

在本篇商业论文代写-父母教养方式对孩子的影响中了解到,家庭的影响可以理解为在环境的背景下,作为一个单独的因素,因为它对孩子有深刻的影响(Young et al., 2011)。研究人员研究了父母教养方式和对反社会行为的影响,认为这在孩子身上产生了对立攻击行为。当父母给孩子的规则和命令不一致时,孩子就会出现行为问题和攻击性。在对立和攻击行为的背景下,人们已经认识到父母在某种程度上可以消极地强化孩子的行为。强制养育和敌对养育是父母以消极方式强化孩子行为的两种方式(Groebel & Hinde, 1989;(苏美莉等,1998)。敌对的父母或侵略性的父母对孩子的身体攻击是不一样的。敌对的教养方式可能有其根源,也可能与孩子有关。接下来有关商业论文代写-父母教养方式对孩子的影响分析如下:

The child could be the one that triggers the hostile parenting in the first place. The child could influence the parent and the parent could influence the child. Hostile parenting style, however, results in oppositional disorders where the children might either act out aggression by themselves or repress such negative aggression when they are not able to act out (Gudjonsson et al., 2011). These forms of aggression are observed in the absence of a parent too (Gudjonsson et al., 2011). In the research work, it was established that the absence of a father would trigger such aggressive tendencies in a child. This is applicable in the case of a prosaically father. In the case of antisocial fathers, it so happened that the more the child spent with the antisocial father, the more the child was aggressive in nature. Harsh parenting alone did not cause aggression in the child. In most cases, the lack of warmth and connection with the child was observed to be main leading factors. Child conduct problems intervention gets damaged when the parenting is harsh (Young et al., 2009). Parents are then perceived as being cold and less emotional by the children who are not interested in parenting interventions that are set up for them. The shallow parenting results in less positive encouragement for the child.

Aggression of parents in a harsher understanding correlates to abuse. Researchers as Scott et al. (2001) have established that the more children are exposed to domestic violence, the more they are likely to become aggressive and antisocial themselves. Marital influences in the form of aggression are observed to have an impact on the child. The child in particular has their emotional regulations changed because of such aggression in parenting. They learn abnormal practices with respect to displaying their emotions (Simon et al., 2009). In the context of parental aggression, the children would shut down their own reactions (Satterfield et al., 1994). As NICE clinical guidelines present, the child will first fear the aggression in their parents. The marital conflict that gives rise to the fear will soon be replaced with some form of denial of the situation that the child goes through. In future, when confronted with such situations, the child might in turn react with aggression or might act in a way that is far from norms.

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