


Cheongsam dress is the product that will be sold by the SEED Company. They should name the apparel with traditional Chinese name “piào” range of products. This means elegant in mandarin. Elegency of the design and the aesthetic value will be promulgated by the use of the word piào. Chinese origin consumers in UK will connect based on the use of Native Chinese language. Other ethnicity people will develop curiosity of the product over this name. Piào can be used to develop the particular product range regarding Cheongsam.
Brand Sponsorship
Before divulging into brand development the fundamental goals and objectives of the product should be defined in advance (Zeugner-Roth, et al., 2015). For the case of SEED the objectives are to establish a brand awareness of the product. Ensure that sales are made in order to break even in the initial fiscal year. Promise the customers of the fulfilment of wearing quality garments that are aesthetically valuable to China. Advertisements should elucidate that merchandise is sold lower than the market price of similar products. There should be initial promotion made by the company in order to engage with the consumers.
Brand Development
Based on motivation models, culture models and perception brand development of product should be done. SEED Company should explain to the consumers about the unique culture of China and the richness of the culture. The values of China should be exemplified in this brand development. SEED brand should be aligned with value system of China. UK consumers should be made to feel that they could connect with the Chinese value system and experience the rich culture by wearing their attire. It can also be promoted as a mark of respect to the Chinese culture.
Chinese people will be motivated to buy the product, as it is an extension of their culture and heritage. Other women consumers will be motivated regarding the high esteem involved in experimenting with Chinese cultures. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs explores the options from a unidirectional angle (Bates, 1998). There are multiple dimensions that are involved in selling of products. This strategy proposed would be the initial strategy that will be used. Once established these strategies are bound to change based on the market dynamics and competitors analysis.

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