标签存档: 加拿大作业代写


加拿大论文代写-有效的品牌管理。品牌管理是运用不同的技术和策略来增加产品线价值的营销功能。有效的品牌管理有助于公司为产品制定合理的价格,增加忠实客户。战略计划的实施可以使公司在市场上保持品牌地位,实现公司的愿景(Sanders, 2012)。例如,英特尔和微软等公司采取了不同的策略来吸引大量的客户。公司在市场上推出了创新和高质量的产品。英特尔(Intel)推出了英特尔Core处理器,微软(Microsoft)推出了微软Windows套件,提高了它们的市场份额。这两家公司都在市场上建立了自己的品牌声誉。论文范文加拿大论文代写-有效的品牌管理分享给留学生阅读。

Brand management is the marketing function that uses different techniques and strategies to increase the value of the product line. An effective brand management assists the companies to set a reasonable price for the products and increase loyal customers. The implementation of a strategic plan enables the companies to maintain a brand position in the market and achieve the vision of the company (Sanders, 2012). For example, the companies such as Intel and Microsoft have implemented different strategies to attract a large number of customers. The companies have introduced innovative and high-quality products in the market. Intel introduced Intel Core processor, and Microsoft introduced Microsoft Windows suite that enhanced their market share. Both the companies have built their brand reputation in the market.

The relationship between the buyers and suppliers is one of the most important aspects of the value chain management where the business organization provides great effort to create value for the money of the customers. Power dominance in supply chain management implies either suppliers or buyers power in a transaction. Before any transaction, both the parties, the buyers and suppliers, used to negotiate, and in this negotiation, the dominating party uses their power to make the transaction more profitable for them. However, the importance of the power concept is reducing over the time as within the increasingly competitive market, each organization has numerous options, and thus mutual understanding and trust are becoming a more important factor in buyer and supplier relationship and outcome of the relationship. The power influence in buyer and supplier relationship is reducing, and the mutual understanding and trust are becoming vital in this relationship and outcome.

论文范文加拿大论文代写-有效的品牌管理就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



However, apart beyond the presenting regarding food items, so can stand universal differentiation from services stability. In meddlesome together with the up market chains concerning coffee, Tim Hortons focuses regarding always enhancing its shops because of the appeal over instant purchaser degenerated any show desire because comfy seating and soft lighting. The customers of Canada are now not associating soft lights, arm chairs or espresso along Tim Hortons (Oltean, 2013). However, the upscale fixtures are involved in the recent makeovers over the brand. Along with launching drinks such as like mochas then lattes, the organization is targeted of providing a facelift in accordance with its shops for the evocation of clients and increasing their stay at the store. The redesigning is thoroughgoing about a greater originate kitchen, latter diagram over the floor, smooth lighting, bench seating, then wireless web connection. This offers an ambience in conformity with the clients so his wristwatch their meals beneath technique in conformity with reach them. While distinctiveness espresso has a drastically short share into the whole market, it is a segment for the increase in opportunities.

The restaurant industry has started to experience a paradigm shift in perceiving management goals and providing specific services. By introducing international restaurant and hospitality chains followed by change in customer demand, significant changes have taken place in the practices of management in this sector. However, there are certain small elements that the company must consider for improving the overall framework of its servicescape (Spielmann et al., 2012).
Menu can not only be considered as a tool for communicating the information related to available products in the restaurant, but also can be considered as a tangible evidence for sale. In a restaurant of full services, management authorities of Tim Hortons should be focusing on creativity with the redesign of menu. There can be provision of detailed information regarding the taste and ingredients of a specific dish. Captivating interior designs and wall paintings are responsible for completing the environment of restaurant (Wojciechowska-Solis and Soroka, 2016). The significance of interior design is referred to while concluding the interior design is the most crucial element to evaluate the overall experience of having a cup of coffee. This will be impacting the customers at they are waiting for their food or a seat. The overall décor of the space is extremely crucial for the interior environment of Tim Hortons.

论文范文代写-蒂姆·霍顿斯咖啡店就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



One of the finer problems of the major inequality issue is gender inequality. Over past few decades however, women are playing crucial roles in the building up the nation in UK. Almost half of the employed population consists of women at 46.4%, thereby making substantial contribution to the growth f the country’s economy. The younger mothers with children under 5 years of age are at 28%, who effectively combine family responsibilities and work. UK has several women in the public as well as political areas. Head of several companies, Members of Parliament (MPs), councilors, chairs of public bodies, leaders and volunteers have women in place. This reflects drastic societal and demographic change in UK. In UK Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) group have atleast one in every ten women (Minocha, Holland, McNulty, Banks & Palmer, 2016).

Even though the picture for women in UK is changing rapidly, however, it would not be wise to become complacent or blind towards still existing gender inequality in the society and workplace. It immediate need is to treat women not merely as women but as an individual with goals and aspirations. They must be given fair and equal chances to meet the challenges of the world. It is important to eradicate violence against girls and women completely. The policy of providing equal pay for equal work for men and women has to me implemented in reality and at every level of work strata. The problem of gender inequality also leads to several other problem life domestic violence, crimes against women, etc. when the society would start treating the women as equal human being the country would go a long way in solving other related problems too (UK’s seventh periodic report, 2011).

论文范文加拿大代写-性别不平等的问题讨论就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台代写科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


北美代写-对颠覆性技术的批判性分析和反思。计划引入颠覆性创新的管理者需要从战略上为公司带来变化,满足消费者的需求,并根据当地市场的需求进行调整。需要考虑其他变量来创建一个破坏性范式。这将强化现有的全球本土化概念和颠覆性创新技术范式。在产品创新和市场创新中,应该考虑新的变量,即约束创新、必须创新和反向创新。需求创新是基于消费者需求的发展概念,约束创新是基于现有资源的发展(De Waal, 2015)。通过对颠覆性创新和全球本土化原则的比较和对比,可以理解为企业的管理者或领导者在考虑当地竞争的同时,需要考虑当地的文化和经济条件。论文范文北美代写-对颠覆性技术的批判性分析和反思分享给留学生阅读。

One of the central criticism revolving the arguments made by Clayton Christenson is that the companies tend to give a lot of importance to the notions of disruptive innovation and is not factored in localization. In this case of larger companies, the managers tend to develop a homogenous approach and do not develop products for all the people. This can be an issue in itself as there should be a glocalized approach that needs to be undertaken in the cases of innovation. Theories of disruptive innovation general tends to give focus to a homogenous approach based on the established developed markets. This causes alienation of the brand with the consumers. There should be an approach that added the local culture of the place. This can be achieved by enhanced local sensitivity of a place (Robertson, 2012).
Hence the managers who plan to bring in disruptive innovation need to strategically bring in changes for the company, address consumer needs and maneuver it according to the needs of the local markets where they operate. In the 77 case study analysis done by Christenson, there are other motivating factors that have been in play by the companies. This essentially questions the notions of the disruptive analysis (King & Baatartogtokh, 2015). There is a need to factor in other variables to create a disruptive paradigm. This would enhance on the existing notions of glocalization and the disruptive innovation technology paradigm. In the case of product and market innovation, there should be newer variables considered, which are constrained innovation, necessities innovation and reverse innovation. Necessity innovation is the concept of development based on the consumer requirements, and constrained innovation is development based on the resources available (De Waal, 2015). From comparing and contrasting the disruptive innovation and glocalization principles, it could be understood that the managers or leaders of the company need to factor in local culture and economic conditions of the place along with considering the local competition. It has been recommended in practical reality that the managers need to create product and services that are based on the local needs of the people. By creating a product with local flavor and customization, there can be development of a global brand. This paradigm shift is not an easy process and all these variables along with dynamic strategic management is mandatory for the creation of newer products.
The methods of combining disruptive innovation and glocalization strategies are discussed below.

北美代写-对颠覆性技术的批判性分析和反思就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



代寫論文-英國犯罪率影響的研究討論。英國司法部(Ministry of Justice)在2011年進行了一項研究,在已知的8.3萬起案件中,每個罪犯每年都會給財政部造成8000英鎊的損失。其中約70%是治安成本(Webster & Kingston, 2014)。此外,根據罪犯的年齡,在他們來自貧困國家的情況下,還需要支付監禁或替代住宿的費用。研究發現,英國通過將其收入不平等降低到與其他發達經合組織國家一樣的中等水平,將有助於減少目前約37%的囚犯。有了這37%的削減,那么大約可以為國家節省10億英鎊,可以用在其他事情上。因此,在解決收入不平等並了解其對犯罪的影響時,我們有可能提出更全面的解決方案。接下來論文范文代寫論文-英國犯罪率影響的研究討論分享給留學生閱讀。

The aim of this research is to critically analyze the effect of income inequality on crime rate in England and Wales for the time period of 2005-2015.

To understand the form of research that has been conducted on the subject of income inequality and crime rates in the United Kingdom and other countries

To make use of secondary study data collected from penal and criminal justice systems in order to critique the connection between poverty and crime rates

To critically discuss the effects of recession in creating income inequality.

It is identified in research that United Kingdom by bringing down its income inequality to the median level as of other developed OECD countries would help reduce an approximate 37 percent of people who are currently being imprisoned. With this 37 percent reduction, then around £1 billion in savings could be generated for the country which could be made use of for other things. Also, it was identified that around 33 per cent fewer murders might occur if income inequality was addressed as an issue. This would save for the United Kingdom around £678 million. The overall cost in terms of the criminal justice system and inequality in income is seen to be around £39 billion per year (Webster & Kingston, 2014). Crime against the individual and their property leads to around £36.2 billion loss in a year in statistics collected for 2003-2004 (Webster & Kingston, 2014). The United Kingdom, Ministry of Justice conducted a research in 2011, in which offending behavior identified in the case of a round of 83,000 known resulted in loss to the exchequer in the amounts of £8,000, per year for each offender. Of this, about 70% is the cost of policing (Webster & Kingston, 2014). Added to this are the costs of incarceration or alternate accommodation depending on the age of the offender in the context of their coming from a poverty state. So in addressing income inequality and understanding its effect on crime, it will be possible to make recommendations for a more holistic solution.

論文范文代寫論文-英國犯罪率影響的研究討論就為留學生分享到這裏。加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供論文代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!



Welding is the process where two or more pieces are joined in order to ensure that they are completely coalesced. The purpose of welding is to ensure that two dissimilar or similar materials are joined. The creation of these monolithic structures is usually tested for strength and assessed for durability as well. These elements are quite critical for increasing join strengths in the case of the aerospace industry (Li et al., 2008). The issues in conventional welding methods are the reasoning behind why newer welding methods such as LFW came into existence. Welding is usually achieved by means of heat and pressure. The forms of welding will usually be different based on the state of base material that is used. Liquid state welding which is called as fusion welding and solid state welding are some of the types based on welding state characteristics.

Friction welding comes under solid state welding. Friction welding is the process in which the heat obtained for the welding is usually achieved by means of the rubbing of surfaces. Work parts are held together in a conventional scale and usually the form of weld is such that the defects encountered are seen to be lesser compared to the fusion welds (Xin et al, 2016; Brookes, 2015). The ultrasonic weld is also a part of the solid state weld process. In the ultrasonic weld process, the coalescence is achieved by means of high frequency vibratory energy where parts are held together under pressure. The welding usually occurs with the use of an electrode or some ultrasonic energy tip which is clamped under an oscillator to work in parallel with the weld surface (Sinke, et al, 2010).

These pores do not have a structure which could facilitate their overall impact on strength, but they are rather randomly dispersed in their settings (Nicholas & Thomas, 1998). This randomness in distribution makes assessment of strengths quite uncertain. In some cases, the porosity is found directly in the centre of the wed. Such issues lead to direct surface damage as well. When pores exist in a wed surface it is not just the pores that challenge the strength, it is also the form of contamination which the pores are subject to that results in issues. For instance, slag inclusion concerns are usually cited in most of the mechanic industries. The slag inclusion along with the issues of porosity challenges most conventional welding procedures (Nicholas & Thomas, 1998). Slag inclusion happens along continuous and discontinuous lines of the weld and usually is associated with the flues processes along the line. Inclusions happen more often because of the molten slag that flats to the surface of the weld. These are not entrapped (Nicholas & Thomas, 1998).

論文范文論文代寫-焊接就為留學生分享到這裏。留學生論文寫作提升,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構經過多年的經營與磨礪,已經發展成為一家專業的加拿大論文代寫平台機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有加拿大代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



The fourth level of Leadership Agility is the Co-creator, and this level gives a new direction to the new forms of an organization, and here the commitment of principle is ensured to the common good. Her corporate responsibility towards the organization remains high on their management bottom line. This level can lead the leader how to deal with those issues and manage the solution. The leader is capable of entering to flow into the current situations of their present experience. The solutions of matter that would be beneficial for all of the parties are involved in that level (Mendonca and Kanungo, 2007). For the genuine development of co-operated relationships, the leaders are committed to each other for the shared purpose at this stage. They are responsible for generating creativeness and the long-term success.

In this case of the company BMI Health Care, the company would be benefitted by the four levels. Moreover the leaders and the co-leaders grows their maturities in serious condition with increasing the power of the company.

At the end of the report, the very matter of leadership agility is the primary context to produce the developmental planning within the organization BMI healthcare. The specific developmental activities have specifically mentioned the body part of the report. The primary concern is the accessing of the leadership agility, which used to develop the leadership agility. It clarifies the servant leadership theory into the present organization and is represented as the very developmental planning mentioned in this report as per the leadership agility . According to rectify the issues of the leadership agility, an executive team has decided to develop the management. Based on these developmental planning, the management of BMI healthcare’s would clearly define their improvement and progress parameter which must help the organization to achieve the immediate success in the United Kingdom comparison to the healthcare team. Those are mentioned above. The development planning would carry the success path for the organization BMI Healthcare as the collaboration and team building have decided to improve the management. This cooperation and team building are to develop to promote the interactive innovations and creativity (Sahu and Bharti, 2009). In this way, the leaders of the organization can feel more self-confident and open to develop their individual skills and behaviours.

程序代写-BMI医疗保健的领导敏捷性的发展规划就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Scientific management involves application of scientific approaches in management processes like production, controlling, finance, decision making, recruitment and selection and others. Since F.W Taylor has experienced both the bottom and upper level in an organisation, he could well understand the problems faced by the workers and the managers in an organisation. Taylor focussed on the proper selection process, training of the workers, and the wages of the workers, which needs to be based on their performance. Further, Taylor emphasized on motivation of the employees through provision of incentives and bonus. Taylor believed that workers need to be given good work environment, equal facilities, proper raw materials and proper machines to improve their productivity and increase surplus productivity (Aitken, 2014). The authority, managers, superintendents and the foremen need to cooperate with the workers to ensure the work is done properly. Actual-time observation is necessary for the management to achieve higher productivity from the work force. Taylor stressed that only high productivity can lead to increased profit for the owners and increased wages for the employees respectively. For high productivity, management and workers needed to enhance their mentality towards cooperative effort rather than individual effort (Holmes, 2016).
Relevance of scientific management in 20th century
In the early twentieth century, when Taylor became the pioneer of scientific management, it is said that managers were the lords. The managers created their own rules and decided haphazardly about the tasks to be carried out in an organisation. Taylor’s scientific management created a revolution in the contemporary society. Eminent personalities like Vladimir Lenin and Henry Ford highly praised Taylor and followed his principles. Henry Ford was said to have applied Taylor’s principles in his River Rouge car plant. It also influenced people like Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, later on influenced industrialists like Michael Porter and Michael Hammer who further emphasized on the division of work equally principle in their literary works. Taylor’s theories influenced social philosophers who criticised his theories to be demeaning human spirit. Aldous Huxley and Charlie Chaplin criticised Taylor’s theories in their work (Olson, 2015).

有关博士论文代写-科学管理在组织中的重要性就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!




Any service management operations are to include such element understanding such as the quality function development, the total quality management in operations, the process focus and the layouts. They also have to worry about the human resource management used to monitor and implement their services, the supply chain management, the maintenance benefits etc (Gilbert et al., 2004). It is inevitable that restaurants which are in the hospitality and services industry have to focus on improving their service management constantly. They have to do this in order to rise above their competitors.

They further went on to say that although they were not aware of the right metrics used in the system, they knew when the company required input, because the restaurant would request them quite explicitly in a courteous manner to leave their inputs.

Is Chipotle listening to your concerns, do you believe their system of performance feedback measurement is adequate
“Many of the executives do not factor in the needs of the situation. They do not have the appropriate metrics that is used for the measurement of the activities. They are found to confuse the performance with the irreducible environmental variance. The executives in the companies need to factor in these factors in order to derive some cohesive solutions”.
One participant stated the conventional way of assessing performance by having service cards or having the customer leave some feedback in the feedback note was not very thorough. Customers are in a hurry anyhow and might not end up leaving a proper detailed feedback. Finally, one of the customers stated an interesting thing about the service which is that of the weekend service and the weekday service. She believed that weekend services were generally too slack and performance assessments through customer interviewing or others can be done during the time.

有关论文范文加拿大论文延期-服务绩效管理就为留学生们分享到这里,中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


加拿大作业代写-软实力理论概念的讨论,软实力的本质是行动的说服力和吸引力。简而言之,影响力和权力比单纯的国家人口总量、军事实力和经济实力走得更远。非国家行为者甚至国家都在继续追求软实力,以提升它们的整体形象,塑造政策偏好以及其他国家的观点。这是通过吸引和说服,而不是通过胁迫,以确保他们与该地区的其他国家保持一致,或他们在权力方面有一个有利的上升的观点(Pye et al., 2009)。这种对领导、权威和合法性的追求是促使各国通过非军事性质的引诱和战略追求政治权力的原因。从这篇文章的角度可以明显看出,软实力对于大多数国家来说都是基于区域的权力转移。在这里,软实力有一个理论概念,似乎是一种直觉性质的概念,特别是当它适用于崛起中的实力,以寻求地位。接下来有关论文范文加拿大作业代写-软实力理论概念的讨论分享给留学们阅读。

This essay has depicted that animosities of historical nature between Japan and China have remained even though they aren’t as strong as may have been predicted during previous research and surveys. Other countries are generally rated lowly by China and Japan over most soft power forms, but they aren’t as lower as may have been predicted. Generally, Americans rate Japan more than South Korea and China over most soft power measures (Nye et al., 2009). Also, there is a general admiration existing between the citizens of South Korea and China. In contrast to the main powers, lastly, the citizens of Vietnam and Indonesia have a tendency of rating soft power of Japan in a slightly higher manner. This is done in comparison to the remaining nations. This as well indicates a clear distinction between key powers and Vietnam with regard to soft power perceptions within Asia.

The essence of the soft power is the persuasiveness of an action and his attraction. In brief, influence and power move farther than simple state population aggregate, its prowess of military nature and its assets in economy. Non-state actors and even states have continued pursuing soft power for burnishing their overall image and for shaping the preferences of policies along with other states outlooks. This is done through attraction and persuasion instead of, through coercion in order to ensure that they are in alignment with other nations in the region or they have a favourability rising view with regard to power (Pye et al., 2009). This search for leadership, authority and legitimacy is what drives states towards pursuing political power by inducements and strategies of non-military nature. As evident from the perspective of this essay, soft power for most of the nations has been region based power transition. Here soft power has a theoretical concept seeming like a notion of intuitive nature particularly when made applicable to rising power in look-out for status. However, it also should be noted that there are certain conceptual issues with soft power which these nations have sidelined but this is not the focus of this essay (Whitney et al., 2008). The effectiveness of the soft power however has been allowing nations in the region to foster and move beyond their original preferences. This has also allowed the region to flourish alongside flourishing of soft power basis.

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