


新西兰政府的预测取决于到澳大利亚旅游人数的增加。由于澳大利亚旅游市场在这一领域表现良好,假期游客人数大幅增长(Rochelle Turner, 2015)。假日旅行的预订量一直很好。旅游业被认为是国家经济崛起的重要组成部分。旅游业每年为该国经济贡献约186亿美元。这一荣誉属于所有经营酒店和旅游业务的新西兰人。即使是那些向他们提供产品的人,也在旅游业增长的成功中分到了一杯羹。本文将讨论新西兰政府对旅游业的预测背后的主要策略和原因。新西兰旅游业是第二大外汇收入来源。下面的图表显示了旅游业如何在新西兰经济的不同方面做出了巨大的贡献。kaitiakitanga(监护)和manaakitanga(酒店)的原则是新西兰旅游业可持续发展的基础原则。旅游业致力于在这些原则的基础上提供酒店服务,这也将管理和保护该国的文化和环境。
新西兰旅游业的增长将有利于经济的增长。新西兰旅游业“对GDP的直接贡献为106亿美元(占GDP的4.9%)”(tourism New Zealand, 2016)。新西兰的旅游业将给该国的经济带来明显的增长。新西兰旅游业每天提供8 160万美元的营业额。旅游业的主要目标是为游客提供可持续的环境和保持国家的文化。可持续旅游将在社会、文化、经济和环境方面带来利润。旅游业的增长也将带来基础设施和就业发展的增长(Alsop, Stewart, & Bamford, 2012)。旅游业将吸引和留住有技能的劳动力,从而增加就业增长。旅游业也将鼓励使用再生能源和参与节能。因此,新西兰的旅游业将增加整体经济,并为新西兰的环境和保护目标作出贡献。


The forecast of the New Zealand government is dependent on the increase in the number of visitors to Australia. As Australian tourism market has been performing well in the field, with tremendous growth in the holiday arrivals (Rochelle Turner, 2015). The forward bookings to the holiday travels have been going good. Tourism is considered to be significant component in the rise of country’s economy. Tourism contributes around $18.6 billion to the economy of the country every year. The credit goes to all New Zealanders, who are operating hospitality and tourism business. Even those who supply products to them have their share in the success of increased tourism. The essay will discuss the major strategies and reason behind the forecast of New Zealand government over tourism.New Zealand Tourism is the second largest earner of foreign exchange. The graph below shows that how tourism has a great contribution in the different aspects of New Zealand’s economy.The principles of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and manaakitanga (hospitality) are the foundation principles for the sustainability of the tourism New Zealand. The tourism sector is committed to provide hospitality based on these principles, which will also manage and protect the country’s culture and environment.
The increased growth in the New Zealand tourism industry will benefit in increasing the economy. The tourism in New Zealand “generated a direct contribution to GDP of $10.6 billion (4.9% of GDP),” (Tourism New Zealand, 2016). The tourism industry in New Zealand is going to create evident increase in the economy of the country. Tourism industry in New Zealand provides the turnover of $81.6 million per day. The main goals of the tourism industry are to provide sustainable environment to the visitors and maintaining the culture of the country. The sustainable tourism will provide profit in social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects. The growth in tourism will also bring growth in infrastructure and employment development (Alsop, Stewart, & Bamford, 2012). Tourism will attract and retain the skilled workforce and thus increase the employment growth. The tourism will also encourage use of renewal energy and participate in energy conservation. Thus the tourism industry in New Zealand will increase the overall economy and contribute to New Zealand’s environmental and conservation goals.