


另外一个重要的内部因素是Zara的人力资源,这是公司成功的关键因素之一。公司的人力资源工作效率高,反应快。在公司工作的员工积极性很高,这体现了公司的人力资源政策。该公司致力于雇佣年轻员工,并为他们提供培训,提供公平的激励措施,以促进有效和适当的沟通。从外部环境来看,时尚零售商将5%的收入用于产品广告,而Zara仅为0.3%。这是因为该公司致力于口碑传播,这被证明是一个非常强大的媒体来吸引客户(Kozlenkov et al., 2015)。另一个需要考虑的重要因素是Zara对市场的快速反应和迎合顾客的需求。
顾客反馈是由商店经理就顾客喜欢什么和不喜欢什么进行沟通的。这些数据会立即反馈给Zara的设计师,而他们正是在那一刻开始素描工作的。Zara的响应性的影响在顾客的积极行为中是显而易见的,因为随着新型号的不断快速到达,Zara在推动顾客快速购买和拥有高访问频率方面发挥着至关重要的作用(Christopher, 2005)。该战略的结果是,它将生产总成本和供应链过程成本降至最低,因为与其他竞争对手相比,它降低了商品价格。然而,该公司在其供应链方面存在一些弱点,这些弱点在下面的章节中被表述为问题。


Furthermore another essential internal factor is human resource for Zara which is one of the key success factors for the company. The human resources of the company work by efficiency and quick response system. Individuals working in the firm are motivated highly which depicts the HR policy of the company. The company engages in hiring young individuals and providing training to them with fair incentives given resulting in effective and proper communication. When viewed from the perspective of external environment, fashion retailers spend 5 percent of their generated revenues over product advertisements whereas in the case of Zara, only 0.3 percent is spent by the company. This is because the company works on word of mouth to spread which proves to be a much powerful medium to attract customers (Kozlenkov et al., 2015). Another essential factor for consideration is the quick response that Zara gives to the market and caters to its customer’s requirements.
Customer feedback is communicated by store manager over what is liked by the shoppers and what they do not prefer. The data is funnelled instantly back to the designers of Zara who start the sketch work at that very moment. The influence of responsiveness of Zara is evident in the positive behaviour of the customers as it results in playing an essential role to push the customer to purchase in a quick way and have high visit frequencies as newer models keep arriving in a fast way (Christopher, 2005). The strategy is such that it results in minimizing the total production costs and supply chain processes cost as it results in reducing the merchandizing mark down in comparison with the other competitors. However, the company has some weaknesses associated with its supply chain and these are expressed as issues in the following sections.