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X-technologies的营销重点必须是通过与客户建立价值关系,并继续努力建立品牌知名度,以实现长期成功和业务可持续性(Alhawari, 2015),从而实现增加销售、留住客户的目标。营销经理必须明白,将提高品牌认知度作为主要营销指标目标的唯一重点和投资并不是一种建议稳定的技术。考虑比单纯的品牌意识更能影响顾客的购买决定。此外,仅仅创造知名度并不能转化为销量,它也不是预测未来销量的有效指标。通常情况下,当市场营销人员为了提高他们的品牌认知度而过度创新时,他们最终会忽视他们的品牌特征。这使得消费者的意识具有很强的欺骗性。因此,X-technologies必须采取促进其销售的策略,并确保与客户建立字符串关系(Lenskold, 2016)。


As per the theoretical marketing funnel , the brand awareness is the first phase, i.e. the potential customer must be aware of the brand and its products. The placement of the product is done in this phase keeping the potential customers as target. X-technologies has already done this job with considerable of their marketing budget. Though the mistake done by the company is that they have only focused on increasing brand awareness. Only awareness without the advantage of assisting customers to reach the stage of consideration and finally the purchase would eventually result to a short life-span. Soon the level of awareness would descent again to the earlier levels, contrary to the believes of the marketing manager at X-technologies. The company needs appropriate ongoing marketing and advertising mechanism for ensuring that the awareness is sustained. Apart from this, the focus must be to increase the sales for the company.

The focus of the marketing for the X-technologies must be to secure the objectives of increasing sales, retention of customers by creating value relationships with them and continuing the efforts to build brand awareness with an object of long term success and sustainability of the business (Alhawari, 2015). The marketing manager must understand that the sole focus and investment in increasing the brand awareness as a primary marketing metric goal is not a suggestable technique. Consideration is a higher metric than the mere brand awareness to impact the customer’s purchase decisions. Moreover, solely creating awareness does not convert into sales volumes and it’s also not an effective indicator to predict future sales. Often when the marketers tend to be over creative to create higher awareness for their brand, they end up ignoring their brand characteristics. This makes awareness highly deceptive for the customers. Therefore, X-technologies must adopt the strategies that give boost to its sales and ensure that a string relationship is established with the customers (Lenskold, 2016).




这是说,在许多情况下,承认机会的过程反映了这个企业家(Fini et al., 2014)。在这里,将讨论两个这样的情况,其中将讨论思想发展过程和机会识别过程。当Bob发现澳大利亚的经济正在遭受痛苦,并且随后成为大多数企业(Carland et al., 2015)时,他就产生了渡轮业务的最初想法。这使他能够将他长期以来所说的水运的兴趣转变为一种可持续的职业。


随着轮渡业务的发展和两艘渡轮的日常运营,塔斯曼大桥在1975年(Kirzner, 2015年)倒塌。这进一步促使人们认识到鲍勃在2年的时间内为900多万人的旅行提供便利的机会。轮渡业务的增长进一步导致了将当地业务转变为国际品牌的想法(Fisher et al., 2014)。因此,5艘渡轮被投入运营,以获取当地市场份额。此外,他还与一位海军工程师合作,进一步提升InCat品牌(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。这也显示了他在每一步抓住机会的方式。研究人员表示,创业者总是在寻找机会,而创意开发的过程是识别机遇的积极产物,这一点在Bob的案例中很明显。


It is to assert that the process of recognizing opportunity reflects in many cases when it comes to this entrepreneur (Fini et al., 2014). Here, two such situations will be discussed in which the idea development process and opportunity recognition process is reflected. The initial idea of ferry business was generated by Bob when he identified that the economy of Australia is suffering and subsequently the majority of businesses (Carland et al., 2015). It enabled him to convert his long termed interest of water transport into a sustainable career. As the ferry business was developed and two ferries were operated on a daily basis, a Tasman Bridge had collapsed in the year of 1975 (Kirzner, 2015). This further led to recognition of an opportunity that was taken by Bob through facilitating the travel of more than 9 million individuals during the time frame of 2 years.


The growth in the ferry business further leads to the idea development of transforming the local business into an international brand (Fisher et al., 2014). Therefore, five ferries were made operational to capture the local market share. Besides, he partnered with one of the naval engineer to further enhance the brand of InCat (Kozubíková et al., 2015). This also shows the manner in which he grasped the opportunities at each step. According to the researchers, entrepreneurs are always looking for opportunities to exploit and the process of idea development is a positive product of recognizing opportunities and this has been evident in the case Bob.





该报告提供了格洛丽亚·吉恩咖啡的详细信息,该咖啡正在分析以确定市场的竞争地位。因此,与国际市场相比,格洛丽亚·让·咖啡(Gloria Jean Coffee)专注于将自己的业务拓展给当地人。该分析包括宏观环境、SWOT分析、竞争分析以及公司战略的细节,以实现本报告的目的。


一位澳大利亚商人,Nabi Saleh,咖啡专家和情人,以及他的商业伙伴在澳大利亚建立了一家美食咖啡馆。1996年,第一个格洛丽亚·吉恩的咖啡馆在悉尼开业。到2004年,该公司已经在澳大利亚各地开设了220多家咖啡店,并建立了自己的品牌名称(Coffees, 2017)。

格洛丽亚·珍的咖啡在全世界40个市场拥有950多家咖啡店。公司拥有一万多名员工,提供各种各样的产品,如冷咖啡、热咖啡、茶、冰沙、沙漠、咖啡和烘焙食品。该公司的净收入为6.64亿美元。Gloria Jean咖啡的财务报表显示了该公司在市场上的表现。EBITA的增长为27.2%,NPAT为27.4%,每股收益为17.9%。


The report provides the details of the Gloria Jean’s Coffee which is being analysed for determining the competitive position in the market. Therefore, the Gloria Jean Coffee is focusing on franchising their business to the locals in comparison to the international markets. The analysis consists of the macro environment, SWOT, Competitive analysis and the details of the strategies of the company with the objectives which fulfil the motive of this report.


An Australian businessman, Nabi Saleh, coffee expert and lover, together with his business partner established a gourmet coffee shop in Australia. The first Gloria Jean’s Coffee shop was opened in the year 1996 in Sydney. By 2004, the company had opened more than 220 coffee shops all across Australia and established its brand name (Coffees, 2017).
Gloria Jean’s Coffee has more than 950 coffee shops across 40 markets all over the world. The company has more than 10,000 employees and provides a wide range of products such as cold coffee, hot coffee, tea, smoothies, deserts, coffee accessories and bakery food. The net income of the company is $66.4 million. The financial statements of Gloria Jean’s Coffee show the performance of the company in the market. The growth of EBITA is 27.2%, NPAT is 27.4% and earnings per share are 17.9%.






这份报告分析了一位名叫鲍勃•克利福德的澳大利亚企业家。该报告将讨论企业家的背景,以评估企业家激情的发展。它将讨论个体为发展理念和认识机会所采用的企业家特征和过程(Bae等人,2014)。本报告将进一步阐述已开发的业务类型,并将评估该组织的竞争优势,并将其与业务市场进行比较(Baum et al., 2014)。此外,未来的建议将提供给鲍勃·克利福德,涉及他所能采取的各种途径和业务。将描述企业家与业务的完整概述,以确定为本报告所选择的企业家的完整概要。


The entrepreneurs of the 21st century are progressive, dynamic and have good leadership skills. They possess such characteristics that not only help them to grow but also allow them to become competitive in the highly competitive business environment. This report is based on the one of such entrepreneurs, namely Bob Clifford. This entrepreneur threw his entrepreneurial skills, identified opportunities and developed ideas. Such identifications helped him to be highly successful and profitable today. This report highlights his achievements and recommends on his future business direction.


This report analyses an Australian entrepreneur called Bob Clifford. The report will discuss the entrepreneur’s background for the assessment of the entrepreneurial passion’s development. It will discuss the entrepreneurial characteristics and the processes employed by the individual for the development of idea and recognition of opportunity (Bae et al., 2014). This report will further elaborate on the business type that has been developed and it will assess the competitive advantages of the organization as compared within the operating market (Baum et al., 2014). Furthermore, the future recommendations will be provided for Bob Clifford involving the varied avenues and businesses that can be taken by him. The complete overview of the entrepreneur along with the business will be described in order to determine the complete profile of the entrepreneur that is selected for the purpose of this report.




研究发现,罗伯特·鲍勃·弗雷德里克·克利福德·奥博士出生在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛(Carland and Carland, 2015)。鲍勃有三个儿子,分别是克雷格、金和罗汉。在最初的几年里,鲍勃是一名专门的游艇爱好者,喜欢在学校、周末和学校假期(Carland et al., 2015)中航行。当鲍勃开始工作的时候,他觉得他的帆船运动很痛苦。在上学期间,鲍勃在几个科目上都失败了,这让他很惊讶,因为他甚至在木工方面都失败了。他的父亲是屠夫,在很大程度上没有帮助鲍勃。当他在起居室里(Fisher et al., 2014)制作了一艘14英尺长的木船时,这位木工老师大吃一惊。在他退休后,大部分童年时光都是和他父亲一起度过的。


在这之后,他说服自己继续留在水里,因为他已经钓了十年了。正是这种对水和航行的热情不仅激发了鲍勃,也创造了他的创业激情(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。鲍勃已经开始在他的房子的后院建造渡船在它被商业化之前。他从事渡轮业务大约八年,并专门花时间设计和建造渔船和帆船或渡轮(Carland et al., 2015)。因此,人们可以认为,正是由于对水运的强烈热情,才使鲍勃获得了他所取得的成功。当塔斯曼大桥于1975年坍塌时,鲍勃最终运营了两个轮渡业务,提升到五艘渡轮。


It has been identified from the research that Dr. Robert Bob Frederick Clifford AO was born in Tasmania, Australia (Carland and Carland, 2015). Bob has three sons namely Craig, Kim and Rohan. In the initial years, Bob was a dedicated yachtsman that enjoyed sailing after the school, during weekends, and school holidays (Carland et al., 2015). When Bob started to work, he felt that his sailing activities are suffering. During the schooling, Bob had failed in several subjects and this was surprising as he even failed in woodwork. His father was a butcher and did not assist Bob in much of the efforts. The woodwork teacher was taken by a surprise when he delivered a 14 foot long wooden boat that he developed in the living room (Fisher et al., 2014). Much of the childhood was spent with his father after his retirement on fishing.


After this, he convinced himself to remain on the water due to which he was fishing for over a decade. It is the passion for being on water and sailing that has not only motivated Bob but also created his entrepreneurial passion (Kozubíková et al., 2015). Bob has initiated to build the ferries in the backyard of his house before it was commercialized. He entered in the business of ferries for about eight years and dedicated the time to design and build boats for fishing and sailing or ferries (Carland et al., 2015). Therefore, it can be considered that it was the strong passion for the water transport that provided with the pathway to Bob for the success that he has attained. Bob eventually operated two ferry operations that enhanced to five ferries as the Tasman Bridge collapsed in 1975.








After the many years of liberalization, it can be understood that the government plays an important role in the capital structure analysis of the companies. These are found to be regulated based on the financial leverages of the companies and their financial leverage. In the case of United States, there are concerns for the dash for the debt and the flight of equity. There is argument that is made for the greater risk of the financial distress. These are transference of the risks that the consumers and tax payers need to make in order to meet the financial requirements of the investment requirements. The capital structure of the companies seems to vary based on the US regulation. There is a fair return of the return on the capital in this system. In Europe, there is regulation that is used for the consideration of the return of the capital.


There is the determination of the larger extent on the firm’s capital structure that needs to be factored in this paradigm. There must be proper choosing of the capital structure and this can affect the rate and the profitability. The company’s financial health is measured by the cash flow. This cash flow is measured by the cash inflow and outflow consideration. The interest in the debt is considered to be tax deductible in some cases. These are found to impact the operation of the companies. Apart from this the political stance of the company needs to be considered. There must be factoring in of the economic stance of the nation and the overall national debt. This is found to impact the operation of the company. The ideology of the people also impacts the spending habits of the people. These are considered in the capital structure analysis. Correlation between Firm Level and Country Level variables: The descriptive statistics for the US Based companies’ various levels include revenues, tax, expenses and more.





在安全性方面,可以很容易地定义受欢迎的因素,并说明了在抗剪强度上可用的数量。为了使边坡达到极限平衡的初始状态,必须降低剪切强度的大小。因此,在有效剪切的概念下,可以很容易地表达出破坏表面的剪应力。 t = 1 / F *(c ‘ + ‘ tanØ’) 在考虑坡度的情况下,将其斜率表示为具有相变表面的均质材料,并将其离散化为3个楔形。自由身体图简单地解释了个体的楔形,并指示作用在它们上的力,显示了被动员的剪切力和摩擦强度被用来定义作用在每个楔形上的力。个人符号可以被增强的定义描述我=编号,l =两边的长度,ξ=动员剪切强度的内聚组件的内部表面,如果=动员的内聚组件剪切强度和外部故障似乎封闭质量下滑。


The theoretical analysis of the Wedge method is defined by way of the analysis which is being made by the illustrating the simple and the complete method of the wedge analysis. It is clearly demonstrated by using the multiple wedges that seem to be using the non-vertical interfaces. The generalized wedge method is determined to be the force and the moment equilibrium which is made to be explained along with the kinetic conditions. The fully mobilized strengths are fully structured on both the separation of the wedges and the achievement of the wedges is appropriately allowed for illustrating the admissibility of the wedges. The structure of the initial wedge based methods was illustrated to be addressing the solutions and the problems which are illustrating to be initial wedge based solutions. The structure, for the purpose of constituting the model, is illustrated to be based on the generalized model which is adequate for the slope stability analysis.


The well-accepted factors can be easily defined regarding the safety, and the amount is illustrated to be available on the shear strength. The amount of the shear strength must be reduced for the purpose of bringing the slope to its initial state of the limiting equilibrium. Due to this, the shear stress on the failure surface can be easily expressed concerning effective shear concept.
t = 1/F*(c’+a’ tanØ’) As per the slope is being considered, the slope is indicated to be made up of the homogeneous materials with a phreatic surface and the discretization into the three wedges can be depicted. The free body diagrams simply explain the individual wedges and indicate the forces that are acting on them with showing the mobilized shear and the frictional strength is being used for defining the forces acting on each wedge. The individual symbols can be depicted by the enhancement of the definition which is i= side numbering, l= length of the sides, Xi= mobilization of the cohesive component of the shear strength at the internal surfaces, Si= Mobilization of the cohesive component of the shear strength and the outer failure that seems to be enclosing the slipping mass.








It is established through the above discussion and review of the literature that the stock market bubbles are essentially formed when the opportunity for the investment profitability is recognised. The opportunity can be either based on new technologies or new markets and majority of the investors follow the initial investors in a herd like behaviour. The following investors make their investment without conducting their personal analysis on the stock and simply buy it on the basis of the rising cost. It is found that the rising prices of the stock provides with the motivation to the investors to keep buying the stock and other investors to capitalise on the growing prices. However, in the attempt to maximise the profits, the concern of the overvaluation is often ignored after identification by the investors.


Since the stock markets operate dynamically, they are related to the positive and negative feedback. Therefore, the accumulation of the investments creates a positive feedback loop and subjects the investments to the price volatility. Nevertheless, the self-adjustment or correction of the stock market takes place when the increment of the prices attracts the investors to sell the stocks and limits the investors to buy stocks at increased prices. The volatility is limited due to which when the positive feedback takes place in market, the state of disequilibrium is reached and the panic among the investors causes increased number of stocks to be sold. This economic value overvaluation causes the prices to reduce to the intrinsic value of the stock. This can be concluded for the stock market bubbles discussed in the paper.



从20世纪30年代中期到70年代中期的四十多年时间里,凯恩斯主义的经济学几乎导致了全球经济政策的垄断。这种新的经济学能够表达人类的经济稳定性,物质的完整就业和繁荣(Martin等,1995)。这些不同情景中的每一个都受到人类财政政策的支配。这些想法非常强大,除非亨利·哈兹利特(Henry Hazlitt)重新设计这些想法,否则每个人都会接受。

他是第一个发现世界上有大批经济学家理论上存在缺陷的人。他说,只要价格具有吸引力,每一件好东西都可以买到。他还解释说,包括约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒(John Stuart Mill)在内的一些古典经济学家也明白,个人不能长期囤积钱,而且可以立即花掉。但是,由于经济危机造成的暂时的不确定性,这是由于通货膨胀不稳定造成的(Reisman,1998),所以花钱是最频繁的支出。



For a time period of over four decades from the time during mid-1930’s to the mid-1970, the economics from Keynesian almost led to the monopolization of the economic policy around the world. This new economics was something which can express the economic stability of the mankind, the complete employment and the prosperity of the material (Martin et al, 1995).  Each of these different scenarios was governed by the fiscal policies of the mankind. These ideas were very strong and were accepted by everyone unless Henry Hazlitt refitted the ideas.

He was the very first person who observed flaws in the theories of a large number of economists in the world. He said that each and every good can be bought by the byers if and only if its prices are attractive. He had also explained that a number of classical economists including John Stuart Mill, also understood that the individuals can’t hoard money for a long time and they can spend it immediately. But, the money which is spend is the most frequent expenditure of the money, because of the temporary uncertainties which has been created due to the economic crises, which are either caused due to unstable inflation (Reisman, 1998).

Hazlitt considered that the inflationary fix which was proposed by Keynes was dangerous to the economy of the world. He pointed that there should not be a focus on the macroeconomic aggregation which conceals the microeconomic relationship with the magnitude of individual prices and the earnings. He suggested that a large number of aggregates are important in the market including the price level, the level of the wages, the overall output, the sum of the demand and the overall supply are some of the most important factors of the economy.



根据Washburn木板(2002)强大的品牌包括四个基本步骤,它们是通过建立品牌意识的宽度和深度,建立品牌,产生强大的品牌内涵,建设性和创造性的品牌联想,绘制建设品牌反应和与客户建立品牌关系。然而,实现这些步骤包括发展六品牌的基石,品牌表现、突显性、意象、判断、意义、感情、性格(Washburn和木板,2002)。最值得人即品牌共振发生时,所有其他品牌的基石是建立正确的品牌共鸣客户展示卓越的品牌忠诚度的方式,他们寻找的方式相互关联的品牌,也分享他们的满意度与他人(Vázquez,RíO &伊格莱希亚斯,2002)。


In the viewpoint of Yoo & Donthu (2001) customer-based brand equity (CBBE) is a manner of evaluating the brand value in the mind of customers. It is noteworthy that brand equity can enhance profitability in small-scale and large companies by addressing gaps in customers’ comprehension about a brand and providing them assurances and the CBBE model centres that worth in customers mind. It induces companies to define their brands as per a definite hierarchy of qualitative, or general, customer impressions.
As per Washburn & Plank (2002) a strong brand comprises of four basic steps, they are creating brand identity by setting width and depth of brand awareness, generating brand meaning by potent, constructive and creative brand associations, drawing constructive brand responses and building brand relationships with customers. However, attaining these steps comprises of developing six brand building blocks, brand performance, salience, imagery, judgments, meaning, feelings, and character (Washburn & Plank, 2002). The most worthy one i.e. brand resonance takes place when all the other brand building blocks are set up and with right brand resonance customers demonstrate a superior brand loyalty in a manner that they look for means to interrelate with the brand and also share their satisfaction with others (Vázquez, Río & Iglesias, 2002).
In a nutshell, it can be mentioned that CBBE model offers a measure through which brands can assess their development in brand building attempts and can also guide for mating research plans. The concept of Brand Equity Model is simple, i.e. for the purpose of building a potent brand, it is necessary for organizations to shape the way consumers consider and feel for their brand (Keller, 1993). Organizations have to create the correct form of experiences around the brand, so that consumers get definite constructive opinions, outlook, attitudes, views and insights about it. It is imperative that organizations with powerful brand equity induce their customers to purchase more from them as compared to their competitors. They also compel their customers to suggest the product to their known, and generate more loyal customers, and these way organizations have the less likelihood to lose customers to their competitors (Swait, 1993).