


从上面的图表为产品A和B可以在解释,从产品中值B是一个多,这表明平均获利产品B更/ A .四分位值,将整个数据分成四组,比如25%,50%,75%,100%。Q1发生在25%到50%之间,Q2是数据集的中值,Q3发生在50%到75%之间。产品B的Q1(4.25)和Q3(8.00)也大于产品A的Q1(3.25)和Q3(8.00)。结果表明,B产品在四分位1和三分位均有较高的利润,t检验用于评价两个样本均值差异的含义。这是基于自由度蕴涵的特定层次上的t分布(Dane, 2010)。T从样本数据中计算,然后用其可能的值求值。



From above charts for product A and product B it can be in interpreted that the median from product B is more than A which shows that the average profit from product B is more over product A. Quartile is value which divide whole data into four groups such as 25%, 50% 75%, 100%. Q1 takes place between 25 to 50 percent, Q2 is the median of the data set and the Q3 falls between 50 to 75 percent. The Q1(4.25) and Q3(8.00) of product B is also greater than product A’s Q1 (3.25) and Q3 (8.00). It indicates that the product B gives more profit in first in quartile 1st as well as quartile 3rd .T test is used to evaluate the implication of dissimilarity between the mean of two sample. This is based on t distribution at particular level of implication of degree of freedom (Dane, 2010). T is computed from sample data and then evaluate with its possible value.

It will be used for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis. It also used to evaluate the implication of a sample mean. If two samples are interconnected, then paired t test is use to evaluate the implication of the mean of dissimilarity between two interrelated samples.Hypothesis is a prognostic declaration which is competent of being experienced by systematic method. Hypothesis should be precise and clear. Hypothesis means assumption to be confirmed or refuse. It is proper question that be set to resolve. In the given problem, the null hypothesis is inhaler increase lung capacity in 80% of cases. Alternate hypothesis is inhaler does not increases lung capacity in 80% of cases.