标签存档: 加拿大代写作业



在德国,沃达丰的管理者不得不面对大量的挑战。近年来,为了在德国取得重要地位,该公司进行了大量投资。沃达丰面临的主要挑战之一是,德国必须确保其在德国新总部成功实施安全解决方案。为公司建立一个重要的基础设施是很重要的。对该公司来说,最具体的挑战之一是拥有客户群。这是沃达丰管理层面临的首要挑战。为了确保公司在德国取得成功,它必须建立一个庞大的客户基础。但即便通过收购拥有了强大的客户基础,该公司在弥补在德国的投资方面仍面临挑战。沃达丰仅为收购就投入了约90亿英镑,而该公司的年利润假设约为19亿英镑(Simon, 2016)。沃达丰的管理人员必须以一种能够在未来获得利润的方式工作。


In Germany, the managers of Vodafone have to face a large number of challenges. In recent times, the company has done a lot of investment in order to make a significant position in Germany. One of the major challenges faced by Vodafone is that Germany was to ensure its success in the implementation of the security solutions at its new headquarters in Germany. It was important to create an important infrastructural base for the company. One of the most specific challenges for the company was to have the customer base. It was the first and the foremost challenges for the managers of Vodafone. In order to ensure that the company is successful in Germany, it had to create a large customer base. But even after having a strong customer base by acquisition, the company has a challenge to make up for the investment done in Germany. Vodafone has invested a total amount of around 9 billion pounds just for acquisition while the annual profit assumption for the company is around 1.9 billion pounds (Simon, 2016). The Vodafone managers have to work in such a manner that they can gain profits in the coming time.
Because of the high investment, there is a depression in the cash flow.Another challenge for the managers is to assure that the share holders or dividend holders in Germany is to assure that they will be observing an annual growth in the dividend in spite of any kind of recovery in the coming two years. Another challenge to be faced by Vodafone managers in Germany is to overcome the challenges faced by the company. Another challenge faced by the managers in Vodafone Germany is to ensure that the market strategy of the company is such that it can focus on a better network so that more and more people should stay connected to them. Other competitors are another issue for the managers. Vodafone is a new and an emerging telecom company in Germany. There are a large number of healthy competitors who are having a strong customer base in the nation and have been successful in winning the trust of a number of customers.



在和声的下一个音调中,有全音阶歌曲与主和弦的小四和弦的混合。七根本土和弦中的六根被发现用于熟悉的音程。它们被发现在整个结构中都紧挨着主键。这首歌被发现含有少量的蓝调,并使用了独特的V – IV – I进行曲(Pedler, 2010)。分析表明,歌曲的后一种发展在某种程度上影响了前两个和弦的一阶反转。这是一个非常难以实现的壮举。有对铃鼓音乐的使用,也有对吉他声音的使用。这被发现使谐波根运动成为健忘(Pedler, 2010)。这就造成了两根和弦互相重叠的情况。从结构上可以看出,音乐的声音似乎是各种音乐的混合,但在接近尾声的时候可以感受到作曲家的才华。
在早期,他们正在发展自己独特的风格,这是一个有点不同和微妙的传统音乐建设。这一点在歌曲《谢谢你,女孩》中很明显。在这些歌曲中,音乐的某些和弦和结构被发现不同于传统的音乐,创造了惊喜的元素,同时坚持音乐的标准。在转型时期,如“All you need is love”这样的歌曲,乐队已经成长为专业的音乐家,这在这些歌曲中得到了体现。在掌握阶段,他们已经成长和发展了自己的音乐流派,这在歌曲“跨越宇宙”中是显而易见的。在掌握音乐的时期,披头士逐渐了解音乐,他们使用来自世界各地的折衷乐器和声音来创造音乐的新品牌。这些歌曲都是专业构建的,同时被发现是独特的和创新的。


In the next tone of the harmony, there is the mixing of the diatonic song with the minor iv chord of the mMajor key. The six out of the seven native chords are found to be used in familiar progression. They are found to stay close to the home key throughout the structure. The song is found to contain a pinch of the blues and there is the use of the unique V -» IV -» I progression (Pedler, 2010). Analysis revealed that the latter progression of the songs somehow affects the first order of the first two chords reversed. It is a very difficult feat to achieve. There is the use of the tamboura music and also the use of the backwards guitar sounds. This is found to make the harmonic root movement to become oblivious (Pedler, 2010). This creates a situation where the two chords are found to be superimposed on each other. It can be understood from the structure that the sound of the music appears to be mixing of various kinds of music, however towards the end the brilliance of the composers can be felt.
In the early period, they were developing their own unique style that was a little different and nuanced from the conventional music construction. This is evident in the song “Thank you girl”. In these songs, certain chords and construction of the music is found to be different from the conventional music creating a surprise element and at the same time adheres to the musical standard. In the transitional period, song such as the “All you need is love”, the band had grown into professional musicians and this was epitomized in these songs. In the mastery period, they had grown and developed their own genre of music that was evident in the song “Across the Universe”. In the mastery period, the Beatles had grown to understand the music and there was the use of eclectic instruments and sounds from around the world to create a new brand in music. These songs were both professionally constructed and at the same time were found to be unique and innovative.



Martha(2012)将精准奶牛养殖解释为利用信息和通信技术(ICT),以加强精细规模动物控制和物质资源的可变性,从而优化奶牛养殖场的环境、社会和经济效益。精准奶牛养殖是一种针对特定物种的精准家畜养殖方式(Sharma, 2015)。正如Mariam(2009)所指出的,前瞻性牲畜系统有效地解决了动物产品的输出系统、动物的生长、动物的行为、地方性疾病和牲畜建筑环境的物理问题。Kevin(2005)暗示乳制品生产商越来越多地采用精密技术,以提高对单个动物、围栏或群体的管理,管理整个农场和农场的总生产效率(Porcher and Schmitt, 2012)。对奶农而言,精准奶农相关技术有可能消除决策过程中的主观性因素。


According to Martha (2012), Precision dairy farming is explained as the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICT) for the purpose of enhanced fine scale animal control and of variability of physical resource in order to optimize the environmental, social and economic performance of the dairy farm. Precision dairy farming is an approach that is specific to species for farming of precision livestock (Sharma, 2015). As suggested by Mariam (2009), systems of prevision livestock have effectively addressed the output systems of animal product, growth of animal, behaviour of animal, diseases of endemic nature and the physical livestock building environment. It is implied by Kevin (2005) that precision technologies are increasingly implemented by the producers of dairy for the purpose of improvising the management of individual animal, pen or group management, managing entire farm and total production efficiency of the farm (Porcher and Schmitt, 2012). For the farmers of dairy, technologies associated with precision dairy farming holds the potential to eradicate the element of subjectivity from the processes of decision making.
This lowers the need for labour that is experienced and skilled in the management of animal as suggested by Frost (2011). Technologies generally enable the reduction of requirement for labour that is specialized or allows shifting its focus in order to accomplish higher amount of work by using less number of labourers. This notion is supported by Frank (2004). Utilization of technologies for the monitoring of animals within the farm is beneficial as long as the technology monitors in continual manner with regard to the parameters, reliability within the behaviour observation and describe the behaviours accurately with the help of algorithms of reliable manner as mentioned by Benchman (2008) (McDowell and Nash, 2012). The work routine can also be improvised in terms of efficiency if the technologies meet the level of reliability offered by the labours that are replaced. Enhancements made within the efficiencies of the work routine lowers the time needed for the completion of certain work, stress of the employees and deliver the operators time in order to shift the focus over alternative areas of function.



凯勒虽然没有托马斯或杰基那样的支持,但谁会支持他继续前进。因此,死亡是凯勒唯一的出路。凯勒的妻子和儿子被送到纳粹集中营,因为他们是犹太人,凯勒也是犹太人。他登记为犹太人,到营里去拥抱死亡。凯勒逃离了德国的毁灭性力量,而查理则在这个家庭的帮助下与这些毁灭性的力量进行斗争,包括学校里的恶霸和邻居们(Patterson, 2012)。澳大利亚视觉也重视澳大利亚的两种重要动物,它们的形象出现在盾形纹章中,这两种动物分别是袋鼠和鸸鹋。在澳大利亚所有的动物中,这两种动物和鸟类被赋予了重要的地位,因为它们不能后退,只能前进,这是非常具有象征意义和意义的(Caruana, 2014)。它暗示着一个国家应该永远向前发展,这种特殊的暗示已经在《黑气球》中得到了体现。
如果托马斯回顾过去的消极,那么他就不会与他的兄弟妥协,而是向前迈进。在最后一个场景中,由智障儿童上演的戏剧也反映了这样一种观念,即时间已经到来,每个人都要向前走,无论正常还是残疾(Vize, 2014)。这在小说《大师》中是缺失的,因为凯勒总是回顾过去,再现过去的记忆。因此,这一动物的象征在澳大利亚的视野中非常突出,在小说中再次被否定。Elissa通过她的电影让观众有了远见,这将使他们带着乐观向前迈进。因此,我们可以得出结论,澳大利亚的多元文化主义对于研究澳大利亚人的视野是很重要的,它影响着人们对澳大利亚人的看法。的确,澳大利亚的愿景没有一个结构化的定义,但如果把与这个国家相关的概念、理念和符号放在一起,就会出现一个梦幻般的澳大利亚愿景。《黑气球》试图迎合这一愿景,让观众看到这一愿景。


Keller, although did not have any support like Thomas or Jackie, who would support him to move forward. Thus, death was the only way out for Keller. Keller’s wife and son were sent to the Nazi concentration camp because they were Jewish, which was Keller, too. He registered as a Jew, and went to the camp to embrace death. Keller escapes from the destructive forces of Germany, but Charlie fight against these destructive forces, which include the school bullies, and the neighbours with the help of this family (Patterson, 2012).The Australia vision also gives importance to two important animals in Australia, whose images is found in the Coat of Arms, and these two animals are Kangaroo and Emu. Among all animals in Australia, these two animals and the birds are given importance because they could not move backward and they only move forward, which is very symbolic and significant (Caruana, 2014). It implies that the nation should always move forward and this particular implication has been reflected in “The Black Balloon”.
If Thomas had looked back to the negativity of the past, then he would not have come in terms with his brother and had moved forward. The drama that is being staged, in the last scene, by the intellectually disabled children also reflects the notion that time has come to move forward with everyone, whether normal or disabled (Vize, 2014). It is something that is absent in the novel Maestro, because Keller always look back to his past and recapitulates the memory of the past. Thus, this symbol of the animals that are very prominent in the Australian vision is again negated in the novel. Elissa Down through her movie allowed the audience to have vision, which would allow them to move forward with optimism.Therefore, it can be concluded that the multiculturalism that is there in Australia is important for the study of Australian vision, and it influences people’s perception about the Australians. It is true that there, is no structured definition of Australia’s vision, but if the concepts and ideas and the symbols that are associated with the country are put down together, then there will be a dream-like vision of Australia. “The Black Balloon” tries to cater to that vision, and allows the audience to have a look into that vision.



其中包括拳打脚踢、推搡以及其他伤害身体的行为。散布关于个人的谣言,将某些人挡在群体之外,自私地骚扰个人就是欺凌的一些例子(Caldwell, 2016)。最常见的四种折磨是:言语骚扰——嘲笑、嘲笑、刺激、散布流言蜚语、使人衰弱、对自己的生活方式、种族、种族、宗教、性或性介绍做出负面评价、不受欢迎的性评论(Mayrock, 2015)。社交欺凌——围堵、寻找替罪羊、禁止他人参加聚会、公开的动作或涂鸦来羞辱他人,希望以此打压他人(Mayrock, 2015)。身体欺负-殴打,戳,挤压,追求,推动,强迫,消灭或采取效果,不受欢迎的性接触(Mayrock, 2015)。数字欺凌——利用网络或内容信息来威胁、贬低、传播一些八卦或嘲笑某人(Mayrock, 2015)。


The book written by Alice Caldwell discusses the causes of bullying and it also explains how bullying effects the people differently. The book also mentions various effective ways to be free from trauma of bullying. Caldwell has written this book, keeping in mind the students who have become the victims of bullying. He has even mentioned the type of harassment happens at workplace, which is informative for those who have been experiencing this nuisance even in adulthood. Hence, this book can be said useful for both kids and adults. For kids this book is a ultimate guide because it mentions how to deal with bullying and how to stand against it. Numerous kids have a smart thought of what harassing is on account of they see it consistently. Tormenting happens when somebody damages or unnerves someone else deliberately and the individual who is being harassed experiences considerable difficulties. Along these lines, everybody needs to get required to stop it (Caldwell, 2016). Harassing is not right! It is a conduct that makes the individual who is being harassed, feel anxious or uncomfortable. There are numerous ways that youngsters spook each other, regardless of the possibility that they do not understand it at the time.
Some of these include punching, pushing and different acts that hurt individuals physically. Spreading rumours about individuals, keeping certain individuals out of a group, harassing individuals selfishly are some of the examples of bullying (Caldwell, 2016). The four most regular sorts of tormenting are: Verbal Harassing – ridiculing, mockery, prodding, spreading bits of gossip, debilitating, making negative references to one’s way of life, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, or sexual introduction, undesirable sexual remarks (Mayrock, 2015).Social Bullying – mobbing, scapegoating, barring others from a gathering, mortifying others with open motions or graffiti expected to put others down (Mayrock, 2015). Physical Bullying – hitting, jabbing, squeezing, pursuing, pushing, forcing, annihilating or taking effects, undesirable sexual touching (Mayrock, 2015). Digital Bullying – utilizing the web or content informing to threaten, put-down, spread bits of gossip or ridicule somebody (Mayrock, 2015).



组织行为学研究的是组织内部的群体动态,有助于更好地管理组织。组织的个性、工作文化、工作动机因素、授权等都是组织行为的一部分(Gist, 1986)。通过阅读案例研究,我们可以发现许多组织行为问题。正如公司的哈里所说,主要原因是工作满意度似乎较低。一些员工觉得公司正在尝试从重新设计到授权的各种方法,但他们似乎不信任自己的员工。其次,公司本身似乎并不倾向于变革管理。虽然有一些问题解决团队被认为倾向于变更管理,但是那些应该扮演变更管理负责人角色的部门主管却不是。在这种情况下,组织的主要组织行为问题是组织没有准备好变革。可以看出,该组织的管理主管还没有做好变革的准备。

一旦问题解决团队提出了想法,每个管理主管就会提出为什么变更不可行的问题。变更管理计划应该使用组织的领导者作为主要的变更参与者。变革管理不是在真空中发生的,有员工参与其中,必须让员工了解变革管理的原因、意义等。没有这些,就会有变更管理的阻力。这就是公司目前的情况,存在着管理变革的阻力。通过适当的信息共享,可以增加工作场所的信任,而这正是目前所缺失的。为了做到这一点,管理者必须对员工更加开放和乐于助人。在这里,双循环学习过程将有助于确保可选的学习,并且策略实践在组织中是允许的(Mullins, 2007)。变更管理必须作为一种文化在公司中发起,以使其成功,否则OB问题将会减少收益。


Organizational behaviour is the study of that group dynamics within an organization, which would help in managing the organization better. Personality of the organization, work culture, work motivation factors, empowerment and more are part of the organizational behaviour (Gist, 1986). On a reading of the case study, there are many organizational behaviour problems that can be identified here. Primarily there seems to be less job satisfaction as Harry from the company stated. Some employees felt that the company was trying a variety of approaches from re-engineering to empowerment, but did not seem to have trust in their employees. Secondly, the company itself did not seem to be inclined towards change management. While there were problems solving teams that were seen to be inclined towards change management, the department heads who are supposed to act as the change management heads were not. Given this context the main organizational behavioural problem for the organization is that the organization is not change ready. It is seen that the managing heads of the organization are not change ready.

Once the problem solving teams have come up with ideas, each of the managing heads comes up with issues for why the change would not be feasible. A change management initiative should use the leaders of the organization as the main change actors. The change management does not happen in vacuum, there are employees involved and the employees have to be informed on why the change management is done, the significance and more. Without this, there would be change management resistance. This is the situation in the company at present, there is change management resistance. By proper information sharing trust can be increased in the workplace and this missing at present. Managers must become more open and forthcoming with their employees in order to achieve this. A double loop learning process would be helpful here to ensure alternative learning, and strategy practices are allowed in the organization (Mullins, 2007). Change management must be initiated as a culture in the company for it to be successful or else the OB issues would mitigate the benefits.



1995年,亚马逊在其网站上开设了一家在线书店。现在,从电子产品到服装、美容产品和体育材料,一切都可以在他们的网站上找到。Amazon使用不同的网络通信站点,例如Facebook和Twitter来获得更多的客户,并以折扣价通知产品。一家这样的在线商店通过Facebook对收益进行了重大评估。通过这样的商店,顾客可以获得更多的信息,可以做出购买的决定。从长远来看,人们可以通过这样的供应商购买或提供任何东西。根据Forrester的报告,2011年,美国电子商务实现利润2000亿美元,相当于零售总额的9%。同样的,在英国,电子商务占总销售额的10%,而电子交易占全球总销售额的15%到20% (Rigby, 2011)。亚马逊电子商店比实体商店有很多优势。它们不浪费时间,更方便和容易在任何时间和任何地方访问。

亚马逊为顾客提供关于产品和服务的免费信息,所以不需要等待和去商店购买商品。他们还可以通过信用卡或借记卡购物,并与其他电子商店比较产品和服务。消费者在电子贸易中的行为起着重要的作用(Uygun, et al., 2011)。Chang et al,(2005)认为,消费者行为取决于年龄、性别、经济地位、对互联网和计算机友好的知识、动机、态度和新的偏好。这些行为与信任、风险、产品特征和服务质量有关。根据2011年的调查,英国拥有经合组织成员国最多的在线客户。来自较低社会阶层的消费者在电子商务上的购买前景比来自较高社会阶层的消费者要低。文化标准是在一个人的生命的早期设定的,需求是由文化因素驱动的(Kotler & Armstrong, 2012)。我们的决策行为、信任和思维过程都受到文化的影响。同样,国家的文化也影响了消费者的网购行为。


In 1995, Amazon started its website with an online book store. Now everything from electronic gadgets to clothes, beauty products, and sports material is available on their website. Amazon uses different network communication sites, for example, Facebook, and Twitter to get more clients and notify about the products with discounted rates. One such online store has made a major measurement of benefits through Facebook. Through such stores, customers can access more information and can make decision to purchase. In the long run, people can purchase or offer anything through such suppliers. According to Forrester’s reports, in 2011, United States attained $200 billion profits in e-commerce which equivalents to 9% of the total retail sale. Similarly, in UK, e-commerce acquires 10% of the entire sales whereas electronic trading reaches 15% to 20% of total sales worldwide (Rigby, 2011).The Amazon e-store has many advantages than physical store. They are not time-consuming, more convenient and easily accessible at any time and anywhere.

Amazon offers free information about the products and services to the customer, so waiting and going to a shop to buy the items are not required. They can also make purchases through credit or debit cards and compare the products and services with other e-stores. The consumer’s behavior in e-trade plays an important part (Uygun, et al., 2011). According to Chang et al, (2005), consumer behaviors are dependent on age, sex, economic status, knowledge about the internet and computer friendly, motivation, attitude and new preferences. These behaviors are associated with trust, risk, product characteristics and service quality. According to the Research conducted in 2011, UK has the highest online customers from OECD nations.Consumers who are from lower social classes have lower prospect to buy from e-commerce than higher social classes. The cultural standards are set in the very early period in a person’s life and the needs are motivated by cultural factors (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). Our decision-making behavior, trust, and thought processes are all influenced by culture. Similarly, the culture of the country influenced online shopping behavior of the consumer.




裁员是指通过裁员来降低成本,这有助于降低成本。它有助于建立一个有效的竞争力水平,提高盈利能力,即使在困难时期。在竞争非常激烈的情况下,它是创造业务发展的一个重要方面,公司不可能提高商品或服务的价格。对于企业来说,确保能够在客户中形成对自己能够提供高质量服务的更强的信心是至关重要的,因此,为了在组织中创建有效的领导和团队,缩小规模就变得至关重要。杠杆收购是指公司购买其他公司的股票,并分享资产和能力。在不同组织的战略目标之间建立平衡是至关重要的,因此并购是极其重要的。重要的是,有效的资源共享可以帮助公司形成更强的能力水平,这有助于为组织建立更好的增长和发展(Lawton Smith, Dickson and Smith, 2005)。


Restructuring involves change in the organization’s business structure as well as financial structure. Down scoping, leveraged buyout and downsizing are three forms of restructuring that improve business development significantly. It is essential that there be better growth and development which is possible only through the utilization of strategies like down scoping and downsizing as these strategies help build an effective level of resource management in the organization. It involves the buying and selling of shares of other companies or the company itself in the external markets. Down scoping refers to the process of reducing the level of company unrelated, wherein they try to build focus on their core business rather than managing a largely spread and diversified business. The aim is to focus on expertise and economies of scale which can help a business build better levels of competencies and competitiveness. It helps the business grow in terms of market share, and also create better levels of business expertise. It is essential to create an effective level of growth for the business, and down scoping helps the business focus on a particular domain.

Downsizing refers to reducing costs by lying off employees, which helps ensure that there is cost cutting. It helps build an effective level of competitiveness by increasing profitability even in times of distress. It forms an important aspect of creating business development when competition is extremely high, and it is not feasible for the company to increase prices of the goods or services. It is essential for the business to ensure that it is able to formulate a stronger level of confidence among its clients that it can provide high quality services, and so downsizing becomes essential in order to create effective leadership and teams in the organization. Leveraged buyouts are instances where in companies buy shares of other companies and share assets and competencies. It is essential that there be a balance created among the strategic goals of various organizations and so mergers and acquisitions are extremely essential. It is important that there are effective sharing of resources which can help the companies form a stronger level of competencies, which helps build better growth and development for the organization (Lawton Smith, Dickson and Smith, 2005).



1977年塑料袋闯入超市。从那时起,塑料袋的使用正走向巨大的需求。以上每年塑料袋使用量的数据可以用另一种方式表示,即每人每4天半使用一个塑料袋,或每分钟使用100万个塑料袋。家庭垃圾的三分之一是塑料包装和塑料袋。由于程序困难和回收成本高,塑料袋通常不回收。因此,每分钟有100万个塑料袋被丢弃在垃圾填埋场或水中。在垃圾填埋场,塑料袋需要1000年才能分解。其次,研究表明,在海洋中,每平方英里漂浮着46,000个塑料碎片/袋子/包装(Roach, 2003)。这些塑料碎片在水中添加了有毒化学物质,对海洋生物是致命的(Perkins, 2010)。此外,大量的石油正被用于制造这些可用于其他建设性目的的塑料袋。塑料袋的制造过程释放有害气体,污染空气(Dincer, 1998)。因此,有必要设计一个有效的经济政策来控制塑料袋造成的环境污染。



Plastic bags intruded in super markets in 1977. Since then, the use of plastic bag is going towards massive demand. The above figure of plastic bags usage per year can be said in other way as every person uses one plastic bag in every 4 and a half days, or 1 million plastic bags used in a minute. The one third part of garbage of household contains plastic packaging and bags. The plastic bags are not usually recycled due to difficult procedure and high cost of recycling. Therefore, these 1 million plastic bags per minute are discarded at landfills or in water. At landfills, plastic bags take up to 1 thousand years to break down. Secondly, research has shown that in oceans, there are 46,000 plastic pieces/bags/packaging floating over every square mile (Roach, 2003). These plastic pieces adds toxic chemical in water, which are lethal to marine life (Perkins, 2010). Moreover, a generous amount of petroleum is being used for manufacturing of these plastic bags which could be used for other constructive purposes. The manufacturing process of plastic bags releases harmful gases and pollutes the air as well (Dincer, 1998). Therefore, it is necessary to devise an efficient economic policy to control environmental pollution created by plastic bags.

To avoid the above discussed consequences of excessive use of plastic bags within Australia, government of Australia is responsible of applying an economic policy to attain equilibrium in the market and sustainability of environment. This report suggests that there should be a tax on consumption of plastic bags. A person, whether he is producer, retailer or consumer who uses plastic bags must pay a positive amount for it.There are certain things which can be understood with the help of the above graph. The point marked with ‘b’ is the point of market equilibrium where suppluand demand graphs meet when no taxes are applied (present condition). At this point assume that the quantity of plastic bags is Qo (a straight line from b to quantity axis). Afterwards, if taxes are being applied on plastic bags, market equilibrium is lost and there is an upward shift in supply. It is evident that an upward shift in supply will lead to a decreased amount on quantity axis. Thus, reduction in quantities of plastic bags being used is achieved through imposition of tax on plastic bags. Another important factor which can be examined through above graph is the portion of added amount paid by producer and consumer. The above rectangle in the graph shows the portion of amount paid by customer and the lower box shows the amount paid by producer.



在这篇文章中,Tim Brown解释了“设计变更”的必要性。有一个广泛的讨论需要纳入创新设计的当代设计创作。为此,对一些历史发展趋势进行了探讨。线性思维是关于序列的思维导图是关于序列之间的联系。重新讨论旧的创新将不能满足当前的要求。设计变更是满足人们当前需求的强制性要求。根据Brown的观点,设计思维应该始终考虑到更新的设计美学和需求,并且能够在设计创作可用的资源范围内交付(Brown and Katz, 2011)。Calvino Italo选择在故事中表达城市设计的细微差别。这实际上是一个故事主线,更多地关注城市及其设计的细微差别。

在这一章(卡尔维诺,I。,1978)。健赛市在最初的对话中一直很专注。金赛城已经落入可汗帝国的手中。忽必烈和马可波罗笔下的人物正在描述这座城市。除此之外,还有波罗对威尼斯的描绘,对埃斯梅拉达城市的描述,对阿尔梅达和欧多霞的详细描述。近年来,设计思维越来越突出。它在许多领域都有应用。分析设计思维的细微差别,找到设计思维的根源,是进行创新的前提。为了这个特殊的目的,已经分析了框架和创建框架所涉及的核心设计实践。最后,对如何采用这些核心设计实践来解决组织问题和恢复组织中的创新进行了深入的探索(Dorst, 2011)。


In this writing, Tim Brown explains the need for “Change in design”. There is a broad discussion of the need to incorporate innovate designs for creation of contemporary design. For this, a number of historical development trends have been discussed. Linear thinking is about sequences and mind mapping is about connections of this sequence. Rehashing the older innovation will not meet the current requirements. Change by design is the mandatory requirement that can fulfil current needs of people. According to Brown, design thinking should always factor in newer design aesthetics, requirements and also be able to deliver within the resources available for creation of the design (Brown and Katz, 2011). Calvino Italo has chosen to express about the nuances of city design in the story. This is actually a story line that focuses more on the nuances of city and its design.

There is more description of the elements of the city in this particular chapter (Calvino, I., 1978). City of Kin-Sai has been focused in the initial conversations. The city of Kin-Sai has fallen in the hands of the Khan Empire. Kublai and Marco Polo characters are describing about the city. Apart from this, there is Polo’s depiction of Venice, description of the cities of Esmeralda, the places Almeda and Eudoxia is described in detail.Design thinking has been gaining prominence in the recent times. It has its application in many fields. There is a prerequisite to analyse about the nuances of design thinking and find the roots of design thinking to develop innovation. For this particular purpose, there has been analysis of the core deign practices involved in framing and creation of frame. Towards the end, there is a robust exploration of how these core design practices can be adopted towards solving organizational issues and restoring innovation in the organizations (Dorst, 2011).