标签存档: 硕士毕业论文代写



Professional identity plays an important role in determining the efficiency and suitability of a resource in that particular field. It is vital in healthcare and education segments as they work based on quality metrics and do not encourage compromises at any instances. The concept of professional identity has developed new definitions from the stakeholders (students, peers, management, and parents) and has enforced unbearable pressure for the educators to cope with them. The identity of an educator is often defined with statements that associate to worker requirements, occupational demands, and worker characteristics. Very limited statements involve details of the person’s experience or occupation specific characteristic.
Soon after the 21st century, the learning environment has forced teachers to formulate their identities to project themselves to the external environment. The tension of the educator increases with the roles and responsibilities. For example, the ability to organize an educational trip develops the identity. At the same time, the lack of knowledge shared to students during the educational trip can hamper the image instantly. This example shows that identity varies from one time to the other and it is highly difficult for the educator to maintain at all times.
There are two discourses that clearly indicate the value of professional identity and these include managerial and democratic professionalism. Managerial professionalism originates from the environment and is directly influenced by the peers and authorities who decide on the accountabilities and job frameworks. On the other hand, democratic professionalism originates directly from the profession and this shows the values, beliefs and attitudes of the educator towards the job. This is a clear evidence to bring out the changing perceptions about professional identities and the need for such educators to upgrade on regular basis.

The report clearly explains the concept of professional identity as a change oriented process. It cannot be measured as it changes from time to time, but it is important for the educators to create their identities by taking suitable measures. An educator’s role is not just to impart knowledge to the students. The applications are broad in the 21st century as the educator has social, psychological, moral and emotional responsibilities to abide by within the environment. These responsibilities arrive with powers and compulsions that affect the sustainability of educator in the learning environment. The practice of professional identity in learning environment is highly important for the educator to build reputation and spread values.

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Briefly explain how planning and monitoring helps organizations, managers and individual job-holders to achieve results, and the types of plans that managers need to understand.
Planning and monitoring helps organizations and its stakeholders in various ways. They act as evidences regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of the investors and funding agencies of the organization. The organizational achievements are communicated through planning and monitoring processes to the public at large. These processes help the managers in knowing their strengths and weaknesses related to their job performances that can help in yielding desired results. They help and support in the internal planning and development processes of the organization. Planning and monitoring makes the organization more accountable towards various stakeholders.
The plans which managers need to understand include operational, tactical and strategic. With the help of operational plans tactical pans are achieved and tactical plans help in the achievement of strategic plans.
State how the use of external consultants may assist with the development of a strategic plan?
The external consultants will help in the proper scanning of the organization in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats etc. Management consulting by external parties includes a wide range of organizational activities. The practices used by management consultants are defined differently by various firms. These experts can help in the formulation of strategies that are competitive at corporate and operational levels. They help in thinking outside the box while gathering knowledge about the competitors and the current market trends. They even help in the establishment of the alignment among the SBU’s, divisions and regions etc. They also help in the identification of the changes needed for supporting the strategic plans.
The operational plans of the organization are limited to one part of the organization. These are short term plans which are formed by the management for the achievement of the tactical objectives. They help in the systematic determination and scheduling of the current short-term activities that will further help in the achievement of the strategic planning objectives. Performances under the operational plans are monitored through the management performance indicators (MPI). Through operational plans the directions are provided to people for performing day to day tasks essential for the proper functioning of the organization. Operational plans are regularly referred by the management and staff for performing their everyday tasks. These plans provide guidelines for what, when, who and how much to the workers.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


温哥华代写-道德规范理论与可口可乐的经历关系。道德规范理论也被称为道德伦理,这是本文所使用的,它有助于找出哪些活动是适当的,哪些是错误的。主要规范理论包括功利主义、亚里士多德德性伦理学、绝对命令论、存量德性等(Venkatadurai, Dhyani and Sharma, 2013)。它们可以用来解释这些与可口可乐经历的不同问题之间的关系。这家公司一直是环境和社会冲突的一部分。可口可乐在印度遭到抵制,因为当地社区也面临干旱。

As there have been very less public rules for corporate best practices in the native countries, so sustainability reporting has gradually turned out to be an important subject. There hasn’t been any particular law for CSR. But, as per the modernisation rules 2003/51/EC huge businesses have to show the financial and non-financial major indicators of their performances in their yearly reporting. Yet in current days, big multinational companies make sustainability report on their own according to the global reporting initiative that is GRI guidelines.
Coca-Cola had been part of CSR, which are conflicts in different issues. This essay looks into how these conflicts have impacted CSR strategies of these MNCs and if these businesses can finally prepare great target. Taking an example of Coca-Cola, it has laid an aim to lessen the overall carbon footprints by 15% by year 2020 in comparison to what it was in 2007.
Normative theories of ethics
The normative theory for ethics are also called moral ethics that are utilised for this essay, which are useful for figuring out what activities are appropriate and what are wrong. The major normative theories involve utilitarianism, Aristotelian virtue ethics, categorical imperative, Stock virtue, etc. (Venkatadurai, Dhyani and Sharma, 2013). They can be used for explaining how these relate to different issues experienced by Coca-Cola. This firm has been part of environmental and social conflicting situations. Coca-Cola had been boycotted in India as the community also faced droughts.
Coca Cola’s conflicts
An Indian NGO, named as “National Centre for science is an environment” (NCSE) has issued a statement that there were dozens of samples taken for Coca-Cola which had stated that pesticides in the product exceeded the European laid standards of level. Based on these proofs, this centre asked the lawful enforcement of the water standards. This statement got lots of attention from media as well as public attention, which led to instant impact on business’ profits.
The NGO had got three charges:
Goods had excessive levels of pesticides which brought high media attention
The business extracted huge amounts of groundwater and
It has made sources contaminated (Palmer, 2011).
Existence of pesticides
The government had laid a joint committee to perform the tests on the beverages. These tests showed that the European standards were not met. Nevertheless, these had been safe w.r.t local benchmarks. It stated that no violation of the countrywide laws exited. Yet following the ethical considerations from the report of impacting the surroundings, Coca-Cola accepted that there can be negative and positive effects of these on the company. This report led to a drop in business supplies by 30%-40% with maximum fall of 75% for 5 years (Lu et al., 2016).

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The advertisement shows a young girl, a teen, Jasmine Thomas, wearing a Puma sweatshirt. The girl participated in the Puma Big Shot open try out. The text reads about how she broke unto the team, broke a bone, broke the spirits of the other team and more, and still wondered about whether she broke a nail.
The value represented here is that young teenage girls are into sports just as much as the professional players. Just because they worry about a broken nail does not mean they would lack interest in soccer.
Teenagers will like the attitude the advertisement represents. They will be encouraged to try it out as it supports their sports fervour and understands their teen needs at the same time.
People will be influenced to buy it because the advertisement will appeal to their attitude in sports at their age.
Understanding the Customer
The youth of current times are knowledgeable in what they want. Youngsters of age 12-17 teenagers are considered the youth market. As of the year 2003, these youngsters were reported to spend around 103$ a week (Calvert, 2008). They can make their own choices in certain purchases like a sports shirt or sports accessories and hence it is necessary to make use of their spending opportunity and market things directly catering to their attitudes and not their parent attitudes.
According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, much of the youth market’s physiological needs and even shelter and security needs are met. They, however, have belonging need and ego needs. They are too young for self-actualisation, but they want to be accepted in a group and the brand helps them identify themselves with peers who use similar brands. Their ego needs make them want to use brands that sports professionals use. However, they are still young and like the girl in the advertisement worries about little things like whether their nail broke. Therefore, the advertisement has to capture their egos and their insecurities with respect to belongingness and growing up.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供硕士毕业论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!




它排除了寻求独立的可能性,也没有看到社会阶层有任何变化。人们发现,在现实中发生的事件是不同的。人民对在该地区发展商业更感兴趣,出现了一种新的独立精神。人们开始研究出生问题的权利。他们不同意传统的权威体制。当他们受到虐待时,人们开始质疑。社会上的仆人很难养活。人们问了很多问题,并不同意一个人仅仅根据血统就比别人优越(Wood, 145)。这是美国革命在人民心中引起的一种重要的修辞。强迫服从受到了质疑,在社会中逐渐失去了活力。这在整个社会制度和每一个家庭制度中都可以看到。在美国获得独立的过程中,儿子听从父亲要求的宗法思想甚至受到了质疑。这些都是美国独立战争的后果。在主人与仆人的关系动态中,仆人对主人的怨恨更多。


It was precluded that the independence was sought and no change was seen in the social hierarchy. It was found that the events that transpired in reality were different. The people were more interested in developing commerce in the region and there was a renewed spirit of independence. People started to look into the entitlement by birth issue. They did not agree to the traditional authoritative systems. The people started to question when they were treated badly. The servants in the societies were hard to maintain. The people asked a lot of questions and did not agree to a person being superior simply based on lineage (Wood, 145). This was an important rhetoric that the American Revolution had caused in the minds of the people. Obedience by compulsion was questioned and was slowly losing its vigor in the societies. This was seen in the overall social systems and also in every family system. The patriarchal ideology of the son following the father’s demands was even questioned as a result on America gaining independence. These are some of the aftermath of American Revolution. In the master servant relationship dynamics, there was more resentment towards the master by the servants.
They did not like being told what to do and to follow all the order of the masters implicitly (Wood 146). Hence the American Revolution had caused an impact that transcended in different forms across the societies. This had paved the ways for the movement of independence across the nation. This was a major contention used in the case of abolishing of slavery in the region. During the times of revolution, this fighting for the independence of the nation seemed to be a paradigm shift of the ideologies. In this there was a replacement of the social structure or at least the people who had participated in the war seemed to assume the same.In the monarchal world that existed prior to gaining independence and before the revolutionary war, it seemed inconceivable that the people would question authority. Traditional values of dependency and obedience questioned every element in the societies.The concept of independent man pervaded the societies and there was increasing importance given to the being free man and this was echoed throughout the societies.




Kwik Save是导致Aldi扩张问题的主要竞争对手之一。然而,在更多的当前时代,Aldi的主要竞争对手将被讨论。竞争的形式有特易购、阿斯达·塞恩斯伯里、莫里森和利德尔。在这些竞争对手中,Aldi和Lidl是主要的折扣店。考虑到Aldi和Lidl确实能提供物有所值、物有所值的商品,因此它们理应占据良好的市场份额,但英国消费者认为,他们在哪里购物是他们在社会中地位的社会指标(Smith & Sparks, 1993)。因此,非折扣超市的市场份额仍然很高。乐购占据了28.2%的市场份额,是最高的。Asda、Sainsbury和Morrisons的市场份额分别为16.7%、16.2%和10.7%。Aldi和Lidl的份额相对较小,分别为5.6%和4.2% (Shadbolt, 2015)。
Aldi的主要竞争对手是Lidl。Lidl也是一家德国折扣店,截至2015年,它被评为全球第四大零售商。它的销售额约为1280亿美元。阿尔迪保持“年度杂货商”的称号已经有一段时间了。Lidl于2014年被授予该称号。Lidl提供了与Aldi相同的优势(Thals, 2015)。它允许员工人数最少,将有深冰柜,客户可以自己访问。除了Aldi提供的优势之外,Lidl还提供了更多的优势。它提供优质品牌、高端葡萄酒、基于地点的服务,以及更多可以使Aldi对英国市场的影响翻番的服务(Thals, 2015)。虽然Lidl现在在市场份额上落后于Aldi,但差距很小,Lidl可以赶上来。其他四个竞争对手Tesco、Asda、Morrisons和Sainsbury目前也在进行战略发展(Shadbolt, 2015)。


Kwik Save was one of the main competitors that led to issues in expansion for Aldi. However, in more current times Main competitors for Aldi will be discussed. competition in the form of Tesco, Asda Sainsbury, Morrison, and Lidl. Of these competitors Aldi and Lidl are the main discount style stores available for the consumers. While Aldi and Lidl hence should logically command a good market share given that they do supply value and quality for money, UK shoppers believe where they shop is a social indicator of where they stand in society (Smith & Sparks, 1993). Hence, the market share for the non-discount supermarkets are still high. Tesco commands a market share of 28.2 percent and is the highest. Asda, Sainsbury and Morrisons command a market share of 16.7 percent, 16.2 percent and 10.7 percent respectively. Aldi and Lidl on a comparative note share a much smaller percentage in the amount of 5.6 percent and 4.2 percent respectively (Shadbolt, 2015).
Aldi’s main competitor is Lidl. Lidl is also a German discount store and as of 2015 was ranked as being the fourth largest retailer in the world. It has around 128$ billion in sales. Aldi had retained the title of ‘Grocer of the year’ for some time now. Lidl was given the title in 2014. Lidl provides the same advantages as Aldi (Thals, 2015). It allows staffing to be minimal, there will be deep freezers which the customers can access themselves. In addition to the advantages that Aldi provides, Lidl also adds more. It offers premium brands, high end wines, locations based services and more that could double the Aldi effect on the UK market (Thals, 2015). Although Lidl is now behind Aldi when it comes to market share, the difference is minimal and Lidl could catch up. The other four competitors Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury are also developing strategically at present (Shadbolt, 2015).



自古以来,视觉就被认为是最重要的感官。柏拉图认为,视觉是人类最大的礼物(Jay, 1994)。视觉位于感官层次的最顶端。“视觉和听觉现在是具有特权的社交感官,而其他三种感官则被认为是仅具有私人功能的古老感官残余,它们通常受到文化密码的抑制”(Pallasmaa, 1996)。因此,建筑设计必须满足这些感官。建筑师不仅要注重建筑和空间的美观设计,更要创造出感官体验平衡的空间。建筑师主要关注的是视觉上的诱惑,但他们可能缺乏感官的平衡。建筑不应该变成感官的减少(Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004)。黑暗和阴影是感知的基本元素,因为它们能够理解空间和强度。“在伟大的建筑空间里,有一种持续的、深沉的光影气息;阴影吸入,光照呼出,光”(帕拉斯玛,1996)。
阴影在其他形式的感官背后也有强大的力量。莫里斯·梅洛-庞蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)认为,“视力是一种有形的视觉,是世界结构的有形部分”(庞蒂,1964)。帕拉斯玛也说过,视觉将我们与世界分开,而其他的感官与他结合(帕拉斯玛,1996)。视力是孤立的,是定向的(外部性)。(Pallasmaa, 2011)除了建筑,阴影在不同的区域也扮演着重要的角色。据谷崎俊一郎在《赞美阴影》一书中说,阴影和日本料理密不可分。他写道“当yoken在漆盘…就好像非常黑暗的房间里融化在你的舌头……古代艺妓的发黑的牙齿和她墨绿色的嘴唇,以及她的白色涂脸,,旨在强调房间的黑暗和阴影”(帕拉斯马可能,2012)。


Since early times, vision is considered as the most important sense. According to Plato, vision is the greatest gift of humanity (Jay, 1994). Sight or vision is on the top most position on the hierarchy of the senses. “Vision and hearing are now the privileged sociable senses, whereas the other three are considered archaic sensory remnants with a merely private function, and they are usually suppressed by the code of culture” (Pallasmaa, 1996). Thus, architectural designs must please these senses. The architects should not only focus on designing the building and spaces beautifully, but also they should create the spaces which are balanced in creating sensory experience. Mainly, architects focus on the designs, which are visually alluring, but they may lack balance of senses. The architecture should not be turned into a sensory reduction (Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004).Darkness and shadows are essential elements for the sense as they enable to understand, space and intensity. “In great spaces of architecture, there is a constant, deep breathing of shadow and light; shadow inhales, and illumination exhales, light” (Pallasmaa, 1996).
Shadows have also great hand behind other forms of senses.According to Maurice Merleau-Ponty, “eyesight is an embodied vision and an embodied part of the fabric of world” (Ponty, 1964). Pallasmaa has also stated that the sight separates us from the world, while the rest of the senses join him (Pallasmaa, 1996). Eyesight isolates and eyesight is directional (externality). (Pallasmaa, 2011)Other than architecture, shadows also play an important role in the different areas. According to Junichiro Tanizaki’s In Praise of Shadows, he stated that shadows and Japanese cooking are inseparable. He wrote “when yoken is served in a lacquer dish… it is as if the very darkness of the room were melting on your tongue… In olden times the blackened teeth of the geisha and her green-black lips, as well as her white painted face, where intended to emphasize the darkness and shadows of the room” (Pallasmaa, 2012).



他们对这种学习的理解进一步增加了他们的生存和对其家庭的考虑,以及他们适应惊人环境的能力,例如,斗争、环境灾难,甚至从一个地方迁移到另一个地方。在他们的部分被真正承认的机会很小的情况下,他们的知识可以被证明是山区居民在对抗自然变化或品种所显示的新麻烦时不可或缺的资产(Gautam, D.和Sharma, A.)。, 2007)山区妇女扮演着许多角色,包括农民、自然资源管理者、看护者和家庭管理者。例如,巴基斯坦一个叫做吉德拉尔的小地区是喜马拉雅山脉的一部分。由于冬季的严寒和道路建设的不完善,这个村子的人口一年要与世隔绝近6个月。这个地区很容易发生地震、雪崩、山洪等自然灾害。然而,这里的妇女在社区早期预警系统中发挥了很大的作用,她们仅利用河岸上的石头就成功地构建了一个洪水监测系统。当看到洪水发生的早期迹象时,他们通过大喊大叫和使用镜子反射来了解他们村庄的人和住在山下附近院子里的人。
他们不仅在这里停下来,还确保实施计划,保护这里和那里放牧的人和动物种群。在所有的灾难发生后,这些精力充沛的妇女还清理废墟,重建河岸的石墙等,以便他们也为下一次做好准备。气候和环境变化有许多不利影响,这些影响可能每次都很明显,也可能不是很明显。对常规灾害和灾难性事件的不同脆弱性和危险之间的关键联系的研究为调查环境变化提供了必要的知识(Enarson, E.和Morrow, B. 1998;Alagan, R.和Aladukwaka, S。,2014)。一种危险的大气偏差在几个过程中影响着喜马拉雅山脉,但特别重要的是降水设计的修改和增加降水而不是降雪的机会,从而减少了蓄水设施。这些降水的总和可能因地区而异,导致干旱地区或水资源紧张。脆弱的山区环境还因物种的损失和迁移而受到破坏。所有这些环境的变化都会影响个体的生活方式。


Their understanding of such learning furthermore adds to the survival and the consideration of their families and to their capacity to adapt to the amazing circumstances, for example, struggle, environmental calamities, and even migration from one place to another. On the off chance that their part were genuinely recognized, their knowledge can prove to be an indispensable asset for mountain habitants in combatting the new troubles displayed by natural change or varieties (Gautam, D. and Sharma, A., 2007)Mountain women play many roles including farmers, natural resource managers, caregivers, and household managers. For example, a small region called Chitral in Pakistan is a part of the Great Himalayan Range. Due to very harsh winter season and poor road construction, the population of this village has to remain isolated for almost 6 months in a year. This area is highly prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, avalanches, flash floods, etc. However, the women here are so much talented in playing their role in the community early warning system that they have managed to construct a flood monitoring system by utilizing only stones lying along the river banks. On seeing the early signs of flood occurrence, they aware people of their village and the ones living in the nearby courtyards down the hill by shouting and using mirror reflections.
Not only here they stop, they do make sure that plans are implemented to protect the people and the animal stocks herding here and there. After all the mishap has happened, these highly energetic women also clean the debris, rebuild the stone walls in the river banks, etc. so that they are ready for the next time also.Climatic and environmental variations have many adverse effects that may or may not be urgently evident every time. Examinations of key connections between differentiated vulnerability and danger with regards to regular calamities and disastrous events offer imperative bits of knowledge for investigations of environmental change (Enarson, E. and Morrow, B. 1998; Alagan, R. and Aladukwaka, S., 2014). A dangerous atmospheric deviation is affecting on the Himalayas in a few courses, yet of specific significance are modifications in designs of precipitation and the chances for increased precipitation rather than snow, in this way diminishing the facilities of water storage. The total sum of such precipitations may vary from region to region resulting in drier areas or water anxiety. The delicate mountain environments are additionally being undermined by the loss and displacement of species. All of these environmental variations are going to affect the living styles of the individuals.



工业革命和法国大革命期间,世界发生了巨大的变化。工业革命持续了一百多年,而法国革命只持续了十五年。这两次革命的长度有巨大的差异,但仍有许多性质相似的特征(Gupta et al. 1447-1452)。这两场革命的相似之处在于:革命结束时,新思想、新发明和政治思想都被采纳了。在这两种情况下,革命结束后,更多的权利被赋予了大众,英国也受到了革命的影响(Greenwood和Ward 76-96)。新思想、新发明和新组织是这两场革命的结果。法国大革命在很多方面帮助了法国,比如君主专制,建立了公立学校和法国银行,要求所有法国人纳税,旧的封建法律被创新的、一致的法律所取代。

走锭纺纱机,第一个现代运河,装配线,铺平道路,发现钢铁、电力织机,蒸汽机,电报、通用件,水,蒸汽船,飞梭,轧棉机,汽车,珍妮纺纱机,无线电报,劳动分工的第一次使用,石油驱动的内燃机,飞艇和飞机,所有的这些东西被发明在工业革命的时代。它也帮助了中产阶级的发展。如果工人的要求得不到满足,而且工作条件恶劣,他们就会以罢工为动机组成工会。工会的概念仍然有效(Gupta et al. 1447-1452)。英国受这两场革命的影响。由于法国大革命,英国无法与大多数欧洲国家进行贸易。英国的海军在特拉法加战役中变得更强大,这是革命的结果。


A great change of time was observed during the period of Industrial Revolution and French Revolution. The duration of Industrial Revolution was over hundred years while the French Revolution’s lasted for only fifteen years. There is a huge difference between the lengths of these two revolutions but still there were many features, which were similar in nature (Gupta et al. 1447-1452). The similarities of these two revolutions were as follow: new ideas, inventions and political ideas were adopted by both when the revolutions ended. In both the cases more rights were given to the masses after the end of the revolution and the Great Britain got affected by both the revolutions (Greenwood and Ward 76-96). New ideas, new inventions and new organizations were the result of these two revolutions. The French Revolution helped France in several ways like absolute monarchies that were finished establishment of system of public schools and the bank of France, required payment of taxes by all French, and old feudal laws were replaced by innovative and consistent laws.

The spinning mule, the first modern canals, the assembly line, the paving of roads, the discovery of steel, the power loom, the steam engine, the telegraph, interchangeable parts, the water frame, the steamboat, the flying shuttle, the cotton gin, the car, the spinning jenny, the wireless telegraph, the first use of division of labor, the oil – powered internal combustion engine, the zeppelin, and the airplane, all of these things were invented during the time of Industrial Revolution. It also helped in the development of the middle class. Workers formed unions with the motive of strikes if their demands were not fulfilled and because of the bad working conditions. The concept of union is still working (Gupta et al. 1447-1452).Great Britain was influenced by these two revolutions. Great Britain was not able to do trade with most of the European countries because of the French revolution. The navy of Great Britain became more powerful at the Battle of Trafalgar and it happened because of the revolution.



在Paddy Power和Betfair合并后,我们可以得出结论,两家公司可以相互合作。批准也是在公司股东同意后进行的。对股东的好处是:整体收入和每股收益会有增长。每股收益是用来做长期增长的盈利分析。这可能与公司的整体财务业绩相一致,有助于公司实现营收增长。随着公司整体品牌的提升,股东的价值也会增加。这将为股东带来重大的价值创造机会。将会有额外的好处Paddy Power和Betfair股东将收到一个特别股息的价值€5800万。这两家公司的股价都将大幅上涨,它们都是全球最大的博彩公司之一。他们的合并将使股票价格有很好的增长。为使股东和其他利益相关者获得最大利益,该交易已经完成。

股东的劣势:在合并前,股东可以从中选择任何一个。但现在他们将不得不选择这两家公司。如果任何股东仍想与任何一家公司合作,他就不能。因此,两家公司的合并意味着股东的选择将会减少。高价:股票的综合价格将高于个股的价格。因为同样,很多人会发现合并后,客户也会有显著的优势。首先,由于开发能力的提高,客户会得到很多新产品。因此,在不久的将来,客户可能期望从这次合并中得到许多新产品。从而为客户提供最好的产品和产品的特点。其次,合并后,两家公司都有更多的店面。因此,产品和服务将很容易地分配给客户。有更多的渠道可供客户使用。以更高的价格购买股票的问题(BryceElder, 2016)。


After the merger of Paddy Power and Betfair, it can be concluded that both the companies can work on one another’s strength. The approval was done after the permission of the shareholders of the companies as well. The advantages to the shareholders are the following:There will be growth in the overall revenue and EPS. EPS is used to do the analysis about the long term growth in terms of earnings. This may be aligned to the overall financial performance of the company and will help in a top line growth. There will be the value addition to the shareholders as the overall branding of the company will increase. There will be a significant value creation opportunity for the shareholders. There will be additional benefits to the Paddy Power and Betfair share holders as they will receive a special dividend amount of value €58 million. There will be surging of the share prices and both the companies are among the top betting companies in the world. Merging of them will create a good increase in the share prices. The deal has been finalized with a view to maximum benefits to the shareholders and other stakeholders.

Disadvantage to the shareholders:Before the merger, the shareholders may choose any one amongst them. But now they will have to select both the companies. If any shareholder still wanted to go with any one company, he can’t. Thereby, merging of the two companies means that there will be less options for the shareholders. High Prices: The combined prices of the shares will be higher than the individual share prices. Because of the same, many people will find After the merger, the customers will also have significant advantages. Firstly, the customers will get many new products because of the increase developmental capacity. Thus, the customers may expect many new products from this merger in the near future. Thus, the customers will be provided with the best products and the features for the products. Secondly, after the merger, there will be more stores for both the companies. Thus, the products and the services will be distributed easily to the customers. There are more channels available to the customers. a problem in buying of the share at a higher price (BryceElder, 2016).