标签存档: 代写assignment



来自温哥华市的报道:温哥华市从很多方面解决了这个问题。首先,该城市以申请的形式提交了一系列问题。在提交的申请中,温哥华市表示,该项目将带来“油轮流量的大幅增加,陆上储存和运输dilbit[重油],所有这些都将直接影响和增加温哥华经济、公共卫生和安全以及环境的风险”(Hume, 2014)。温哥华是世界上最宜居的城市之一。它可能会失去这个位置,因为有大量的油轮正被运往该国。仅温哥华的旅游业就价值36亿美元/年。此外,温哥华最宜居的地位也增加了其商业和住宅地产的价值。价值约为2500亿美元(休谟,2014)。由于油轮运输增加可能产生的任何问题,旅游业以及家庭和住宅财产的价值都将受到损害。油轮运输量的增加本身也可能导致一些问题。以事故形式发生的泄漏可能会导致海滨和海滩的使用受到破坏。


From the City of Vancouver: The City of Vancouver has addressed the issue from many ends. Primarily, the city has submitted a series of questions in the form of an application. In the application submitted, the city of Vancouver states that the project will present “substantial increases in tanker traffic, land-based storage and transport of dilbit [heavy oil], all of which directly impact and increase risks to Vancouver’s economy, public health and safety, and the environment” (Hume, 2014). Vancouver had a reputation as being one of the most liveable cities in the world. It could lose this position because of the amount of tankers that are being sent in through the country. The tourism industry of Vancouver alone is valued as a $3.6-billion/year tourism. Adding to it, the most liveable status that has been given to Vancouver increases its commercial and residential property value also. The value is presented as having a worth of around $250-billion (Hume, 2014). Both the tourism industry and the value of the household and the residential property will suffer because of any issue that might arise in the increased tanker traffic. The increased tanker traffic by itself could lead to issues moreover. Spills in the form of accidents could lead to disruption in the form of use of the waterfront and the beach.
If per chance there was an oil spill and the port closes (this would be one of the risks of having the tankers run from field to port), then there would be losses to the Canadian economy in the amount of $20-million a day (Hume, 2014). The report clearly shows that the City of Vancouver wanted to mitigate some issues that would happen immediately and some risks to the environment whose chance of occurrence would increase. The City of Vancouver strives to reduce their carbon footprint by these efforts. The City Councillor was stated as saying “I’m proud Vancouver has taken a leadership role in saying we have to take climate change seriously. We have a commitment to reduce our greenhouse-gas footprint” (Hume, 2014). The City of North Vancouver has taken up the stance to fight the issues that would come with the oil transportation as they believe that it would contribute to increased noise pollution and change their existing property values. Other cities around Vancouver from the B.C province have also raised their concerns. Burnaby, Coquitlam and Surrey are the cities within the province of BC who also wants to raise their concerns about environmental impact.







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大部分美国人知道,call(电话)表示用电话打过去,但是在爱尔兰,意思是让我去她的办公室。如果她希望我call her(打电话给她,这是美国术语),她会让我10分钟后、,phone her“。我知道这很容易混淆,但是每种语言都有它自己有趣的方面和些许的怪癖。这可以看作是很好的学习经历,甚至是有趣的经历。不要让这些错误理解阻止你改善书面英语的脚步。认真从错误中学习,特别是当某个词或短语表示其他意思时。总得来说,留学生写作assignment时需要认真了解导师要求,合理构思论点及结构,在此基础上掌握写作的注意事项,必然可写出一篇合格的asslgnment的。

以上的内容是经过多年的经验总结,得出的写作方法,加拿大高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网在同行业的代写服务机构中以适中的价格,优质的服务,赢得了广大客户群体的称赞,并因此拥有了一大批新老客户。如果需要了解加拿大 assignment代写,可点击上方栏目列表询问客服人员,我们将会耐心,热情的为您解答,给您建议。


樹葉顏色:在熱帶雨林環境中,樹葉的顏色從棕色到淡綠色不等。葉綠素的變化將取決於植被離地面有多近(這意味著它可能無法獲得適當的陽光),或者它可能是較高的植被。葉片形狀:葉片形狀通常較厚,可能有硬葉狀莖。這是抵禦雨水的必要條件。在熱帶雨林中,像芹菜頂端的松樹,它們的頂部是灌木。這不僅是為了確保植物從頂部聚集的葉子中獲得足夠的陽光,而且也將有助於增強植物免受雨水影響的能力。水滴頭:雨林中的植物通過長有水滴頭的葉子來適應雨林。在西芹頂松、南黃樟、桃金孃海灘和軟喬木上採集的數據中,可以發現葉子上的水滴尖端。馬利桉樹是生長在馬利桉樹地區的植物的名字。 Mallee地區是非常平坦的地區,土壤是鹹的和淺的,經常可以看到生長著藻類或各種地衣的外殼。植物生長的植物園的土壤經過特殊處理,以反映馬利土壤的性質。


Leaf color: In the rainforest environment, the leaves are usually colored anywhere from brownish shades, to pale and dark green leaves. The chlorophyll variation will depend based on how close the vegetation is to the ground (meaning it might not have proper access to sunlight) or it might be taller vegetation. Leaf Shape: The leaf shapes are usually thicker and might have hard leaf like stems. This is necessary to stand the rains. In rainforest plants like the Celery Top Pine, they are shrubby at the top. This is not only to ensure that the plants get enough sunlight from its leaves clustered at the top, but would also serve to reinforce the plant from the effect of rains. Drip Tips: Plants in the rainforest adapt to the rainforest by means of having leaves that have what are called the drip tips. In the data collected on the celery top pine, the southern sassafras, myrtle beach and the soft tree, the drip tips can be noticed in the leaves. Mallee is the name given to the vegetation growing in areas where there are Mallee Eucalyptus. The Mallee area are very flat areas and the soil is salty and shallow often seen to be grown with algae or the crust variety of lichens. The soil in the Botanic Garden where the plants are grown is specially treated to reflect the nature of the Mallee soils.
Plant adaptions hence are genuine adaptations made according to the soil type. Leaf Color: The leaf color of the Mallee plant ranges anywhere from light to dark green as seen in the case of the Malle shrubs and the Needle Wattle. Leaf Shape: The Mallee plants will often have tiny leaf structure as this helps them conserve water loss. Water loss conservation is also done by rolling of leaves. During the day times, the leaves might roll in order to stop its constant exposure to the sun. In the data collected, Mallee shrubs such as that of the Phebalium species present themselves with rolled up leaves. The needle wattle and the Cactus Bossiaea have flattened shrunk leaf like structures. Leaf texture: Some plants like the Emu bush will have waxy cuticles on its leaf; this form of a texture will be helpful to disperse light by reflection and hence water is saved. Hair on Leaves: Some of the Phebalium species also has white hair on the surface of the leaf. The white hair will ensure there is restricted movement around the leaf and hence there will be lesser water loss. Seed or Cone Shape: Plants such as the Scrub Cypress Pine has its seeds in cone like structured. This is to ensure that the seeds of the plant do not dry out.







有些题目看起来非常的大,而且很不好写。但是不要着急,看懂题目以后,再找一个叫做marking guide的东西。一般这个不和题目连在一起,老师都会单独在下发一份评分标准。这个标准比题目还重要!写的详细的标准会把要求写出来的内容一项一项列出来。写文章的时候一定要一项不落的把老师要求的内容写出来。如果为了保险起见,干脆把这些内容列成大标题,合理分配字数,基本可以保证不挂科。也有娴熟的老手把老师列的内容全部mixup写,写自己的框架,也是可以的。









公司的服務質量必須在實踐中得到標準化和一致性。服務質量必須在組織中進行測量,以確定服務質量中的問題,如服務不足或服務設計、實現錯誤等。根據Parasuraman, Zeithalm & berry(1985)開發的Gap模型,確定了五個不同的Gap。首先,顧客差距是顧客對服務質量的期望與顧客感知之間的差異。顧客期望不僅受預期服務質量的影響,還受顧客個人背景、生活方式等因素的影響。顧客感知是主觀的,這種感知是由顧客與服務的實際互動形成的。當顧客期望從服務中得到一些質量因素,並在實際感知中得到滿足時,就可以說顧客滿意。
知識差距是第二個差距,這是顧客期望與管理者感知之間的差距。經理應該了解顧客對服務的期望。他們應該知道客戶想要什麼,並且應該解釋客戶的期望,從而修改他們的服務以更好地滿足他們的需求。策略差距是管理感知和服務質量規範之間的差距。服務質量規範可以根據對消費者和市場的研究進行適當的界定。但是,管理可能會錯誤地轉換這些需求,或者服務設計可能不足以滿足服務策略的要求。缺乏標準化和缺乏不同的員工在工作場所的理解等是這種差距的一些常見的例子(Large and Konig, 2009)。


Service quality in a company has to be standardized and consistent in practice. Service quality has to be measured in an organization in order to identify issues in service quality such as shortfalls or design of service, implementation errors etc. According to the Gap model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithalm & berry (1985), five different gaps were identified. Firstly, the customer gap is the different between the expectations of customer on the quality of service and the customer perception. Customer expectation is usually influenced not only by the projected service quality, but also personal background of customer, their way of living etc. Customer perception is subjective and this perception is formed by the customer actually interacting with the service. Where a customer expects some quality factors from a service and has them fulfilled in actual perception, then the customer could be said to be satisfied.
The knowledge gap is the second gap and this is the gap between the customer expectation and the perception of the management. The manager should be knowledgeable about the customer expectation of a service. They should know what the customer wants and should interpret customer expectation to modify their service to meet their needs better.The policy gap is that gap between the management perception and service quality specs. Service quality specifications might be properly defined according to the research done on consumers and the market. However, management might incorrectly translate such requirements, or the service design might not be adequate enough to meet the service policy mandates. Lack of standardization and lack of different employee understanding in workplace etc. are some of the common examples of this gap (Large and Konig, 2009).



基督教是世界上最大的宗教或信仰体系之一,拥有数百万信徒,每天都有数百万人加入。其根本原因在于他们对上帝的定义的看法,以及他们如何看待这个世界上的上帝。基督教信仰单一的上帝,认为上帝是宇宙的创造者,并以他所有的力量支撑着宇宙(Armstrong, 1993)。神被描述为全能的,全在当下的,全知的。这表明,根据基督教,上帝是强大的,并通过奇妙的世界显示他的力量,也有能力维持同样的方式,它目前正在维持。神知道一切,这表明他知道自己在做什么,并且清楚地知道过去、现在和未来。它知道一切可感知的和一切不可感知的。“神无所不在”表明神无处不在,但它对我们是看不见的,因为我们没有装备那神圣的眼睛去看他和感觉他。因此,上帝一般被描述为一种普遍的生命力量,这是我们存在的原因,也知道我们何时以及如何离开这个世界。

这与其他宗教更相似,其他宗教也把上帝描述为“活在当下,对过去、现在和未来都有认识”。同时,宗教也描述了上帝不能被很好地描述,因为它是不确定的和无限的,没有属性作为永久的。它说,它永远无法定义,因为它是无限的,只有我们的心和头脑才能感觉到(Coldcasechristianity.com, 2015)。上帝的完美被认为是上帝无限本质的一部分。因此,一方面,据说上帝无所不知,无所不在,无所不能,但另一方面,它又说,由于上帝的无限本性,上帝不能轻易被描述。因此,上帝的本性是无限的,是无法描述的。人们通常关注上帝的爱和恩典,而不是他的神圣属性和浩瀚,因此很难理解。


Christianity is one of the largest religions or faith systems in the world with millions of followers and many millions joining every day. The underlying reason is about the outlook they have for the definition of God and how they view God in this world. Christianity believes in one single God and takes God as the creator of the universe and also sustains the universe with all his powers (Armstrong, 1993). God is described to be all powerful, all present and all knowing. This indicates that God, according to Christianity, is all powerful and displays his power through the wonderful world and also has the capacity to sustain the same in the manner that it is sustaining currently. The God all knows indicating that it knows what it is doing and is well aware of the past, the present, and the future. It knows everything which is perceived and all that which is not perceived. ‘God is all present’ indicates that God is present everywhere, but it is invisible to us as we are not equipped with that divine eyes to see him and feel him. Thus, God in general is described as a general force of life which is the reason for our existence and also knows when and how we will go away from this world.

This is more similar to other religions which also describe God to be all present and have the knowledge of the past, present, and the future. At the same time, the religion also describes that God cannot be described well as it is indefinite and limitless and has not attributes as permanent. It says that it can never be defined because it is infinite and only be felt with our hearts and mind (Coldcasechristianity.com, 2015). The perfection of God is said to be a part of the essence of the infinity of God. Thus, at one hand, it is said that God all knows, all present, and all powerful, but on the other hand, it says that God cannot be described easily due to its infinite nature. Thus, God’s nature is of infinity and is not describable. People generally focus on the love and grace of God rather than his divine attributes and vastness, and therefore find it difficult to understand.





















以上的内容是经过多年的经验总结,对英语论文得出的方法,加拿大高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网在同行业的代写服务机构中以适中的价格,优质的服务,赢得了广大客户群体的称赞,并因此拥有了一大批新老客户。如果需要了解加拿大 assignment代写,可点击上方栏目列表询问客服人员,我们将会耐心,热情的为您解答,给您建议。

assignment first:导演的作品风格

assignment first:导演的作品风格

大卫·芬奇从事电影制作。他是一位著名的导演,电影和系列的制片人。他的电影制作技巧赢得了许多赞誉。他的作品有一种独特的风格。他创作了许多商业上成功的电影。他最著名的作品有电影《搏击俱乐部》、《七》、《社交网络》、《十二宫》、《本杰明·巴顿奇事》等。他最近的一部电影是《消失的爱人》(Knapp 4),《纸牌屋》系列也是大卫·芬奇创作的一部成功之作。他专注于许多类型的电影,如暴力、浪漫和戏剧。《社交网络电影》是Facebook创始人的传记。在他早期的电影中,导演主要关注暴力和黑暗主题。不过电影中,如社交网络和古玩本杰明巴顿奇事》中,导演也关注其他元素(Knapp 7)。尽管人们一直关注不同的流派,导演都集中在一些流派和他的描写黑暗的主题和色彩是非常独特的。

assignment first:导演的作品风格
这是一个超现实的场景,观众随着主角也感到困惑。这展示了导演的才华和他独特的电影艺术。他的主角原则并不是绝对道德的。在他们的角色中有许多灰色的阴影(Knapp 9)。主角有一些有趣的可关联的方面,让观众与他们联系起来。然而,也有冲突和超现实事件的存在,使观众从本质上进入故事情节。在导演的所有电影中,他的电影都有沉闷的基调,忧郁的音乐,人物的缓慢发展。没有多少赏心悦目的商业元素。然而,在描绘电影时,人物被赋予了主要的焦点。导演也进化了,对事件有独特的看法。这部电影是1999年上映的。恰克·帕拉尼克的小说是这部电影的灵感来源。

assignment first:导演的作品风格

David Fincher is involved in the business of filmmaking. He is a well-known director, producer of films and series. He has won many accolades for his filmmaking skills. There is a distinctive style that is observed in his productions. He has created a number of commercially successful movies. Some of his most prominent works are the movies Fight club, Seven, Social Network, Zodiac, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, to name a few. His most recent cinema is Gone girl (Knapp 4). House of cards series is also a successful series that has been essentially created by David Fincher. He has focused on a number of genres like violence, romance, and drama. Social network movie is a biography of the Facebook founder. In his earlier movies the director has focused on violence and dark themes. Nevertheless in movies like Social Network, and Curios Case of Benjamin Button, the director has also focused on other elements (Knapp 7). Even though there has been focus on different genres, the Director has focused on a number of genres and his portrayal of Dark themes and undertones is very unique.

assignment first:导演的作品风格
There is a surreal situation and the audience along with the main protagonist is also perplexed. This showcases the brilliance of the director and his distinctive art of filmmaking. His protagonist principles are not absolutely moral. There are many shades of grey in their characters (Knapp 9). There are interesting relatable aspects of the main protagonist that makes the viewer to connect with them. However there is also presence of conflicts and surreal events that make the audience become essentially drawn into the story line. In all the movies of the director, dull undertones, melancholy music and slow development of the characters are observed in his movies. There are not many visually pleasing commercial elements. However, the character is given the main focus while picturing the movie. Director has also evolved and has unique take on events. This movie was released in 1999. Chuck Palahniuk novel is the source of inspiration for this movie.

assignment 代写:微软收购诺基亚

assignment 代写:微软收购诺基亚

由于微软收购诺基亚,客户已经暴露出几个优点和缺点。其中一个关键的好处在于,每一种模式的创新范围都在扩大,核心技术强大而独特(Curwen, 2014)。随着每一个模型的引入,附加属性和特性的范围都得到了增强。然而,由于两家公司之间的利益冲突,未来可能会出现车型价格上涨的情况。微软的重点是智能手机,而诺基亚的重点是客户(Curwen, 2014)。通过将价格提高到一定限度,微软可能会成功地维持诺基亚在几个市场的功能手机主导地位,随着智能手机的成熟,微软将逐步淘汰功能手机。这笔交易可能不会对微软的研究和创新设施产生重大影响,但在诺基亚的某些制造设施下,创新和制造的投资可能会增加(Buchsteiner, 2015)。未来,在Windows 8和Windows NT的共享组件等关键功能方面,还会有一些额外的好处。

assignment 代写:微软收购诺基亚
未来不久,将会有一款基于Windows操作系统的平板电脑问世,为未来的平板电脑用户提供使用体验。未来,人们期望在支持Windows操作系统上的所有类型游戏的同时,增强游戏用户的体验,并且通过收购,微软将成功创建专注于游戏客户的设备线(Singh, 2014)。最近的行业数据显示,微软的Windows Phone 8在西班牙、意大利、法国、德国和英国这五个欧洲市场的市场份额最高,为8.3%。然而,这使得移动操作系统超越了黑莓的品牌,在34个市场的销量超过了黑莓,在全球的受欢迎程度排名第三。这说明Windows Phone在全球仅占有3.7%的市场份额,与Android所占份额的60% – 80%相比,这一比例相当小(Yurieva, 2015)。

assignment 代写:微软收购诺基亚

The customers have been exposed to several benefits and shortcomings as a result of the takeover of Nokia by Microsoft. One of the key benefit lies in the enhanced scope of innovation in each and every model, with the core technology being powerful and unique (Curwen, 2014). There has been an enhancement in the scope of additional attributes and features with every single model introduced. However, there might be a rise in the prices of models to come due to a conflict of interest between the two companies. The key focus of Microsoft is on smartphone, while the key focus of Nokia is on customer (Curwen, 2014). By raising prices to a certain limit, Microsoft may be successful in maintaining the feature phone dominance of Nokia in several markets, and with the mature of smartphone, it will be phasing out the segment of feature phone. The deal may not have a major impact on the facility of research and innovation at Microsoft, but there might be an increased investment of innovation and manufacturing in certain facilities of manufacturing under Nokia (Buchsteiner, 2015). Further ahead, there will be certain additional benefits in terms of key features such as shared components of Windows 8 and Windows NT. Considering this feature, some of the programs will be allowed for working on each and every phone of Nokia.

assignment 代写:微软收购诺基亚
Further ahead, soon there will be a tablet on the basis of Windows, providing the experience to use tablets in the years to come. Further ahead, there is an expectation for enhancing the experience of gaming user, while supporting every type of games on Windows OS, and as a result of acquisition, Microsoft will be successful in the creation of device line with focus on gaming the customer (Singh, 2014). Recent figures of the industry have depicted that Windows Phone 8 by Microsoft has been posting highest share in the market being 8.3 percent in five markets of Europe, which are Spain, Italy, France, Germany and UK. However, this has allowed the mobile OS for leapfrogging the brand of Blackberry, outselling them across 34 markets, and being at rank 3 in terms of popularity across the globe. This depicts that Windows Phone has been holding only 3.7 per cent of the market across the globe, and this is considerably small in comparison with that of Android, having 60 to 80 per cent of the share (Yurieva, 2015).



事务性销售,也被称为传统销售,更侧重于短期销售,其中营销人员的主要关注点是产品的推广和提高销售。通过大众营销促进销售,事务性销售是一种以产品为导向的方法,将产品的特性作为销售工具(Zoltners, Sinha & Lorimar, 2004)。Gronroos(1994)的结论是,营销人员需要超越使用营销组合来增加公司产品的销售。信任的概念是关系营销的核心,它是通过参与高质量的互动而产生的。在以信任为基础的销售中,主要的重点是与客户建立长期的关系,因此在决策过程中需要消费者的大量参与。相反,以交易为中心的销售侧重于产品的销售,很少强调在决策过程中获得客户的投入。基于信任的销售甚至可以导致客户愿意支付更多(Business Blueprint, 2012)。市场营销领域的突破与Galper(2015)的工作有关,他提出了不同的方法来处理销售过程。

传统的直销使销售人员感到不舒服。与可能对卖家没有积极态度的客户交谈的想法可能成为焦虑的来源,因为对拒绝的恐惧接管了卖家(Verbeke & Bagozzi, 2000)。当卖家不具备管理与客户互动的技巧时,会导致负面评价。此外,试图排除非正式的沟通和创造性使得传统的直接销售是一种有缺陷的方法(Galper, n.d.a)。Galper(2015)提供了一些有用的见解,让直销超越了结束销售的行为,变得更有意义。Galper (n.d.b)分享了他的个人经验,以确定信任如何是成功的销售关系的基础。正如Galper (n.d.b)指出的那样,这不是为了在目标市场或买家之间建立信任,双方都需要在互动过程中体验舒适感。作为一个卖家,作者提出的想法可以帮助我克服在直销环境下可能会感到的不适和犹豫。


Transactional selling, also termed as traditional selling, is more focused on short term sales, where the primary focus of a marketer is on the promotion of the product and enhancing the sales. Sales are enhanced through mass marketing, and transactional selling is a product-oriented approach, where the features of a product are used as tools to sell (Zoltners, Sinha & Lorimar, 2004). Grönroos (1994) has concluded that marketing officials need to move beyond the use of marketing mix for increasing the sales of the company products. The concept of trust is at the core of relationship marketing, which is created through being engaged in quality interaction. In trust based selling the main focus is on creation of long term relationship with the customer, thus necessitating significant level of consumer involvement during decision making process. Conversely, the transaction focused selling focuses on sale of the product, with little emphasis on gaining input from the customer during the decision making process. Trust based selling can even result in the customers willing to pay more (Business Blueprint, 2012).A breakthrough in the field of marketing is associated with the work of Galper (2015), who has offered different approaches to handling the sales process.

Traditional direct selling induces feelings of discomfort among the sales personnel (Galper, n.d.a). The idea of talking to customers who may not show a positive attitude towards the seller can become a source of anxiety, as the fear of rejection takes over the seller (Verbeke & Bagozzi, 2000). When a seller is not equipped with the technique to manage his interaction with the customers, it results in negative evaluation. Furthermore, trying to exclude informal communication and creativity makes the traditional direct sales a flawed approach (Galper, n.d.a).Galper (2015) has provided some useful insight into the way direct selling can be made more meaningful, moving beyond the act of closing sales. Galper (n.d.b) has shared his personal experience to identify how trust is the foundation of successful sales relationship. It is not about creating trust among the target market, or buyers, as Galper (n.d.b) has pointed out that both parties need to experience comfortduring the interaction. As a seller, the ideas presented by the author can help in overcoming the discomfort and hesitation I am likely to feel in the context of direct sales.