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加拿大教育学论文代写-渔业全球化的分析。渔业和海洋提供了一系列重要的环境和社会功能(Sumaila, Bellmann和Tipping, 2014)。粮食政策、粮食趋势、贸易政策和可持续性措施方面的差异促进了渔业的全球一体化,使其成为一项真正的全球业务。要使渔业真正全球化,就必须重新评估贸易政策方面的限制,以及在进出口渔业实行质量标准方面的各种障碍。工业界必须认识到,维持环境和减轻其负担的唯一方法是与所有国家分享宝贵的知识,并将环境保护作为一体化活动的唯一目标。

Steel industry is another heavy industry sector which is trying to integrate itself with the global standards and quality production. Steel has been produced of various quality and standard in many countries and has a huge export base to many developed, underdeveloped, and developing countries. The issue of this industry to become a global success is the perfect utilisation of the resources required and matching them with the projection of future demand, to integrate quality practices and standardising the steel production in all countries and make it assessed under a single system of assessment which accepts nothing but world class products is challenging. The use of steel is tantamount to the success of the economy, and it must be consumed as per demand. The underestimation of global demands and overlapping of the many layers of regulatory restrictions in import and export is a major hurdle in making the industry more predictable and standardised. Overcapacity in steel production is caused by government interventions, market downturns, and multiple distorting practices in the market, which makes the industry misaligned and not integrated (Excess Capacity in the Global Steel Industry and the Implications of New Investment Projects, 2015). These issues are key issues for the industry to succeed globally, whereas integrating all steel producers under one roof and working together to deliver demand in various regions will resolve overcapacity and maintain healthy margins. In short, the global steel makers must become a single market and use each other’s strengths, location advantages, and logistical proximity to clients to really become a single global market. Manufacturing competitiveness must also be integrated to a single mode of operation so that the knowledge management is open for all producers and has minimum chance of error in all processes. When such integrated markets are created, there will no longer be a chance of cheap imports becoming a reason for the closure of production, as seen in recent case in the UK where Tata Steel has blamed a flood of ‘cheap imports’ from China for its shutdown(Pooler, 2015).
Heavy industries such as construction, fishing, and steel among others are all conducting themselves in a distorted manner and are competing internally which will always keep them from becoming a global success. It is most essential for the construction industry to share valuable information globally and make risk elimination its sole purpose. With knowledge sharing, the industry can become truly global in the sense when it is less than one single roof of quality assessments and checks. Fishing is also competitive in nature among countries which requires them to be more open, accountable, and transparent about the use of resources and quality of products produced. Fishing must become integrated with information sharing, taking global measures for environment protection and imposing similar standards of food quality. Steel industry struggling from its self-imposed immaturity is also behind in the race to become truly global and it can never become truly global by competing with each other, but by integrating into a single world market and using a standardised model of governance and exchanging the strengths of others to deliver world class products.

 加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



An organization is an entity that needs constant knowledge of external markets in order to equip internal employees for future action. The performance of the organization ultimately depends on the collective and individual performance of the employees, which in turn depends on the cognitive mode of the employees within the organization and whether they have the ability to exert the best level. When employees are in a good position and have a wealth of knowledge and skills, they can make a productive effort and be able to produce the expected results. Therefore, employees’ self-motivation is ultimately the root and root cause of organizational success. Self-motivation comes from having the necessary knowledge, without which employees’ behavior will become chaotic and waste time and energy.

Feggetter (2007) researched 10 high potential development scheme employees about their experience with coaching and in meeting their desired results. All 10 participants rated their experience positively and recommended coaching as one of the important contributor in avoiding distractions, meeting the targets, maintaining concentration, and being receptive and open about possibilities. This shows the use of coaching irrespective of the type of environment and the type of organisation, public or private, the job profile also being moderate or very high potential. Govindji & Linley (2007) gives an interesting perspective of using one’s strengths, knowing one’s strengths and applying one’s strengths in escalating their organisational performance. This is true because only after knowing one’s strengths, one would be able to use them and produce positive results for the organisation accordingly. The contribution of coaching for strengths identification, strengths usage, and strengths building is provided as a fundamental exercise in organisations which have a culture of coaching.

Goal attainment scaling (GAS) based coaching is suggested by Spence (2007)who identifies that coaching is all about goal attainment but the measurement of outcomes is different in multiple industries indicating further research into goal attainment based coaching and using it as a tool to infuse goal attainment attitude into employees at workplace. Coaching does give more power to employees in the form of knowledge and skills, identification of one’s strengths and weaknesses, but the outcome measurement is what it must be considered to be effective and fruitful.
Gyllensten & Palmer (2007) produces a research about coaching relationship and terming it as the primary focus of the coach as the relationship ultimately based on trust, transparency, and loyalty will bring out the results expected. They stress more on the depth of the relationship and make it directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the outcome when the teachings of the coach are applied in the organisation. This shows the impacts of coaching in improving organisational performance apart from the intangible benefits acquired from the relationship.

The cost of coaching is a rare but an important issue because the emotional and opportunity costs due to the coaching failure are far more than the financial cost of coaching. The relationship between the coach and the individual who has received the coaching is the basis of how far the coaching will survive and what kind of result it will create on the long run. The coaching style also needs to be validated as it is more about emotions, values, and trust which has the potential to produce phenomenal results. The HRD intervention of coaching is the basis of an organisation focused on producing leaders and results. This intervention is proven to be beneficial, but it requires consistent assessment as the coaching styles and aspects needs timely alteration due to the changing factors that are uncontrollable by the organisation. Coaching is highly recommended with personal attention in the relationship and it has been proven to produce results that are far better than other profitable intervention. Though it is beneficial, coaching will always be a rare tool due to lack of trust factor in the current organisational setup.

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



各国之间经济上的不平等和有关因素导致了一种普遍的粮食制度,其中一些人仍然遭受饥饿或缺乏维生素。这些人无法获得适当的基本食物质量,而其他一些人要么过度消费,要么引发了涉及心脏病和糖尿病等情况的公共卫生流行病(Barnard et al ., 2011)。将通过引用与这一选定的关于普遍粮食制度的有争议问题有关的统计数字来进行定量研究。所选择的有争议的问题是大规模生产的问题,接下来代写论文-粮食系统中不平等的粮食分配问题解析如下:

Without appropriate evidence for various strategies relative merits to intensify agriculture, new policies formulation is required but this offers mere challenges. It is essential to acknowledge more about the best way land and water can be used for acceleration of yielded positive result. Also the aim lies in understanding the resilience improvement in climatic variability face and related stresses over essential nature based resources (Lence et al, 2003). It is also essential to balance this with measures of reducing environmental influences of agriculture. More information shared is the mere necessity. This information is what leads towards making systems of agriculture highly resilient. Positive strategies supported by the system can have effectiveness in resilience promotion for fluctuation in the market and for weather based variability. There also exits certain proof to indicate that diversity might be an essential factor under resilience but science still has not settled with a conclusion. This conclusion relates to the diversification based optimal scale in which plot is versus farm and in turn versus landscapes.
Furthermore, large food production leads towards aggravating the problem of more water usage. Already, agriculture is the dominant water and land user for supporting activities of humans. The irrigated areas expansion across the world has always played an essential role across the previous 5 decades to enhance production of food (Yee et al, 2006). Agriculture, worldwide, is responsible for consuming 70 percent of the withdrawn surface water for usage. Agricultural irrigation is practiced over 20 percent worldwide cultivated land and it accounts for total crop production of 40 percent. From this perspective, it is evident that food systems and their usage need to be made more efficient in order to solve the problem of unequal food distribution across the world.
The city-states emergence as being a key food system based driver towards change, bringing collectively major populations across boundaries defined properly, was possible. These systems require complicated governance for delivering enough quantities and food quality. Food storage advancement with containers properly sealed and methods for curing, the animal transport use, sailing ships and trains for moving large volume in comparison to being carried through people such as trading in-ingredients were some of the changes that were apparent. Another major driver representing issues for large scale food production across food systems globally is the issue of science and technology. Not every farmer has it (Ercsey-Ravasz et al, 2012). The farmers from developing economies are barely able to sustain their farms and often are farming on rented farms. These farmers are far behind from being able to purchase their own machinery let alone purchasing machines that align with the science and technology based latest advancement. Technology has changed the way food is grown, preserved, processed and even distributed. Further, agricultural productivity can be brought in by technology, but capital investment is a key requirement.
The rise in discretion based incomes across Europe and North America currently has influenced the demand of food and global food based trading. Rise in non-vegetarian food products demand drove towards broiler industry to develop but as marketing also moved from small to bigger birds parts, the result was disequilibrium in demand.

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这份报告是基于理查德•布兰森的商业理念和领导力素质编写的。商业哲学分析是在组织理论(古典和人际关系)的帮助下进行的。从商业哲学的角度分析了组织结构(机械论、组织论)。理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)的领导力素质分析是基于特质和行为理论进行的。情境领导理论应用于理查的领导素质研究。在此之后,提出了一些建议。理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)在领导品质方面没有给出任何排名。因此,员工对质量(如年龄、身高、知识等)有不同的看法。理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)应该优先考虑这些品质。接下来加拿大代写为留学生们分享理查德•布兰森的商业理念和领导力素供留学生阅读。

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an entrepreneur and investor. In the year 1972, he started Virgin Records (Matthews & Brueggemann, 2015). Today Virgin Group expands their business in more than 30 countries and they hold more than 200 companies. The aim of this project is to analyse whether business philosophy and leadership qualities are appropriate or not. For the analysis of his business philosophy and leadership quality organisational theory, organisation structure theory, trait theory, and business theory has been chosen.
Richard Branson is considered as one of the best leaders in the world. As an entrepreneur, he is very successful with the unique quality of his leadership. These are as follows:
The main quality of Richard Branson’s is that he will learn constantly from his employees and always keep him updated with the current scenario of this business. Whereas the other business leaders like Apple’s CEO are not much serious toward his work.
Richard Branson can easily think in a different approach from the other employees of the company. Leadership skill is very much required for leading a business.
The ability to search right candidate for a particular job makes a different impression from the other leaders. But in the case of Facebook, CEO Mark Zukerberg, there are more casual approaches taken by him. They are more casual and can create a negative approach to the company employee.
Richard Branson is a person with a great personality that can easily create a positive impression towards their employee’s (Chemers, 2014). It also helps him develop good relation with the partners and business associates, which helps increase the growth of the company.
Richard Branson gives a proper attention towards every detail and aspect of his business and tries to rectify it if the problems occur in prompt action (Van Wart, 2013). But in case of Steve Jobs, he did not take proper attention when it is needed.
After business philosophy analysis, with the help of organisational theory (classical and human relation), it can be interpreted that Richard’s business philosophy follows human relation theory. From the analysis of business philosophy with reference to perspectives on organisational structure (mechanistic, organismic), it can be interpreted that Richard’s Branson’s business philosophy follows organismic structure. From postmodern organisation theory, it can be said that his philosophy follows this theory. After analysis of Richard’s Branson’s leadership Quality on the basis of trait and behavioural theory, it can be said that the leadership quality follows trait theory.
Richard Branson’s does not give any rank in the qualities of a leader. So there are different opinions among the employees about which quality is the most important and which is not. Richard Branson’s should give preference to the qualities.

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The social and cultural implications that this form of globalization had on society were twofold effect. The network technology of the post war times resulted in some countries mass producing cultural products and others who were consuming the cultural product were able to relate to that society better. For instance, consider the divisions in the knowledge sector in the form of education, research and development, mass media and information technologies. As of the year 1959 it was estimated that more than 29 percent of the gross national products of the United States was from these categories. These products were developed for social cultural networking and they were developed because of social cultural networking. According to an argument made by Peter Drucker the transition from material goods to knowledge based goods was made in this time. So people who were connected by social cultural network technologies such as the television and the movies became a new section of buyers and countries like the United States could sell their products in this market. This form of a globalization is seen to create both creation and consumption.
There was a primary and a secondary information system created here. The primary system was one that there were information goods and services which were being used directly in the production and then there was a secondary system that there were information services produced only for internal consumption, such as for the Government and information systems within the country. The information, social and cultural economy of a country were the net value of all this. “Globalization can generally be defined as the stretching of social relationships, that is, communication networks, in space-time, a globalizing social system enlarges its border in space-time; as a result, social relationships can be maintained across larger temporal and spatial distances”. This form of a social network is created from the individual and their immediate relationships to family friendships, and then intermediary friendships such as that of structural relationships and trnasmediary institutional relationships like that of the state, the national market, the European Union and more.




这可以通过一个例子来理解:当今世界的都市型男都是异性恋,很时髦,他们更在意自己的形象。为了展现自己形象的女性化一面,他们正在寻找拉尔夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)等定制品牌,以追求时尚感和美感。他们不受传统男性观的束缚,也不羞于展示自己的异性恋形象(Fischer and Arnold, 1990)。男性正在尝试不同的颜色,这在早些时候是与女性有关的。随着文化的开放,男性不再隐藏自己的女性身份,消费这些反映了他们女性一面的商品。同样的,那些坚强的女性想要展示她们的工具的一面,她们使用男性品牌来展示她们的男性形象。女性使用不同的商品,这显示了男子气概,如万宝路香烟(斯特恩,1988)。
因此,可以说品牌或标签与性别认同无关,而是通过成为文化产品而成为文化的一部分。这有助于消费者形成自己的性别形象,并与自己建立联系(Fry, 1971)。品牌和标签已经成为文化产品,这引起了人们的极大关注。单一的品牌可以与多元化的个性相联系。一个标签或品牌可以被男性和女性消费。品牌也与消费者密切相关,是消费者的重要合作伙伴。对于一个成功的品牌管理来说,与消费者建立良好的关系是非常重要的。品牌与性别之间的关系需要深入理解。多元性别认同理论解释了当前的消费文化,因为它也可以帮助预测性别和身份相关的品牌。根据Palan的研究,“消费者的品牌感知由多种因素组成,包括记忆联想、态度形成和关系感知”(Palan, 2001)。


This could be understood with an example: the metro-sexual men of today’s world who are heterosexual and hip, and they are more concerned with their image. For showing the feminine side of their image, they are going for tailored brands such as Ralph Lauren, to follow the sense of style with beauty. They are not bound with traditional masculinity view, neither they are shy to show their heterosexual image (Fischer and Arnold, 1990). Men are trying different colours, which were earlier associated with females. With the openness in culture, men do not hide their feminine identity anymore and consuming such goods, which reflect their feminine side.Same way, females who are tough and want to display their instrumental side are using masculine brands to show their masculine image. The females are using different goods, which show masculinity such as Marlboro cigarettes (Stern, 1988).
Thus it is correct to say that brand or label is not bound with gender identity, but they have become the part of culture by becoming cultural product. This helps the consumers to form their own gendered image and to create connection with own self (Fry, 1971). The brands and labels have become the cultural products, this has gained great attention. A single brand can be associated with diversified personalities. One label or brand can be consumed by both man and woman. Brands are also closely involved in the consumers and works as the important partners. For the successful brand management it is very important for building strong relationship with consumers. The relation between brand and gender needs to be closely understood. The multi-fractional gender identity theory explains the current consumer culture, as it can also help in predicting gender and identity related brands. According to the study of Palan, “consumers’ brand perceptions are comprised of multiple factors, including memory associations, attitude formations, and relationship perceptions” (Palan, 2001).


resume 代写-物品的商品化

resume 代写-物品的商品化

卡尔•马克思(Karl Marx)一再强调物品的商品化,以及这些物品如何毫无理由地提升其价值,而只是被资本家推销以获取可观的利润(Li 2002)。在这个过程中,社会开放地展示他们有组织的习惯,给了他们一种欺骗,让他们被用来提供物品,并让他们越来越想要得到它,最终为它买单并拥有它。情感和体验也被商品化,被用作真实情感的替代品,从而使媒体奇观的捕捉力为每个人所知。现实世界变成了真实的图像,当吃的行为与吃的人分开,然后以一种可爱的、有吸引力的方式展示出来,往往会引起消费者的沉迷行为。与消费者的愿望相反,正是文化定义了大众媒体的背景,以及媒体的公式化如何能够利用大众文化并将其加以利用(Kellner 2003)。

resume 代写-物品的商品化

Karl Marx has time and again stressed on the commodification of objects and how the objects are enhanced in their value for no reason but to be marketed by the capitalists to make substantial profits (Li 2002). In the process, society being open in displaying their organised habits gives them a cheat to be used for offering the object and make it desirable for them to want it more and more and at last pay for it and possess it. Feelings and experiences are also commodified and are sued as substitutes for the real feeling thus making the capturing power of media spectacle known to everyone. Real world becomes real images when the act of eating is separated from the eater and then displayed in a manner which is likeable, attractive, and tends to invite indulging behaviour rom consumers. Much against the consumers wish, it is the culture that defines the setting of the mass media and how the corporatization of media is able to capitalise on the mass culture and use it to its on advantage (Kellner 2003).
Media spectacle is merely a tool used by corporate giants to accomplish their motives and general interests, through proper analysis of the culture, organized habits of consumers and making them want what they show. Debord argues that the material life of consumers and society at large is converted into a universe of speculation, thus indicating that the spectacle philosophizes reality. Analysing through this media spectacle, it is observed that food companies has converted the act of consuming material food is highlighted as a precious commodity which is rare find and is promoted in a way which is within the cultural limits and invites positive action from consumers. Illusion is the prime usage of the spectacle and it creates the very earthbound aspects of life into a spectacle and society as long as considering their desires as a social dream will continue to be impressed with these spectacles, especially the media spectacle of food and allow themselves to be led by the food companies.




设计原则不是努力使功能以同步的方式工作,而是能够理解和识别继承冲突、对它们进行计划,并帮助创建一个结构,以便为组织的开发完全捕获这些冲突。假设,如果销售强行遵循官僚会计和法律规定,而这些规定又不能发挥相应的作用,那么整个组织就必须为此付出代价。因此,在没有任何限制的情况下,销售必须能够正常运作,并且它们也承担了无法正常运作的账户的负担(Eden & Ackermann, 2013)。同时,会计和法律必须集中,因为如果存在法律责任和资本损失,组织的业务将面临风险。为了使结构对业务具有建设性,它必须消除继承冲突。只有任命和在其中运作的人是应得的,并遵守他们的任务和工作,才能使结构牢固。每个功能都需要执行一组活动。这些活动可以评价为表达PSIU(生产者稳定剂创新者联合者)的要求。当工作要求与个人的风格和经验紧密一致时,证据本身就站得住脚。假设在价值和愿景矩阵中有一个头号团队领导者,那么性能就是最优的。
在市场份额的竞争中,由于所感知到的资源和时间的约束,组织往往会犯风格与功能不匹配的错误(Bettis et al., 2015)。这可以用一个例子来很好地解释,假设一个组织失去了销售部门的副总裁,他也有PSIU的风格。管理团队的信念是,雇佣一个新的副总裁是危险的和费时,因此他们认为移动账户经理在销售部门副总裁的位置,提供销售计划是基于高级专员公署,希望它能激励他作为一个销售人员。现在的问题是,它会带来成功吗?答案是否定的,因为新任命的员工的性质不允许他寻找新的销售机会。任命的性质是获取组织的账目(Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2012)。因此,销售和客户经理也会受到影响。将人员放置在错误的位置会导致组织的失败,强烈建议尽快搜索并找到合适的候选人,他将是合适的职位的合适人选(Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014)。


Instead of making efforts for enabling the functions to act in a synchronized manner, the principle of design enables to understand and recognize the inherit conflicts, plans over them and helps in creating a structure that tries to capture it completely for the development of the organization. Suppose, if sales forcibly follows the bureaucratic accounting and legalities that cannot play accordingly, then the whole organization has to suffer for this. Thus, without the prevalence of any restrictions, sales must be able to function properly and they also take up the burden of accounts that are not functioning properly (Eden & Ackermann, 2013). Simultaneously, centralization of accounting and legal must be done because if there is existence of legal liability and loss of capital, the business of the organization will be at risk. In order to make the structure constructive for the business, it will have to strike off the inherit conflicts.The structure can only be made sturdy if the people appointed and operating in it are well deserved and comply with their tasks and job. A group of activities are required to be performed for every function. Such activities can be evaluated as expressing the requirements of PSIU (Producer Stabilizer Innovator Unifier). The evidence itself stands up, when there is close alignment among the requirement of job and the style and experience of an individual. On assuming a number one team leader in the matrix of values and vision, then the performance is said to be optimum.
In the competition of market share, the organizations tend to make mistakes for mis-fitting the styles with the functions because of the constraints put over the resources and time perceived (Bettis et al., 2015). This can be well explained with an example by imagining an organization that as lost its vice president in the sales department who is also having the PSIU style. The belief of the management team is that hiring a new VP is risky and time consuming, therefore they considered moving the accounts manager to the position of VP in the sales department and provided sales plans that are based on high-commission with a hope that it will motivate him as a sales person. Now the question arises is that will it yield success? The answer is no as the nature of the newly appointed does not allow him to look for new sales. The nature of the appointed is to harvest the accounts of the organization (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2012). As a result of which the sales along with the account manager will suffer also. Placing of people in a misaligned way will result in failure for the organization, and it is highly recommended to search and find the rightful candidate as soon as possible who will be the right fit for the right post (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014).






The young people have different attitudes about sex. For them, ‘yes’ is not always the yes, as they are tend to change their mind about sex very often. Affirmative consent is not always the answer to a young individual’s sexual anxieties. The consent is a legal and ethical term. Some of the youngsters now days do not understand the importance of consent and according to them ‘sex’ are still an experimental realm where they have to find themselves and see how they fare. Many a times, for them sex just happens and one does not have any specific plans for it. Yet, under all circumstances, the consent of the partner is a very important part of the contract between two people. It is especially among the young people that yes cannot be yes all the time as a person may change their mind. Young girls and many of the ladies may make up their minds to have sex with somebody, but on some gut feeling call it women’s intuition, they may refuse to go forward with their promises. This does not in any way mean that the man can bind her by law to toe the line.
She can easily extricate herself from the promised contract by simply denying her favors to that particular person at that particular time. Several people have made out a case for the man to whom the sexual favor has been denied by saying that the person is feeling low and cheated, because they could not get what they were promised. Many of the men have argued that their chances are ruined with other women as one woman had denied them. Or some of the men may give the plea that they had planned ahead for a great time and were left deflated by the denial of the woman. However, why stick to sexual favors only there are so many plans that one makes in the course of life, some fructify some don’t, they should realize that there is always a next time. The men should not take this law too seriously and get on with life. If one woman has denied them sexual favor they should probably find someone else.




全球冒险在生产率方面存在多个漏洞,需要采取多种补救行动。它需要立即采取的一些主要行动如下:它需要重新组织其作为一个组织的宗旨,并理解和接受员工的素质将自动转化为高质量的绩效和高质量的结果。因此,它需要准备一个关于员工保留、员工激励、奖励管理、员工培训的计划,考虑员工的职业目标,并将所有这些结合成一个单一的行动计划,满足所有的要求(Senior, 2002)。公司需要通过描述所需服务的种类和类型来重新定义其流程、服务标准和基准,从而使客户了解可以期望的最低服务标准。这对公司施加了一个健康的期限和质量检查,他们将不得不遵循,以发展未来(Elsmore, 2001)。
公司必须重新调整对集团的战略,并相应地聘用在冒险旅游行业拥有广泛知识和经验的新董事,他们可以为所有员工树立榜样,让他们定期效仿。一旦董事们有了经验,并每天投入时间指导团队采取渐进的步骤,员工的生产率就会提高,结果也更接近预期。公司必须重视每一个员工,进行单独的面试和考核崇拜,员工可以在面试中提出他们对公司和自己的关心和愿望。想离开沙龙和退休,蒂娜和乔安妮想离开公司,蒂娜想要离开十再回来的高级职位,和安德鲁和达里尔有问题的客户满意,他们都是单独评估和理解他们的意图和背后的核心原因做一个现实的努力改善条件表达留在公司。当员工的关注和愿望得到满足时,组织的要求也有可能得到满足(Graetz, 2006)。


Global Adventures has multiple loopholes in productivity and needs multiple remedial actions. Some of the primary actions required on an immediate basis are as follows: It needs to reorganise its purpose as an organisation and understand and accept that the quality of employees will automatically convert into quality performance and quality results. Thus, it needs to prepare a plan about employee retention, employee motivation, reward management, employee training, considering employee career goals, and combining all of them into a single plan of action which fulfils all requirements (Senior, 2002). The company needs to redefine its processes, service standard, and benchmark by describing the kind and type of service required so as to make the customer aware of the minimum standards of service that can be expected. This imposes a healthy deadline and quality check on the company which they will have to follow to grow ahead (Elsmore, 2001).
The company must realign its strategy for the group and accordingly hire new directors who have extensive knowledge and experience in the adventure travel industry and who can play role models for all employees to follow on a regular basis. Once the directors are experienced and invest their time on a daily basis to guide the team for progressive steps, the productivity of employees grow and the results are nearer to the expectations. The company must consider each employee to be important and conduct an individual interview and appraisal worship in which the employees can put forward their concerns and desires for the company and themselves. As Sharon wants to leave and retire, Tina and Joanne wants to leave the company, Tina wants to leave and Ten come back again for a senior role, and Andrew and Daryl have problems with clients satisfaction, they all are to be appraised individually and understand the core of the reasons behind their intentions and make a realistic effort of improving the condition where they express to stay in the company. It is possible that when the employee’s concerns and desires are fulfilled, the organisational demands will also be fulfilled (Graetz, 2006).
