


The News Limited and Fairfax duopoly have been creating a completely narrative agenda for a number of landscapes related to the Australian media landscape. In addition to this, both the mechanism such as radio and TV news network led to the creation of a number of news feeds from the Australian Associated Press. As a result of an excessive dependency of a single medium, the deals which are related to the sharing of the content and also become more and more common in Network Ten which is related to Fairfax Digital.

After 2007, there has been a significant increase in the number of complaints by the people of Australia. Both the Australian media industry and the journalists which are the part of the industry are governed by array of organizations. The business related arrangements and various corporate dealings of media organizations are also being watched by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and APC (Australian Press Council). These bodies form to be the primary bodies where the public complaints are made on the Australian media. Thus they are the point of contact for a number of external parties to lodge a complaint related to the Australian radio and Television and Print media content. These bodies’ functions to breach the media codes and also play the role of the mediators between the outlets and the audience related to the same. The total complaints received in for Television media the year 2007 were around 1218. Out of these around 136 complaints were investigated, 47 complaints were found to be related to breach finding, 89 were found to be non breach finding. Similarly in the year 2009-2010, the total numbers of complaints were reported to be around 2061. In case of Print media, the total complains received in 2007 were around 457 and it has grown to 566 in the year 2010-2011. From the data, it is clear that the number of complains have increased year by year (Altman). Also, from 2005-2010, there has been an overall increase of around 57 percent.

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