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essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程
在對體育賽事報導進行分析後,總結出體育賽事管理是一項重要的管理過程,用於吸引目標受眾的核心活動項目和活動。國際板球委員會(ICC)於2015年在澳大利亞舉辦的板球世界杯(Cricket World Cup)中成功舉辦了這項體育賽事,以吸引目標觀眾或板球愛好者。該活動(CWC, 2015)在確定的時間線、分配的預算和估計的來源內成功實施。簡要分析了政治、社會、環境、經濟和文化因素對事件的影響。本次活動的背景資料包括目的、規模、主題、歷史、贊助、活動組織者和利益相關者。對事件進行關鍵評估,以分析事件的性能和成功程度。與此同時,該事件實現了國際刑事法院通過培訓、技能發展和激勵理論來管理人力資源的績效的目的。

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

最後,提出了進一步改進體育項目的建議。事件管理可以被定義為將實踐和想法整合到商業事件、文化事件、節日事件、企業事件、標記事件和處理事件的管理過程。體育賽事由活動組織者組織,以實現活動的核心目的、目標和目標。此評估將描述與事件管理相關的要點。第一個任務將討論活動的背景信息,包括規模、目的、歷史、內容和活動組織者(Allen, 2010)。第二個任務將通過分析外部環境因素對事件不同活動的潛在影響,對事件進行批判性評價。最後,將對該賽事進行評估,以進一步改善未來的體育賽事。本次評比選擇了2015年板球世界杯的體育賽事。

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程

After analyzing the report on the sports event, it is summarized that sports event management is an important management process used to attract the targeted audiences toward its core event programs and activities. The sports event was successfully organized in the form of Cricket World Cup 2015 in Australia by International Cricket Committee (ICC) to entertain the targeted audiences or cricket fans. This event (CWC, 2015) was successfully implemented within determined timelines, allocated budget, and the estimated sources. The impact of political, social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors influencing the event was briefly analyzed. The background details of this event were provided in the term of purpose, size, theme, history, sponsorship, and event organizers, and stakeholders. The critical evaluation of the event was performed to analyze the performance and success level of the event. Along with this, the event fulfilled the purpose of ICC to manage the performances of the human resources through training, skills development, and motivational theories.

essay 代寫:體育賽事管理過程
Finally, the recommendations were made for the further improvements in the sports events.Event management can be termed as a management process of incorporating practices and ideas into business events, cultural events, festival events, corporate events, labeling events, and handling events. The sports events are organized by the event organizers to fulfill the core purpose, goals, and objectives of the event. This assessment will describe the points related to an event management. The first task will discuss the background information of the event including size, purpose, history, content, and event organizers (Allen, 2010). The second task will critically evaluate the event by analyzing the potential impacts of the external environmental factors on different activities of the event. Finally, the event will be evaluated for the further improvements in the future sports events. For this assessment, the sports event of Cricket World Cup 2015 is selected here.



在Foodmart的水果货架上发生了一次溢水事件,该公司按照风险管理报告中规定的程序对这种情况进行了处理。其中一名员工承担了责任,但没能找到水桶和拖把。于是她开始用毛巾擦干地板。她甚至忘了贴警示牌,所以其中的一个顾客,Eric跌倒了。由于摔倒,埃里克伤了背,随后又交了1500美元的医药费。由于受了严重的伤害,他无法赶上飞往悉尼的航班。他需要再投资550美元购买另一个航班的机票。关键问题在于埃里克是否会在食品超市和加布里埃尔的过失侵权案件中胜诉,以及埃里克在该权利下可以要求的所有损害赔偿。此外,根据食品市场所遵循的标准程序,需要对警示标志和毛巾的责任进行讨论。任何欢迎顾客的商店都有责任确保他们的安全合理。任何不合理的状态都可能导致对故事的伤害。大多数零售商店在为顾客提供一个安全的环境的同时运转良好(Brant, 2007)。零售商店有责任确保商店的环境对顾客来说是尽可能安全和无危险的。


正如职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)所提到的,在客户发生的10起事故中,有9起事故最终以某种形式或其他形式形成了疏忽。零售商店的疏忽不仅影响到顾客,也影响到企业。注意义务可以被认为是不当损害的合法保护(Bates, 2008)。这就意味着,零售企业应该尽一切合理的可能,确保客户的安全不受可能导致伤害的危险情况的影响。在考虑顾客伤害的危险情况时,往往会涉及到一些疏忽。法律上认为,过失是零售商店的注意义务,可能与违反或违反有关。这一违反行为最终使零售商对顾客的损失承担责任。损害包括治疗和医药费,工资损失,医疗费用,顾客的痛苦和痛苦(Brant, 2007)。在这种背景下,证明的法律责任落在顾客身上,因此,证明零售商的疏忽是顾客的责任。此外,重要的是要证明这一疏忽是造成他受伤的直接原因。在房屋责任的法律条文内,必须使用湿地标志,以避免因湿地而引起的任何事故。如果员工或管理部门存在疏忽,则零售商店将对损失的发生承担可能的责任(Pawlowski, 2007)。


There had been a water spill across the fruit aisle of Foodmart and the company follows certain procedures for this scenario as specified in the report of risk management. One of the employees took up the responsibility, but was not able to find a bucket and a mop. And hence she started to dry up the floor by the use of cotton towels. She even forgot putting up the signs of warning, and hence one of the customers, Eric ended up falling. As a result of the fall, Eric hurt his back followed by a medical bill of 1,500 dollars. Due to the severe injuries caused, he could not make it to the flight to Sydney he had to catch. He will have to make an additional investment of 550 dollars for purchasing ticket of another flight. The key issue lies in whether or not Eric will be winning a case against Foodmart and Gabriele in negligence, and what all damages can be claimed by Eric under this entitlement. Further ahead, discussion is required for the responsibility of warning signs and towels as per the standard procedure followed by Foodmart. Any store welcoming customers holds the duty of ensuring their safety reasonable. Any unreasonable state contributing to a fall may result in the claim of injury against the story. Majority of the retail stores are run well-enough while providing a safe environment for the customers (Brant, 2007). Retail stores have the responsibility to ensuring that the environment of stores is as safe and free of hazards as possible for the customer.


As mentioned by OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration), out of ten accidents of customer, nine accidents end up forming negligence out of some form or the other. Negligence of retail store affects the business as well as the customer. Duty of Care can be considered as a lawful protection in terms of undue harm (Bates, 2008). This means that the retail business should be putting in every reasonable possibility for ensuring the safety of customer from risky conditions which may lead towards injuries. When considering the dangerous condition in context with the injury of customer, there is more often some negligence involved. It has been considered in law that negligence is the duty of care of retail store, and can be related with violation or breach. The violation ends up making this the liability of retailer for the damages of customer. Damages can be inclusive of therapy and medical bills, loss of wages, out- of- pocket costs for medicinal purpose, and the suffering and pain of the customer (Brant, 2007). In this context, the legal burden of proof is over the customers, according to which, it is the responsibility of the customer for proving the negligence of retailer. Also, it is important to prove that this negligence had been the proximate and direct cause for the occurrence of his injuries. Within the legal doctrine for liability of premises, the use of wet floor signs is mandatory for avoiding the any accident due to wet floor. If there is negligence from the employees or the management authorities, then the retail store will hold the probable liability for the occurrence of damages (Pawlowski, 2007).


作為一個全球領導者,IBM始終如一地展示了成功運作所需要的技能。在全球集成方面,IBM已經看到了在內部和區域方面進行不同的戰略遷移,這使它能夠成功地進行這方面的工作。然而,全球一體化在適應方面也並非沒有挑戰。推動IBM成為全球一體化企業的力量是全球性的。 IBM最初是從美國出口的產品是國際化的,後來發展成為跨國公司,在不同的國家有子公司,現在看來已經成為全球性的公司。在全球工作中,集成是無縫工作所必需的。首先,IBM將使用一些核心的全球服務。全球技術服務GTS和全球商業服務GBS是其中的兩個,它們關注世界各地不同客戶的系統和技術需求。




IBM as a global leader has consistently showed the skills needed for conducting itself successfully. In terms of global integration, IBM has seen to work on different strategic moves internally and as well as region wise that has enabled it to work on it successfully. However, global integration has also not been without challenges in adaption.There are global forces that are driving IBM to become a global integrated enterprise. IBM was international to start out with where it exported from the United States, and then went on to become multinational where it has subsidiaries in different countries and now is seen to have become global. In Global working, hence integration is necessary for seamless working. Primarily, there are some core global services that IBM is seen to work with. The Global Technology Services GTS and the Global Business Services GBS are two of them, and these are focused on systems and technology needs of different clients all over the world.

In order to support these, there are the global financing services. For each of these services to work consistently and in coherence with each other, it is necessary for there to be some form of an integrated enterprise structure. In the internationalization phase, the company was also seen to rely on employee strength and investments from different countries. Being a part of an expanding organization, IBM was forced to globally source its talents. In the context of innovation, IBM felt it was necessary for them to look beyond the company and into the options available globally. In fact, IBM sought to place these innovation centers in strategic geographic points in order to sustain its growth. In order to sustain and expand, IBM was forced to become global. Integration became necessary in order to ensure that there was a proper power balance, knowledge sharing and more. Without integration, much of IBM’s strategic strengths would become localized.



市场结构的存在为银行业竞争的开展提供了初步的推动力和影响。整个市场情景和市场结构决定了该领域竞争的工作管理。管理竞争的需要来自向消费者提供充分保护的概念。在竞争日益激烈的时候,也需要保持稳定和审慎的银行行为(Claessens, 2009)。这就需要有最优水平的竞争,这促进了行业的发展,同时允许市场参与者参与健康的竞争。这将有利于消费者,促进创新带来效率。买方权力显然发展了提供减少市场参与者之间勾结的机会的准则。


由于市场参与者在买方力量的压力下继续摇摆,他们无法清楚地在市场上其他参与者之间达成共谋安排。银行市场的竞争水平是行业内竞争和竞争状态的变量。可以认为,竞争的存在具有重大的重要性,因为竞争在管理改善公司状况方面提供了效率(Claessens, 2009)。市场结构为银行服务工作提供了竞争的范围。它显示了竞争力的程度,因为高浓度的集中度表明了银行市场竞争的减少(demirgu – kunt, Laeven, & Levine, 2004)。有必要明确界定这样一个事实,即市场集中度的降低将导致在市场中工作的有限银行之间的勾结,并导致产生更缺乏竞争力的力量。


The presence of the market structure provides the initial level of push and impact in the working of the competition in the banking sector. The overall market scenarios and market structure dictate the working management of the competition in this area. The need to manage competition is borne from the notion of providing adequate protection to the consumers. There is also a need to have stability and prudent banking behavior while the level of competition growing (Claessens, 2009). This would call the need to have optimum level of competition, which promotes the growth of the industry while allowing the market players to partake in healthy competition. Such a thing would be beneficial for the consumers and promote innovation for bringing efficiency. Buyer power clearly develops the norms of providing a chance to reduce the presence of collusion among the market players.

As the market players continue to reel under the pressure of buyer power, they are unable to clearly enter into collusion arrangements between the other players in the market.The level of competition in the banking markets comes across as the variable of rivalry and competitive state within the industry. It can be considered that the presence of competition is a matter of significant importance, as the same provides efficiency in the management of improvement of the conditions of the firms (Claessens, 2009).The market structure provides the scope for the competition within the working of the banking services. It shows the degree of competitiveness as the high levels of concentration shows the reduced presence of competition within the banking market (Demirguc-Kunt, Laeven, & Levine, 2004). There is a need to clearly demarcate the fact that the reduced level of market concentration would result in collusion among the limited number of banks, which are working in the market and lead to creation of less competitive forces.


色情業是一種直接或間接提供與成人娛樂相關的產品或服務的性相關業務。賣淫、色情電影、色情雜誌和性玩具等服務是色情行業常見的商業行為(Tech, 2016)。媒體在促進色情行業的發展中扮演著重要的角色,通過各種性渠道為電視和電影提供有針對性的宣傳。色情業是色情業的重要組成部分,是美國最大的行業之一。色情業利用兒童色情、兒童賣淫和兒童性旅遊等方式利用兒童,兒童主要從事性活動。


色情行業每天為數百人提供就業機會,扮演著重要角色。這些性工作者可分為成人服務提供者或成人性提供者(Global Comment, 2016)。色情行業的工人主要是色情電影演員,叫女孩,性表演的表演者,脫衣舞舞者,網絡性愛運營商,運營商和色情電話性愛模型等等,除了這些性工作者、管理者的角色,站長、攝影師、電影攝製組和作家和編輯的雜誌中也扮演著重要的角色在色情行業的平穩運行。


Porn business is a sex related business which directly or indirectly provides products or services related to adult entertainment. Services like prostitution, sex movies, sex-oriented magazines and sex toys are common business practices of the porn business (Tech, 2016). Media plays an important role in promoting porn business through various sex channels for televisions and movies on demand. Pornography is an important part of the porn industry and is one of the biggest industries in the USA. Porn industry exploits the use of children through child pornography, prostitution of children and child sex tourism, where children are mainly engaged in sexual activities.

The porn business plays a major role in providing employment to hundreds of people every day. These sex workers can be classified into Adult Service Providers or Adult Sex Providers (Global Comment, 2016). The workers of the porn business are mainly pornographic film actors, call girls, sex show performers, striptease dancers, cybersex operators, telephone sex operators and pornographic models etc. Apart from these, sex workers, the role of managers, webmasters, photographers, film crews and writer and editor of magazines also play an important role in the smooth running of the porn business.



《铁娘子》中《兽之数》的歌词被认为是他们最受欢迎的歌曲。有多个实例增加了它的受欢迎程度。这是第一首加入他们乐队的歌手的歌。这也是那个和他们在一起的鼓手的最后一首歌。重金属类型的歌曲通常会考虑不同的子类型,其中最明显的是暗指魔鬼和圣经。《铁娘子》(The number of The beast)是一个典型的类别,将重金属引入了公然的、响亮的反基督教情绪。在它的文字中,既有含蓄的暗示,也有明确的暗示。除了歌词之外,专辑的封面以一种近乎超现实的方式呈现了人性黑暗邪恶的一面。这些话、陈述和更多的内容都充满了仇恨和愤怒。本文试图通过对《铁娘子》中重金属元素的分析和理解。




The lyrics from ‘The number of the beast’ in Iron maiden is mostly recollected as their most popular song. There were multiple instances that added to its popularity. It was the first song for a vocalist that joined their band. It was also the last song for the drummer who had been with them till then. Heavy metal genre songs usually consider different sub genres and the most explicit of them is that of the allusion to the devil and biblical ones. ‘The number of the beast’ by Iron Maiden is a typical category that introduced Heavy Metal to blatant and loud sentiments of anti-Christianism. There are both implicit and explicit allusions to religious imagery in its words. The cover for the album, in addition to the lyrics, presents a dark satanic side to human nature in an almost surreal way. The words, the presentation and more are fully saturated with hatred and wrath. This essay attempts to analyze and understand the heavy metal genre in ‘The number of the beast’ by Iron Maiden.

A critical analysis is done with the primary source as the song and the lyrics and secondary literature on the song. The Iron Maiden was established in a time when Heavy Metal was being recognized as not just music but as a way of life, as a philosophy even. Hence, their popularity was all comprehensive, from the actual songs to paraphernalia like posters, tees and more. The band itself was formed in the year 1970. Steve Harris a bassist was credited with its formation. Speed and Thrash sub-genre was in its initial inception. Weinstein sates that Speed/ Thrash style of metal was more of a fundamentalist strain of metal. It was also called by other names such as power metal or underground metal. At a time where commercial metal was being created in order to appeal select audiences, speed/thrash metal style appealed to youth in general and attempted to reclaim them from the commerciality of metal.







Language courses are offered in a few Universities. Some of the Universities believe it should be mandatory, however, most of them just offer it as part of a separate department. This essay analyzes the standpoint including language courses in the University. Focus is mainly on English language course. English language course must become mandatory in colleges, because the number of nonnative English language speakers would be on campus. The nonnative speakers need the language courses to help them out with their daily communication in the university and with their social communicating. Researchers note that social communication in the form of group interactions helps children (Richards and Wily 55).

Now not all nonnative speakers will need help, but as research studies show that the influx of international students means more people are entering the University. Secondly not all the students who are entering college with English speaking skills will have the right English speaking skills. Students might have speaking and learning skills but would lack in terms of functional usage of the language. How English language is made use of in communication would be quite different from how some terms would be used in the case of functional use, such as while taking a math course or while in the lab doing experiments etc. Even people who are native speakers would appreciate a course on the proper way to handle functional usage of the language.







Growing per-capita incomes and figures of global population reflect an increased pressure and demand for food for expanding land to fulfill agricultural purposes. Expansion of agriculture across the natural environment impacts biodiversity further resulting in the substantial emissions of carbon dioxide. Specific focus is being made on prospects to increase the availability of food and limit expansion of agriculture by highly yielding cropland.

The aim of this research is to discuss the requirement of land for global production of food in the year 2030. With an increase in the demand for food, expanding agriculture across the natural ecosystem impacts the level of biodiversity while resulting in substantial emissions of carbon dioxide. This essay argues whether limiting the environmental influence of food productivity and livestock can delay the use of land or not.







Organizational stress has a strong effect on the production efficiency and motivational practices of the workplace. When facing increasing demands, employees are observed to have faced worries of workloads and other emotional and physical ailments. The worries and stress levels over time lead to deterioration of motivational practices. In research works, it is often argued that stress over time could lead to the situation of an uncaring management.

When the first sign of stress is not identified, there could be a cumulative effect of increased stress and with time, it leads to even worse issues. From basic attrition issues, it could escalate to conflict issues and then the closure of the business itself. Identifying the forms of stress impact in the workplace is a necessary step to assist in stress management. The purpose of this literature review is to identify the different impacts of stress in the workplace.



并购在当今世界很普遍。大多数组织都了解这种方法为他们的盈利带来的好处。从企业并购是否有利于股东利益的角度来看待利润。有时,合并会导致经理更替,而在其他时候,合并会带来协同效应(Shukla和Gekara, 2010)。不管原因是什么,董事们更喜欢收购,因为他们为获得组织的利益相关者增加了财富。在过去的几年里,通过实践者们进行了各种各样的研究,以了解M和一个策略是否能达到预期的效果(Sharma, 2010)。



Merger and acquisitions are common in the world today. Most organizations have understood the benefit that the method brings for their profitability. The profit mostly is viewed from the perspective of whether the merger or acquisition will be beneficial to the shareholders or not. At times, mergers result in replacing managers while at other times, it results in combining synergies (Shukla and Gekara, 2010). No matter what the reason is, directors prefer takeovers as they result in increasing wealth for the stakeholders in the acquiring organizations. Over the course of years, various studies have been performed through practitioners for understanding whether M and A strategies work as desired or not (Sharma, 2010).

This essay has been prepared to discuss two essential components over mergers and acquisitions. The first part of the essay discusses two research methods utilized for measuring mergers and acquisitions performances. For doing this, various studies have been reviewed. The two methods selected are inclusive of event studies and accounting return. The second part of the essay discusses the overall evidence of research depending upon empirical event studies over whether mergers as well as acquisitions result in producing value for the acquiring shareholders of the companies. Three deal characteristics taken into consideration are how financing of the deal is done, whether deal has friendliness or hostility and the targets relative size.