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这是说,在许多情况下,承认机会的过程反映了这个企业家(Fini et al., 2014)。在这里,将讨论两个这样的情况,其中将讨论思想发展过程和机会识别过程。当Bob发现澳大利亚的经济正在遭受痛苦,并且随后成为大多数企业(Carland et al., 2015)时,他就产生了渡轮业务的最初想法。这使他能够将他长期以来所说的水运的兴趣转变为一种可持续的职业。


随着轮渡业务的发展和两艘渡轮的日常运营,塔斯曼大桥在1975年(Kirzner, 2015年)倒塌。这进一步促使人们认识到鲍勃在2年的时间内为900多万人的旅行提供便利的机会。轮渡业务的增长进一步导致了将当地业务转变为国际品牌的想法(Fisher et al., 2014)。因此,5艘渡轮被投入运营,以获取当地市场份额。此外,他还与一位海军工程师合作,进一步提升InCat品牌(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。这也显示了他在每一步抓住机会的方式。研究人员表示,创业者总是在寻找机会,而创意开发的过程是识别机遇的积极产物,这一点在Bob的案例中很明显。


It is to assert that the process of recognizing opportunity reflects in many cases when it comes to this entrepreneur (Fini et al., 2014). Here, two such situations will be discussed in which the idea development process and opportunity recognition process is reflected. The initial idea of ferry business was generated by Bob when he identified that the economy of Australia is suffering and subsequently the majority of businesses (Carland et al., 2015). It enabled him to convert his long termed interest of water transport into a sustainable career. As the ferry business was developed and two ferries were operated on a daily basis, a Tasman Bridge had collapsed in the year of 1975 (Kirzner, 2015). This further led to recognition of an opportunity that was taken by Bob through facilitating the travel of more than 9 million individuals during the time frame of 2 years.


The growth in the ferry business further leads to the idea development of transforming the local business into an international brand (Fisher et al., 2014). Therefore, five ferries were made operational to capture the local market share. Besides, he partnered with one of the naval engineer to further enhance the brand of InCat (Kozubíková et al., 2015). This also shows the manner in which he grasped the opportunities at each step. According to the researchers, entrepreneurs are always looking for opportunities to exploit and the process of idea development is a positive product of recognizing opportunities and this has been evident in the case Bob.