标签存档: 加拿大代写作业






It shows the GDP growth of Indonesia. It is observed that 2015 has been bad for the country and has been reflected in its lowering of per capital income and the quality of production. This year 2016 has been about the recovery and is seeing some comeback to the original levels, but not anticipated to reach the highs of 2013 and 2014 with immediate effect. The economy is large and is registering progress on an overall level, but it needs a very strong political determination for spreading the benefit to all its citizens. The growth of the country’s GDP does not take into account the depletion and use of natural resources which is a factor to be noticed. Because Indonesia is facing a strong pressure from international environmentalists for depletion of its natural resources, especially deforestation which is getting replaced by industrial production and palm oil production.

This may have a long term sudden impact on the country and the results may be irreparable in nature. The company must consider these variants to understand the tiniest of impacts on its production, operations, and marketing. The investment to be made in Indonesia must be assessed in terms of its overall protection by itself, by the country’s policy and its enforcement, and by occurrence of natural disasters. Looking at the GDP, it is recommended that Bangor Inc. can consider entering the country with a low investment and check the performance before it decides to make a major advancement in its investments into production and resources. It is absolutely necessary to study the government’s policy agenda and the nature of elections, along with the quality of policy enforcements meant to protect foreign investments.



围手术期护理包括从生理、社会文化和精神等不同角度对患者进行护理。围手术期护士的唯一责任是照顾病人,确保病人在整个手术过程中的安全。护士对日常护理中出现的未报告的近距离脱靶有一定的了解,并将这些知识应用于干预措施的优先次序以及保护患者的活动。在外科中心病人的安全是至关重要的,因为不充分的干预可能会对病人以及医疗服务造成情绪、身体和经济上的后果。根据Mellanby, Podmore & McNarry(2014)的研究,围手术期护士通过减少手术中保留器械的机会来提高安全性。



The perioperative nursing includes caring for the patient from different perspectives such as account physiological, sociocultural and spiritual issues. The sole responsibility of the perioperative nurse is to care for the patient and ensure patient safety throughout the surgery. The nurses have an understanding on the unreported near misses that arise each day in healthcare and apply the knowledge to prioritize interventions as well as activities seeking at protecting the patients. Patient safety in surgical centers is critical since inadequate interventions have the potential to cause emotional, physical and financial consequences for the patients as well as the healthcare services. According to Mellanby, Podmore & McNarry (2014), the perioperative nurses thus enhance safety through reducing the chances of having retained instruments during surgery.

Herlehy (2011) identifies different factors as critical in enhancing patient safety in perioperative practices. Some of the factors considered include communication within the perioperative environment. Nurses should promote communication to establish safe practices. Other factors outlined as effective in enhancing patient safety include collaboration between health care providers. Quality in clinical practices is also considered active in promoting patient safety as well as an innovation since perioperative environment presents nurses with opportunities to be creative in solving problems. The interest of registered nurses should be contributing towards improving surgical patient safety by addressing contributing factors such as retained surgical items.



Fairfield Ltd.在2015年的盈利能力与2014年相比,因为它推出了一款新的产品线,即能量饮料。为了扩大业务,公司需要外部资金来源,以满足订单的供应。它可以从各种渠道筹集资金,如债券、定期贷款和优先股。风险资本家也是很好的资金来源。随着2015年毛利率从12.02%上升到25%,公司的利润率有了显著提高。库存周转率下降,说明公司将股票转换为收入所需的时间非常短,这是公司成长的好兆头。从2015年的18天减少到6天。这表明该公司正在获取利润,应该从外部渠道筹集资金。比率分析是一种财务技术,可以评估公司的财务状况和业绩。


本报告对活动比率、流动性比率等各种比率进行分析和解释,有助于更好地了解公司的财务绩效和偿债能力。这种分析将有助于更好地规划和预测活动。这种分析也将有助于评价效率和偿付能力,并在此基础上提供建议和建议。流动性比率有助于衡量公司是否有能力履行其当前义务。流动比率是指流动资产与流动负债之间的关系,它衡量公司的流动性,并被广泛用于发现公司的短期头寸和流动性。Acid test ratio显示了流动资产,即流动资产减去存货和流动负债之间的关系(Daly, 2011)。2015年和2014年的电流比分别为4.80和2.85,酸测比分别为4.54和2.67。


Fairfield Ltd. showed profitability in 2015 as compared to 2014 as it launched a new product line i.e. energy soft drink. For expansion of business, the company requires external source of finance so that the supply of order can be fulfilled. It can raise finance from various sources like debentures, term loan, and preference shares. Venture capitalists are also good source of finance. Company showed a significant increase in Profitability ratio as Gross profit ratio increases from 12.02% to 25% in 2015. Inventory turnover ratio decreased showing company takes very less time to convert stock into revenue, which is a good sign for company’s growth. It decreased to 6 days from 18 days in 2015. This shows that the company is incurring profits and should raise finance from external sources.Ratio analysis is a financial technique where financial condition and performance of a company can be evaluated.

This report states analysis and interpretations of various ratios like activity ratio, liquidity ratio etc. It will able to create a better understanding of financial performance and solvency of company. This analysis will help in better planning and forecasting activities. This analysis will also help in evaluation of efficiency and solvency and on that basis suggestions and recommendations can be provided. Liquidity ratio helps in measuring the ability of the company to find out whether the company will be able to fulfil its current obligations or not. Current ratio shows the relationship between current assets and current liabilities, and it measures the liquidity of company and widely used to find out the short term position and liquidity of company. Acid test ratio shows the relationship between liquid assets i.e. current assets less inventories and current liabilities (Daly, 2011). The current ratio for 2015 and 2014 is 4.80 and 2.85, and acid test ratio is 4.54 and 2.67 respectively.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

本报告以引言开始。它包含了基于比率和比例对公司的全面评估。方法部分描述了用于编写报告的技术,即比率和比例。报告中解释了不同比例的比例。然后在结果和发现一节中提供了比率的图表。在分析和讨论一节中,详细地用图形表示比率,并在图的每个分析部分中分别给出改进该比率的过程作为讨论。关于扩大业务的四种资金来源的建议载于备忘录格式的建议一节。在本作业中,根据公司提供的案例研究、损益表和财务报表,向Fairfield Ltd.提交一份报告。比率分析被用作分析数据的工具。对这些比率进行关键分析,并向公司提供改进的过程。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

不仅如此,在对所有数据进行严格的评估后,还要向公司主管提出建议。Fairfort Ltd.推出了一种新的基于糖的能量饮料,目前市场主要面向苏格兰。但许多新订单来自希腊、德国和澳大利亚的市场。现在,该公司在苏格兰有业务扩展,数据仅基于此业务提供。因此,需要提供上述关键的评估和报告,以便公司获得其职位,并考虑在其他国家进行扩张。本作业采用上述比率分析方法,对结果进行了连续两年的计算。只有8个比率可以计算,因为在这种情况下没有关于债务人、债权人和存货的信息。如果有这方面的资料,可以将其他三个效率比率列入债务人的催收期、债权人的催收期和存货周转率。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

This report starts with an introduction. It contains a total evaluation of the company based on ratios and proportions. The methods part describes the techniques used for writing the report which is ratio and proportions. The different ratio proportions are explained which are being used in the report. A chart is then provided of the ratios in the results and findings section. In the analysis and discussion section a detailed graphical representation of ratios is done one after the other and along with each analysis part of the graph the process to improve that particular ratio is given as a discussion. The recommendation for four sources of finance for the expansion of the business is given in the Recommendation section in the memo format. In this assignment, a report is to be given to Fairfield Ltd. based on a case study, the income statement and the financial statement provided by the company. Ratio analysis is used as a tool for the analysis of data. The critical analysis of these ratios is to be made and the process for improvement is also to be provided to the company.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估
Not only that but also a recommendation to the director of the company is to be sent after critically evaluating all the data. Fairfort Ltd. has launched a new sugar based energy drink for which the market is made in Scotland at present. But many new orders are coming from markets of Greek, Germany and Australia. Now it has its business expansions in Scotland and data are provided based on this business alone. Therefore, it is needed to provide the above mentioned critical evaluations and reports so that the company may access its position and consider for expansion in other countries as well. The results are calculated in this assignment for two successive years by the use of ratio analysis as is mentioned. Only eight ratios can be calculated as the information regarding the debtors, creditors and inventories are not available in this case. If this information were there, three other ratios of efficiency could have been included as the debtors’ collection period, the creditors’ collection period and the inventory turnover ratios.



在过去的几十年里,以发达国家为基地的多国组织已转向发展中国家进行其一些商业活动,特别是低薪工作。这个过程被宽泛地称为外包或外包(Estevez-Abe et al., 2015)。这是公司业务活动的某些方面转移到另一个国家的另一个组织(Milberg et al., 2013)。国际外包的主要方式是复杂而可理解的。发达国家的企业将部分工作外包给发展中国家,因为它们对效率和成本节约感到厌倦。它给发达国家和发展中国家以及这些国家的劳动力带来了巨大的利益和机遇(Scott et al., 2014)。然而,外包行业的发展也带来了弊端。在本文中,重点将放在发展中国家的低薪外包工作上(Williams et al., 2013)。此外,所提出的论点是关于这种工作的,这种工作对发展中国家的工人来说并不是一种严格的积极发展,因为它继续从财政和均衡的角度对劳动力产生消极的影响。


外包并不是全球化经济中新出现的东西。Ghemawat表示,过去几年的外包规模已经超过了以往的水平(中国国家统计局,2015)。这只是由于计算机以及通信技术的进步以及全球化(美利坚合众国,2016)。这些导致了工作外包比以前更加普遍,并且涉及了许多发达国家和发展中国家。例如,不难发现,商店、精品店、药店甚至超市里的几乎每一种产品都是生产出来的,或者就像“外国制造”标签上写的那样(Webster et al., 2006)。近几十年来,在欧洲、美国等发达国家,甚至在日本等亚洲国家(ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014),以相对较低的价格找到当地生产的产品已经变得越来越耗时(ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014)。本地生产的产品比国外生产的产品越来越贵,也越来越难找。这是由于发达国家的工资比发展中国家高的原因。公司倾向于为发展中国家的工厂外包订单以节省投入(Pavcnil et al., 2007)。


In the previous various decades, multinational organizations with their base in developed nations have turned towards developing nations for carrying out some of their activities of business especially the low paying jobs. This process is known loosely as offshoring or outsourcing (Estevez-Abe et al., 2015). This is the transfer of certain aspect of business activity in a company for another organization in another nation (Milberg et al., 2013). The main method of international outsourcing works in a complex yet understandable way. Companies from developed countries outsources part of their work to developing countries for the sick of efficiency and cost saving. It has brought enormous benefits and opportunities to both developed and developing countries and the labor force in such countries (Scott et al., 2014). However, disadvantages also came along with the development of the outsourcing sector. In this essay, the focus will be on the low-paid outsourcing job in developing countries (Williams et al., 2013). Furthermore, the argument presented is on this type of job which is not a strict positive development for workers in developing countries, as it has continued to affect the labor force negatively from both financial and equilibrium point of view.


Outsourcing is not something that has newly developed within the globalized economies. According to Ghemawat, the outsourcing scale in the previous years has dwarfed the levels that have been seen in previous times (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2015). This is only due to computer as well as communication technology advancements along with globalization (United States of America, 2016). These have caused outsourcing of job to have more prevalence than it did and has involved a major number of developed as well as developing nations. For instance, it is not difficult to find out that almost every product in shops, boutique, pharmacy and even supermarket is produced or as it is stated on the label ‘made’ in a foreign country (Webster et al., 2006). In the recent decades, it has become more and more time-consuming to find a locally made product at a relatively lower price in developed countries such as European countries, the United States and even in Asian countries like Japan (ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014). Locally produced products have become more and more expensive and more difficult to look for than the foreign made products. This is due to the reason that developed countries have rather a high salary than developing countries have. Companies tend to outsource orders for developing countries’ factories to save inputs (Pavcnil et al., 2007).





因为只有20台电脑可以监控,所以这个软件是完美的,因为软件的成本低于预算,可以有效地监控这些系统的数量。这个工具在安装和自动发现分配的ip内的所有网络时不会花太多的时间。该工具能够进行局域网、广域网、无线局域网和VPM监控。该工具使用简单的网络管理协议(SNMP)、Windows管理仪表(WMI)、包嗅探器、Cisco netflow和许多其他行业标准协议。根据要求,需要一个小工具,可以在两个公共ip中监视20台计算机。因此,在这种情况下,该工具是办公室中用于网络监控的最佳工具之一。


In a business, the network plays a very important role and helps in securing the network. To secure the network and monitoring of the network, there is need of a tool which can monitor or secure the network properly. The focus of this report is to understand the tool that can help in monitoring IPs of the network and can assign to various computers and control the network flow for efficient use of the internet. This network will control the central server from where the network goes to all the computers to the assigned IPs. The chosen tool for securing and monitoring the network is ‘PRTG Networking Monitoring Software’. This software is developed by networking monitoring company called ‘PAESSLER’. In this case, the need is to monitor 20 computers’ network assigned within 2 public IPs and

Since there are only 20 computers to monitor hence this software is perfect, because the cost of the software is under the budget and can effectively monitor these numbers of systems. This tool does not take much time in installing and automatically discover all networks within assigned IPs. This tool is capable of LAN, WAN, WLAN and VPM Monitoring. The tool uses simple network management protocol (SNMP), Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), packet sniffer, Cisco netflow, and many other industry standard protocol. According to requirement, there is need one small tool that can monitor 20 computers within two public assigned Ips. And hence in this case, this tool is one of the best tools to use for networking monitoring in the office.



癌症是由于细胞生长异常引起的最致命的疾病之一。通过突变改变DNA序列从而改变基因表达过程是癌症的根本原因。这种突变是由一些外部因素引起的,比如暴露在紫外线下,或者其他致癌物质,比如烟草。DNA甲基化是由突变引起的,在突变中甲基被加入到DNA的胞嘧啶和腺嘌呤中。目前,化疗是目前最常见、应用最广泛的癌症治疗方法。纳米医学,使用最新的纳米技术用于许多医学应用。根据Heim和Mitelman(2015)的研究,纳米医学已经被证明在治疗和预防癌症方面比其他疗法更有效。用于纳米医学的药物是用纳米测量的,因此可以精确地靶向于癌症的部位而不产生太多的副作用(Stacey, 2013)。


为了正确治疗癌症,有必要从肿瘤形成的早期阶段对癌症进行诊断。然而,目前的医疗技术很难在早期就发现癌症(Butterworth et al. 2010)。然而,目前有多种癌症治疗技术。手术是移除肿瘤最常见的方法之一,因此可以防止肿瘤扩散到身体的其他部位。化疗或放疗、激素治疗和免疫治疗是最广泛应用的癌症治疗方式。在化疗过程中,许多抗癌药物如多西紫杉醇、多氧柔比星、环磷酰胺等都被纳入体内,以抑制细胞增殖。根据癌症类型,如乳腺癌、前列腺癌或肺癌,使用药物。许多策略都是通过药物在体内的结合来实现的。这种治疗是与其他治疗方式一起提供的,比如放射治疗。


Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases caused due to abnormal cell growth. Change in the DNA sequence by mutation and thereby altering the genetic expression process is the root cause of cancer. This mutation is caused by several external factors like exposure to UV light, or other carcinogenic compounds like tobacco. DNA methylation occurs because of the mutation, in which a methyl group is added to the cytosine and adenine of DNA.At present, chemotherapy is the most common and widely used treatment for cancer. Nanomedicines, uses the latest nanotechnology for many medical application. According to Heim & Mitelman (2015), nanomedicines have proven effective in treating and preventing cancer compared to other form of treatments. The drugs used in the nanomedicines are measured in nanometers and thus can be targeted accurately at the site of cancer without much side effects (Stacey, 2013).

For treating cancer properly, it is necessary to diagnose the cancer from the early stage of tumor formation. However, with the present medical technology it is difficult to detect the cancer from an early stage (Butterworth et al. 2010). Nevertheless, there is multiple therapy technique present for cancer treatment.Surgery is one of the most common methods used for removing tumor, and hence preventing it from spreading to other body parts. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy are the most widely used form of cancer treatment. In chemotherapy treatment, many chemical that are anti-cancer drugs like docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide etc are incorporated in the body to inhibit cell proliferation. Depending on the type of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer or lung cancer, drugs are used. Many strategies are there through, which the drug is incorporated in the body. This treatment is provided along with some other form of treatment like radiation therapy.






Music helps free my mind and I feel relaxed when I listen to music. Music is different for different persons and this is reflected in their choice of music. While it is a universal truth that everyone appreciates music, the genre would vary from individual to individual. Some prefer trance music while others are keen on Rock-n-Roll. The various genres of music include Metallica, Trance, rock-n-roll, blues, country, ballads, classical, instrumental .Music and mood are interrelated. Most persons turn to music when they are happy as well as when they are sad. Music gives me the energy to get going and cheers me up when I am feeling low. I enjoy listening to classical and instrumental music, particularly while studying as I feel that it helps me concentrate and improves my memory.

When I am tensed or tired, music helps me relax. I also enjoy listening to music particularly instrumental while studying math. I regularly listen to country songs when reading a book just before I go to bed. This bedtime routine ensures that I enjoy a good night’s sleep and awaken refreshed and ready to take on the day. Music to me like the language of the soul. It helps calm me when I am angry, sad or blue; cheering me as I listen to my favorite tunes. Yet when I am happy and content, music is a mood enhancer that keeps my mood and energy levels high.Music for me is part of my soul. I feel incomplete without it. Music not only cheers me up, but also inspires me to move ahead. I feel comforted when listening to familiar tunes. Much like a baby that relaxes and goes to sleep listening to his mother’s lullaby. I enjoy falling asleep with soft music playing in the background, too.





这可能是因为它们暴露在特定的肤色下,因此表现出对同一肤色的偏好。这种偏好可以追溯到人类生命的早期。然而,这纯粹是进化的结果。这是一种先入为主的观念,即某一特定群体的人应该为了生存而聚集在一起(Kristof)。同样的行为也表现在孩子身上。白人孩子更喜欢白人娃娃,而黑人孩子则更喜欢黑人娃娃(Clark and Clark 169-178)。安德森博士和CNN对儿童种族偏见和偏好的研究揭示了一些令人震惊但并非意外的发现。他的研究得出的一些结论表明,超过70%的年长的黑人孩子选择了最黑的肤色,而白人孩子更喜欢白色的肤色。有趣的是,这种偏见并不仅限于年龄较大的孩子。超过57%的年轻黑人孩子选择了这两种颜色。由此可见,总的来说,年幼的和年长的孩子都有相同的发现和偏好。这让我们得出这样的结论:基于种族和肤色的偏见是美国普遍存在的文化刻板印象的一部分。


Racism and color blindness are integrated into society. While there are many claims that racism has been eliminated, the truth is a different picture. The only changes that have come about in society are superficial. Thus, instead of overt discrimination, adults having darker skin tones are faced with more subtle social cues that display racial bias (Singh). This is a direct reference to the present hiring or college admission process that claims to hire or provide admission to colleges without any bias. Yet when examining the rolls of most of the top colleges, the majority of students still remain white, while blacks are usually admitted only to fill their basketball or rugby teams and are a comparatively minimal percentage of the total population. The same can be said for hiring without any racial bias.The truth remains that racial bias can be seen from a very young age. Infants also show a preference for persons from their own race. Thus, white infants prefer white adults and darker infants prefer darker adults.


This may be because they are exposed to a particular skin tone and thus show a preference for the same. This preference can be traced back to the early days of human life itself. However, the reason for this was purely evolution. It was a preconceived notion that a person of a particular group should stick togather for their survival (Kristof).The same behavior is exhibited by children as well. While white children preferred white dolls, black children showed a preference for black dolls (Clark and Clark 169-178). Studies into the racial bias and preferences of children by Dr. Anderson and CNN brought to light some shocking but not unexpected findings. Some of the conclusions from his study indicate that more than 70 percent of the older black children chose the darkest skin tones, while white children preferred white skin tones. Interestingly, this bias was not limited to older children. More than 57 percent of the younger black children chose the two darker colors. Thus, it was seen that overall both the younger and older children kept the same findings and preferences. This leads us to the conclusion that the bias based on race and skin tones is part of the cultural stereotype that is seen across America in general.



即便是一家小型的独立旅游运营商,在欧洲和英国提供一些定制旅行,其建立也在成本高昂的范围之内。即使决定加入ABTA,那么所承担的最低成本无论如何都是高的,其次是金融失败保险和联合保单的成本(Stevenson和Sum, 2009)。这幅图描绘的是,顾客从旅途中回来后才支付定金,从而获得保护。此外,如果他们预订的公司在财务上遇到困难,那么客户就可以安全遣返,而无需承担任何额外费用。在这些不稳定的事件中,这被认为是许多旅行被预订时的一个重要因素(Mintzberg等人,2005)。




The set-up of even a small independent tour operator that offers some bespoke trips across Europe and United Kingdom is within the scope of having substantial costs. Even if the decision is made for joining ABTA, then the minimum cost borne is anyways high, followed by costs borne for financial failure insurance and joint policy (Stevenson and Sum, 2009). This depicts that customers obtain protection since they make payment of deposit until they are back from their trip. Also, if the company from which they made booking faces difficulty in finance, then there can be safe repatriation for the customer without having to bear any additional cost. During such volatile events, this is considered as an important factor for many when a trip is booked (Mintzberg et al., 2005).

However, this approaches at the cost of tour operators and must be included within the budget. Having strong control over budgets is of specific significance when dealing with financial recovery as companies face risks out of their over confidence when there is a rise in profits. This essay will focus on the significance of budgeting and financial controls for tour operators in the market platform of high intensity competition. For the purpose of this discussion, an assessment will be conducted for the management of tour operators, significance of them adhere to regulatory and legal framework, and their impact on financial control and budgeting. Further ahead, describing the role played by tour guide, the effectiveness of controlling financial performance will be assessed in context with budget management.