标签存档: 加拿大论文代写哪个好




It is evident that the price of the houses is correlated with the number of bathrooms in the house, age of the house and the lot area of the house. The correlation between the house area and the other variables is not statistically significant. However, the correlation between lot area and number of bathrooms, price and house area are significant. This implies that potential multicollinearity may exist between these sets of variables. However, the final check of multicollinearity is done via VIF (Variance Inflation Factor). The working rule is that VIF should be less than 5 or the tolerance (=1/VIF) should be more than 0.2. Table 9 shows the VIF and the tolerance of the variables and it is evident that the model is free from multicollinearity.The dummy variables d98004, d98006, d98040 and d98166 correspond to the zip codes 98004, 98006, 98040 and 98166. The zip code 98125 is chosen as the base category because it has the most number of observations. The final model developed is shown in table 8. The dependent variable in the model developed is the log of the price of the properties. The variables corresponding to number of bedrooms, bathrooms and the age of the house are very small in magnitude as compared to the price, house area and lot area.
The difference in scale often leads to heteroskedasticity. Therefore, the variables high in magnitude are used in their logarithmic form while the other variables are left as they are. The use of logarithmic scale also ensures that there are no outliers in the model. To ensure that the final model is free from heteroskedasticity, hettest is used whose result is shown in table 9. The estimation of the model is done by the OLS technique. The coefficient of number of bathrooms is significant at 1% level of significance. The coefficient is 0.26 which implies that for every unit increase in the number of bathrooms in the house, the log of price is expected to go up by 0.26. The coefficient dummy variable corresponding to zip code 98004 has a value of 0.87 and is significant at 1% level of significance. This implies that compared to the base area, the log of price of the houses are 0.87 times higher in the zip code 98004. Similarly, the coefficient of dummy variable for zip code 98040 is significant at 1% level of significance and the coefficient is 0.5. This implies that that compared to the base area the log of prices are 50% higher in the zip code 98040.



加拿大的情况一直很有竞争力,许多网上卖家都试图扩大产品范围。亚马逊一直面临着来自加拿大同行(如Indigo和总部位于美国的沃尔玛)的良性竞争。它假定,增加产品选择的理论更像是吸引更多的客户,事实证明这是有益的。这种情况要求先进的竞争,以击败那些同样在推动业务发展的竞争对手。据了解,有必要将增加在线产品数量作为一项关键的竞争举措,最终演变成一场与竞争对手的价格战。它采取了行动,在其网站上增加了惊人的100万新产品(CBC新闻,2014)。随着满足现有和未来需求的新物流中心的增加,它也创造了700个工作岗位(BNN, 2016)。给一个国家提供更多工作岗位的假设,对于一个国家企业形象的改善是一个很好的操作。当它击败所有竞争对手,成为一个强大的在线产品来源时,效果非常好。


Amazon strives in understanding America becoming a plural market with rapid immigration affecting the cultural fabric of the country. Decisions and social habits change over time, and Amazon is a keen observer using theoretical analysis to avoid all kinds of repercussions of wrong decisions. America has many bilateral trade agreements, of which the NAFTA is by far the most business generating. NAFTA include Canada, Mexico, and America as natural business partners capitalised by their geographic proximity. Amazon has strategic alliance with Canadian firms for intelligence sharing, overcoming business hurdles for a streamlined business operation. The US and Canada are bound by the agreement, allowing Amazon to capitalise on its core competency to expand in Canada. This is seen by the revenue share of Amazon in different countries dominated US and few others. Amazon uses the value chain analysis to determine the likelihood of it reaching the desired objectives. This gives a near-perfect result to fix flow of goods and implications originating from bilateral trade agreement.
The situation in Canada has been much competitive, with many online sellers trying to increase the range of products. Amazon had been facing healthy competition from its Canadian counterparts, such as Indigo and the US based Walmart. It assumed the theory of increased product options likening to attract more customers, which proved beneficial. The situation demanded advanced competition to beat rivals who were equally steering their businesses further. The task it understood to be necessary was to increase the number of products online as one of the key competitive act, culminating into a price war with rivals. It took action, when it added a staggering 1 million new products on its website (CBC News, 2014). With the addition of new fulfilment centres to cater existing and future demand, it also created 700 jobs (BNN, 2016). An assumption of gifting more jobs to a country is a good manipulation for corporations’ image improvement in a country. The result was great when it became a powerful source of online products, beating all competitors.












谷歌、雅虎和必應等搜索引擎也會通過用戶的搜索請求收集、存儲和分析個人信息。搜索引擎維護“服務器日誌”,根據谷歌私有策略,包括您的“web請求”。 Internet協議地址、瀏覽器類型、瀏覽器語言、請求的日期和時間,以及一個或多個可能惟一標識您的瀏覽器的cookie。 “對我最有吸引力的一段話是,谷歌、雅虎(Yahoo)、必應(Bing)等搜索引擎一直在利用人們的數據為自己謀利。我曾經認為,這些搜索引擎的工作是為了人民的利益,而不是為了他們自己的利益。我認為谷歌的收入只是通過廣告的幫助。
然而,作者指出,谷歌從用戶的數據分析中獲得了很多收入。作者指出,這些搜索引擎維護服務器日誌,可以獲得與web請求和internet地址相關的信息(Orwell, 2010)。她還表示,這些公司分析日誌是為了產生越來越多的收入。雅虎是最受歡迎的搜索引擎之一,它甚至使用這種方法來產生更多的收入。雅虎甚至使用用戶電腦上的cookie來生成更多的廣告。這清楚地表明,這些搜索引擎的每一項活動都是為了自己的利益。重要的是,用戶應該了解這些公司的這些策略,因為它們不是為了自己的利益。


“Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing also collect,, store and analyze information about individual users through their search queries. Search engine maintain “server logs” which according to Google private policy, include you “web request”. Internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of the request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.”The paragraph which has been most appealing for me is the one which states that Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines have been using the data of the people for their own benefit. I used to think that these search engines work for benefits of the people and not for their own benefits. I think that Google earns the revenues only through the help of advertisements.
However, the author states that the Google earns a lot of revenues from the data analysis of the users. Author states that these search engines maintain the server logs which can get the information related to the web request and internet address (Orwell, 2010). She also states that these companies analyze the logs in order to generate more and more revenues. Yahoo which is one of the most popular search engines even uses the method for the purpose of generation of more revenues. Yahoo even uses the cookies on the computer of the user for the purpose of generation of more advertisements. This clearly indicates that each and every activity of these search engines is for their own profits. It is important that the users should be aware of these tactics of these companies as they are nothing for their own benefits.



案例研究中提到的利益相关者圆桌会议是为了分析红杉国家公园的融资方式。为了维护红杉国家公园,需要大量的资金。因此,重要的是确保以独特的方式促进筹资进程(Allen et al., 1988)。筹集资金最有效的方法之一就是通过广告。为了在红杉国家公园做广告,有必要制定一个有效的计划。大自然是人类最好的朋友。是大自然创造了地球上的生命。树,鸟,小动物和一切与人类有关的东西是每个人都喜欢珍惜。保护自然是非常重要的。红杉国家公园对于红杉市的人类来说是非常重要的,因为它为人类提供了内在的环境和大量的审美和娱乐利益(Blank, 1989)。这些红杉国家公园也带来了很多积极的环境。保护红杉国家公园是当务之急。但是,为了保护它们并确保它们得到适当的维护,需要资金。作为一个热爱自然的人,我不想一开始就在红杉国家公园展示广告。
我认为广告会破坏红杉国家公园的自然美。然而,这是产生资金的最有效方法。红杉国家公园不仅是一种娱乐方式,而且由于许多原因它也很重要。首先,红杉国家公园提供了社区居民相互交流和结识新朋友的必要空间。这有助于为人民发展社区(Beeton, 2006)。其次,当社区中有适当的公园时,犯罪率就会降低。当红杉国家公园被大量的人使用时,将会有越来越多的人关注街道,这将会为每个人带来一个更安全的环境。第三,公园里的树木可以清除空气中存在的各种污染物。城市的空气污染会导致癌症的风险,并对儿童、老年人和其他有呼吸问题的人产生不利影响。在红杉国家公园众多的城市,人们的心理健康得到了提升。通过直接接触大自然,一个人在心理健康方面有很多好处,它可以减少压力,增加幸福感。


The roundtable meeting of stakeholders as mentioned in the case study was held to do the analysis of the ways through which the Sequoia National Park can be funded. In order to maintain the Sequoia National Park, a lot of funds are required. It is therefore important to ensure that unique ways are used to facilitate the process of funding (Allen et al., 1988). One of the most effective ways to generate funds is through the advertisements. There is a need for an effective planning so as to do advertisements in the Sequoia National Park.Nature is the best friend of human beings. It is the nature that fabricates life on earth. Trees, birds, small animals and everything else related to the human beings is something that everyone likes to cherish. It is very important to protect the nature. Sequoia National Park is very important for the human beings in the city of Sequoia as they provide the intrinsic environment and a large number of aesthetic and recreational benefits for the human beings (Blank, 1989). These Sequoia National Park also brings a lot of positivity within the environment. It is an utmost necessity to protect Sequoia National Park. However, in order to protect the same and ensure that they are maintained properly, funding is required. As a nature lover, I do not want to display the advertisements in the Sequoia National Park initially.
I thought that the advertisements will destroy the natural beauty of the Sequoia National Park. Nevertheless, it is the most effective method for the generation of funds. Sequoia National Park is not only the means of recreation but it is also important because of many reasons. First of all, Sequoia National Park provides the required space where the neighborhood residents can interact with one another and meet new people. This helps in the development of community for the people (Beeton, 2006). Secondly, when there is proper Park in the community, there is a reduction in crime rates. When the Sequoia National Park will be used by the large number of people, there will be more and more eyes on the street, which will lead to a safer environment for each and every person. Thirdly, the trees which are there in the park can remove a large variety of pollutants which are present in the air. The air pollution in the city causes a risk of cancers and has adverse effects on the children, elders and other people who are having the respiratory problems. The people of the city get a mental health boost in a city where there is large number of Sequoia National Park. By getting a direct exposure to the nature, one has a lot of benefits in the mental health and it leads to the reduction in stress and increase in the happiness.




这种类型的孩子可能会发现在传统的环境中很难集中注意力,他们可能需要额外的关注。他们将难以以适当的方式表达他们对学校教育和其他需要的要求(Turnbull, 1995)。当他们试图与学校里的同龄人相处时,他们的社交行为也会受到影响。因此,这些孩子有特定的需求需要解决,因此,学生的父母会希望他们在特殊需要学校接受培训,以便他们达到他们的教育水平(特恩布尔,1995年)。这些孩子需要的学习和教学项目的本质是,它应该满足他们的支持需求。这些孩子需要更多的时间和他们的老师在一起。在传统的教室里,教室里的学生人数可以更多,而在这些特殊学校里,学生的人数则要少得多。


The school that has been selected is the Arndell School. Arndell School is an institution that works with students who have special social, educational and behavioural needs. This is a special needs school for children with social-behavioural mental issues that affect their education (NSW Education Public Schools, 2015). The behaviour management program at Arndell is at the core of the social and educational strategy. The School is a small school offering educational programs for children in Kindergarten to Year 4 with emotional and behavioural support needs (NSW Education Public Schools, 2015). The School comes under the NSW Mental Health Services and Educational Needs program. By providing the required support for children with respect to their mental health, the school helps the specific segment of children in getting reintegrated into regular schooling environment (NSW Education Public Schools, 2015).Children with social-behavioural mental health issues will usually struggle with learning in a traditional school setting.

Some children in this genre might find it difficult to focus in traditional settings and they might need to be given extra attention. They will have difficulty communicating their requirements with respect to their education and other needs in the school in a proper way (Turnbull, 1995). They would also suffer in terms of social behaviour as they try to cope with their peers in school. These children hence have specific needs to be addressed, and hence parents of the students will want them to train at special needs school in order for them to come up to par with their education (Turnbull, 1995). The nature of learning and teaching programs that are needed for these children is that, it should address their support needs. These children will require more time with their instructors. Unlike a traditional class room where the number of children in the classroom could be a larger strength, in the case of these special schools the children’s strength would be much lesser.



在制定公司战略时,没有单一的战略或理论模型。需要创建一个由多个策略组合而成的策略。针对塔拉塔,提出了波特国家竞争理论与明茨伯格紧急战略模型相结合的方法。应采用5P的经营策略。塔拉塔普需要在肯尼亚市场建立并维持下去。因此,目标人群中应该产生品牌价值(Magretta, 2013)。对于价值创造,波特斯价值创造模型被推荐给公司。肯尼亚人更喜欢实用的商品;商品应该是高质量和低价格(Magretta, 2013)。公司的汽车配件和汽车配件的价格应低于博世、Autospare等竞争对手。应该有不同的产品范围来吸引目标消费者。制定商品销售的综合营销策略。广播和电视是这个国家使用最广泛的媒体。对于广告,应该有策略,包括直接营销销售,使用电视和广播(Magretta, 2013)。在公司运营的第一年,品牌认知度至少要达到15%。

与当地社区联系,在肯尼亚举办的汽车博览会上做广告。主办多场有关汽车零件的本地社区展览。制定供应商和经销商的管理策略,对供应商进行品牌的严格要求教育。通过对肯尼亚对外直接投资政策的分析,发现该国也遵循着实用主义民族主义。选择的进入方式是通过市场寻求FDI模式。合营企业是为公司规定的。选择合资公司的原因是肯尼亚市场对公司来说是一个新的市场。为了全面了解当地的商业实践,了解当地的文化,我公司初步建议成立合资企业。所选择的FDI模式为垂直外商直接投资(FDI) (Kinyeki, and Mwangi, 2013)。偏好垂直FDI的原因是业务的上流和下流是基于事件发展起来的(Lankhuizen, 2014)。该模型具有较强的鲁棒性、动态性,适合于进入新市场的企业。因此,该模型得到了优先考虑。


While formulating strategy for a company, there is no single strategy or academic theoretical model. There is a need for creation of a strategy that is a combination of multiple strategies. For Tara tap, a combination of Porters national competitive theory and Mintzberg model of emergent strategy is prescribed. 5P of business strategy should be employed. Taratap needs to establish and sustain in the Kenyan market. For this purpose, there should be brand value generated among the target demography (Magretta, 2013). For value creation, Porters value creation model is recommended for the company. Kenyan people prefer goods that are functional; merchandise should be of high quality and lower prices (Magretta, 2013). Car accessories and automobile spare parts of the company should be priced lower than the competitors such as Bosch and Autospare. There should be differential product range to entice the target consumer. To develop an integrated marketing strategy for the sales of goods. Radio and television are the highly used media in the country. For advertising, there should be strategy that includes direct marketing sales, using television and radio (Magretta, 2013). Brand recognition for the company should be at least 15% in the first year of operations.

To connect with the local community to advertise in the Autoexpo exhibition held in Kenya. To sponsor a number of local community exhibition regarding automobile parts. To have a supplier and distributer management strategy and provide education for the suppliers about the exacting demands of the brand. From analysis of the FDI policy of Kenya, it has been found that the country also follows pragmatic nationalism. The chosen mode of entry is through market seeking FDI mode. Equity joint venture is prescribed for the company. Reason for choosing equity joint venture is that Kenyan markets are a new market for the company. To fully comprehend the business practice and understand local culture equity joint venture is initially recommended for the company. The chosen mode of FDI is through vertical Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Kinyeki, and Mwangi, 2013). The reason for preference towards vertical FDI is that up streaming and down streaming of operations is developed based on the events (Lankhuizen, 2014). This model is more robust, dynamic and suitable for a company that is entering a new market. Hence, preference has been given to this model.



Sports First brand计划在南布里斯托尔开设一家新健身房。健身房的设备和服务可以同时满足男性和女性的需求。可容纳40人进行心血管和体重训练。它还提供尊巴舞课程和瑜伽服务。因此,本文运用营销相关的学术理论,提出了数字化营销的建议。这个建议的明智目标是确保品牌对目标人群的认知度。从品牌知名度来看,至少应该有1万名Facebook和Twitter的健身房粉丝,以及至少10篇主要被阅读的博客文章。根据Mintel 2015年的报告,成本、地点和长期承诺是人们加入健身房的障碍。因此,根据健身房离阿什顿门体育馆的距离设计广告是很重要的。英国豪华健身房收费每月100多£。简单的取消政策应该是一个需要宣传的重要方面。

2015年,全英国的健身会员数量增长了44%。人们越来越意识到健康的重要性(Mintel, 2015)。近五分之四的英国成年人承诺照顾好自己的健康。人们的健康意识得到了更新,只有12%的人拥有会员(Mintel, 2015)。这表明,新的消费者开始使用健身服务是有潜力的。计划行为理论可以用来吸引目标消费者人口统计学去尝试适合度制度。关系营销是保持消费者对健身概念的参与和兴趣的一个不可或缺的元素。我们将利用当代数字媒体工具,向消费者提供优质服务和体验的长期战略提供例证。提出了一种基于游戏化、社会认知理论和计划行为理论的数字化营销策略,以创造意识并激励消费者与品牌产生关联。


Sports First brand is scheduling to open a new gym in South Bristol. Gym has equipments and services that will cater to both male and female population. It can accommodate 40 people for cardio vascular and weight training. It also offers Zumba lessons and yoga services. Digital Marketing proposal for the same is proposed below by using academic theories related to marketing. The SMART Objectives for this proposal is to ensure brand awareness to the target demography. From the brand awareness there should be at least 10,000 Facebook, and Twitter followers for the gym and at least 10 blog posts that are mostly read.According to Mintel report 2015, cost, location and long-term commitment are the barriers to people joining gym. Hence, it is important to devise advertising based on how close the gym is to Ashton Gate Stadium. Luxury gyms in UK charge more than 100 £ per month. Easy cancellation policy should be an important aspect that needs to be advertised.

In 2015, all around UK there has been 44% jump in the gym membership. There is growing awareness about the importance of health (Mintel, 2015). Nearly four fifth of UK adults promise to take care of their health. Renewed health consciousness exists among the people and only 12% have membership (Mintel, 2015). This shows that there is potential for new consumers to start using Gym services. Theory of the planned behavior can be used to entice the target consumer demography to try out the fitness regime. Relationship Marketing is an integral element to keep the consumers engaged and interested in the concept of fitness. Contemporary digital media tools will be used to exemplify the long-standing strategy of providing quality services and experiences to consumers. It is proposed that a digital marketing strategy of Gamification, social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior to create awareness and motivate consumers to relate to the brand.



御宅族是日本人,意思是“粉丝”。因此,它可以被描述为一个对动画、漫画和电子游戏有共同兴趣的人。同样的词在英语中也可以翻译成“nerd”或“geek”。这个世界的第一次使用是由中森昭夫在1983年写的一篇文章中观察到的,这篇文章发表在日本漫画《Burikko》中。然而在1989年,消极的使用在日本御宅族导致一个令人震惊的谋杀案。宫崎骏收集了5763盘四个女孩的录像带。在这之后,他杀害了他们,因为他拍摄了照片,并在照片中穿插了一些被砍下的电影、动画和受害者的照片。由此可以看出御宅族反社会、反主流的认知。这种反社会的文化是被批评家定义为御宅族的一种推动力。尽管在过去的10年里,这个词变得不那么消极了。在Tamaki Saito写的《美丽的战斗女孩:》(2003)一书中,御宅族被定义为“对虚构背景和幻想曲有着高度亲和力的人”。除此之外,它还被定义为“一个有多种取向,能够在小说中找到性对象的人”(齐藤)。介绍)。



Otaku is a Japanese word which means “fan”. Thus, it can be described as a person who has a common interest in animation, manga and video game. The same word could be translated as “nerd” or “geek” in English. The very first usage of this world was observed in the article by Akio Nakamori which he wrote in 1983 and was published in Manga Burikko. However in 1989,the negative usage of otaku result in a shocking Murder case in Japan. Tsutomu Miyazaki was a person who collected 5,763 videotapes of four girls. After this he murdered them on account of taking pictures and interspersing the images with some slashed films, anime, and photos of the victim. From this case, it can be indicated the antisocial and anti-mainstream perception of otaku. This antisocial culture is an impetus defined by the critics the term of otaku. Though over the past 10 decades, this term has become less negative. In the book written by Tamaki Saito titled as “beautiful fighting girl:”(2003), Otaku is defined as “a person with the high affinity for fictional contexts and Fantasia”. In addition to this the same has been defined as, “an individual who inhabits multiple orientations and capable of finding sexual objects in fiction itself”(Saito. Intro).

Saito’s definition emphasizes that the medium in which otaku’s desires are described, indicates the discrimination between otaku from other fan groups. A large number of powerful tools are being offered through which there can be the proliferation of the new forms of media in order to impact the difference between fiction and reality. “My Lonesome Cowboy”, is a sculpture of an anime boy created by Takashi Murakami. The story describes that the boy is a (huge) masturbating anime character. This sculpture sold for $13.5 million at Sotheby’s. In May 2002, Christie’s auction house bought another sculpture of an anime woman-child- “Hiropon”. The sculpture consisted of exaggerated features of tremendous breasts and huge green eyes. This sculpture was sold for $427,500. The Garage Kit can also be named as the resin kit. It is an assembly of the model kit which can be casted in polyurethane resin. This assembly generally consists of different kinds of model figures which may portray the images of different kinds of humans or other kind of creatures which are living. In Japan, kit can also be defined as the amine characters. Though in USA, depiction of the movie monsters is much more common.



从商业的角度来看,奢侈品牌的假冒产品与低价格、低质量直接相关。与真正的奢侈品相比,假货的市场范围更广。这确实对所提供的产品或服务的真实属性产生了不利的影响(converri, 2009)。当然,市场上对经常出现的假冒产品的需求相对较高。就奢侈品牌而言,有两个最重要的原因促使个人购买假冒产品;品牌提供的价值表达和特定品牌的低价(Gistri et al, 2009)。事实上,消费者往往更喜欢购买假冒产品作为身份的象征,因为这有助于他们将个人归类为一个享有很高声望和精英社会群体,他们可以属于。

通过能够佩戴奢侈品牌的假冒产品,消费者能够识别并直接与佩戴奢侈品牌的人联系起来。此外,他们也可以声称他们属于同一个社会群体,佩戴奢侈品和服务,因为没有人能够联系到他们使用或佩戴假冒品牌的事实。购买奢侈品牌和特定假冒产品的价格肯定只是最初购买正品的价格的一小部分(Faircloth et al, 2001)。由于这个非常重要的原因,个人往往强调购买假冒产品,因为这有助于他们消除以沉重的价格购买原始产品的可能性。事实上,假冒产品往往物有所值,尽管它们往往质量较差,因为它们提供的实用工具与奢侈品牌产品的消费者直接相关,当然也包括个人身份。


From a business point of view, counterfeit products in luxury brands are directly related to low prices and low quality. Counterfeit products are also offered for a relatively broader market when compared with what the genuine luxury products actually are. This does have a detrimental impact on the authentic attribute of the product or service offered (Commuri, 2009) There is certainly a relatively high demand for counterfeited products that are regularly available on the market. With regards to luxury brands, there are two most important reasons that propel individuals to buy counterfeit products; the expression of value that the brands offer and the low price of the specific brand (Gistri et al, 2009). It is a fact that consumers often prefer to buy counterfeit products as status symbols as it helps them for classifying the individuals towards a highly prestigious and elite social group where they can belong to.

By being able to wear a luxury brands counterfeit products consumers are able to identify and directly relate to the people that wear the luxury brands. Moreover, they can also claim that they belong to the same group of society that wears the luxury products and services because no one is able to relate to the fact that they are using or wearing fake brands. The price paid for a luxury brand as well as for a specific counterfeit product would certainly be only a fraction of what has been initially paid for the genuine product that was initially purchased (Faircloth et al, 2001). Due to this very important reason, individuals often emphasize to purchase counterfeit products as this helps them to eliminate the potential of buying the original product at a heavy price. It is a fact that counterfeit products tend to provide better value for money, although they are often of low quality because they provide utilities that are directly associated with consumers of luxury brand products that certainly includes personal status.