标签存档: 加拿大论文怎么写



工业革命和法国大革命期间,世界发生了巨大的变化。工业革命持续了一百多年,而法国革命只持续了十五年。这两次革命的长度有巨大的差异,但仍有许多性质相似的特征(Gupta et al. 1447-1452)。这两场革命的相似之处在于:革命结束时,新思想、新发明和政治思想都被采纳了。在这两种情况下,革命结束后,更多的权利被赋予了大众,英国也受到了革命的影响(Greenwood和Ward 76-96)。新思想、新发明和新组织是这两场革命的结果。法国大革命在很多方面帮助了法国,比如君主专制,建立了公立学校和法国银行,要求所有法国人纳税,旧的封建法律被创新的、一致的法律所取代。

走锭纺纱机,第一个现代运河,装配线,铺平道路,发现钢铁、电力织机,蒸汽机,电报、通用件,水,蒸汽船,飞梭,轧棉机,汽车,珍妮纺纱机,无线电报,劳动分工的第一次使用,石油驱动的内燃机,飞艇和飞机,所有的这些东西被发明在工业革命的时代。它也帮助了中产阶级的发展。如果工人的要求得不到满足,而且工作条件恶劣,他们就会以罢工为动机组成工会。工会的概念仍然有效(Gupta et al. 1447-1452)。英国受这两场革命的影响。由于法国大革命,英国无法与大多数欧洲国家进行贸易。英国的海军在特拉法加战役中变得更强大,这是革命的结果。


A great change of time was observed during the period of Industrial Revolution and French Revolution. The duration of Industrial Revolution was over hundred years while the French Revolution’s lasted for only fifteen years. There is a huge difference between the lengths of these two revolutions but still there were many features, which were similar in nature (Gupta et al. 1447-1452). The similarities of these two revolutions were as follow: new ideas, inventions and political ideas were adopted by both when the revolutions ended. In both the cases more rights were given to the masses after the end of the revolution and the Great Britain got affected by both the revolutions (Greenwood and Ward 76-96). New ideas, new inventions and new organizations were the result of these two revolutions. The French Revolution helped France in several ways like absolute monarchies that were finished establishment of system of public schools and the bank of France, required payment of taxes by all French, and old feudal laws were replaced by innovative and consistent laws.

The spinning mule, the first modern canals, the assembly line, the paving of roads, the discovery of steel, the power loom, the steam engine, the telegraph, interchangeable parts, the water frame, the steamboat, the flying shuttle, the cotton gin, the car, the spinning jenny, the wireless telegraph, the first use of division of labor, the oil – powered internal combustion engine, the zeppelin, and the airplane, all of these things were invented during the time of Industrial Revolution. It also helped in the development of the middle class. Workers formed unions with the motive of strikes if their demands were not fulfilled and because of the bad working conditions. The concept of union is still working (Gupta et al. 1447-1452).Great Britain was influenced by these two revolutions. Great Britain was not able to do trade with most of the European countries because of the French revolution. The navy of Great Britain became more powerful at the Battle of Trafalgar and it happened because of the revolution.




知识产权合同之间存在显著差异(Marotta‐Wurgler, 2007)。合同通常可以分为三个领域。它们是合同前的条款、合同的执行和合同签订后的阶段。合同每一条款的具体内容和要求,应针对合同的三个阶段中的每一个阶段作出明确规定。这是一个复杂的过程,需要系统的推理和勤奋。应该重申的是,所制定的合同有多种类型。有些合同条款非常简单和固定。关键绩效指标是在合同条款之前确定的(Dietz, 2012)。这是合同最清晰的形式之一。研究发现,在许多情况下,这对于明确减少诉讼和避免冲突是有用的(Dietz, 2012)。然而,它在许多情况下是不可行的。在这种情况下,单位价格合同是根据需求制定的。合同条款分为个性化的单位(Dietz, 2012)。


A contract manager has a number of essential duties in project management. There are a number of integral processes that need to be addressed. Important tool in the contract management is development of contract. Contract helps smoothen relationship and discusses liability of each party. Important aspects of a Contract manager job from a personal standpoint are explained in the following. As a contract manager of IT Company, a contract needs to be drawn for the hardware and software services. Contracts are formed by homogenized standard practices of companies operating within and outside the European Union. In this report important elements of contract and need for contract are discussed. Ways to decrease liability, implication of tort law and potential pitfalls is discussed. Along with this a plan for smooth running of operations and recommendation for an IT company is investigated in this report. Contracts developed in IT Company can be of many types. It is developed based on the requirements of the company. Contracts can be either indefinite, long term contract or time sensitive and transient. Agreements are usually drawn between vendors, sales personnel, partners, employee;

intellectual contracts are all markedly different from each other (Marotta‐Wurgler, 2007). Contracts can be typically divided into three arenas. They are pre contractual terms, execution of the contract and the post award phase. Specifics and the requirements of each term of the contract should be clearly defined for each of the three phases of the contract. This is a complex process that involves systematic reasoning and diligence. It should be reiterated that contract that is developed is of many types. Some contract terms are pretty straightforward and fixed. Key Performance Indices are defined prior to the contractual terms (Dietz, 2012). It is one of the clearest forms of a contract. It is found to be useful for clearly reducing litigations and avoiding conflict in many situations (Dietz, 2012). Nevertheless, it is not feasible in many situations. For those times, Unit price contracts are drawn in this type based on requirements. The contractual terms are broken into individualized units (Dietz, 2012).















PS是很正规的文书,不要用些口语化的词语(kinda, sort of, wanna, it’s, can’t,shouldn’t)。最好让老外帮你改改。不要满眼的语法错误,typo或者通篇I, I,I开头的句子。对方招留学生肯定会考虑英语写作水平的。做为一个留学生,能把PS写的通顺流畅绝对是加分项。大哥,看那些诘屈聱牙的中式英语真心痛不欲生啊。





通篇用了一大堆innovative, motivated, dynamic, team spirit, problemsolver之类的词,没有实际例子去支持。你整天去跟妹子说你乐观开朗幽默成熟靠谱聪明器大活好等等等等,却半点证据都没有,谁信啊?说一个特点,就讲一个让人信服的证据。不然,就别瞎扯了。








无产阶级这个词是由资本主义的兴起创造出来的。“劳动力可以作为商品出现在市场上,但前提是,它的加工者,也就是劳动力所在的个人,将其作为商品出售或出售”(Mintz, 1978)。这可以看作是无产阶级劳动力量的首要标准。根据第二种解释,出卖劳动力作为服务的人不能出卖自己。如果他“一劳永逸”地出卖自己的劳动力,那么他就仍然是一个自由的卖家。无产阶级劳动力的第三种解释是,一个人应该被迫出售他的劳动力,因为他没有什么东西可以出售来养活自己,他仍然没有选择出售他的劳动力以外的任何东西(Innes, 1988)。


The curse of slavery had haunted many people, who had been through this repressive system. The labor from African countries was forcefully sent to North America to work in plantations. Slaves were highly humiliated and separated from their families. Slavery system was also based on gender, race and age. Children were separated from their parents and were forced to work in other plantations away from their families. Plantations were the land where agriculture was done and crops were grown. Plantation slaves were the labor forces, who were compelled to work for long hours without any rest. This humiliating system was in practice for over four hundred years.According to the Marxist theory of Karl Marx, the term proletariat is used for the social class who do not have any ownership over the means of production and their ownership is only over their labor power. Buying and selling of the labor power is the major part of the production in the capitalist society. However, it must be understood that a labor does not become a proletarian immediately.

The term ‘proletariat’ was coined by the rise of capitalism. The term “labor power can appear on the market as the commodity, only if, and so far as, its processor, the individual whose labor power it is, offers it for sale, or sells it as commodity” (Mintz, 1978). This could be considered as the first criteria for the proletarian labor power. According to the second explanation, the one who sells labor power as the service cannot sell himself. If he sells his labor power ‘once and for all’, by this he would remain a free seller. The third interpretation of proletarian labor power is that the person should be compelled to sell his labor power as he has nothing to sell to feed himself, and he remains with no choice to sell anything other than his labor power (Innes, 1988).





摘要  摘要应概括说明全文的主要内容,包括目的、方法、结果和结论4个方面,应重点写出具体的研究结果,特别是创新之处.






关键词  关键词是从论文的题名、层次标题、摘要、和正文中选出来的,能反映论文主题概念的词和词组.

引言  引言的内容和写作要求



正文  正文是引言之后、结论之前的部分,也是论文的核心部分.作者论点的提出、论据的陈述、论证的过程、结果和讨论都要在此得以展现.










The data collection methods were based on how the students adjusted to the newer situations. This research was based on primary qualitative research and hence there was no quantitative statistical analysis. The primary reason for the researchers to undertake this research was to find out the issues felt by the students. It was found that the data collection was open ended questions and consent was obtained from all the students. The questions that were asked to the students revolved around what exact issues they had felt in this process and their fundamental challenges in the academic environment. Findings of the research was that their education system of Britain was found to be lacking cultural empathy towards international students. The Asian students in the universities had the basic linguistic ability and had the required standardized testing scores to join the university. They were not able to understand what the professor was teaching in the class even though they had English skills. They could not understand the inside jokes or understand the context in which the professor was speaking. This was because the Asian students had knowledge of the language but did not have proper knowledge of the culture of the place.

Predictive validity of the IELTS tests state that the students have the required skills to sustain in the newer environment. There was serious gaps or deficit information given to the students. Students had stated that they were not able to completely understand what the professor had stated in the classes. They were also not able to understand the cultural connotations of the place. The students were privately facing the issue of loneliness by being in a foreign country. During this time, they also face the issue of language barrier and not able to make friends in the new place. This lack of social ties causes the students to feel alienated in the new country. In spite of these hurdles, the students are found to cope very well in the newer nations owing to the fact of responsibility of the student and their focus on the ultimate objective of gaining the degree. These results indicated that the majority of the students were able to obtain a degree but faced a number of hurdles in this process.




下图引用了PHA化合物的用途。这些化合物增强了依赖于单体化合物的功能。在这个过程中,我们可以看到化合物产生了很多有用的产物。农业聚合物是以淀粉和蛋白质为基础的聚合物。由此衍生的淀粉基聚合物缺乏制造坚固材料的机械性能。正是由于这个原因,许多其他纤维,如黄麻纤维,苎麻纤维等,这提高了产品的坚固性和弹性。通过添加这些化合物,人们发现碳水化合物与淀粉和纤维素基纤维形成更强的结合(Anne, 2011)。这也是原结构在此过程中获得力学强度和耐久性的原因。


PHA is linear polymeric compounds that are found extracted from sugar or glucose molecules. These are basically repeating compounds of the monomeric unit hence the monomeric composition aids to the creation of its characteristic feature of the compounds. There are a number of sources from which PHA is obtained some of the notable methods of production of PHA is from molasses, Whey Hydrolysates, Lignocellulossic raw materials, from cooking oils and also from waste materials. There are a number of sources from which PHA production is done in an industrial level. The following diagram will show the overview of the methodologies obtained for the extraction of PHA from numerous compounds. It has been found that only for vegetable oils there is a need for treating the compounds with esterification process. For the production of wastewater materials, there is a need to treat the volatile fatty acids found in the solutions. Subsequently PHA production is done from the microbial fermentation process. It has been observed for the production of PHA and PLA, there is a need for fermentation process owing to the fact that there is maximum productivity in this process.

The figure below cites the number of uses of the PHA compounds. These compounds have enhanced functionalities that are dependent on the monomeric compounds. In this process, it can be seen that a number of useful products are generated from the compounds. Agropolymers are starch based and protein based polymers. Starch based polymers that are derived are found to lack the mechanical properties for creating sturdy materials. It is for this reason a number of other fibers like Jute fibers, Ramie fibers etc. This enhances the sturdiness and the elasticity of the product. On addition of these compounds, it has been found that the carbohydrate forms a stronger bond with the starch and cellulose based fibers (Anne, 2011). This is the reason for the primary structure to gain mechanical strength and durability in this process.



2015年,这一比例甚至更高,这不仅是充分的,也是不必要的。管理当局将需要降低流动资产的水平,或将流动资产的一部分投资于短期有利息的投资。如果通过有效的催收降低贸易应收账款的水平,然后将多余的现金进行短期投资(Atrill, 2013),那么这个比例可以变得更好。速动或速动比率衡量的是费尔菲尔德有限公司在下个季度偿还未偿流动负债的能力,比率水平表明在这方面有足够的资产。2014年的速动比率为2.67,2015年则高达4.54。这意味着库存水平的下降,因此公司有足够的资产在短期内应付立即付款(Dyson, 2007)。

负债比率是指公司(费尔菲尔德有限公司)的整体资本组合中债务的使用情况,常与所使用的股本进行比较。高负债意味着很高的固定利息成本,这给企业经营带来了压力。Fairfield limited的资本负债率较低,2014年为32.46%,2015年为47.68%。所以对债务没有太大的顾虑,情况完全在公司管理层的控制之下。同样,2014年的时报利息是6.78倍,2015年是15.83倍。这意味着长期和有利息债务的供应商没有直接的担忧,因为公司的经营利润足以覆盖公司的固定利息成本。(卡尔·s·沃伦,2012)


In 2015, the ratio has even gone higher which is not only adequate but unnecessary. It would be required on the part of the management to reduce the level of current assets or invest part of the same in short term interest bearing investments. The ration can get better, if the level of trade receivables is lowered through effective collection, and then putting the excess cash in short term investment (Atrill, 2013). The quick or acid test ratio measures the ability of Fairfield Limited to make payments of current liabilities outstanding in the next quarter and the ratio levels indicates towards availability of adequate assets in this regard. The quick ratio is 2.67 in 2014 and the same is quite high at 4.54 in 2015. This indicates towards lower inventory levels, and thus the firm has adequate assets in the short term to deal with immediate payments (Dyson, 2007).

Gearing is an indication towards the use of debt in the overall capital mix of a company (Fairfield limited) and is often compared to the Equity utilized. A high gearing is an indication toward very high fixed interest cost and which puts strain of the business operations. The Fairfield limited has a low degree of debt in the capital employed since the gearing is only 32.46% in 2014 and 47.68% in 2015. So there is no great concern regarding debts and the situation is absolutely under control of the company management. Similarly, the times interest covered is 6.78 times in 2014 and 15.83 times in 2015. This means the suppliers of long term and interest bearing debts have no immediate cause of concern, as the operation profits of the firm has adequate cover for the fixed interest costs of the firm. (Carl S. Warren, 2012)






There was a high level of political tensions in the Nations After the Second World war. China had started to embrace the notions of socialism and the state became a communist regime. The notion of communism and socialistic agenda was starting to spread to other Asian nations such as Japan, Korea to name a few. The nations were actively involved in spreading socialistic or capitalistic ideologies into the different countries. It was during this conference, the Peace Treaty with Japan was signed. It was signed between the Allied powers and Japan. It was originally signed by 48 countries on September 8t 1951 in San Francisco United States. This came into force on 28th April 1952 .The purpose of signing this treaty with the member nations was significant. It was to end the Japanese imperialistic powers.

By signing this treaty, Japan had agreed to compensate the allied civilians and prisoners of war who were subjected to oppression during the war. It was to assuage the war crimes that was committed by Japan during World War II. This treaty was framed based on the United Nations Charter. Along with this treaty, Security treaty was signed on the same day. This was considered to be the inception point of the San Francisco System. This was to signify the role of Japan relationship with the United States. It was during this treaty singing that the legal status of Taiwan was brought into contention. Taiwan province and the independence of the nations were a subject of controversy. The laws were obscure leading to the issue of sovereignty of Taiwan. The nations that were opposed to these treaty was Russia and China. The views of each of these nations are elucidated in detail in the following.



珠宝设计的写照,加上堆叠戒指的例子是一个确定的象征财富,权威和友好。戒指也是永恒爱情和记忆的象征(Galton, 2012)。传统观点认为,戒指是由宝石、象牙、木材等珍贵的金属元素制成的。但在当代看来,首饰设计通过使用最合适的材料来表达人们的情感。因此,在购买首饰时,以下几点将突出影响首饰选择的主要因素。在我看来,戒指和手镯是佩戴者佩戴时能看到的最漂亮的珠宝。把它们戴在手指上可以使它更有吸引力。我的祖母总是在手指上戴着一枚戒指,这是我母亲送给她的礼物,她从来没有摘下戒指。她做了美味的食物。当她过去喂我的时候,她总是用食物填满我的嘴,问我味道如何。因此,戒指是首饰中最常见的装饰,我认为戒指的艺术表现应该融入我个人的经历和对戒指的诠释。

诚然,动物在拟人化人类方面占据了相当大的地位,并且是警示说教的载体(Rajili, Olander and Warell, 2015)。人们一次又一次地看到,动物被用来拟人化人和非拟人化,以处理可能引发争议的问题,例如乔治·奥威尔的《动物庄园》,它描绘了独裁统治的探索,帮助批判了社会主义。另一次是拟人化的例子。2016年3月4日,迪士尼出品的3D动画电影《疯狂动物城》上映。它被视为最近被背诵的拟人化故事的一个令人惊叹的例子(Wikipedia, Zootopia, 2016)。因此,这种对道德故事的简单描绘是一种可以接受的方式来展示敏感问题,并被包括儿童在内的各行各业的人们所接受。


The portrayal of the jewellery design with the inclusion of the examples of the stacking rings is a sure symbolic sign of wealth, authority and friendliness. The rings are also symbolic of eternal love and memory (Galton, 2012). In the conventional viewpoint, rings are made with the help of precious metallic elements such as gemstones and ivory and wood. But in the contemporary view, the jewellery designs represent emotions of the people by making use of the most suitable material.Therefore, the following points would highlight the main factors which contribute to making the selection of the jewellery when buying the piece. In my opinion, the rings and bracelets are the most beautiful chunks of jewellery as the wearer can see it when it is worn. Adorning them on fingers makes it more attractive piece of jewellery. It has become my memory that my grandmother always wore a ring on her finger which was gifted to her from my mother and she never took it off. She cooked delicious food. When she used to feed me, she used to fill my mouth with food and ask about the taste. Thus, rings are the most commonly adorned piece of jewellery and I think that the artistic expression of ring should be infused with my personal experiences and interpretations of rings.

It is true that animals have occupied a considerable place in personifying humans and are the carriers of cautionary preaching (Rajili, Olander and Warell, 2015). Time and again, it has been observed that animals have been used for personifying humans and non-humans so as to handle the issues which may spark controversy such as the case of George Orwell’s Animal Farm which portrayed the exploration of dictatorship and helped in criticizing socialism. Another time the example of personification was experienced. This was when a 3D animated film named Zootopia, from the makers of Walt Disney was released on March 4th,2016. It is perceived as an amazing example of anthropomorphic story recited, recently (Wikipedia, Zootopia, 2016). Thus, this simple portrayal of the moral stories was an acceptable manner for showcasing the sensitive issues and was accepted by the people from all walks of life, including children.