到的那样,这部小说中的女性被观察到抵制这些制度,因为她们的主体地位发生了变化,即拒绝了对她们执行的顺从作用。她的性格非常重要,因为它暴露了整个小说中个人的代理和代码之间性别斗争的存在。


Half way through the novel, the readers are astounded by Carla Jean’s conflicting feelings of desire to help and loyalty. A women whose presence was nothing more than just for serving the purposes of offering support, was now acting against her husband. Similarly, the character of Loretta can be depicted as the voice of reasoning and common sense. She is seen laying out the “law” for her husband that he is expected to follow when Ed Tom is attempting to appease his wife while he loads the horse. Her great confidence is rather a mockery of her as a dependable wife and homemaker. Both the woman, despite their tough mindedness and independence, choose to work with and against the various masculine systems; it is the two women, in the novel, who resist the ultimate masculine systems. Unlike the men, the women realize that they are open to the choice of having options. It seems that the Coen brothers, only use the female characters as a means of resistance to the social hierarchy and laws.

The character of Jean may be seen as peripheral at first; however, she is probably the only character who actually offers resistance. In the last scene, when Chigurh kills Carla jean, despite her refusal to call for the coin toss, she exposes the irrelevance of the masculine codes that Chigurh lives by. She refuses the coin toss because she realizes that this is yet another useless masculine code that conceals reality. It is necessary to note that the masculine characters fail to confront or are unaware of their confinement in a society of systems and codes. And as previously mentioned, the women in this novel are observed to resist these systems due to the change in their subject position i.e. denial of the submissive role that is enforced onto them. Her character is significant in the sense that it exposes the existence of the gender struggle throughout the novel, between an individual’s agency and code.




平衡是重要的,尤其是健康的几个原因,因为当一个人的工作和家庭生活不平衡的时候,可能会出现一些困难的情况,可能会导致无法解决而只能从一个工作中解脱出来。因此,如果一个工人在工作和家庭之间找不到平衡,他可能不得不从一个工人和一个工人之间找到一个平衡,以便对其中的一个做出正义。选择真的很难做,因为选择不是在这个选项,因为它可能会恶化和个人的生活。 Kirby和Krone(2002)给出了一些公司可能有工作生活平衡计划的启示,但由于直接的经理人压力,同行压力和组织的不稳定的工作文化,他们可能无法使用它们。


平衡工作和家庭生活对于过上优质的生活,保持最佳的健康状况,乐于接受和履行个人生活中不同阶段的责任至关重要。 在不同的文化中,工作和家庭生活的平衡可能会有所不同,但是避免未来生活中可能影响自己健康的动荡阶段已经成为一个必要的要求。 因此,个人工作和家庭生活失衡的原因有几个。 但是,考虑到所有的论点,选择的自由是最强的,它依赖于个人。 他们可以选择平衡的生活或不平衡的生活。



The balance is important for several reasons especially the health, because when there is not balance in one’s work and family life, there may be difficult situations that may arise having no solution but to break off from one of the engagements. Thus, if a working man is not able to find any balance between work and family, he may have to cut off from one of them completely to do justice to one of them. The choice is really hard to make because choosing is not an option in this as it may deteriorate and individual’s life. Kirby and Krone (2002) gives a revelation that some corporations may have work life balance initiatives but they may not be able to use them due to immediate manager pressure, peer pressure, and erratic working culture of an organisation.


Balance in work and family life is important to lead a good quality life, maintain optimum health, and willingly accept and fulfil ones responsibilities which comes at different stages of an individual’s life. The balance in working and family life may be different in different cultures, but it has become a necessary requirement to avoid the turbulent phases of future life that may impact one’s health the most. Thus, there are several indicators to the causes of the imbalance in an individual’s work and family life. However, considering all arguments, the liberty of choice is the strongest and it relies with the individual. They can choose to live a balanced life or an imbalanced one.






