标签存档: 加拿大论文代写





Demand and supply elasticity are extremely important to determine equilibrium and corresponding prices in the housing market therefore this section will discuss these aspects of the problem.
The movements towards equilibrium are very slow in case of housing market and it is due to the existence of inelastic demand and inelastic supply of housing facilities. If the law of demand hold then the increased demand for housing is accompanied with high prices of it and in turn increased prices will tend to increase the supply of housing with a view to enjoy more profits by the suppliers. Practically the situation is much different from that of theory because there are many barriers that do not allow the market to increase the supply and law of demand and law of supply are based on the assumption that there are no barriers in the market (Oxley, 2004).The resources that are needed for house building are also quite scarce so it becomes very difficult to increase the supply to adjust to the changes in demand. The models that were presented by classical and neo-classical were also based on the assumption that there is no short-run and long-run market adjustment processes.
No consensus has been developed regarding empirical estimates of elasticity of supply and demand. Ambiguous estimates are provided by the empirical research and the main reason is difficulty in the modelling. Major contribution in this field is made by Monk (1999) whose estimates indicate that elasticity of housing demand is about 0.2 to 1 in United Kingdom. Similarly income elasticity of demand remains in the range of 0.5 to 2.0. As far as the supply side is concerned it is estimated to be in the range of 0.15 to 1.8 Bramley (1993a). Swank et al (2002) compares the price elasticity across countries and conclude that housing market of United Kingdom is much more inelastic as compared to other country’s markets. The evidence of Netherlands, France and United States can be taken that have the elasticity to be 0.45, 1.1 and 1.4 respectively. Moreover, it is difficult for equilibrium to be restored in the housing markets of United Kingdom as compared to other counties (Meen, 2005).



有许多意见支持在工作场所禁止即时通讯应用。根据报告,已经观察到,雇员和工人偏离了他们可以进入IM的工作。谈到学生,有人注意到,广泛应用IM应用程序会导致错误的语法、高使用缩写和不同的字符,如“@”或“$”,甚至在他们的学术作品。这可能是有害的,因为人们可能会以相反的方式影响他们的学习。人们不应该影响学习因为IM应用(herbsleb et al,2002)。
虽然这对每个人来说都不是相似的观点,但有些人是以积极的态度看待的,因为他们可以在使用即时通讯之后更清楚地讨论他们的作品,他们有更好地思考的能力。此外,在最近的一项研究中,人们发现年轻的IM用户使用更少的缩写。它在很多方面都是好的(麦克道威尔等人,2002)。学院的教授和工作场所的管理人员可以用它来主持课程和培训班。其中一个例子是Bob Burk教授一直在使用MSN Messenger的过去两年。他已经制定了这样一个时间表,学生可以通过MSN Messenger有效地学习和理解事物。使用IM的另一个好处是,学生和员工可以随时联系他们的经理、老板和教授,并根据紧急情况提出建议。


There are a number of observations which supports the ban on IM Applications during workplace. As per the reports, it has been observed that the employees and the workers are deviated from the works which they have access to IM. Talking about students, it has been observed that the extensive use of IM Applications leads to the improper grammar, high use of abbreviations and different characters such as “@” or ‘$’ even in their academic works. This may be harmful as the people may affect their learning in adverse manner. The people should not affect their learning because of the IM Applications (Herbsleb et al, 2002).
Though this is not the similar view for everyone, it is seen in a positive manner by some, as they can discuss their works more apparently after the use of IM, they have ability to think in a better way. Also, in a recent study, it has been finding that the young IM Users use fewer abbreviations that expected. It is good in a number of ways (McDowell et al, 2002). The professors at the college and the managers at the workplace can use it for conducting the classes and training sessions. One of the examples is the Professor Bob Burk who has been using MSN Messenger for the past two years. He has made such a schedule that students can effectively learn and understand things by the use of MSN messenger. Another advantage of using, IM is that the students and employees can connect to their managers, boss and professors any moment and take advices as per the emergency requirements as well.



根据历史学家Thomas Caryle的词,“世界历史是伟人的传记。”有一些领导理论。最早的领导理论之一是1840年提出的伟人理论。根据这个理论,只有一个人才能有伟大领袖的特性。它认为,伟大的人是天生的领导素质,是内在的(低音及应用,1990)。
在特质理论之后,引入了领导行为理论。它提供了一种完全不同的领导者视角,并聚焦于领导者的社会、心理和生理特征。因此,它是从领导者那里了解有效的人际关系和人类行为的东西。因此,领导者定义自己内在的品质,而不是内在的东西。行为理论之所以重要,是因为它关注于领导者所拥有的特定行为。最重要的两个不同的行为研究中包括的任务导向型领导和以人为本的领导(Yukl et al,1999)。一方面,任务导向型领导侧重于组织的结构和组织遵循的程序。这种行为包括主动性、组织能力、澄清和收集信息等素质。以人为本的领导,另一方面包括关注人民内心需求的领导者。因此,他们倾向于通过强调人际关系来激励工作人员。


According to the word of the historian, Thomas Caryle, ‘The history of the world is the biography of great people.’ There have been a number of theories on leadership. One of the earliest theories of leadership is the Great Man Theory, proposed in the year 1840. According to this theory, only a man could have characteristics of the great leader. It assumed that the great man are born and the leadership quality is intrinsic (Bass & Stogdill, 1990).
The theory was disputed in 1860 by a professor Herbert who started that the leaders are due to social conditions.
Further, trait theory of leadership was proper in 1930-1940. This theory believed that the people who become good leaders are either born with the leadership qualities or they make themselves excellent with respect to a certain role. These qualities includes intelligence, sense of responsibility, creative view and other values. Thus, the trait theory of leadership largely focused on the analysis of the mental, physical and social condition of the person in order to identify different characteristics of a leader. But, there were certain negative things about this theory, hence it was rejected.
After the trait theory, the behavioral theory of leadership was introduced. It offered a completely different perspective of being a leader and focused upon the social, mental and physical characteristics of a leader. Thus it was something which understood the effective relationships and the human behaviors from the leaders. It is therefore defined that the leaders develop the qualities within themselves and is not something which is inherent. The behavioral theory was important because it focused on the specific behavior possessed by the leader. The two most important among the different behavioral studies included the Task oriented leadership and people oriented leadership (Yukl et al, 1999). On one hand, the task oriented leadership was something which focused on the structure of the organizations, the procedures which were followed with the organization. This kind of behavior consisted of qualities like taking the initiative, organizational abilities, clarifying and gathering of information. People oriented leadership, on the other hand includes the leaders who focus on the inner need of the people are satisfied or not. Thus, they tend to motivate the staff members by their emphasis on the human relations.







In this existence is present and companies that are present in the existence stage are working for the development of their customer segment and market. They are working for the development of the products and services but this stage is the most difficult stage of all times. In this stage Google is not coming because the company has reached far better position in the market and as it was innovated in 1990s the existence stage of the company has already passed. In the existence stage the owners of the company worked hard for developing the concept about search engine and how their innovative idea was a deal breaker in the market.
In stage two the organization is simple and they have limited number of employees because they are setting the business so they need limited number of employees for fulfilling the basic requirements and jobs. System development is low and at this stage the main goal of the company is to survive in the business and reduce their expenses so they can use these resources for the future. As for Google the company they have survived at this stage because from the beginning owners of the company are empowerment to their employees and major shares of the company were held by the employees. They not only survived but they made sure that they had new ideas for the market.
Stage 3 explains about the success and how this success is handled by the company. At this stage the decision facing is about the owner that is making decisions for the company that is taking the company towards success and development. Alternatives and contingency plans are developed at this stage that is important for the future. When the company is at breakeven they are making strategies for earning profit in the future. At this stage sub stage f disengagement is present and economic health is obtained by making the decisions that are competitive and help the company in making decisions. Google reached success during 1998 when they privatized the company and gave 58% of shares to the stockholders in the market. This was a turning point for the company because market understood new and innovative products and services provided by the company.



根据文章,在欧洲推广佛教。Bhikkhu Bodhi,作者试图解释,佛教的宗教在欧洲地区鲜为人知,因为在过去的20年里,西方公众对佛教的认识已经提高,并且正在急剧增加(菩提,2000)。作者为了确保在欧洲的佛教不仅是大众媒体来源和佛教电影的结果,而且实际上必须通过使宗教渗透到欧洲的土壤中,从而健康地促进,这一宣言由作者做出。作者对这首诗的创作方式进行了仔细的解读,而埃德温·阿诺德爵士的《亚洲之光》一直激励着西方佛教的发展。佛教之所以能蓬勃发展,其原因在于各种因素,包括政治统一性、良好信仰、以及需要采用一种精神信仰体系。对于西方人来说,佛教是唯一的过程,通过这种训练,心灵的训练可以带来内心的平静和对自我的深刻认识,这也有助于实现西方国家灵魂的另一种深刻的需求。此外,作者还指出,西方人必须面对的各种问题不仅是外在的,而且是内在的(菩提,2000)。因此,根据这篇文章,需要在西方文化中保持微妙的纪律,以隐藏在宗教背后的明确意图。从这篇文章中可以看到,在电视上使用电影的大众媒体报道将不会帮助佛教扩大和触及人们的内心,因为电影往往误解了真实的刺激。例如,在电影《小佛》中,导演们并没有把注意力集中在唤起和诠释宗教的正确情感上。这篇文章还描述了真正的僧侣和修女的需要,他们是佛法的实际化身。


According to the article, Promoting Buddhism in Europe by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, the author has tried to explain that the religion of Buddhism is not known barely in the region of Europe because since the past 20 years awareness in public in the West has raised on Buddhism and is sharply increasing (Bodhi, 2000). This proclamation has been made by the authors in order to make sure that Buddhism in Europe is not just a result of mass media sources and Buddhist films but actually has to be healthily promoted by making the religion seep through the soil of Europe. The author discretely interprets the way in which the poem, The light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold has been inspiring the growth of Buddhism in the Western region. The reason for Buddhism to flourish as per the authors comes from various factors inclusive of political uniformity, favorable belief and the need to adopt a system of spiritual belief. Buddhism for the westerners was the only process by which training of mind could take place for bringing peace inside and deep knowledge of the self which also led towards fulfilling alternative profound requirement of the soul in the western region. Additionally, the authors proclaim that various problems the westerners will have to face are not only external but also internal (Bodhi, 2000). Therefore, according to this article, there requires a maintenance of delicate discipline in the middle of western culture temptations that may hide the clear intention behind the religion. From this article, it can be implied that mass media coverage using films on television will not help Buddhism to expand and reach the hearts of people because films often misinterpret the real stimulation. For example, in the film the little Buddha the directors have not focused on arousing and interpreting the right feeling of the religion. This article also has depicted the need for real monks and nuns who are actual embodiments of Dhamma.





Travel companies are growing up with the growth in business and leisure travel. More demands of cultural, religious, adventure tourism have provided the industry with many options of operating in different segments. There has not been a wise literature on the requisites of setting up a travel company, but there are few authors and commentators who have devoted their research into the subject selected. Nicole D (2010) mentions that there are several dimensions of setting up a travel company. The first one is to determine the segment into which the company wants to specialise along with all other tertiary services. She suggests that there are probably three ways of getting started in the business, one is by forming own agency and providing services, start work as an independent contractor, or if the risk is too high, then buying into a franchise of a successful travel company can also be done. The first step involves studying the market potential and identifying the gap in the industry to be filled in. Suppose, the market is booming for specialised vacation sat distant far off locations offering adventure tours, there might be too much competition in that segment. The company can look at offering niche holidays to private islands and private tours for up-class customers. Thus the identification of the primary segment to be dealt in is very important, as this will strive the company progress into forming the support infrastructure.
Wicks (2014) offers a 9 step guide in forming a travel company. The primary step required is the identification of the market segment that is required to be operated in. It must have a combination of more than one segment to offer services to all kinds of customers. Second step is to find a suitable company name and register with the relevant government authorities. This makes it a legitimate process and can avoid future hurdles in operations. The third step is to form a business plan of operation on which will include entire timeline of the start-up, the financing required, the initial manpower required to be employed, business premises at a suitable location which is more lucrative for a travel company providing access to several customers, and a adherence plan on which the entire team will follow.





The activities of OSFI have been divided into 2 broader categories inclusive of supervising and regulating. Supervising holds OSFI to identify risks specific to the institution and its related trends along with timely intervention for minimizing loss to Canadians. Regulation on the other hand lies in enhancing the safety procedures related to financial systems by system-wide risks evaluation and promotion of best practices by recommendations, policy offerings and guidance.
From this perspective, the three main sectors of OSFI are supervising, regulating and corporate service sector. The authority employs more than 600 employees across 4 separate organization chains such as in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.
The power for OSFI is driven from several legislations such as the Bank Act, Trust and Loan organizations Act, Cooperative Credit Associations Act, Insurance companies Act and even Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985. These legislations help the OSFI to set out rules for structuring and operating the financial institutions along with federal regulation standards formalization (Eggert et al, 2012). The several acts addressed above are important aspects of the industries that they are responsible for governing and they are designed in a way that they provide consistency. Under the Act of OFSI, it is a responsibility of OSFI to report to the parliament by the Finance Minister and the sole responsibility of the superintendent is to exercise the provided authorities through legislations of finances and pensions and it is required that OFSI makes reports to the Finance Minister. The regulation of OSFI is across 400 institutes of finances and also across Canadian based 1500 pension plans inclusive of deposit taking institutions, foreign bank representative offices in Canada. Institutes taking deposits with banks are inclusive of banks such as domestic banks, foreign banks, complete service branches foreign bank and branches for foreign banks, trust organizations, loan organizations, associations for cooperative credit and retail associations for cooperatives.









不必要地运行测试开关可能会带来有害的电压瞬变。作为一个例子,不要从他们的架子上画出印刷的电路板,以在没有真正需要的情况下进行评估。预防性的方法不应该被不必要地使用,因为这可能会增加自动化故障(Blackburn,j . Lewis)。,1998)。






 Protective relays have to be tested based on SAC’s recommendations. Main reasons behind failure in electronic parts are power supplies, heat, under or over voltages, voltage transients, current surges, resonance, age, and moisture. Vibration could break or loosen can crack circuit boards, component casings, and insulation, resulting in equipment failure. Overheating could be triggered by voltage transients, high ambient temperature level or current surges. Moisture could lead to oxidation and corrosion of metallic elements that could lead to circuit discontinuities, short circuits and poor connections. Direct precautionary maintenance of protective relays toward eliminating the causes of failure, I listed here by the following approaches:
Test the supply voltage & the power supply result voltage.
Evaluate to observe that all links, contacts as well as leads are fixed and as liberated as workable from the effects of vibration.
Maintain the device dry and protected against rust and moisture.
Keep devices dirt-free by regularly blowing or vacuum cleaning dirt, dust, or any other pollutants. Dust might be removed using dry canned air. It is recommended that don’t use an air compressor or plant air because of moisture and contaminants.
Examine that there is enough ventilation to remove heat from the protective relay.
Running test switches needlessly might bring in harmful voltage transients. As an example, don’t draw printed circuit cards away from their racks to be evaluated in case there is no genuine necessity. Preventative approaches shouldn’t be used needlessly because this might add to automation failures (Blackburn, J. Lewis., 1998).
Testing Process
Documentation phase: This stage is also crucial as it keeps date of decision making. Thanks to the advance technology, as of now test systems offers custom-made report.
Planning stage: At this phase, as a testing engineer I have learned what test to be done and what type of evaluation data to be logged for future auditing and for decision making.
Running stage: Now, this is the actual time of carrying out the test. Here in this phase, I have to take care not to open a powerful circuit, in order that no extra voltages will be built and harm property and workers by running preliminary. Afterwards, the actual tests were done as according to the SAC protocols.



对很多加拿大留学的小伙伴们来说,加拿大的新公民法C6法案一直是个让人满心期盼,描述了特别美好的前景,却久久不能实现。近日在加拿大总督David Johnston签名之后,这个预热了半年的C-6法案终于正式生效成为法律。











修正:在成为永久居民之前,短期居留人员及受保护人(Protected Person)在加拿大的停留时间可以减半计入入籍居住时间,最长不超过一年。











7.取消“留加意图(intent to reside in Canada)”条款













However, in this duration of time, China had to go through certain obstacles. On the basis of the analysis done on the articles, ‘Enterprise ownership and control in China: Governance with a Chinese twist,’ and ‘China Netcom: Corporate Governance in China (A)’, these obstacles have been identified as follows:
Immense concentration on ownership of state: Two-third of the corporations listed within the Shanghai Stock Exchange is enterprises of the state. This can be referred to as the legacy of the economy controlled by the state (Abrami et al. 2008). This particular issue has been identified as the main source of a number of obstacles for progressing listed here.
These include low level of independence amongst the Boards of Directors and rampant trading by insider. It also has an influence on the diversion of resources away from the companies. This reduces the rate of liquidity within the capital markets, and discourages minority investors to be engaged in investments on long-term basis. However, since the formation of new reforms, there has been an improvement in the protection and safety of minority shareholders, but it still remains hard for them to be disagreeing on the facts by state shareholders.
Low level of independence amongst the Boards of Directors: This particular obstacle has been identified as the direct outcome of concentration on ownership. Selection and removal of members from both, boards of supervisors and corporate boards of directors by the dominating owners of the organization. This is more often the government of China (Abrami et al. 2008). Due to this, there are more chances that the directors will be impeding to carry out the fiduciary duties; whereas, there are less chances that the supervisors will manage to exert improved level of independence from senior managers as well as board of directors.