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比如英國首相海倫•克拉克(Helen Clarke),儘管她最終在一份關於考慮新西蘭與英國君主關係的聲明中承認自己是共和黨人,但這一說法是荒謬的。我們可以考慮重新設計新西蘭的國旗,以使其在未來足夠好,而質疑成為一個共和國,同時又不明智地在公眾輿論面前推動事態發展。民意調查不斷顯示,新西蘭的大多數人反對更換國旗,正如1999年《國家商業評論》(National Business Review)的最新民調所顯示的那樣。在這次民意調查中,64%的人反對更換新西蘭國旗,只有24%的人支持更換。很有趣的是,這些百分比導致了變化,當在這個案例中出現了替代設計的標誌。


Legal adoption for the current flag of New Zealand took place in the year 1902. At times, the population of New Zealand has considered initiating change in the national flag while putting forward designs. The change of flag in New Zealand serves the key purpose to meet resistance and ingrain conservatism. This was evident in the launch of campaign by the Association of Returned Services featuring the current flag of New Zealand on bumper stickers and decals. The key slogan followed in the campaign “Keep it this Way” and the decals and bumper stickers can be found easily on the windows of car. There had been also the names protection bill, anthems and the flag under the proposal of Mr. Graeme Lee, the Member of Parliament showing willingness of 65 per cent majority across the parliament for the favorable change of flag, rather than a bare majority of 51 per cent. This resulted in the loss of bill. There also seems to be timidity from the ones showing willingness in seeing change, but there does not seems to be risk in backlashing out of the general public.

Such as Helen Clarke, the Prime Minister, who even though ended up avowing Republican under the statement of thinking about the relationship of New Zealand with the monarchy of Britain being absurd. There can be consideration of re- designing the flag of New Zealand for being well enough across the future, while questioning to become a republic while being unwise for pushing thing further ahead across the opinion of public. Polls of opinion had been continuously showing most of the people of New Zealand while opposing to change the flag of New Zealand, as depicted by the latest poll considering in the year 1999 under the National Business Review. In this poll, 64 percent of the polls were in opposition to change the flag of New Zealand, while only 24 percent of them favored the change. It is quite interesting that these percentages resulted in changing, when there had been presentation of an alternate design of flag within the case.

美国 essay 代 写:团队协作

美国 essay 代 写:团队协作


美国 essay 代 写:团队协作


美国 essay 代 写:团队协作

In this work, A did research on conflicts of interests through various research papers or latest websites. A did perfectly found out all the information according to the need of the question 1. He pointed out all information with facts which helped in documenting the question 1 properly. In Question -2, B tried to understand all facts and information’s related to client directed brokerage agreement (CDBA) and CFA Institute Soft Dollar Standards (ISDS). This information was very critical for second question. C in third question identified which broker needed to be select for the pension fund. The decisions and justifications were given by C which really helped in answering this question very properly.

美国 essay 代 写:团队协作
My team did very good work in all three questions and helped me a lot in documenting these questions very well. I did re-check their answers, corrected grammars, and adjusted formatting issues. The entire team did very good work all together and helped each other in solving these three questions. The most difficult question was question-2 but with help of B, I did manage to understand the complete question and wrote properly. The very first question done by A was very accurate and the gathered information by A was brilliant. This information not only helped in finishing the question 1 but also helped in solving other remaining question too. Finally, I am thankful for my team who all together sorted out all questions and we were able to finish the work on time and in better way.



自我客观化是指通过外表来理解或欣赏自己的状态。从技术上讲,自我客观化源于理解别人可能会根据自己被教导或引导的信仰来评判自己。媒体在创造自我客观化的状态和特征方面起着重要作用。自我客观化的状态和特征是不同的。Fredrickson &Roberts(1997)提出的客观化理论认为,所有女性在任何时候都不会自我客观化。事实上,自我客观化作为一种状态,是由某种情境状态或一种持久的特质所诱导的个体进入的。在与国家相关的自我客观化语境中,女性进入自我客观化状态的主要原因是语境。例如,Fredrickson & Roberts(1997)进行了一些实验,以确定如何诱导自我客观化状态。


在这个实验中,女性被要求穿泳衣,其他人被要求穿毛衣,然后收集她们对自我客观化的感知。研究发现穿泳衣的女性比穿毛衣的女性更容易自我客观化。这表明自我客观化被诱导成为这些女性的一种状态。这是一件与试穿泳装相关的事情,在那里女性对自己的身体有了更多的了解,并对自己的身体提出了同样的批评。这种自我客观化的形式创造了身体形态的体验模式,正如研究表明的那样,它也导致了人的健康问题。自我客观化与认知能力下降、身体羞愧、约束模式等相关(Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, & Twenge, 1998)。


Self-objectification is defined as the state of understanding or appreciating oneself by means of their physical appearance. Technically self-objectification derives from the understanding that others might adjudicate self, based on what one is taught or guided to believe. The media plays a major role in creating the state and traits of self-objectification. The self-objectification state and trait are different. The objectification theory as presented by Fredrickson &Roberts (1997), suggests that all women do no self-objectify at all times. In fact, self-objectification as a state is entered in by the individual as induced by some situational state or as a form of enduring trait. In the context of the state related self-objectification, women would enter the state of Self-Objectification mainly because of the context. For instance, Fredrickson & Roberts (1997) conducted some experiments in order to identify how the state of Self-Objectification was induced.

In this experiment, women were given swimsuits to wear and some others were asked to wear sweaters, and then their perception of Self-Objectification was collected. It was established the women who wore the swim suits self-objectified more compared to the women who were wearing sweaters. This indicated that Self-Objectification was induced as a state in those women. It was a contextual thing associated with the trying on of the swimsuit where the women became more aware of their body, and criticized the same. This form of Self-Objectification created patterns of experiences in body shape, and as argued for in research studies it also led to issues in well-being of the person. Self-Objectification has been associated with diminished cognitive performances, body shame, restrained earing patterns and more (Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, & Twenge, 1998).



癌症是由于细胞生长异常引起的最致命的疾病之一。通过突变改变DNA序列从而改变基因表达过程是癌症的根本原因。这种突变是由一些外部因素引起的,比如暴露在紫外线下,或者其他致癌物质,比如烟草。DNA甲基化是由突变引起的,在突变中甲基被加入到DNA的胞嘧啶和腺嘌呤中。目前,化疗是目前最常见、应用最广泛的癌症治疗方法。纳米医学,使用最新的纳米技术用于许多医学应用。根据Heim和Mitelman(2015)的研究,纳米医学已经被证明在治疗和预防癌症方面比其他疗法更有效。用于纳米医学的药物是用纳米测量的,因此可以精确地靶向于癌症的部位而不产生太多的副作用(Stacey, 2013)。


为了正确治疗癌症,有必要从肿瘤形成的早期阶段对癌症进行诊断。然而,目前的医疗技术很难在早期就发现癌症(Butterworth et al. 2010)。然而,目前有多种癌症治疗技术。手术是移除肿瘤最常见的方法之一,因此可以防止肿瘤扩散到身体的其他部位。化疗或放疗、激素治疗和免疫治疗是最广泛应用的癌症治疗方式。在化疗过程中,许多抗癌药物如多西紫杉醇、多氧柔比星、环磷酰胺等都被纳入体内,以抑制细胞增殖。根据癌症类型,如乳腺癌、前列腺癌或肺癌,使用药物。许多策略都是通过药物在体内的结合来实现的。这种治疗是与其他治疗方式一起提供的,比如放射治疗。


Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases caused due to abnormal cell growth. Change in the DNA sequence by mutation and thereby altering the genetic expression process is the root cause of cancer. This mutation is caused by several external factors like exposure to UV light, or other carcinogenic compounds like tobacco. DNA methylation occurs because of the mutation, in which a methyl group is added to the cytosine and adenine of DNA.At present, chemotherapy is the most common and widely used treatment for cancer. Nanomedicines, uses the latest nanotechnology for many medical application. According to Heim & Mitelman (2015), nanomedicines have proven effective in treating and preventing cancer compared to other form of treatments. The drugs used in the nanomedicines are measured in nanometers and thus can be targeted accurately at the site of cancer without much side effects (Stacey, 2013).

For treating cancer properly, it is necessary to diagnose the cancer from the early stage of tumor formation. However, with the present medical technology it is difficult to detect the cancer from an early stage (Butterworth et al. 2010). Nevertheless, there is multiple therapy technique present for cancer treatment.Surgery is one of the most common methods used for removing tumor, and hence preventing it from spreading to other body parts. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy are the most widely used form of cancer treatment. In chemotherapy treatment, many chemical that are anti-cancer drugs like docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide etc are incorporated in the body to inhibit cell proliferation. Depending on the type of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer or lung cancer, drugs are used. Many strategies are there through, which the drug is incorporated in the body. This treatment is provided along with some other form of treatment like radiation therapy.



欧洲一体化计划开始于第二次世界大战结束后,自过去60年以来逐步取得进展,目前可被视为一个关键时刻。这场欧洲危机最终暴露了1999年货币联盟(monetary union)的各种经济担忧,其中最引人注目的是,整个欧洲都缺乏财政权威,财政纪律也足够严格(Skeldon 2014)。使这些问题更加复杂的是,银行在核心经济体(尤其是法国和德国)和外围经济体(尤其是西班牙和爱尔兰)方面的巨大潜在损失。市场参与者可以看到,他们在考虑欧元区的各种情况,从财政联盟,到全面解体,主要保持原状,不一而足。除了这些因素,自过去两年以来,几乎有100万来自北非和中东的人最终移居到欧洲大陆(Ranci et al. 2014)。


在较短的时期内,这给欧洲带来了一些政治和经济问题,如难以找到合适的住房、使移徙者融入劳动力大军以及与安全有关的若干其他问题。然而,在较长时期内,随着欧洲人口以极快的速度老龄化,人口增长率最终与过去相比急剧下降(Mearsheimer 2014),个人人口的流入最终可能成为经济优势。本文将参照两位经济学家的概念框架,重点分析这种大规模移民对欧洲经济长期的影响。再往前,根据这一分析,这些人的涌入将被视为一种负担或机遇。此外,将从经济学家的角度建议政策,使移徙者融入劳动力市场。在此基础上进行讨论和分析,拟订结论要点。为这项任务选定的两位经济学家是约翰·斯图尔特·米尔和阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔。


The European project of integration, which started after the end of Second World War and has been progressing since the last 60 years step by step, currently can be seen as a crucial juncture. This European crisis has ended up exposing various economic concerns with the monetary union of 1999, notably including the lack of fiscal authority all across Europe and adequately strong fiscal discipline (Skeldon 2014). The compounding of these issues has been done by large potential losses of bank in terms of both, core economies (especially France and Germany), and periphery economies (especially Spain and Ireland. Participants of the market can be seen to consider various scenarios for the area of Euro that ranges from fiscal union, further ahead with total break up and mainly staying intact. In addition to these factors, since the past two years, almost one million individuals from North Africa and Middle East have ended up migrating to the continent of Europe (Ranci et al. 2014).

In the shorter period, this has been posing a number of political and economic issues for Europe, like difficulty in finding suitable housing, integrating migrants within the force of labour, and several other concerns related to security. However, in the longer period, this influx of individuals might end up being an economic edge as the population of Europe is ageing at an extremely fast rate and rates of population growth have ended up falling dramatically in comparison with the past (Mearsheimer 2014). In reference with the conceptual framework of two economists, this paper will focus on analysing economic consequences of such large migration on the economy of Europe in the longer run. Further ahead, based on this analysis, this influx of people will be identified as a burden or an opportunity. In addition, policies will be recommended from the perspective of the economists for the integration of migrants within the market of labour. Key points of conclusion will be drafted based on this discussion and analysis. The two economists selected for the purpose of this assignment are John Stuart Mill and Alfred Marshall.





目前,该公司的员工流动率约为25%。因此,在经营过程中,这将对公司的经营产生影响。在这种情况下,公司可以实施一些规定,要求员工在离职前至少一个月与公司保持亲密关系。这样公司就有足够的时间为工作场所选择其他人。其次,研究表明,离职率可能是降低员工工作士气的主要原因之一(Mishra et al ., 1998)。因此,公司应确保对不足的核心原因进行研究,并对这些原因(如工作不满意)和更多的问题进行处理,以减少他们在短期内的“弥补”努力。员工还可以学习如何在短时间内完成受限制的工作。所有员工都必须接受跨职能培训,因此,如果有多余的培训,比如面包房关门的培训,那么员工就可以在现有面包店内胜任其他职能。


The flat organizational structure enables better control. The work structure of Glen and Tom at present is the flat organizational structure. The con with this structure is that it leads to the problems of micromanagement. On the other hand, with an expanding business, the hierarchical organizational structure would offer better long-term planning benefits. While this is an advantage, the company management Glen and Tom would suffer loss of control, so a balance has to be achieved even while changing the structure. Given that it will take a month of training, it is necessary to start training in Kyabram and Sale by December of 2016, the projection for opening the bakery is January 2017.Shepperton will be opened by June 2017, so the training has to start before May 2017. These are the at the least requirements, and training can also begin early. Since Brighton Bakery would be closing, and the staff of the bakery could be inducted into the new Bakery after they are given sufficient training as well.

At present, the company seems to have an around 25 percent employee turnover. Therefore, during ongoing business operations, this would have an impact on the company operations. In this context, the company could implement rules where the employee should intimate the company at least a month before they vacate. This would give the company enough time to select someone else for the workplace. Secondly, research studies show that turnover could be one main cause behind decreasing employee morale in the workplace (Mishra et al, 1998). So the company should ensure that the shortfall core reasons are studied and these reasons (such as job dissatisfaction) and more must be handled so that their ‘making up’ efforts during short fall will reduce. Employees could also be taught to pull tough employee constrained workloads over short periods. Cross functional training must be given to all employees, so when there is a surplus such as the one where a bakery closes, then the employees could be fit into other functionalities within existing bakeries.



Paddy Power是爱尔兰的一家博彩公司。它是一家通过连锁博彩公司开展业务的公司。这些商店位于爱尔兰和英国。因此,该公司拥有世界上最大的博彩服务。目前公司总收入约为8.816亿元。为了进一步扩大业务,确保更好的经营,公司已与Betfair合并。另一方面,这家公司是世界上最大的博彩公司。公司位于伦敦,并已在伦敦证券交易所上市。最近,这两家公司合并了。Paddy power刚刚完成合并它有一个初始成本大约€100亿Betfair(Derevensky Gainsbury,2015)。在本文中,将重点讨论合并的原因、股东和客户的优缺点。除此之外,还将分析监管机构对两家公司合并的决定。


此外,将讨论和分析这个部门的好处。此外,还将讨论合并完成后Paddy Power Betfair Plc的业绩。最后为投资者提供合适的建议。Paddy Power的合并与Betfair的月。2016年2月,Paddy Power完成合并的过程与Betfair大约€100亿的价值。这个合并的过程是在共和国清算之后完成的。合并后,两家公司都计划创建一个全球赌博业务。竞争与消费者保护委员会(Competition and Consumer Protection Commission)批准了该交易,该委员会表示,交易完成后,市场完成量不会减少(McLoughlin, 2015)。这一安排得到了英国高等法院(British High Court)的批准,Betfair利用该法庭完成了部分交易。


Paddy Power is a bookmaker from Ireland. It is a company which conducts its business through the chain of betting shops. These shops are located in Ireland and UK. Thus, the company holds the largest betting services of the world. At present, the overall revenue of the company is around 881.6 million. In order to expand its business further and ensure better operations, the company has merged itself with the Betfair. This company, on the other hand, is the world’s largest betting company. Located in London, the company has been listed on London Stock Exchange as well. In the recent times, there has been a merger between these two companies. Paddy power had recently complete the merger which had an initial cost of around €10 billion with Betfair (Derevensky and Gainsbury, 2015). In this research paper, the discussion will be focussed on the reasons for the merger, the advantages and disadvantages for the shareholders and the customers. In addition to this, there will be an analysis of the decision made by the regulatory body for the merger between these companies.

Further, the benefits of this sector will be discussed and analysed. In addition to this, the performance of Paddy Power Betfair Plc after the completion of the merger will also be discussed. In the end, the suitable advice to the investors will be provided. The merger of Paddy Power with Betfair .In the month of February 2016, Paddy Power completed the process of merger of the value of around €10 billion with Betfair. This process of merging was completed after the clearing of the same by the republic. After the merging, both the companies have planned to create a global business for gambling. The deal was approved by Competition and Consumer Protection Commission who stated that after the completion of the deal, there will not be any decrease in the market completion (McLoughlin, 2015). The arrangement was approved by the British High Court, which was used by Betfair to complete a part of its transaction.


你如何為分數表選擇標題和標準;標題是基於文章中給出的問題。確定哪種管理方法最有效的問題。我選擇標題的方式是列出使用的不同的管理方法,然後有一個單獨的標題,以產生差異和最終的標題——總結出最有效的管理方法。這更適合用來評估答案。我的評分標準非常嚴格,因為它會對論文進行全面的評估。以下5個方面使市場營銷的標準非常明顯(Boltz, 2003)。內容的恰當性和與問題的相關性。所呈現內容的清晰、簡潔和邏輯性。內容中的語法和標點符號。引用內容以支持要點。


文章的整體呈現,一篇文章或一個答案完全基於上述五個方面。事實上,這些能使文章完整。對於要標註的答案,我不僅要閱讀答案,還要檢查它們是否匹配正確。雖然這五個點是相同的,但是評估表的關鍵將因問題而異。對於這個問題,答案僅限於不同規模企業採用的不同類型的管理方法。樣式也將作為標準的一部分進行評估(Stebbins, 2006)。這個問題特別值得討論。因此,風格應該包含論點,比較和對比點,使觀點清晰。標記表是根據附錄1中的標準編寫的。標記將按照每個標準的正確性來進行。


How you selected the headings and criteria for the mark sheets;The headings are based on the questions given in the essay. The question to identify which management method is most efficient. My way of choosing heading is to list the different management methods used and then have a separate heading to bring about the differences and the final heading – conclusion that will sum up the most efficient management method. This is more appropriate to evaluate the answer. My criteria for mark sheet are very strict as it will assess the essay by all means. Following 5 aspects make the criteria of marketing very evident (Boltz, 2003). Appropriateness of the content and relevance to the question .Clear, concise and logical nature of presented content.Grammar and punctuation in the content .Referencing to the content to support the points.

Overall presentation of the essay An essay or an answer is totally based on the 5 aforementioned aspects. In fact, these make the essay complete. For the answer to be marked, I will not only read the answer but also check with the criteria to see if they match rightly. While the five points are the same, the key to assess the sheets would differ from question to question. For this question, the answer is restricted only to the different types of management methods followed by different sized enterprises. The style will also be assessed as a part of the criteria (Stebbins, 2006). This question is specifically into discussion. Hence, the style should involve arguments and compare and contrast points to make the points clear. The mark sheet is prepared based on the criteria as in Appendix 1. The marking will be done for the correctness in accordance to each criterion.



在Foodmart的水果货架上发生了一次溢水事件,该公司按照风险管理报告中规定的程序对这种情况进行了处理。其中一名员工承担了责任,但没能找到水桶和拖把。于是她开始用毛巾擦干地板。她甚至忘了贴警示牌,所以其中的一个顾客,Eric跌倒了。由于摔倒,埃里克伤了背,随后又交了1500美元的医药费。由于受了严重的伤害,他无法赶上飞往悉尼的航班。他需要再投资550美元购买另一个航班的机票。关键问题在于埃里克是否会在食品超市和加布里埃尔的过失侵权案件中胜诉,以及埃里克在该权利下可以要求的所有损害赔偿。此外,根据食品市场所遵循的标准程序,需要对警示标志和毛巾的责任进行讨论。任何欢迎顾客的商店都有责任确保他们的安全合理。任何不合理的状态都可能导致对故事的伤害。大多数零售商店在为顾客提供一个安全的环境的同时运转良好(Brant, 2007)。零售商店有责任确保商店的环境对顾客来说是尽可能安全和无危险的。


正如职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)所提到的,在客户发生的10起事故中,有9起事故最终以某种形式或其他形式形成了疏忽。零售商店的疏忽不仅影响到顾客,也影响到企业。注意义务可以被认为是不当损害的合法保护(Bates, 2008)。这就意味着,零售企业应该尽一切合理的可能,确保客户的安全不受可能导致伤害的危险情况的影响。在考虑顾客伤害的危险情况时,往往会涉及到一些疏忽。法律上认为,过失是零售商店的注意义务,可能与违反或违反有关。这一违反行为最终使零售商对顾客的损失承担责任。损害包括治疗和医药费,工资损失,医疗费用,顾客的痛苦和痛苦(Brant, 2007)。在这种背景下,证明的法律责任落在顾客身上,因此,证明零售商的疏忽是顾客的责任。此外,重要的是要证明这一疏忽是造成他受伤的直接原因。在房屋责任的法律条文内,必须使用湿地标志,以避免因湿地而引起的任何事故。如果员工或管理部门存在疏忽,则零售商店将对损失的发生承担可能的责任(Pawlowski, 2007)。


There had been a water spill across the fruit aisle of Foodmart and the company follows certain procedures for this scenario as specified in the report of risk management. One of the employees took up the responsibility, but was not able to find a bucket and a mop. And hence she started to dry up the floor by the use of cotton towels. She even forgot putting up the signs of warning, and hence one of the customers, Eric ended up falling. As a result of the fall, Eric hurt his back followed by a medical bill of 1,500 dollars. Due to the severe injuries caused, he could not make it to the flight to Sydney he had to catch. He will have to make an additional investment of 550 dollars for purchasing ticket of another flight. The key issue lies in whether or not Eric will be winning a case against Foodmart and Gabriele in negligence, and what all damages can be claimed by Eric under this entitlement. Further ahead, discussion is required for the responsibility of warning signs and towels as per the standard procedure followed by Foodmart. Any store welcoming customers holds the duty of ensuring their safety reasonable. Any unreasonable state contributing to a fall may result in the claim of injury against the story. Majority of the retail stores are run well-enough while providing a safe environment for the customers (Brant, 2007). Retail stores have the responsibility to ensuring that the environment of stores is as safe and free of hazards as possible for the customer.


As mentioned by OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration), out of ten accidents of customer, nine accidents end up forming negligence out of some form or the other. Negligence of retail store affects the business as well as the customer. Duty of Care can be considered as a lawful protection in terms of undue harm (Bates, 2008). This means that the retail business should be putting in every reasonable possibility for ensuring the safety of customer from risky conditions which may lead towards injuries. When considering the dangerous condition in context with the injury of customer, there is more often some negligence involved. It has been considered in law that negligence is the duty of care of retail store, and can be related with violation or breach. The violation ends up making this the liability of retailer for the damages of customer. Damages can be inclusive of therapy and medical bills, loss of wages, out- of- pocket costs for medicinal purpose, and the suffering and pain of the customer (Brant, 2007). In this context, the legal burden of proof is over the customers, according to which, it is the responsibility of the customer for proving the negligence of retailer. Also, it is important to prove that this negligence had been the proximate and direct cause for the occurrence of his injuries. Within the legal doctrine for liability of premises, the use of wet floor signs is mandatory for avoiding the any accident due to wet floor. If there is negligence from the employees or the management authorities, then the retail store will hold the probable liability for the occurrence of damages (Pawlowski, 2007).



在默认情况下,酒店业对客户的视角和应对环境的策略非常重视。Dittmer和Griffin(1993)明确地强调了像Hilton Sydney Event operations这样的组织采用系统视角,利用相关的激励因素来处理业务的基础,包括管理、营销、客户关系、人力资源管理和会计。酒店行业的规模要求对顾客满意的强烈坚持,这是一个公司生存的关键。事件管理公司由三个主要的伦理主题领域控制,包括伦理认同、不道德行为和做出伦理选择(Jaszay, 2002)。事件管理公司将不得不严格按照合法的计划行事,以区别于虚假的策划者。有一些公司通过引入隐藏的费用来扮演不道德的角色,这就是为什么在事件规划领域的挑战越来越多。


同样的,对于一个公司来说,有不同的客户类别,有些客户的价格是通常价格的10倍以上。欺骗性广告在这个行业是一个挑战,它影响公司的声誉和生存。所有这些都属于战略规划和执行的主题。文化与战略同等重要,因为人力资源往往只在文化支持的时候做出反应。当检举发生在组织内部并报告错误/不道德行为时,整个酒店经理和员工团队都会进入风险状态。一个组织的价值是基于所遵循的道德实践来管理的。当组织环境中发生道德失范行为时,这表明该文化是不可靠的,或者不可能更成功。它要求立即采取行动(Jaszay, 2002)。


Hospitality industry, by default, gives key importance to the customer perspective and strategies meant to deal with the environment. Dittmer and Griffin (1993) clearly highlights that organizations like Hilton Sydney Event Operation adopt systems perspective with relevant motivators to deal with the fundamentals of business including management, marketing, customer relations, human resources management and accounting. The dimensions of hospitality industry demand strong adherence to customer satisfaction as that is the key to the survival of a company. Event management companies are ruled by three major ethical topic areas which include the ethical identity, unethical actions and making ethical choices (Jaszay, 2002). Event management companies will have to strictly work on the legitimate planning to stand unique from the bogus planners. There are firms that play unethical roles by introducing hidden charges and this is the reason for a majority of the challenges rising in the field of event planning.

Likewise, there are different categories of customers for a company and some customers are charged a price that is at least 10 times higher than the usual price. Deceptive advertising is a challenge in this industry and it influences the reputation and survival of the firm. All these fall under the subjects of strategy planning and implementation. Culture is equally important as strategy as human resources tend to respond only when the culture is supportive. The entire team of hospitality managers as well as employees enter into the state of risk when whistleblowing happens within the organization and reports wrong/unethical actions. The values of an organization are governed based on the ethical practices followed. When ethical misbehaviour happens in the organization’s environment, it is an indication that the culture is unreliable or can be no more successful. It calls for an immediate action (Jaszay, 2002).