标签存档: 加拿大代写论文



这本杂志的编辑是Robyn C. Walker

IJBC审查并出版能够促进商务沟通知识的手稿,作为一种高度截然不同的专业和学术学科。除此之外,IJBC寻求评估和评估可评估商业交流关键领域的手稿。 IJBC鼓励各种交流方式在创造,维护和实现利润和非营利业务方面发挥作用。期刊接受所有与学术联谊有关的研究模式。


Information about the International Journal of Business Communication

Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of IJBC is comprised of the Editor, Associate Editors, Book Review Editor, and a few subject-matter experts which can examine and evaluate submitted manuscripts.
The editor of this Journal is Robyn C. Walker
Mission Statement/Purpose
The International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) aims to publish peer-reviewed, highly valued and rigorous original research which is able to contribute for the information and knowledge related to business communication and management.

Peer review Process
The journal has portrayed Business communication as a highly distinct and multidimensional field which has been approached by several administrative disciplines which includes the liberal arts, management sciences and social sciences. The articles reviewed in IJBC review and address all areas which are related to business communication and management. They include content/technical writing, international business management, organizational behavior, Leadership and corporate communication. Along with that, the journal also allows submissions which are related to important contribution of written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communication in the field of profit and non-profit business.
Guidelines for Submission
The IJBC reviews and publishes manuscripts which can contribute towards knowledge of business communication as a highly distinct professional and academic discipline. Apart from that, IJBC seeks to assess and evaluate manuscripts which can evaluate key areas of business communication. IJBC encourages the role of various modes of communication for creation, maintenance, and performance of profit and non-profit business. The journal accepts all modes of research which are relevant in the academic fraternity.
Publication of articles
The publication of IJBC includes scholarly studies which are on average 15-35 double-spaced pages, commentaries of 10-14 pages, forums which are consisted of 2-4 articles organized in a unifying theme and book reviews.






Organizational Structure
Finding the organizational structure that works best is critical as using the wrong structure can result in poor communication, failed goals, and other problems. The most commonly used organizational structure models are the functional, divisional and matrix structures. Functional structure works by grouping together similar or related occupational specialties. Divisional structure groups together by the outputs of the occupations. In this structure, the prime advantage is that each division can be held accountable for the performance and thereby enabling better control. A combination of the two forms the matrix structure.
The organizational structure at present is more of a functional structure. The inefficient method employed by the coach and the inability of the assistant coaches to implement their strategies, and the arrogant, egoistic attitude of one of the team captains has resulted in efficiency. Employing a divisional organizational structure where individual responsibilities are clearly defined and every individual is held accountable for the team performance could help achieve a turnaround the performance.

Leadership Styles
The University of IOWA classifies leadership into broadly three categories: the autocratic, democratic and the Laissez-faire styles. Good leadership is all about putting the right set of leadership styles into action in the right amount at the right time. The Autocratic style of leadership is a “my way or the highway” kind of leadership where the leader dominates. Laissez-faire is a laid back kind of style where the leader lets the team members make their own decisions. This kind of leadership has been proven to be most ineffective. The Democratic leadership style is a participative kind where the leader sets his goals and also takes in the valuable inputs from other team members and employs the action that is most effective. The democratic leadership style is the most effective style where everybody is given importance.






In his theory, Hazlitt gives the discussion related to the general theory and explains each and every line of the same. He finds that there are a number of errors in each and every page of the theory. According to the critical analysis of Hazlitt, the general wage level cannot be very high if compared to the level of price. But, if someone looks around the 1930’s a large number of wages which were to be given to the labors were out of balance while the prices related to the good were sold in the market. In such a scenario the primary need was to have the restoration of the employment by making the adjustment in such a way that the wages of the workers should be available easily (Hazlitt, 2010). He explained that due to an inflationary policy there has been balancing for the price wage based relationship into balancing by the process of pushing the prices throughout the entire economy (Haberler, 1961).

In addition to this, Hazlitt also pointed the fact that the worker and the labor unions are completely aware of the fact that how is the overall rise of the price have an effect in the real value of the wages (Robinson,1961). He explained that in the upward direction, there should not be any illusion based on money. Whenever there is an increase in the cost of day to day living due to the rise of prices, it calls for the demand in the rise of the wages of the workers and the unions.
This case is certainly true. Let us take the examples of the workers who are working in a company. The company has been into profits but there isn’t a significant rise in the wages of the people. Also, with the passage of time there is an overall increase in the living style of the people.



科内尔里昂是法国文艺复兴时期肖像画的着名画家。他是一位出生于荷兰的法国艺术家,他大多在法国执业,并且由于出生地海牙,他的出生国荷兰依然注意到Corneille de La Haye。尽管他是法国文艺复兴时期活跃的最优秀的画家之一,但他的生活,工作和风格却很少。高奈被任命为亨利二世宫廷的官方画家和首席。他的确切出生年份尚未确定,但他被指出在1575年去世前一直活跃。他的作品主要集中在Dauphine的皇室遗产成员的各种肖像上,他获得了他的赞助。作为肖像画家,他的作品中显示了解剖学相似的细节,这是一个高度归因于文艺复兴时期逻辑精神的特征。

“后来被称为高奈里昂的Corneille de la Haye将他的大部分工作生活花在了文艺复兴时期的法国人身上,首先是作为宫廷画家的埃莉诺女王,其次是弗朗索瓦一世的妻子,最后是一位主要的代客和法庭画家亨利二世,他在1548年被选为Peintre du Roi“(三本25)。 Corneille de Lyon大多生产几乎微缩尺寸的照片,范围从明信片到8“×10”大小。艺术家最着名的绘画作品是’梅林德圣格莱肖像’,’不明男子肖像’,’亨利二世肖像’,’凯瑟琳德美第奇肖像’,’女人肖像’, Corneille de Lyon大部分在油画和油画上工作。


Corneille De Lyon was a notable painter of portraits of the French Renaissance period. He was a Dutch-born French artist who mostly practiced in France and still noted in his birth nation Netherlands as Corneille de La Haye, owing to his birthplace The Hague. Though being one of the finest painters, active during the French Renaissance era, sources of his life, work and style are scanty. Corneille was appointed the official painter and the chief in the court of Henry II. His exact year of birth is unidentified but he was noted to be active until his death in 1575. His works were mainly focused on various portraits of the members of the royal heritage of Dauphine, whose patronage he received. Being a portrait painter, minute details of anatomical resemblance is evident in his works, a feature highly attributed to the logical spirit of the Renaissance.

“Corneille de la Haye, later came to be known as Corneille de Lyon and spent most of his working life in the Renaissance spirited France, firstly as court painter to Queen Eleanor, secondly to wife of François I, finally as a chief valet and court painter to Henri II, by whom he was elected Peintre du Roi in the year1548” (Sambon 25). Corneille de Lyon mostly produced pictures of almost miniature scale, which ranged from postcard to 8”*10” in size. The most notable paintings attributed to the artists are ‘Portrait of Mellin de Saint-Gelais’, ‘Portrait of a Unknown Man’, ‘Portrait of Henry II’, ‘Portrait of Catherine de’ Medici’, ‘Portrait of a Woman’, etc. Corneille de Lyon most worked with oil on canvas and wood panels.



美味的汉堡包提供了马自达C-X7汽车对抗马自达汽车刮刮卡的奖励。对于任何合同和协议的发生,都需要有意向,协议和考虑(Lambiris and Griffin 2013)。只有在提出有效要约并接受要约时,协议才能执行。在这种情况下,我们注意到该报价是由Delicious Hamburgers承诺提供的,承诺提供马自达C-X7汽车以换取刮刮卡票。另外,党也必须有一些考虑。在这种情况下,考虑的是要交换的刮刮票。因此,有意提供,并且当获得刮刮票时,双方之间有协议。




Step 2. Rules of law identified in Step 1
Delicious Hamburgers have offered to award a Mazda C-X7 car against the scratch ticket of Mazda car. For any contract and agreement to take place, there needs to be an intention, agreement and a consideration (Lambiris and Griffin 2013). An agreement is only enforceable when a valid offer is being made and the offer is accepted. In this case, it is noticed that the offer is promissory made by Delicious Hamburgers promising to offer a Mazda C-X7 car in exchange for the scratch ticket. In addition, there must also be some kind of consideration to be made by the party. In this case, the consideration is the scratch ticket which is to be exchanged. Thus, there is an intention to offer, and when the scratch ticket is being obtained, there is an agreement between the two parties.


Step 3. Applying the rule of law to the case
The offer for the Mazda car was open for everyone and to just to George or Kyle. The company had sole discretion of the time frame of the offer remaining valid, and this was clear by the statement in the advertisement saying ‘hurry, as it is only for a limited time’. The definition of this time was not mentioned at all. This time was a sole decision of the company and they could withdraw it anytime.
As for Kyle, he did not purchase any hamburgers so he was not qualified for the offer at all. George did purchase 2 hamburgers and officially won a scratch ticket with a gold car on it, but as the offer was a sole discretion of the company, by the time he reached their office, the agreement was not more valid and became null and void. Even others who had come to collect their cars did not get the reward as the first customer had reached the office and won the offer, following which the company had sole rights to close the offer.



在我们的社会中,年龄一直是并将继续成为人们所持状态的一个至关重要的文化因素。同样的意义在文化,政治和互动等各种人口指标中都有提示,并且在未来几十年里只会加剧。在许多地方,越来越多的人担心,特别是针对老年雇员的年龄歧视被认为是英国组织中的一个非常严重的问题。此外,还有很多人认为,必须制定一些立法,对就业速度的任何种类的年龄歧视采取一些严格的措施(Roscigno et al。2007)。对于就业中的年龄不平等和歧视问题,与种族,阶级和性别相比,社会学关注度较低。基于年龄的歧视并不是什么新鲜事;但随着人口年龄的增长,在西方国家尤其如此。

在访谈中发现,调查和实验分析表明,管理者倾向于根据老年劳动力的陈规定型观点作出决定,并在合理确定劳动力流动决策和奖励分配的合法性的情况下支持年轻劳动力Hutchens 1988)。关于同样的情况,过去许多研究人员进行的经典工作表明,即使不具有抵抗力,老年工人对工作场所变化的反应也较小。此外,他们也被认为是缓慢的,僵化的,困难的,无组织的,并且由年轻的同事和经理培训也很昂贵。鉴于有证据表明,与年轻工人相比,较年长的劳动力通常表现出较少的人员流动,较高的工作承诺和较低的缺勤率;这种刻板印象是引人注目的,有时会体现出性别特点。


In our society, age has always been and will continue to be a crucial cultural factor of the status one holds. The significance of the same is suggested by every demographic indicator like culturally, politically and interactionally and in the decades ahead it would only be intensified. In many quarters there has been an increasing concern that discrimination on the basis of age especially against the older employees is regarded as a very serious issue in the organizations of UK. Moreover, there are many who are of the view that there must be some legislation which takes some stringent actions for any kind of age discrimination at the pace of employment (Roscigno et al. 2007). Little sociological attention as compared to race, class and gender has been provided to the topic of age inequality and discrimination in employment. Discrimination on the basis of age is not something new; but as populations age it has become more evident particularly in the western nations.

Discrimination on the Basis of Age
It has been observed in interviews, surveys and experimental analysis demonstrate that mangers are inclined to draw decision on the basis of the stereotypical opinions of the older workforce and favor the younger workforce in cases of legitimating how workforce mobility decisions are made and rewards are distributed (Hutchens 1988). With regards of the same, classic work conducted by many researchers in the past has shown that if not resistant, the perceptions of older workers as less responsive to the changes in workplace. Moreover, they are also regarded as slow, inflexible, difficult, unorganized and also expensive to train by the younger coworkers and managers. Given the evidence that older workforce generally show less turnover, higher job commitment and lower rate of absenteeism as compared to the younger workers; such stereotypes are striking and sometimes take in a gender-specific character.



众所周知,业务所有者,人力资源经理和管理人员都有责任管理多样化的高科技工作场所。经理必须具备调查某些领域的能力才能成功管理多元化的环境(Harvey 2012)。首先,管理者必须考虑组织内多样性管理的战略意义,并理解必须承担领导责任的界限以及管理者的支持。除此之外,管理人员必须考虑招聘员工和绩效与发展管理方面的政策或做法(Harvey 2012)。更进一步,管理者必须考虑制定和谐和包容性工作场所的政策或做法。最后但并非最不重要的是,管理者必须持续关注并跟踪和监控其有效性。

众所周知,有效的管理者非常清楚创造多元化和成功的员工所需的具体技能。首先,管理者必须考虑了解歧视和相关后果。管理者也在承认他们自己的文化偏见和偏见方面发挥作用。多元化的概念并不是关于人群之间产生的差异,而是关于个体之间产生的差异(Ozbilgin 2009)。众所周知,每一个人都是独一无二的,并且看起来并不代表某一特定群体或代表某个特定群体说话。除此之外,管理者必须表现出愿意在必要时改变组织结构,或根据组织目前的结构管理多样性和技术进步。


Owners of business, managers of human resources and managers are known to have the responsibility of managing diverse and extremely technological workplace. A manager must be having the skills of looking into certain areas in order to be successful in the management of diversified environment (Harvey 2012). Firstly, a manager must consider the strategic significance for the management of diversity within the organization along with having an understanding of the limit to which there must be commitment in leadership as well as support of the manager. In addition to this, a manager must consider policies or practices in the recruitment of staff and the management of performance and development (Harvey 2012). Further ahead, managers must consider policies or practice for the creation of a harmonious and inclusive workplace. Last but not the least, managers must continuously focus to track and monitor the effectiveness.

Effective managers are known to be well aware that specific skills are needed for the creation of a diverse and successful workforce. Firstly, managers must consider having an understanding about discrimination and the related consequence. Managers also play a role in recognizing their own biases of culture along with the prejudices. The concept of diversity is not regarding the differences created between groups of people, but instead about the differences created between individuals (Ozbilgin 2009). Each and every single individual is known to be unique and does not seem to be representing or speaking for a specific group. In addition to this, managers must be showing willingness for changing the structure of the organization if needed, or manage diversity and technological advancement in accordance with the current structure of the organization.



作者是正确的,他建议实施战略性人力资源政策及其后续成果。战略性人力资源政策的实施是非常必要的,因为它关注当地的进展。但是,由于母公司和本地及外国子公司的目标可能不同,因此需要更加仔细地审查国际人力资源政策和战略性人力资源政策。除了外国子公司需要采取的政策可能不会与母公司的人力资源政策相似。例如,由于文化差异和对工作的看法,员工对某一级别的参与度可能会受到外国公司的限制。国际母公司的战略可能需要一套可能无法在中国工作文化中强制实施的工作模式,这可能会对子公司的进展产生阻碍作用。还有人指出,文化差异影响着子公司的进展,并且不会按照父母的期望和预期增长(De Ceiri et.al,2006)。



The author is right when he suggest implementing strategic HR policies and the subsequent results it can create. The strategic HR policy implementation is of utmost necessity because it is focussing on local progress. However, combing the international HR policy and strategic HR policy needs to be reviewed more carefully since the goals of both the parent company and the local and foreign subsidiary may be different. Besides the policy required to be adopted by the foreign subsidiary may not be similar to the parent company’s HR policy. For example, the employee engagement to a certain level may be restricted in foreign company because of culture differences and their perception of work. The strategy of the international parent may desire a set rule of working pattern which may not be able to be enforced in the Chinese culture of working, and this may have a stalled effect on the subsidiaries progress. It is also observed that culture differences have been affecting subsidiary progress and it does not grow as desired and anticipated by the parent (De Ceiri et.al, 2006).

The international parent may want to sell a certain product in a country but the subsidiary advises that the China may want a local product with local sourcing of raw materials. This may be very difficult or the international parent to accept and dives the funds required for such an investment. Thus the alignment of strategies of the parent company and the foreign subsidiary is an important element in registering progress for both the firms. Thus the application of the HR policies and the subsequent results expected are mostly easy to implement, but the strategic goals and expansion strategies of the parent company must consider the local effect of the company’s performance. The employee engagement through applying HR policies is a possible advice by the author, but the various parameters of their performance apart from the HR policies may also play a role in deciding the company’s progress.




Jonathan Wichmann如何计算Facebook上1,500%的投资回报率?
为了进行这种计算,Jonathan Wichmann专注于创造价值的某些概念。最初的问题是利用社交媒体平台来回答关注现在和过去创造价值的价值。然而,这个练习似乎是荒谬的(Evans,2013)。首先,没有机会以确定的方式量化这种附加价值,因为起源直接发生,间接发生,长期发生也发生短期发生。尽管Jonathan Wichmann已经成功地确定了Facebook页面的公司投资回报率接近1500%,但创造价值已经不再被认为是单一的(Cambie,2011)。尽管可以完成单一结果的测量,但如果一个人表现出愿意记录企业的总体价值,那么仅仅看一些定量的数字可能毫无意义。


Execution of Plan
In the initial stage, a decision had been made that came out of the notion that the platform of social media was basically to push updates of news and promotional updates for the base of customers. However, the decision was made for the recruitment of biggest following and focusing on the production of largest impact. In order to do so, emphasis had been laid upon engagement and communication across the social platforms of the organization (Rudbeck, 2013). This step was taken with an attempt of avoiding the top to down tendency that was common amongst a number of other organization that often had major reliability over the external agencies, and there had been an involvement of a careful process used in order to plan and approve the content. It had been realized that a flexible and spontaneous approach would allow the organization for engaging in a more authentic manner with the audience.

How do you think Jonathan Wichmann calculated the 1,500 percent ROI on Facebook?
In order to make this calculation, Jonathan Wichmann focused on certain concepts related to creation of value. The initial question is the ability of answering in concern with the value in the hands of present and past creation of value using the platform of social media. However, this exercise seemed to be absurd (Evans, 2013). Firstly, there are no chances of quantifying the additional value of this type in a conclusive manner, since the origination takes place directly as well as indirectly, long term as well as short term. Even though Jonathan Wichmann had been successful in determining that the ROI of company from the page of Facebook was almost 1500 per cent, creation of value can no longer be considered singular (Cambie, 2011). Even though measurement of singular outcomes can be done, if one shows willingness in documenting the total value of business, simply having a look at certain quantitative figures may be pointless.



人们的个体差异会对他们在工作场所的表现产生很大的影响。 Guy Kawasaki“开始的艺术”一书的作者认为,尽管员工存在个体差异,但他是领导者/管理者,在提高个人生产力方面具有重要意义(Huczynski,&Buchanan,2007)。因此,采用的管理方法将极大地影响个人生产力和集体生产力。遵循应急理论的西门子将能够适应个人素质,并根据具体情况利用其潜力。三星相信高瞻远瞩的领导力和更古典的管理风格。

西门子使用的管理理论的优势在于变革管理将变得非常简单。与古典或官僚管理风格相比,他们的组织将具有更大的灵活性。西门子这样的跨国公司受宏观环境因素驱动。它将需要根据本年度的战略目标或管理层和C Suit将根据全球和当地环境定义的一段时间进行更改。在内部变化的情况下,绩效不应该受到影响。西门子遵循应急理论将有计划管理性能问题。他们将有沟通程序和培训,以在变革时激励员工。这种方法的弱点是,应急理论可能会抢夺基础文化的组织。该组织的软件商店,历史元素和根深蒂固的传统可能会因适应和改变管理过多而受到侵蚀。


Different Approaches to Management used by different Organizations

People’s individual differences will make a big difference in their performance at the workplace. Guy Kawasaki author of “The Art of Start” believes that despite individual differences in employees it is the leader/manager that will be significant in improving productivity of the individual (Huczynski, & Buchanan, 2007). Therefore the management approach that is employed will vastly influence individual productivity and collective productivity. Siemens which follows a contingency theory will be able to adapt to the individual qualities and make use of their potential as the situation demands. Samsung believes in a visionary leadership and a more classical management style.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The strength of the management theory used in Siemens is that change management will be easy. Their organization will have more flexibility when compared to the classical or the bureaucratic management style. A multinational corporation like Siemens is driven by macro environmental factors. It will need to change according to strategic objectives for the year or for a period of time that the management and the C Suit will define based on the global and local environment. In the context of internal changes, performance should not suffer. Siemens in following the contingency theory will have plans to manage performance concerns. They will have communication procedures and training in place to motivate employees at the time of change. The weakness of this approach is that contingency theory might rob the organization of a foundational culture. Soft stores of the organization, elements of history and well rooted traditions might get eroded with too many adaptations and change management.