




Second objective that has been proposed is how they meet or satisfy consumer requirements. In this process there is analysis of how it meets consumer expectations. To analyse this trend, data will be collected based on the interviews or feedback from the consumer.From this, the data will be analysed based on the patterns of movement. The research outcomes will be measured by the statistical summary of the movement and the average sitting times of the people. Data will be synthesized and the possible research outcome from this would be to arrange or align the interior according to the consumer requirement. Apart from this, people who are accustomed to traditional Chinese culture will be asked about the aesthetics of the place and this would also be factored in while making changes to the restaurant. From this, I will undertake a combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative statistical analysis to understand about the situation and fill the gaps in the actual setting. This is the overall strategy.To ensure that the customer feel the Chinese experience by developing an appropriate architectural design element. To increase the customer visiting the place for the aesthetically appeal of the place. For this, the questions will be directed toward the customers as to what they feel about the place and by recording the movements and foot traffic into the shop.
This has been identified as the research purpose. It has been found for this analysis, the deductive analysis approach or top down approach has been suggested. This approach has been deemed appropriate because the end consumer movement are recorded. The end consumers’ actions basically restore the value of the hunch of the original researcher. The feedback of the customers is recorded and there are insights gathered based on these analysis. Nevertheless to verify the veracity of the information conventional and popular qualitative and quantitative approaches will be used to test the validity of the theory. Data will be obtained from the relevant stakeholders after ensuring that they are compliant with the ethical standards. It will then be presented in the form of quantitative analysis data in the form of charts and graphs to show the direct tangible impact of the design. Apart from this, it will also factor in qualitative data to essentially showcase the results of the hunch of the original designer. There will also be elements of deductive analysis used to make the results appropriate and present the audience with the broader and the specific terms of the issues.