标签存档: 硕士毕业论文代写




第五个维度是长期取向和短期规范取向LTO。社会通常会有一些过去的联系、传统和规范,这些对社会的健康发展是必要的,同时,它们也必须务实地走向未来,采用新的目标。这种平衡由第五维度表示。国家得分63分,表明他们非常务实。正如不确定性规避得分所显示的那样,尽管他们把传统、规则和所有事情都放在首位,但人们认为这个国家是根据实际情况来工作的,如果值得的话,它会做出务实的选择。最后一个维度是放纵与克制。这表明,一个社会可以在多大程度上更以乐趣为导向,由冲动的人类驱动,而不是拥有更克制的行为,专注于规范和长期目标。该国的得分为48分,在放纵和克制方面接近平衡(Ting-Toomey, 1991)。


“The third dimension, Masculinity versus Femininity MAS is given by the preference of society towards masculine or feminine tendencies. With respect to the Hofstede dimensions, the Masculine tendencies are described to be highly competitive, assertive, heroic, and striving for rewards at all ends. On the other hand, a society that tends to be more feminine would worry more about the quality of life, might be less competitive but more balanced, modesty, etc. The country scores 43, indicating a somewhat feminine culture in the country. The country is indeed focused on long term attributes such as the welfare system which is indicative of a feminize culture. The fourth dimension is the Uncertainty Avoidance Index UAI. Uncertainty exists in society and sometimes change has to be dealt with more liberal notions as opposed to fearing it or avoiding it always. Therefore, uncertainty avoidance indicates the extent to which countries might follow protocols, or unorthodox behavior versus being more open to newer ideas even if they are risky. France scores an 86 here indicating they don’t like uncertainties. The country likes to plan and work in a structured way wherever possible.Rules, laws and regulations are in place with stricter enforcement in order to ensure this.

The fifth dimensions are the Long Term orientation versus Short Term normative orientation LTO. Society will usually have some past links, traditions and norms that are necessary for its healthy growth and at the same time they also have to pragmatically move towards the future by adopting newer goals. This balance is indicated by the fifth dimension. Country scores a 63 here indicating that they are very pragmatic. Although they give traditions, rules and everything first place as indicated in the uncertainty avoidance score, the country is seen to work based on situations, and makes pragmatic choices if it is worthwhile to do so.The final dimension is the indulgence versus restraint IND. This indicates the degree to which a society could be more fun oriented and is driven by impulsive human drives versus having a more restrained behavior that focuses on norms and long term goals. The country has a score of 48 which is a near balanced score when it comes to indulgence and restraint (Ting-Toomey, 1991).



IBM在印度和埃及的承諾非常不同。在埃及的例子中,IBM的承諾引起了關注,因為工業和貿易部和其他利益攸關方想知道該組織有什麼隱藏的議程。此外,人們還認為,埃及擔心IBM及其更區域性的互動將如何影響該國的失業率。必須在這方面取得平衡。在中國這樣的國家,IBM需要通過確保本地嵌入的平衡來進行全球集成。 IBM還必須處理不同層次的關係,如供應商關係等。然而,在中國等國家面臨的另一個挑戰是,民族主義情緒高漲。這種民族主義意識也是IBM面臨的集成適應挑戰。


Where there were challenges to understanding decision making for integration at the lower levels, this form of adaptation helped IBM. The gravity based approach was also focused on repositioning the center of IBM away from Armonk. The US centered approach had to go for that is global integration as well. In this, IBM faced the challenge of having to present the organization in a local way, where they showed IBM interests in customers at regional level. And at the same time, they had to maintain a global image as well. In each county, IBM faced different form of adaptation concerns. For instance, in the case of India, there were integration challenges to be achieved such as how global standards of open source software’s, interoperability, trade liberalization and more were to be treated. These are standard challenges of globalization and integration, but then in other countries such as Egypt, the challenges were different.

The commitment that IBM had to show in the case of India and in the case of Egypt were very different. In the case of Egypt, the commitment of IBM was seen with concerns, as the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other stakeholders wanted to know what hidden agendas the organization had. Also, Egypt was seen to have concerns in the form of how IBM and its more regional interaction would affect the unemployment rate of the country. A balancing act had to be achieved here. In the case of the countries such as China, IBM needed to work on global integration by ensuring the local embeddedness was balanced. IBM also had to work on different levels of relationships such as that of suppliers, and more. Yet another challenge faced in countries such as China was that there was a heightened sense of nationalism. This sense of nationalism also was an integration adaptation challenge for IBM.

写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

留学Recommendation letter就是RL,是从第三人称角度来评价各位的能力,性格,潜力等等。从而保证了Recommendation letter以客观公正的视角来向学校介绍被推荐人的情况。因此录取委员会会非常重视推荐人对同学们的评价。

一封有力的Recommendation letter很大程度上会为你的申请添彩加分。那怎么完成这样的一封Recommendation letter呢?如何挑选合适的推荐人呢?下面是为大家介绍英国留学Recommendation letter写作攻略。

确定合适的推荐人是成功Recommendation letter的第一步。通常来说,研究生申请要求2-3个推荐人。这三个推荐人应该如何安排呢?


写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

避免选择同一类型的推荐人,要从不同的方面来展示学生的优势和长处。因此如果是在校生,建议同学们找2个学术的推荐人和一个实习的推荐人;如果已经有全职工作,可以2个工作方面的推荐人搭配一个学术的Recommendation letter。


在确定推荐人人选之后,下一步就是尽早的联系推荐人。一方面每年出国留学的学生非常多,可能每个老师都会收到许多的学生写Recommendation letter的请求。早联系确保老师会答应帮自己写Recommendation letter。并且,在实习的过程中就要和自己的上司沟通,自己要申请英国研究生,请帮忙写一封Recommendation letter,这样可以避免申请的时候再联系推荐人,推荐人忘记你做过了什么,或者完全没有印象。

写论文:Recommendation letter写作攻略

同样和推荐人沟通的方式也很重要。提倡各位同学和推荐人面谈。面对面的请求推荐人帮忙写Recommendation letter,表现热情和积极。和推荐人谈谈自己的成绩,申校专业和目标,未来的规划发展。让推荐人对自己和申请的专业有进一步的了解。

最后,在申请之后,及时得和推荐人联系也是非常重要的。通知推荐人学校发送Recommendation letter邀请的时间和截止时间,和推荐人明确Recommendation letter需要提交的期限,这样既不会耽误同学们的申请,也会留给推荐人有充足的提交时间。希望本篇内容能够帮助到同学们。





成人教育学的概念主要关注学习者的自然,是建立在人本主义学习理论。成人教育学的基本假设是指学习者的独立能力和自我概念为指导自己的学习过程(Fidishun,2000)。成人学习者自我依赖,独立,自主和自我方向的目标。成年人有之前的教育一直在建设中作为学习者的依赖,这是关键的偏好的教育家将学生从以前的习惯,塑造在学习者的自我方向,同时鼓励他们占用了他们的学习的责任(梅里厄姆和Bierema, 2013年)。未来,众所周知,不是每一个成人都是有效的自我方向和一些需要帮助来处理自我的方向。


Theories of learning have the fundamental base in psychology and philosophy, and there is provision of overall for the activities of learning and teaching. Learning is related to change and learning among adult also has huge relevance of change. Theory of adult learning helps the faculty for understanding their students and for designing more meaningful experiences of learning for them (Merriam, 2008). There is not one theory of adult learning that involves successful application to all environments of adult learning. Current theories have been providing models or frameworks that make key contribution to understand adults in their process of learning. It has been reported that learning is a full- fledged process and that the key focus of each and every theory is over what takes place when there is occurrence of actual learning (Mezirow, 2000). Theory of adult learning helps faculty members for understanding the students and for designing more meaningful experiences of learning for them. Hence, learning can be seen as the context of change and adult learning is all in context with change.

The concept of andragogy has key focus on learner by nature and is grounded as well in theory of humanistic learning. The underlying assumption of andragogy refers to the independent ability and self- concept of learners for directing their own process of learning (Fidishun, 2000). Adult learners are self- reliant, independent and autonomous and there is self- direction of goals. Adults having prior schooling have been under construction as learners who are dependent, and it is the key preference of educator for moving student from their previous habits, shaping them within learners of self- direction, while encouraging them to take up the responsibility for their learning (Merriam and Bierema, 2013). Further ahead, it is known that not every adult is effective in self- direction and some require help for dealing with self- direction.



利用害虫的分析,可以解释,政治方面,澳大利亚和美国的经济通常是稳定的(哦,et al .,2008)。社会方面的公司可以理解应用程序的文化模式理论。沃达丰哈钦森之间的文化差异和澳大利亚社区作为一个整体几乎是类似的(Li &麦昆2008)。香港作为亚洲国家仍然模仿西方国家的声音,因此它被认为是更多的澳大利亚的文化。这是公司茁壮成长在这个地方的原因(压力、O ‘Cass和艾哈迈迪,2013)。沃达丰(Vodafone)一般采用多目标分割(费雷尔,2014)。典型的年龄是20到40岁之间。

他们修改他们的营销努力和提供创新服务营销来吸引消费者的变化(Coutts,2015)。从技术的角度来看人们已经发现,目标人口支持技术创新(马丁,2016)。有一个细分消费群体对于每个技术创新(Ren, 2016)。在这种情况下,公司已经修改了其服务营销和专注于让消费者更快的网络漫游费用低于澳洲电信(Tojib Tsarenko, 2012)。这已导致该公司成长。有增量增长的智能手机技术和移动通信运营商提供的服务。颠覆性创新理论可以用来理解的影响。


From using PEST analysis, it can be construed that the political aspect of Australia and the Economics of the nation is generally stable (Oh et al., 2008). The social aspect of the company can be understood from application of the culture model theories. The cultural difference between the Vodafone Hutchinson and the Australian community as a whole is almost similar (Li & McQueen 2008). Hong Kong being an Asian country still emulates the voices of the western nation and hence it is considered to be more in lieu of the culture of Australia. This is the reason for the company to thrive in this place (Rahmani, O’Cass, and Ahmadi, 2013). Vodafone in general adopts multi target segmentation (Ferrers, 2014). The typical age range is between the ages of 20 to 40 years.

They revamped their marketing efforts and provided innovative changes in their service marketing to entice consumers (Coutts, 2015.). From a technological standpoint it has been found that the target demography people favor technological innovations (Martin, 2016). There is a niche consumer base for each technological innovation (Ren, 2016). In this case the company has revamped its service marketing and focused on giving the consumer speedier Internet with lower roaming charges than Telstra (Tojib, and Tsarenko, 2012.) This has caused the company to grow. There has been an incremental growth in the case of smart phone technology and the services offered by the mobile providers. The theory of disruptive innovation can be used to understand the impact.



鲍勃创立和发起的业务类型是渡船和船只。自组织和发展初期渡轮(Kuratko, 2016)以来,鲍勃一直在生产渡轮和便利渡轮运输。该组织因高速双体船而受到欢迎。该组织为特别服务提供商、军队和渡轮运营商提供解决方案。InCat公司致力于利用铝船技术(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。该品牌后来国际化,以打入全球市场。通过研究发现,在轮渡业务中,全球市场份额超过40%是由他的组织InCat (Schaper et al., 2014)实现的。


该业务的主要竞争优势在于缺乏具有类似经验水平的竞争对手。考虑到在造船和渡轮上的广泛经验,使市场对领导者的理解成为了InCat,这使得更多的客户能够吸引更多的客户(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,世界上大量的市场份额提供了对轮渡消费者的信任因素,因为这些组织能够在轮渡的经营市场中享有竞争优势。该组织被认为是在消费者分配的预算中及时交付船舶的市场领导者(Schaper, 2016)。因此,可以认为,Bob的组织已经开发了必要的竞争优势以确保全球市场份额(Kuratko et al., 2015)。此外,它还履行了对客户不断变化和不断增长的要求的精确责任和所有权。


The type of business founded and initiated by Bob was of ferry and boats. Bob has been producing the ferries and facilitating the ferry transport since the emergence of the organization and development of the initial ferry (Kuratko, 2016). The organization is popular for the high speed catamaran. The organization provides solutions to the special service providers, militaries and ferry operators. InCat is engaged in utilizing the technology of aluminum ship (Kozubíková et al., 2015). The brand was later internationalized to reach the global market. It is found through the research that more than 40 per cent on the global market share in the ferry business has been achieved by his organization InCat (Schaper et al., 2014).


The primary competitive advantage of the business is found to be in the lack of competitors with the similar level of experience. It is to consider that the extensive experience in building ships and ferries had made the market perception of the leader to be InCat and this enables to attract more customers to the business (Kuratko et al., 2015). Moreover, the substantial market share in the world provides with the factor of trust to the consumers of ferries due to which the organizations are able to enjoy the competitive advantages in the operating market of ferries. The organization is identified to be the market leader in delivering the vessels in a timely manner within the budget allocated by the consumers (Schaper, 2016). Hence, it can be considered that the organization of Bob has developed the required competitive advantage to secure the global market share (Kuratko et al., 2015). Additionally, it has been performed with the precise accountability and ownership of the changing and growing requirements of the clientele.







The Belief Control System involves the desired level of performance and the human relationships. The system involves motivating mangers to find new opportunities and fulfil the demand of innovation. It provides guidance and momentum to new opportunities. The top management specifies the visions and purpose of the organisation in the mission statement and credos so that the organisation’s members find new ways to create value. These systems are not specific enough to be used as benchmarks for performance measurement. Since it motivates the organisation’s members for creativity, it involves the risk of dispersion of energy and resources (Rohm and Montgomery, 2010).

The Boundary System is the system used by the top management to define the area or the range for opportunity seeking behaviour in order to balance the positive effects of the belief system and focus organisational behaviour. This process can be performed with the help of two types of boundaries, which are business conduct boundaries and strategic boundaries. The business conduct boundaries are based on formal codes of conduct. The strategic boundaries specify the domain of the opportunity seeking behaviour in order to provide support to the explicit strategy (Porter and Kramer, 2006). The above two types of boundaries allows managers to delegate the power of decision making to their subordinates which results in achieving flexibility and creativity of the organisation. Thus, in this manner the positive belief system and the negative boundary system operate together for the benefit of the organisation.




加拿大论文代写 医药学

加拿大论文代写 医药学

Wyeth was formerly owned by AHP and famous due to the valuable work in women’s health care and a unique product line. Wyeth’s famous products were Premarin, Effexor, and Enbrel etc. Wyeth has contributed well in the research and development in pharmaceutical industry. It was founded in 1860 in Philadelphia. After a great run under a strategic alliance Wyeth was acquired by Pfizer in $68 billion dollar in the year 2009. Wyeth has an extraordinary history in pharmaceutical industry. In 1860 it was a small drug store equipped with a tiny lab and in 1862 they start developing medicines on large scale. In 1872 to produced medicines on large scale basis Wyeth’s team developed a machine which can produced a compressed tablet.  This innovation boosted up Wyeth in the market. Wyeth was incorporated with the original name “Wyeth” in 1926 and 1931 American Home Products Incorporation acquired Wyeth. Wyeth was one of the companies produced penicillin for American military. In a long race of developing the healthcare medicines on October 15, 2009 Wyeth signed the acquisition papers making Wyeth a completely owned subsidiary of Pfizer in $68 billion dollar.

加拿大论文代写 医药学




Company being socially responsible should have benefits in order to be sustainable. Many benefits can be identified. Company being socially responsible can enhance brand image and reputation. As customers are usually drawn to brands and firms with good reputations in CSR related issues. A company being social responsible can also benefits from its reputation within the companies community through having increased ability to attract trading partner and capital.

Company being social responsible also can reduce the risk of negative rare events. The risk related to CSR can be classifying info three categories: environmental aspects, corporate government and social aspects. Company use CSR policy can have less risk of corruption and bribery. The case of scandal about child-labor and sweatshops that affect the clothing industry are two good examples. Furthermore, some CSR behavior can reduce operating costs, such as reducing package material or planning the most probably route for delivery trucks not only reduces the cost, but also reduces the environmental impact of firm’s operation.


