标签存档: 澳洲论文代写






经济-经济因素描述了运作本组织所使用的经济性质的有关方面。格洛丽亚·吉恩抓住这个机会,因为澳大利亚的消费者都是高度不可退还的收入(Worthington & Britton, 2015)。



Gloria Jean’s coffee is in the cash cow sector. The market share of the company has increased, but the development is still negligible. There are some beverages apart from coffee that people considered them as the part of their daily life such as juices and coke etc.


Political-The political or the legal environment describes the laws and the regulations which are needed to be followed by the company for the betterment of the business. The Fair trade certificate is being established for the business of Coffee by the Australian government.
Economic-Economic factors describe the concerned aspects of the nature of the economy used for operating the organization. Gloria Jean takes the opportunity as the consumers of Australia consist of highly non-refundable income (Worthington & Britton, 2015).
Social-Social and the cultural factors seem to be influencing the coffee industry as it varies from country to country. It becomes the major factor for Gloria Jean to understand the factors regarding the social risks and it can be able to place the terms and the conditions accordingly for the purpose of sales and consumption.




该报告提供了格洛丽亚·吉恩咖啡的详细信息,该咖啡正在分析以确定市场的竞争地位。因此,与国际市场相比,格洛丽亚·让·咖啡(Gloria Jean Coffee)专注于将自己的业务拓展给当地人。该分析包括宏观环境、SWOT分析、竞争分析以及公司战略的细节,以实现本报告的目的。


一位澳大利亚商人,Nabi Saleh,咖啡专家和情人,以及他的商业伙伴在澳大利亚建立了一家美食咖啡馆。1996年,第一个格洛丽亚·吉恩的咖啡馆在悉尼开业。到2004年,该公司已经在澳大利亚各地开设了220多家咖啡店,并建立了自己的品牌名称(Coffees, 2017)。

格洛丽亚·珍的咖啡在全世界40个市场拥有950多家咖啡店。公司拥有一万多名员工,提供各种各样的产品,如冷咖啡、热咖啡、茶、冰沙、沙漠、咖啡和烘焙食品。该公司的净收入为6.64亿美元。Gloria Jean咖啡的财务报表显示了该公司在市场上的表现。EBITA的增长为27.2%,NPAT为27.4%,每股收益为17.9%。


The report provides the details of the Gloria Jean’s Coffee which is being analysed for determining the competitive position in the market. Therefore, the Gloria Jean Coffee is focusing on franchising their business to the locals in comparison to the international markets. The analysis consists of the macro environment, SWOT, Competitive analysis and the details of the strategies of the company with the objectives which fulfil the motive of this report.


An Australian businessman, Nabi Saleh, coffee expert and lover, together with his business partner established a gourmet coffee shop in Australia. The first Gloria Jean’s Coffee shop was opened in the year 1996 in Sydney. By 2004, the company had opened more than 220 coffee shops all across Australia and established its brand name (Coffees, 2017).
Gloria Jean’s Coffee has more than 950 coffee shops across 40 markets all over the world. The company has more than 10,000 employees and provides a wide range of products such as cold coffee, hot coffee, tea, smoothies, deserts, coffee accessories and bakery food. The net income of the company is $66.4 million. The financial statements of Gloria Jean’s Coffee show the performance of the company in the market. The growth of EBITA is 27.2%, NPAT is 27.4% and earnings per share are 17.9%.







Human rights belong to all humans and are present for the person irrespective of whatever their place of residence, sex, nationality, colour and origin. The concept of human rights has often been pulled up in current literature and in media works because of the rights violation that is happening across global population. For instance, refugee related issues, deregulation related human rights violation and more are concerns that plague humankind. Given this background context, this reflective piece discusses the theme of human rights in the context of New Zealand culture and society. Human rights are personally important to everybody and this essay discusses it from the larger notion of cultural and societal values.

The Concept of Human Rights in the context of understanding Culture and Society
Human rights are universal for all people and are considered as inalienable rights for the people as emphasized in the 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights and in the 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human rights. Human rights in relation to culture emphasizes on non-discrimination. Non-discrimination is a main principle in International Human Rights Law. The principle ensures that no individual is discriminated based on his or her religion, sex, culture and race etc. The principle applied to all human beings states that all human beings of all different cultures are born free and are equal when it comes to their dignity and rights.






一个服务行业在澳大利亚克服营销服务的传统障碍,是维珍澳大利亚最近提出一个创新技术提供世界级的豪华即适应和熟悉的改造和B / E建立航空超级钻石的座位,这是针对乘客提供一个世界级的豪华飞行旅程。除了新的变化,现有的地方还有充足的存储空间,触摸屏座椅的控制,平板支架,充足的手臂空间,单色的调色板,以及精巧的安装和定制的灯光设置。澳大利亚维珍航空公司(Virgin Australia)不仅竭尽全力重新设计其品牌形象和相关的象征意义,而且还致力于开发乘客的最新技术需求,并让旅途变得井然有序、舒适惬意。除了商务舱外,还引入了餐厅风格的菜单和桌布,以及翻新的套房,确保乘客享受美食的感觉,即使在高海拔的地方也能吃到午餐。因此,我们看到这样的服务部门可以重新获得提供服务的传统方式,并使他们的存在感。


Services are different from products in the sense that they are intangible and have no standard form on which they can be presented and weighed. Mostly services are abstract concepts and ideas crystallized into the needs of the consumers. And hence, value-creation and retention is of prime importance for marketing services. Values such as trust, result-oriented performance within a given time frame, and deliverability of the same in a consumer-specific manner. Since products can be judged on their basis of their physical efficacy whereas services cannot, good services warranty more opportunities for the service business through word-of-mouth advertising. Examples of the same are in the healthcare, IT, airline, and beauty care industries, etc.


One service industry in Australia which has overcome the traditional barriers of marketing services, is the Virgin Australia which has recently come up with an innovative technique of providing world-class luxury i.e. adaptation and renovation of the familiar and established B/E Aerospace Super Diamond Seat, which is targeted at providing passengers a world-class luxury flight journey. In addition to the new changes, existing in place are ample storage, touchscreen seat controls, tablet holder, ample arm space, a monochrome colour palette, along with cleverly installed and customized light settings. Not only has Virgin Australia made all efforts to redesign its branding and associated symbolism, it has also taken care to tap into latest technological needs of passengers, and made the journey a sleek and comfortable experience. An addition to the Business Class, the introduction of restaurant-styled menus and table linen to go along with the refurbished suites, ensures passengers enjoy the feel of fine dining and lunching even at high altitudes.

Thus, we see that service sectors in this way can rehaul the conventional ways of providing their services and make their presence felt.



搬运工在解释国家角色方面的作用将在本节中解释,举例说明将有助于解释这一事实。可以采取汽车产业的例子:中国教育程度低,这是他们有不熟练的劳动力的主要原因。他们希望聘用来自美国,英国,德国和日本等国家的熟练劳动力(Bellak and Weiss,1993)。与美国,英国,德国和日本这些国家相比,他们要求欠发达国家和发展中国家的劳动力,因为那里的劳动力充足而且便宜。日本的丰田公司指出,他们在研发方面的投入比任何国家或公司都要多,因为他们想保持竞争优势(Baldwin,1993)。波特五力只讨论了以下事实:


The role of porters downplay in explaining the role of the state will be explained in this section and example will be provided that will help in explaining this fact. Example of automobile industry can be taken: China has low level of education and this is the major reason that they have unskilled labour. They want to employ skilled labour from other countries like US, UK, Germany and Japan (Bellak and Weiss, 1993). In comparison with these countries US, UK, Germany and Japan they are asking for the labour from underdeveloped and developing countries because the labour over there is in abundance and cheap. Toyota of Japan has noted that they have invested on research and development more than any country or company because they want to maintain the competitive advantage (Baldwin, 1993). Porter five forces only discussed about the following facts:

1.Threat of new entrants: in this attribute the discussion is based on the higher fixed costs that are present in the market, loyalty of the major brands in the country. Today every market is looking at the competition and this competition is getting intense because of the changing demands of customers (Garelli, 2003).
2.Power of the suppliers: for some products the power of suppliers is higher because not everyone is willing to supply the products. This aspect explains the importance of suppliers for the industry and products (Grant, 1991).
3.Power of customers: commonly in every market the power is in the hands of the customers because they have are the ones making and breaking the situation.
4.Threat of substitutes: this is a major threat that has captured most of the markets in different countries. These markets have gained the competitive advantage of most of the companies (Ketels, 2006).
5.Competitive rivalry: this is the major impact and this is present in most parts of the world.





The third topic of discussion was related to one’s own perception on his or her style of communication. The question was that “How perception influences one’s communication style?” Perception is something which increases one’s own experience. It helps a person to think in a better way and to broaden his knowledge about anything. It is something which influences one’s way of thinking. Therefore, it is reflected in the way he communicate himself. Thus, perception is very important with respect to one’s thinking and ability. In order to communicate in an easy manner, one needs to understand and investigate deeply into the topic. Thus, it is important to have a perception in order to have a better communication. The views of the other person were similar in this scenario. He also believed the same and considered perception to be an important entity for communication style. Difference between Perception and communication was another subject of discussion. Perception may be defined as the ways in which a person perceive the events. It can thus, be defined as the way by which a person receives the information and responds to the same. On the other hand , communication is the act of communicating with another person. It’s the act in which we speak and show of our thoughts to the world. The other interviewer, said that perception and communication though are interdependent, but they bears some kind of differences. On one hand, perception is the way a person receive the information and the facts related to it.




过敏和哮喘患者可能比不过敏和哮喘的人更了解空气质量。关于过敏和哮喘与室内空气质量关系的理论很多。为了解室内空气质量的原因(IAQ)和感知与它相关的研究(Graudenz等,2006)。样本研究的对象是慢性变应性鼻炎患者和对照组。研究目的三十三人遭质疑。在研究分析中,受试者在办公室环境中在相对湿度不变的情况下被暴露在不同的温度下。参与者被要求回答的问题,采用问卷调查方法。然后收集的数据与室内空气质量的理论进行了统计上的比较,这代表了过敏和哮喘的关系,因为室内空气质量越差,获得呼吸条件的机会就越大。初期温度为14度,逐渐升高。在14度室温的过敏的人说他们觉得有些过敏过敏。在18度和22度的室温下,鼻炎患者得出结论,他们对污浊潮湿的空气感到非常不舒服,他们说他们的意识也受到影响。在22度,有些人说他们不想清楚。有过敏体质的人认为他们感到不适的整体感。控制组的人说他们没有感觉到所有这些不良反应。经调查分析有不同的室内空气品质的理论与患过敏相关(格劳登茨et al,2006),过敏体质的人可能会受到室内污染空气的一个更大的反应。关于空气质量如何影响人们的常规理论在结果中没有看到。每个人都有自己的主观看法,它是如何影响他们的个人。对照组未报告任何疑虑。在18度,他们所描述的环境舒适、漂亮。这些结果证明,在对空气质量的看法中,过敏者各有其主观观点和感受。


People with allergies and asthma might comprehend the air quality much differently than that of people without allergies and asthma. There are many theories on the relationship between allergies or asthma and indoor air quality. For comprehending the reasons of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and the perceptions associated with it a study was conducted by (Graudenz et al, 2006). The people in the sample study were the people who were chronically affected with allergic rhinitis and the control group. For the purpose of the study thirty-three people were questioned. For the study analysis the participants were exposed to different temperature at a constant relative humidity in an office environment. The participants were then asked to answer the questions using a questionnaire method. The data that was collected was then statistically compared to the theories of Indoor Air Quality that represent an association with allergies and asthma, as the worse being the indoor air quality, the greater the chance of someone acquiring a breathing condition. In the initial stages the temperature was set at 14 degrees and they were gradually increased. At 14 degrees room temperature the allergic people said they felt some allergic irritations. At 18 degrees and 22 degrees room temperature the people with rhinitis concluded that they felt very uncomfortable with stagnant humid air and they said they felt that even their mental awareness was affected as such. At 22 degrees some people said they could not think clearly. The people with allergies concluded they felt a overall sense of discomfort. The people who were in the control group said they did not feel all of these adverse reactions.  It was found from the survey analysis there are different IAQ theories associated with the people suffering from allergies (Graudenz et al, 2006) and that people with allergies may suffer a greater reaction to indoor polluter air. The regular theories as to how air quality would affect the people were not seen in the results. The people each had their own subjective views as to how it affected them individually. The control group however did not report any qualms. At 18 degrees they described the environment as pleasant and nice. These results proved that the people suffering from allergies each had their own subjective views and feelings when it comes to the perceptions of the quality of air.





The three major aspects of one’s social life which directly impact the economics of the nation are health, education and crime. The former two affect the overall human development index as they carry a third share each in the HDI. Crime is important because if the crime rate is high, it leads to a lot of uncertainty in the life of the citizen. People who have the ability to learn and work and earn for themselves are not very interested in doing so because a part of their earnings go to the extortionists and the mafias. They would either loot them or use other illicit measures to obtain what were rightfully others. This uncertainty hinders people from earning their living and by default; they choose to go about living wrongly- in an immoral way.

A good proportion of the people believe that education is not getting better over the years. 16.12% believe that it has gotten worse, 30.62% believe that it is getting little worse and an equal proportion of the respondents believe that it has stayed about the same. While the median voter here finds himself in the middle zone i.e., education hasn’t change much, 46.74% people believe that it has gone worse. Consecutively, education needs to be a top agenda on the election propaganda.

A similar, if not worse situation is evident in the sector of health. 24.84% people believe that NHS is getting a lot worse whereas 37.98% believe that it has gotten a little worse making a total of 62.82% in the group who are disappointed by the performance of health care facilities in the country. The median voter clearly lies in the disparaged zone and health needs to be addressed, perhaps given more importance than education.

The picture for crime rates is a bit better. Yet, only 18.41% people believe that crime rate has fallen. 23.76% believe that it has increased a little.



在后来的阶段,埃及和安纳托利亚的大部分地区,作为一个帝国和国家来控制肥沃的新月。美索不达米亚北部的一半是巴比伦尼亚,大致被称为亚述,而首都是尼尼微。一个大王国在过去三次被亚述王控制(米勒2009)。这些从公元前20世纪到第15世纪,即公元前15世纪至公元前10年,即公元前911 – 612年,即所谓的新亚述时期或王国。新亚述人是唯一一个被记录在案并且广为人知的时期。


被分配给亚述人的另一个名字是古代世界的罗马人;这是因为他们在军事上很有效率,而且很残酷,也都是压迫者。这是他们帝国中最大的军队,波斯人以(Elat 1978)闻名于世。因为他们的数目,他们就吞灭所征服的列国。另一方面,他们被称为开明的征服者,因为他们自由地允许被征服的国家有一些他们的法律和文化。犹太人得到了一个机会,让他们回到自己的国家,重建家园。波斯人容忍了这些国家的宗教信仰。


In the later stages, Egypt and much of Anatolia together as an empire and nation came to control the Fertile Crescent. The northern half of the Mesopotamia which was Babylonia was roughly referred to as Assyria Proper of which the capital was Nineveh. A large kingdom was controlled by the Assyrian kings in the past for three times (Miller 2009). These were from 20th to 15th BC known as Old period, 15th to 10th BC known as Middle period and 911-612 BC which was known as Neo-Assyrian period or kingdom. Neo-Assyrian is the only period which is best documented and well-known.

It was near a mountain region that the Assyrian homeland was located. It also extended to high Carduchian or Gordiaean ranges of mountain which are also known as Mountains of Ashur by many. To undermine the walls of the city Assyrians invented excavation by battering the rams so as to known down the gates. They also engaged in the concept of corps of engineers in which they rendered soldiers with inflatable skins for the purpose of swimming and also bridged rivers with pontoons.
The other name assigned to the Assyrians was the Romans of the Ancient World; this was because of the fact that they were very efficient in their military conquests and were cruel and were oppressors too. It was for the largest army in their empire that Persians were well known for (Elat 1978). Because of their numbers they swallowed up the nations which they conquered. On the other hand they were known as the Enlightened Conquerors as they were liberal to allow the nations which were conquered to have some of their laws and cultures. Jews were given an opportunity by them to get back to their nations and rebuild it. The religious beliefs of the nations were tolerated by the Persians.



一般来说,固定的分区必须有一个标准的64毫米钢钉在它的固定的单层上,并且在每一边固定的石膏板和完成的油漆。如果声音处理在操作上是必须的,那么它就可以沿着附加的石膏板、声音填充或其他技术专家的结构。在屋顶上的舱壁必须被忽略,除非它很明显是需要的,因为它的初始成本很重,当租户离开时第一次开采成本,而初始价格的增加可以通过空调的服务来改变。按照规定,改变的包裹应该从标准的64mm大小的钢钉和单独的薄钢板上进行开发,并在每一面和一个漆面上画上石膏板。在这种情况下,声音处理实际上是很重要的,因此它可能会在额外的石膏板、声填充或其他主开发的基础上实现。在屋顶上的舱壁应该被避开,除非是由于他们的高昂的入门费用,在占用期间的疏散费用被放弃了,而更换空调和冷却系统的费用也增加了。(James e .导演奖,1992)。







In general, the partitions that are fixed must have a standard of 64mm steel studs in its taped single layer and it fixed plasterboard on every side and completion of painting. If sound treatment was operationally must, hence it could be taken along added plates of plasterboard, sound infill or other technical specialist constructions. Bulkheads which are above the roof must have to be ignored unless it is obviously needed because of its heavy initial cost, the first cost of extraction when the tenant has vacated and the increase of initial price can be modified by the service of air conditioning that suit. As a rule, altered parcels ought to be developed from standards of 64mm sized steel studs along with a solitary thin plate section of taped and arrange plasterboard on each one side and a painted completion. On the off chance that sound treatment is practically important, hence this might abide accomplished with extra layers of plasterboard, acoustic infill or other master development. Bulkheads over the roof ought to be evaded unless completely essential in view of their high introductory expense, the expense of evacuation during the occupancy was abandoned and the increased price of changing aerating and cooling administrations to suit. (James E. Rappoport, 1992).


The normal building roof is to be held and adjusted just if practically important. On the off chance that the building’s guidelines roof was adjusted, hence it would be reestablished to its unique state during the occupancy was cleared.

Regularly, a particular rejected roof would be introduced of a component as the building. All roof tiles or completions modified or harmed by the occupant must be supplanted and/or repaired by the inhabitant.


Ordinarily, cover or floor covering tiles would be given abide the building’s holder. Every floor covering or rug tiles adjusted or harmed abide the inhabitant must have been supplanted and repaired by the occupant is towards suite unique floor complete during the tenure is abandoned.