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本研究对两个主要研究问题进行了评估。首先,研究问题是:1)检验犯罪率与收入不平等之间是否存在关联。这是因为现有的关于关联的争论,一些研究指出了一个积极的关联,而另一些则没有。犯罪难题从《经济学人》的结尾和《犯罪学家》的结尾都进行了调查(Jones et al., 1986)。例如,正如媒体和研究报告所评估的那样,当金融危机袭来、金融体系爆发时,许多犯罪活动都是预料之中的。在美国发生了一系列银行抢劫案。在一个半小时内,许多禁令被实施。这一犯罪浪潮是由于该国正在进入的经济衰退。然而,与犯罪和经济有关的统计数据显示,2009年犯罪率下降。


谋杀、强奸、抢劫甚至汽车盗窃的数量都在下降。2010年美国刑事司法部门和联邦调查局发布的初步数据再次显示,犯罪问题有所减少。这一趋势在暴力犯罪和财产犯罪案件中得到了注意。在这样的背景下,缺乏互连的论点找到了力量(Green, 2013)。试图研究这种联系的理论指出,犯罪与经济一点关系也没有。至少在美国,人们注意到在20世纪60年代末,80年代和90年代,犯罪活动非常频繁。在20世纪60年代犯罪率高的时候,经济增长也很好。20世纪90年代后期,甚至在经济问题出现之前,犯罪率就上升了。


Two main research questions are assessed for in this research. Primarily, the Research question: 1) tests if there is an association between crime rate and income inequality. This is because of the existing controversy when it comes to association, some studies note a positive association, some none. The crime conundrum has been investigated both from the economist’s end and the criminologists end (Jones et al., 1986). For instance, as media and research reports assessed, when the financial crises hit and the financial system exploded, many crime sprees were expected. A flurry of bank robberies was observed in the case of the United States. In an hour and a half, many bans were hit. The crime wave was attributed to the recession that the country was entering. However, statistics which relates crime and economy showed that the crime rates went down in 2009.

The number of murders, rapes, robbery or even auto theft went down. Preliminary data which was released by the Criminal Justices Department and the FBI in 2010 for the United States once again shows that criminal issues go down. The trend was noticed in the case of violent crimes and property crimes alike. In such a context, the arguments for the lack of an interconnection hence find strength (Green, 2013). Theories that attempt to study this connection, state that crime isn’t closely related to economy at all. At least in the United States, it was noted that in the case of the late 1960s and then in the 80’s and 90’s criminal activities were very high. During the 1960’s when the crime rate was high, the economic growth was also good. And later in the 1990s even before the problems of economy started, there was an increased crime rate.



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对于评估苹果外包实践对中国制造业工人状况的直接影响是很重要的。在这种背景下,人们开始关注全球最大的苹果产品供应商——总部位于台湾的富士康科技集团(Foxconn Technology Group)——员工的生活。工人的整体状况在工厂内部运作时,受到全球资本和国家政策的影响。中国高科技电子产品的整合生产和潜在的加强公共管理或国家对跨国公司的监管(Chan et al. 77)。值得注意的是,中国政府在促进供应商和买方之间的合作关系方面发挥了积极作用,即使国际资本集中在公司、地方和国家各级。事实上,工人们一直面临着富士康和苹果这样的外国巨头,它们一直在享受着当地政府的完全支持。


随着全球品牌需求增长的主观性,中国和其他国家的电子服务供应商和制造商一直在相互竞争。这对于实现质量、价格和生产速度的目标至关重要,进一步,努力削减利润。苹果一直主导着整体关系,并将其意愿强加给承包商。由于在市场上占有相当大的份额,苹果一直在规定产品交付的时间和价格的时间,这给富士康的工人带来了极大的压力,最重要的是,安全与健康的危害(Burawoy 372)。在行业层面,随着竞争范围的扩大,苹果一直在寻求低成本,加强对供应商的控制,加快新产品的发布。由买方驱动的模式可归因于一些韩国、日本、欧洲和美国的跨国公司,它们导致了电子行业的主导地位。


It is important for assessing the direct effect of outsourcing practices of Apple on the conditions of manufacturing workers in China. In this context, focus has been created on the lives of worker at the largest supplier of the products of Apple across the globe that is Foxconn Technology Group based in Taiwan. The overall condition of the worker has been shaped in terms of both global capital and state policies when conducting operations inside the factory. The consolidated production of high- tech electronics in China and the potential strengthened public governance or state regulation of transnational companies (Chan et al. 77). It is worth noting that a positive role is played by the government of China for the promotion of collaborative relations between supplier and buyer, even when there is concentration of international capital at the firm, local and national levels. As a matter of fact, the workers have been facing foreign giants like Foxconn and Apple which have been enjoying the complete backup of the local state.

With the subjectivity of increased demands in terms of global brands, electronics service providers and manufacturers of China and other nations have been competing against one another. This is crucial for meeting the goals of quality, pricing and speed of production, further ahead, trying to shave margins of profit. Apple has been dominating the overall relations and imposing its willingness upon the contractors. Provided with considerable shares in the market, Apple has been dictating the timing for delivery of product and setting of price at time that leads towards highly intensified pressures for the workers of Foxconn, and more than anything else, hazards of safety and health (Burawoy 372). At the level of industry, with enhanced scope of competition, Apple has been seeking low costs, strengthening control on the suppliers, and speeding up the release of new products. The pattern driven by buyer is attributable for a number of South Korean, Japanese, European, and American transnationals that result in the domination of electronics industry.





作者指出,世界银行和国际货币基金组织等机构代表了一些西方强国。这些机构为世界金融改善工作提供了其他国家的经济利益,世界各地的传播消息的社会隔离,通过人民的剥削和所需的资源可能被认为是对于世界的人口(Chossudovsky 73)。作者研究了这些国际金融机构实例化了不同的项目。他说,这些项目一般都是秘密的军事和情报行动,这些行动可能由一些最强大的西方国家进行。作者还说,这些机构的目的往往是破坏、控制、破坏和支配国家及其人民。同样的一些例子可以从卢旺达和南斯拉夫的问题中得到。


In the present world, the economic conditions of the world are completely unprecedented. At present, the world has been undergoing an experience related to the number of the non-industrialized world which has experienced in the past years. Each and every nation in the present times is undergoing severe economic crises. It has been observed that in the recent past, many nations have encountered a lots of problems. The book “Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order” has been written by the author Michel Chossdovsky who takes the reader through the assessment of the ways in which the world Bank and the IMF has proved to be the greatest traders of poverty in the entire world in spite of the rhetorical claims. In this essay, I have done the review of the book by analysis of the message of the book and the research done in the same.

The author states that the institutions such as the World Bank and IMF represent some of the powerful western nations. These institutions work for the financial betterment of the world by providing the financial benefits to other nations, by spreading the message social apartheid around the world and by doing the exploitation of the people and the required resources which may be considered useful for the population of the world (Chossudovsky 73). The author examines that different programs are instantiated by these international financial institutions. He states that these programs generally go as per the covert military and intelligence operations which may be undertaken by some of the most powerful western nations. The author also says that these institutions often have the aim to destabilize, control, destroy and dominate the countries and their people. Some of the examples of the same can be taken from the issues of Rwanda and Yugoslavia.

swot analysis 代写:公司利润

swot analysis 代写:公司利润

费尔菲尔德希望在未来的财政年度扩展到新的领域,并建立新的联系,以吸引新客户,并因此考虑投资新的和有利可图的项目。然而,在考虑向新领域扩张之前,对公司过去两年的业绩进行考察,并在此基础上提出战略行动建议,将是相当审慎的。Fairfield limited的毛利率在2014年非常保守,为12%,但公司管理层在上一财年做得更好,将毛利率提高到25%。这一数字在过去一年里翻了一番还多。固定资产的有效利用和销售水平的300%的增长,可能有助于公司管理层提高毛利率。这有助于公司提高毛利率和效率。然而,尽管利润率有所上升,但仍低于预期的45-50%的毛利率(Jerry J. Weygandt, 2012)。

swot analysis 代写:公司利润


swot analysis 代写:公司利润

Fairfield is looking to expand into new areas and create new links to get new customers in the coming financial year, and thus considering investing in new and profitable projects. However, before considering the expansion into new areas, it would be quite prudent to look into the performance of the company in the past two years and recommend a strategic action on the basis of the same. The gross Margin of Fairfield limited was very conservative in the year 2014 at 12%, but the firm’s management has done better in the last fiscal to improve the same to 25%. This has more than doubled in the last one year. One of the causes which might have helped the firm’s management in increasing the gross margin is the effective utilization of the fixed assets and a 300% rise in the level of sales. This has helped the firm to increase the gross margin and efficiency increased. However, despite the increase in the margin, the level is still short of a desired gross margin of 45-50% (Jerry J. Weygandt, 2012).

swot analysis 代写:公司利润
Operating Profit is a measurement of the revenue of Fairfield which is left or retailed by the company after meeting the variable costs of production. Fairfield Limited has earned an Operating Margin of 10.72% in the year 2014 and 20.47% in the year 2015. This means the variable costs have gone down in 2015 as a result of the management taking steps to reduce the impact of costs such as labour in the last fiscal and the same has paid off. ROCE is a measurement to know how well the firm has used its capital employed in the current fiscal to make profit. A better margin is an indication that capital is fully optimized and vice versa. In general, a firm would have said to be efficiently using the capital, if the capital cost of the firm is lower than the firms ROCE. In 2014, the ROCE of Fairfield is 9.7% and the same has improved to reach 35% in 2015. This means the firm is making optimal use of capital available (Cottrell, 2012).



重要的是,要使人民联系起来,没有任何未经授权的措施,例如从人民手中拿走钱。很多时候,中介可以用金钱换取人们(Trimper et al, 2014)。捐款应该由人民的利益直接决定。重要的是要确保没有任何非法的措施来接受捐赠。任何人都不应该被迫捐款。不应该有任何违法的措施被实施,比如殴打人们或骚扰他们来捐款(Manton et al, 2014)。当行医者涉及到社会问题和慈善事业时,道德构成了一个非常重要的部分。应该确保,如果项目得到赞助,那么赞助商应该参与组织的不同活动。




It is important that in order to connect the people, no unauthorized measures such as taking of the money from the people is done. Many times are agents who can get the people in exchange of the money (Trimper et al, 2014). The donations should be done by the interest of the people directly. It is important to ensure that there aren’t any unlawful measures which shall be implemented to take the donation. No one should be forced to give the donation. There shouldn’t be any unlawful measures that are implemented such as beating the people or molesting them to donate money (Manton et al, 2014). Ethics forms a very important part when the practitioner involves himself in social issues and charities. It should be ensured that if the program is sponsored, there should be the involvement of the sponsor in different events of the organization.

The fellow sponsors should ensure that the money is reaching the right people. They should give the entire money in the form of cheque only.It is important to ensure that the money which is given as donation is authentic and is taken from the right sources. The money which is used for the donation shouldn’t be the black money. Also, the money which is used for the campaign should be completely legal (Jackson et al, 2012).The date of publication for St. Bart’s Homeless for a Day should be the last Saturday of the month so that the people can get the efficient information and also the proper decision for the donation.





2015年10月,公司倒闭了80%。令人失望的原因是产品组合不佳,市场上平板电脑、游戏和配件销售不佳,黑客活动的推广活动增加。人们预计,在2016年,该公司将减少约500万美元和800万美元(Levine, 1997)。迪克史密斯组织近年来目睹了一场大崩溃。由于经济崩溃,大约有3000个工作岗位流失。由于Dicksmith的组织绩效不佳,购物者并不认为该组织是一个“价值比例”。公司的促销信息没有反映给客户。因此,公司的组织绩效也一直在降低财务绩效。董事们之间也有内部冲突,导致公司组织绩效不佳(Benninga, 2008)。


Dicksmith is one of the biggest retailers in Australia for selling the consumer electronics. Started in the year 1968, the company has emerged to be a success in Australia. The company has done the takeover a number of brands such as the ‘Woolworths’, ‘Powerhouse’, etc. The company delivers all kind of electronics products both online and offline. Thus the organization has been successful in capturing the Australia’s electronic market. However, in the recent times, there is a rapid decrease in the shares of the company leading to the great loss. This has led to the decrease in the overall position of the company. In the report, the discussion will be done on the four financial functions of Dicksmith, and the comparison of the same with the functions of other companies. Further, the recommendation will be provided to Dicksmith for improving their business.Recently, Discksmith has been going through a tough phase with respect to its financial performance. There has been a huge crash in the share markets.

In the month of October 2015, the company crashed by 80%. The reasons for the disappointing performance is because of the poor product mix, disappointing sales of tablets, gaming and accessories in the market and increase in the promotional activity of hacking. It has been expected that during the year 2016, the company will observe a drop of around $5 million and 8 million (Levine, 1997).The organization Dicksmith has witnessed a great collapse in the recent times. Because of the collapse, there was a loss of around 3000 jobs. Because of the poor organizational performance of Dicksmith, the shoppers aren’t thinking about the organization as a “value proportion”. The promotional messages of the company aren’t reflecting to the customer. Thus the organizational performance of the company has been downgrading the financial performance as well. There is also an internal conflict between the directors who are leading to a poor organizational performance of the company (Benninga, 2008).







For any news media, it is essential to construct a concept of audience. The conceptualization of the audience is what then leads to the news frames of presentation. The concept of audience as BBC constructs it are that of the consumer, the citizen and the less commonly critic. The consumer role as BBC views would be that of a reflection on actual experiences of the consumer, the viewers or listeners of the show. The citizen and the critic are more complex roles. This division presented in the research study does make sense. As a follower of BBC, CNN and some of the other local news media channels, it can be observed that each of the channels has something for everybody. True some of the channels like BBC might have a very distinctive audience; however, it doesn’t mean that BBC does not focus on comprehensive segments. The purpose of this research is to understand how the BBC constructs its concepts of audiences based on research and the factors that might influence its decision in the construction of audiences.

The research also attempts to understand how it monitors audience encounter with science in its media segment offerings. The research argues that BBC by undertaking thorough research on its consumers by making use of both traditional research tools such as that of the interview methods and more, and also by using technology driven tools such as that of intelligent data analytics is able to make them a part of the bourgeois sphere of reasoning in a complete way. Now according to the construction concept of audience, this is how BBC views its consumer segment of audience as seen in research. The consumer segment is the majority, as most audiences would usually view BBC media segments as a consumer; this is so basic a segment that it is considered as the default mode. The relationship of a consumer with that of a BBC programme is hence in the form of a consumer experience, as something being offered from the BBC media end and is consumed by the consumer. The research study had a customer state that they did not think BBC differentiates its programmes.







The existence of African American population across the United States of America turns out to be a question of central significance followed by the birth of America. Unlike the population of the Native Americans who had been excluded universally from the society of America, the population of African Americans ended up challenging the borders of inclusion by their presence itself. Enslaved population of African Americans lived among the white population, and were forced to perform the menial tasks as there was requirement in the cash crop economy. For the purpose of this reflective essay, I selected the topic of “the existence and aftermath of slavery in a free society”, while explaining the significance of the theme in the history of America, focusing on the period of 1776 to 1945. As a thesis statement of this essay, the economic benefit of slavery had been widely overshadowed by the overwhelming inhumanity, immorality and repugnance of slavery.Notions of thrift played a crucial role in the historical scenario of race across the United States of America.

The young country, found perceiving the principle of universal equality of human race, ended up struggling with the fate of population grouped as non-white. There was practicing of slavery across British North America out of earlier colonial days and spread across 13 colonies after independence was declared in the year 1776. During the American Revolution from1775 to 1783, there has been an institutionalization for the status of slave being a racial cast in association with the ancestry of Africa. In the duration and immediately after the Revolutionary War came to an end, several efforts were put in for the abolishing of slavery. However, meanwhile, the rapidly expanding cotton industry in the Deep South America after inventing cotton, resulted in increasing the demand for labour slaves, and hence, there was continuous existence of slave society across the Southern States in the 18th century. The population of this region further put in effort for extending slavery across new Western regions for retaining their power of politics across the entire nation, while several political leaders from the region wished to annex Cuba as a territory of slaves.